I THE ALLIANCE ttiEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, July 10th, 1919 The Public Pulse Tfie ller-Ahl Ttkn no Kon1 Mllty for Htufcnifiita. Made In Tni Oolumn Which In Prrnttd Ut Contribution and tmmuila tiorif. try Tery nlpht. Now csn anyone tPll ub why honest ioiie are mis represented and trodden dpwn. this la all and we pray no our heavenly Father to aend ub Justice. George Look la. 4 reek Ijuborrni Have Grievance We feel that we have not received Bstlce In thae C. H. & Q yards at .Alliance. Some of ub have worked .ere for 10 years aorae four, others 'two and so on. For the last year jjd a half we have had a very good foreman. He was an honest man. He -tool charge of these yards nearly -two years ago and the yards were In awful bad shape; a wreck in the yards every day and sometimes two. Wa boys worked so hard and took Tld in our work. We tried to please orerybody. And we were so happy .And peaceful wKh good feeling for awrerybody. We bought so many Lib erty Bonds every one of us. We also bouaht War Savings Stamps and we Ijelped the Red Cross. Some of us re citizens of the United States and we are all friendly and in great sympathy with the U. S. in her trou ble with other countries. Now we .have a Hoadmaster and a timekeeper 'd thev do not seem to llko our foreman nor us Greke men. None of ua know why. For we have these yards In such good shape. Never a wreck in the yards any more. The timekeeper is a Mexican and said he only wanted his klrid of people so they got a man In our foreman's dace and discharged qur assistant foreman and had our time checks all raady then told us to go' to work again. We did not understand what this meant so we went and consulted ur Postmaster who knows us boys to well on account of us buying so many Liberty Bonds and War Sav- Jugs stamps so he advised ub to go p to the Court house and we could al) consult and talk it over. So we slid and met some of the business men and the railroad detective waa - there and told us we could all go feack to work. We were not In charge ct officers and could not understand why they could have thlB railroad detective take this affair as It was merely a consultation. We wanted to know why we. were being sent away and Mexican Scabs taking our place who never done anything for Sbls country only fight It at every available chance. They have fixed 'jMUr assistant foreman and filled his car with Mexicans and he sure was a good man on the track. He under stood his work and he and us boys rarely worked hard under our fore man who had thirty yeara tract ex psrlemce and when I did not go back am work the road master would not jgtr0 me a pass neither would they fltVthe assistant foreman a pass stfter discharging him. We do not mow why all thla is done. We are anet dots and Christiana. We pray for our country and this , coun- Country Wants Bigness. The bigger the man the more room there la for him out In the country. Not much room there for the small tools. LITTLE GIRL NOW A PICTURE OF HEALTH Buffered Pay and Night For Years After Taking Tanlac Iook Like Different Child. ALL WHEAT DEALERS LICENSEOJHIS YEAR President V4Wn 11m Signed Pro clamatloA Putting New Measure fto FJTect July 1ft. JACK DKMrSfTY WllirPKtt JKSS WILLAKD EASILY In one of the most one-sided fistic battles ever recorded wherein a j championship title was at stake JaA Dempeey, the Colorado demon, easily defeated the Kansas giant and title- holder. Jess Wlllard at Toledo, Ohio, I July 4th. In the first round Wlllard went to the floor at least five times and during the entire three minutes escaped a knockout by clinging to the ropes. At the expiration or the time allotted to the third round Wll- the champion (TOO WILD ANIMALS EXHIBITED FREE IN PARADE THIS C3 UHATISHT HIIOW IN TUB WOULD! "My little daughter Jean, has gained ten pounds on Tanlac and now she's the very picture of health, said Jim Snell, well known poultry and truck farmer of Raleigh, Tenn. "When Jean-' was only oeven years old," continued Mr. Snell. "She waa taken with something like ner vous stonutcU trouble, and there wasn't a day or night she , dldn t suffer, until we got Tanlac for her, and she's now fifteen years old. Her stomach was In such a bad condition she had to live on toast and eggs and milk, and she couldn't eat any kind of meats or vegetables. She com plained of pains in her stomach all the time and would spit up hair di gested food. She was nervous and would toss and roll all night, for she couldn't sleep well at all. She was bilious and her complexion was bad, and she looked pale and sickly all the time. We gave her most every kind of medicine we could think f, but nothing helped her. "After hearing of some of the good work Tanlac was doing, we got sojne for vJean, and It has done won ders for her. She actually looks and acta like a different child, and she's taken only two bottles of the medi cine. She commenced picking up as soon as she started Tanlac, and she has gained ten pounds. She never has indigestion now, and eats Just anything she wants even such things as beans and other vegetables, and meats of all kinds. Why, she ate corn for dinner yesterday, and it was the first time in eight yeara she dared taste corn, and she eats boiled bacon that's cooked with vegetables. She's not nervous nor bilious now, and sleeps like a baby, and we never hear anything out of her from the time she goes to bed until she gets up In the mornings. Her skin baa cleared up and her cheek look fresh and rosy. You can Just look at her and tell she's enjoying good health." Tanlac Is sold In Alliance by P. E. Holsten, in Hemlngford by Hemlng ford Merc. Co., In Hofflatd by Mal lery Grocery Co. Due to the fact of the bumper wh&t crop In this section of the Mte, a considerable amount of In terest Is being taken by millers, ele vator operators and others falling within the provisions of the rule, of hard's seconds, that the ukase issued on Wednesday of might be saved the punishment of a last week. On that day Julius Bar- nu more severe beating and the nes. United States wheat director, humiliation of a knockout, which announced that President WllBon I wag certain of coming, threw a towel had signed a proclamation putting into Dp ring and by such action con under license of the wheat director ce(jed the victory to Dempsey. This persons, firms, corporations and as-1 13 tne onjy case on record where a snciatlons dealing in wheat, wheat rhnmnion auit before being put to flour or baking products, manufac- Bleep or the fight being stopped tured either wnowy or pariiy ironi wheat flour. The . only exception are farmers and small bakers The proclamation, which goes Into effect July 15. applie ness of "storing or distributing Maize Grown In China. Indian corn, or 'maize. Is grown to the busl- tensively throughout the entire sec tion of China, it Is generally planted wheat or manufacturing, storing or after the wheat Is harvested and In distributing wheat flour," as well asfif.i9 wltli beans, the beans ripening to the manufacture of bread or other after the corn la harvested. The lack bakers' products, either wnowy or rf scientific seed selection prevents nartlv from wheat flour. The excep tions are listed as follows: (a) Bakers and manufacturers of bakers' products, whose consump tion pf flour in the manufacture of such products is, in the aggregate, less than fifty barrels per niomn. (b) Retailers and farmers or co- the production of an large a yield as would otherwise be obta'.ncd. Exams. On being asked how many persons were saved in Noah's ark one etudem reulied. "We all of us were." The operative associations of farmers or qeBtion. "Why does a blacksmith heat other persons with reopeci tome an ,ron tlre terore putting it on the products of any farm or oiner iana . h eir recelved from one boy who owned, leased or cultivated by them. Common carriers are required to secure on or before July 15 a license from Mr. Barnes "in such form, un iier miph conditions and under such rules and regulations governing the I conduct of the business as ne may frnm time to time prescribe." Blank forms to be used in apply ing for such license may be obtained fmm the zone agents of the grain rrtrnnration In Baltimore, Chicago, oaiventnr. Orleans. Omaha, Philadel phia. Portland, Ore; St. Louis, San Francisco, uunaio ana umum. Try This on Your Eczema If, you are afflicted with any form of dry ecsema or pim ples, use the soothing, heal ing ointment, Dry Zensal, For the watery eruptions. Moist Zensal la the only sure treat ment '7 6c. a Jar. HARRY TH1ICLB 3 i t THE car with two or three or four .different brands of tires reflects on the owner's ability to buy judiciously. People who try Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires are no longer in the .ranks of the tire doubters. They know that at least one make of tires has more miles of wear. They know that the name Firestone carries assur ance and that the tires are uni formly good. . .. . : apparently thought It a "catch" tlon), the answer, "He doenn't." lues- WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons and toxins from system before putting more food Into stomach. Says Inslde-bathlng makes any one look and feel clean, , sweet and refreshed. Wash yourself on the inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This is vastly more Important because the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties Into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out of the body. If this waste material is not eliminated day by day It quickly ferments and generates poisons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should suck only nourishment to sus tain the body. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it. which is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, liver, . kidneys and bowels; thus cleansing, . sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drug store but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on inslde-bathlng. Men and women who are accustomed to wake up with a dull, aching head or have furred tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, sallow complexion,, others who have bilious attacks, acid stomach or constipation are assured of pro nounced improvement in both health and appearance shortly. YANKEE y big THREE RING WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS AND THt FAMOUS FRED DUC1IANAI1 DANCING HORSES Th MiRhMt CUM k In Anwte tump, prmamtn the Nn Snow "TX,TnniTif" In nia fame cxtcfcM wkim tn Tw-arapin; Hr, virniniB vallt mmrm In twt imiit aMtlan, "Tanira etitof" 1 Haw Vark HlpaMWM am, "Ca. laa," Marshall acn," "Blaea 4aek." "Clamaneaau," wntfa. tna parsanai Iranian sf Ma. Saaal himaaif 3 RINGS - 2 STAGES STEEL ARENA . WILD WEST HORSE SHOW THE BIGGEST WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS IN THE WORLD 3 S IMHirU LtKCTH CAM J k 0 FrattM Cat 700 PEOPLE 500 HORSES OUU ANIMAL H 10 STENTS ELEPHANTS In A w,u Eti.k4 UU FRLC IN fARAOE 108 WAGONS rt fcl-aCTMC LIGHT . ri.ANT 50-,-50 a. . - i iaarc--. j-n Trained LIONS LEOPARDS PUMAS TIGERS POLAR BEARS BLACK BEARS SEA LIONS ELEPHANTS CAMELS HORSES ZEBRA6 PONIES MONKEYS LION LOOTS Ml LM7 IO PERFORMING POLAR BEARS IO BICCE8T WILD ANIMAL ACT IN THt WORLD MORS POLAR) BEARS WITH I VANRCI ROBINSON THAN ALL OTHCR SHOWS COMBINED ELEPHANTS, CAMELS, LLAMA AND ZEBRAS TOGETHER IN ONE RING A LION THAT LOOPS THE LOOP POLAR BEARS SHOOT THE CHUTES 20 TRAINED LIBERTY HORSES-20 COMICAL AEROPLANE MONKEYS GROUPS OF LIONS, LEOPARDS. PL!. MAS AND BEARS IN A BIG ARENA THE HORSE-BACK RIDING LEOPARD ML'SICAL AND SINGING SEA LIONS $25,000 CHALLENGE TEXAS TOMMY GREAT GOLF PLAYING ELEPHANTS FAIRYLAND I FOR THE CHILDREN: Ptrform'iOM DoM. Monkev. Call, ft. laoal. Bird. Shetland rooie. Iwelva Human Woll ounda, direct from Count hhoywoloB ramout Kcnnal ni a a CHAMPION WRESTLER OF THE WORLD will appear with Ul ia W I 1 1 J fl Yaokaa Robinaoa Circa during the aeaton and will forfeit S100 B Baila W B Bllrl loan nan be eannot win a fall from in nfteea minatea. IbM W chaltcagc it open to the world. Ona tbooeand dollar if Steeber, Caddock, Zbraafco, Lewis, or any recognised wrestler will accept this challenge. Plestina will lorleil ona thousand dollars if he cannot win three falls from Caddock ia 90 aainatet WORLD'S GREATEST ATTRACTIONS WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT Alliance, Tues. July, 22nd NOTICE All accounts due Snoddy & Mollring are payable to Snoddy & Graham, at the same address Snoddy & Graham I dB-TaHMHTammTAmmmmmrAS. i S"annnananannnannaajnMa SBnnjnnnnnjanBBjaaBnnnnnnM ll ' " " " '! The Universal Car There are more than 3,000,000 Ford Cars in daily operation in the United States. This is a Little better than one-half of all the motor cars used in Am erica. The Ford car is every man's necessity. No matter what his business may be, H solves the problem of cheapest transportation. "We solicit your orders now, because production is limited, and we must make it the rule to supply first orders first. Touring Car, $525; Runabout, $500; Coupe, $650; Sedan, $775; Truck Chassis, $550. These prices t o. b. Detroit. . Coursey & Miller Dealers, Alliance, Nebraska . t I Most MilesVsr Dolfar 1L