THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD .Thursday, June 19th, 1919 'eiiiiiimmmimiiminmimifiiimmiftiis' fco 0 ST 'A PASSING CLOUDM By MR. LIZZIE M. PCABODY. is riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7 ICepyrigbl, 11, by Mcclure New-vaiwr Syndicate.) Labor Saving. A novel device which feeds tack Into position to l driven by a ham mer Is equipped with claws to draw carpet or anything that la to be fas fa: lened tight Hair Tonle Hla Undoing. "I hndoraUnd Binka haa lust had a From among her many suitors Merry m0st bumlllatlnc eiDerienco." "Yea, Dayton had choaen Judd Bent ley, aaD0 hM- you soa, ha prided himaolf honest, capable and dependable young Ior yeari ou n ability to withstand farmer, and they were very hap;y aa reguiar liquor, and yet succumbed to together Jbey came one afternoon in iome nair t0nlc he bought at a drug October, when the woodland tree were ttore." Richmond Times-Dispatch. a blast of color, to the homestead farm, where they were to live after their wedding In the spring, and begun clearing the grounds by pulling up roruttalks, squash vines and tall weeds and placing them with other unsightly rubblHh In piles ready for tho torch. Merry loved the old place, and after After Ileturnlng from Overseas, Son FORMER ALLIANCE BOY WEDS A MONTANA MISS BANK INCREASES ITS CAPITAL TO FIFTYJPSAND HKMINUFOIID FIXANCIAIi HOI81. MA KINO M'LKMHD GltOWTH AMI ItUANtlllNCJ OUT. The Institution for the most part Is owned and controlled by Box Butte county people and ka policy will be to Increase Ita capital from time to time, and it is planned a lit tle later on we will erect a modern bank and c.tBcc building on Its pre fnt location. I.corganlzatlnn KiiableH Institution to Itender Ntlll Greater Service to Community and Patron. tagging at the Inst huge cornstalk and placing It with the others she looked about the fields and then said thought fully: "Judd, do you know that to roe the homestead farm, with Us fine old trees and Its glimpses of the shining, ever-moving river, is the prettiest spot in all the world r He straightened up from his work to of Mr. and Mrs. II. 10. lVxn Mar lies the Ulrl of His Choice. The Firjt State Tank, Heinlng- rord, ISebr. have Increased their working capital to $50,000 on June 1st. Mr. James Barry becomes Chairman of the Board of Directors and K. L. Tierce, who haa been Cashier for eighteen years, has been elected President. Mr. M. R. Swanson who before the war Was for 5 years Assistant Cash ier of the Fidelity National Bank of How to Capture Beaver. As compared with the otter or mink. the beaver ts a very slow swimmer. His front legs hong by his side, and he uses only his webbed bind feet for purposes of swimming. It Is easy to ftr-ture one In a canoe If you can find ilm In shallow water. ' He Is a most determined fighter, hut clumsy and easy to handle. If he could get hold of you with his teeth he would al most take a leg off, so you need to watch him shnrply. The way to seize him Is by the tall. (Crowded Out Last Week.) A recent number of the Somers Auraro, Nebr. has been elected Cash (Mont.) Dally Til-Lake contained a her. Mr. SwanBon was In the service news Item that will Interest many f0r Gfteen months, nine and one-half leaders of The Herald because It re-.months of which he spent In active lates to former Alliance , people, service In France. . He has lust been Clarence Boou and his Parents. Mr. i ril.phartreil nnrt the First fttnte flunk look at her, and with clever mimicry, an,i hia parentg, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ha been waiting to secure his aerv- uni-. j miuMiui n'guiauij, i uoon, who bum nave a large circle oi . jces for some time. cried: "Merry, do you know that to me, I acquaintances and friends In and in connection with this change of you with your pink cheeks, blue eyes Itbts city. officers, a portion of Mr. C. L. Tay and the little yellow rings clustering following Is the Item aa it appear-. lor's interest In the bank, has been about your temple, are the prettiest led in the Somers paper: sold to the Marvels, who own very girl In all the worldT I Anderson-Boon Wedding. I strong banking Institutions at Hast- Merrj's haDpy In ugh was contagious, On Saturday evening, May zt, at ings and ether points in Eastern Ne- Taboo. When anything Is forbidden, or Its exclusion has been ordered English rpcaKlng people sometimes sny It . Is "taboo." The word Is derived from an institution once common throughout Polynesia and New Zealand. It signi fies something set apart or prohibited, because of Its being either sacred or ccursed. This has given rise to' the ose and significance of the word in English. DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Anj Broken Lens. 13 ft Bo; Butte Are Phone 111 for Judd laughed, and a little bird the nora0 of the br,de ln Somer8 a , braska. These banks desire outlets dalntli swsvimr on a near-bT bush ,arge omPny relatlree and . for their money, as the local demand L ! ktll friends gathered to witness the cer with them Is not sufficient, and it " ,w . t "rT ' . emony which made Clarence Boon makes an ideal connection, for the after they-started for home, and at and Mli, Alblna Anderson husband First State Bank to line - up with Merry gate Judd said good-by, as he an(1 wlfe. The weddlng was the cyl-, these people, assuring all borrowers waa to start on a business trip which nilnation of several years of ronian- all deserved accommodationa and "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN would keep him away for a week. tic courtship, broken only by the do- On the . evening he waa expected parture of the groom, more than a home, long before he came in sight, year ago, for the war and France, Merry sat at the window watching be- where he gave a -good account of hind the curtains and smlUnily waited Mmwlf. returning to this country at the open door as be came up the graveled path, but the gay wave of the band, the bright smile, and the happy, eager look in hia eyes to which she was accustomed were missing. His greeting appeared to be forced and anxiously she asked, "Are you Ulf "Ne," he replied, but conversation last March. The happy event taking place in lilac time, the home was dec orate.l with these fragrant flowers, making a fitting setting for the beautiful bride, superbly gowned ln white satin. The marriage service of the Meth odist hplscopai church was real by the pastor, Hev. F. E. Dodds. After their home on the ranch, two nillei west of' Somers NOTICE lsgged and she was still regarding him the ceremony and congratulations, a with puMled eyes when he abruptly bountiful dinner was served by the asked. "Where is your engagement Rrundmother of the bride. The gifts riag. Merry?" In his eyee appeared to lo e D7a i groom were many iouu usiiuit Biiuwiug ilb esteem in a tone wb ch was strange to her. Qa g j Glancing at her ringless . hands, her rrt,UyefJ l0 Vhe number ot fifty en lace reaaeneo. dui sq answerea qu.- Joyed tne hoepltamy cf the groom's jy, -i cannot icu you. -v,aanoi or purents. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Boon, at will not?" he queried. "Cannot," she ft rhlcken dinner and reception to repeated evenly. His eyes, smoldering I the newly weds at their coxy ranch no longer, were abluse with anger, as home. The young people will make he said hoarsely : "Then I'll tell you I" "Ray 'Collins has It and today he told tne that he bad taken It from your (In ter with your consent "Is it sot" UU eyes begged her to deny it, but master ing herself with an effort which wade both face and lips white she said calm ly, "You have made a statement which you evidently believe to bo true, but you are very angry. Let us talk about It at another time." "Let us talk now," he said protestingly. "Tonight I go away again for a few days." "I can not talk now," she said, "and in a few days the matter may adjust itself." "Very well," he said quietly, "expect ' me next Wednesday." And soon after he went away. "I have never given him reason to believe such a thing of me," Merry sobbed, "and how could he speak so angrily to met" But soon she said softly and hopefully, "I will search again for the ring. .AH may yet be well." Trying days passed, but Wednesday afternoon found Merry at the window. both longing for and dreading Judd's coming. Again she was surprised ; for . he came up the path with springing step and smiling face, and caught her in his anna. "Judd!" ahe exclaimed Joyfully, "you have found out the truth about the rlngT" "Wrong 1" he cried with smiling In ' difference. "I haven't seen or heard ' of It since I saw you, but I have been thinking, and I know you are not the sort of a girl who would do a thing like that." "I hoped you would say that," Merry said happily, "and now I will tell you what I can about the ring." "Not unless you choose," be quickly Interrupted. "For you and me the af fair Is settled, but I shall soon see Itay," he added grimly. "The evening you went away," ahe began, "I finished doing some canning and preserving I had begun, and I had put away the Jars and carried out the fruit and vegetable waste before I missed my ring. Since then I have searched everywhere without finding It ' Kay's sister must have told him ot my loss, and, although I did not think of It while you were here, the greater part of his story is probably true." ; He looked at her inquiringly, . and, blushing, she continued: "Ray once brought a ring to me, and slipped It on my finger, while he pro posed, but 1 refused, and asked him to remove it. It was very nearly, or per v haps exactly like the. one you after ward gave me." . . Judd broke the silence by Baying! "You will never forgive me." "Yea I will," ahe returned cheerily, "and now let us go to the homestead farm. We are always happy there." Having arrived, they set fire to the rubbish pile, and ln the furrow from which Merry had pulled the last huge stalk, they found the glistening ring. . Judd caught It and placed It on her finger. "I have been all kinds of a fool," he declared. "If ever I cut up like that again,: Just hold up that fin ger." "Twas but a passing cloud. Let us forget It and enjoy the sunshine," Uerry said. materially adding to the usefulness ot the bank. Mr. J. S. Marvel has been elected Vice President and the Board of Di rectors will now consist of James Barry, Chairman; K. L. Pierce, Wil liam Delslng, . C. T. Davison, J. S. Marvel, T. A. Green, J. A. Reiman and J. W. Marvel. K. L. Pierce, the new President, will devote a part of his time to the bank and part.lo his farm and ranch interests and to the fir in 8 and companies which he con trols. ' The Increase ln capital will enaole this institution to make loans direct up to $10,000, and through their stock holders and other connections they can handle loans for any amount. This bank has built up from $5,000 capital in 1901 to $50,000 capital at this time, besides a very comfortable undivided profit account. Their total resources ag gregate, over $650,000 and they ex pect ot materially Increase their buslnesi. having placed their mark In the near future at the million dol lar class Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" nW Asnirin Tablets with the safety "Bayer Cross" on them are genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," owned and made by Americans ana provea bi v millions of people. Unknown quantities of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were sold recently by , a Brooklyn aeaier woic proved to be'eomposed mostly of Talcum Towder. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" shouia always be asked for. Then look for the safety "Bayer t.Toss" ou,ue par age and on each tablet. Accept nothing else! Proper directions and dosage in each Bayer package. A.nirin u the trsds mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldester of Salicylicacid. Get Thorough Cultivation Without Hard Work Do you still find that making a cultivator do the right kind of work is a tiresome, tedious Job? Wouldn't you be Interested In a cultivator that pats thorough ness into cultivation and takes the hard work out? That Is just what the use of our John Dtere KC Cultivator assures. The "HC'a" rigs, In ahlfting stay parallel. Its shovels always face squarely to thair work. They never track or trail on crookad rows. No uncultivated spots nor no deep tranches are lefC Over all of the field, on crooked rows, as well as on straight rows, the "KC" gives thorough cultivation the kind that most effectively destroys weeds and conserves moisture. The rigs shift quickly In re sponse to slight pressure on the foot levers. Guiding the rigs is a natural aa walking. You can maintain thorough cultivation without delaying work to make adjustments. No wrench, work Is necessary. You don't have to leave the seat. Simply use the handy levers. These levers enable you to meet quickly and accurately every field ''con dition. " We want you to get into the aeat of this cultivator and see for ?rourself how handy and reliable t is. We've never seen its equal in single-row cultivation for time saving, labor-saving, weed destroying work in the field. Don't fail to come in early and get acquainted with this cultivator. You can get a "KC" farnhhud with th famou John Dttrm Method equipment elip' point hoof thooele and tweep. FARMERS UNION CO-OPERATIVE ASSN. All accounts due Snoddy & Mollring are payable to Snoddy & Graham, at the same address Snoddy & Graham Ffe vt .- . t Post of Permanence The post that drives like a stake that re quires no hole digging that is cheaper installed than wood or concrete posts that lasts! Let us demonstrate Red Top. Steel Fence Posts made of durable A-l angle steel rot proof fire-proof unbreakable. Used extensively by the U. S. Government Protects cattle from lightning per mits fence line burning improves and beautifies your property saves work. Sharp bevel edged points make it easy to drive. Patented anchor plate makes it bind tight in any soil. Ask for the post with the REDHEAD. Come in to day? au obligation to buy. DIERKS LUMBER & GOAL . COMPANY Some Used Car BARGAINS To those contemplating the purchase of a used car we have some exceptional values to offer. All these cars are in good shape and have been carefully gone over by our, mechanics. You will find it worth your while to see us about them. ..... . n CHANDLER, seven passenger, touring ...... .tj 600.00 HUPMOBILE, Model 32, five passenger touring, good buy 450.00 BUICK roadster, fine condition 350.00 OAKLAND, five passenger .............. 600.00 CROW-ELKHART, fully equipped, Hartford shock absorbers, good condition 750.00 HUPMOBILE, Model Nt seven passenger, an extra good buy 850.00 HUPMOBILE, Model N, truck body 500.00 COLE EIGHT, seven passenger, fine shape .... 650.00 PACKARD TWIN SIX, roadster, new tires and fully equipped . . . ; 2700.00 Call upon us and let us demonstrate these cars for you. .They .will not last long at these prices. Get busy today. Chandler -Hupm oble Agency SCHWABE BROTHERS, Proprietors. Corner Second St and Laramie Arc. ' Alliance, Nebr.