The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 12, 1919, STOCKMEN'S CONVENTION NUMBER, Image 1

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    Twenty-four Pages STOCKMEN'S CONVENTION NUMBER Two Sections
he Alliance Herald.
J Local I
J Section J
jt t)c tft )c i)c )Jt )c st )fs
Inquires Received From All Parts of
the Country Large Purses
Attract Horsemen.
Judging from the present outlook
Alliance will this year stage the
greatest race meet ever attempted In
western Nbraska and will complete
ly eclipse all former programs. The
committee in charge has already re
ceived Inquiries and orders for re
servations of stable accommodations
from horsemen from all sections of
the country ranging from Kentucky
to the south and Seattle, Washing
ton to the west. More than one
hundred horses have been promised
up to this time and others are cer
tain to come yet The large purses
Sered, which exceed by no small
margin those being offered by other
cities, are attracting the owners of
some of the fastest horses In the
country and when the gong sounds
there will be pacers and trotters
ready for the word that will cause
the blood to course through the
veins of every lover of horse fleBh in
this entire section. And, there will
be a wonderful array of "quarter
horses," too, each and every one
"rarin' to go." Arrangements are
bow being made for the accommoda
tion of the vast number of "steppers"
and by the time the entries close the
committee will have things in readi
ness for them. . -
While the race meet Is of course,
the predominant feature of the
three-day celebration program there
Is to be other- amusements galore.
Negotiationsare now pending for the
provision of a big street carnival at
traction; there will be the bowery
dances and the Alliance Fire Depart
ment band will be on the job fur
, Bishing the music for the occasion.
Twenty-five camps of Indians have
been promised tor tne event ana me
usual concessions will be here to
1 help complete the "one ' round of
The Alliance -Community Clob,
which is behind the proposition" is
pparlng no expense In its effort to
perfect the arrangements for the
greatest program of itp kind ever of
fered the people of western Nebras
ka. Alliance has always made good
her promises in this line and in this
instance will do more than make
good.. The largest crowds ever at
tendng a celebration in the county
are anticipated and they are to be
acq ply rewarded for their time and
espense in the way of entertainment.
Lad Who Confened Murder of John
son Two Months Ago Repudi
ates Statement.
Grand Island Chosen a Meeting
Place for 102O N. T. Gadd, of
Broken Bow, New President.
The Nebraska State Association of
Commercial Clubs had Its annual
convention last week at Broken
Bow and while the attendance was
not quite as large as had been an
ticipated a very profitable two-day
session was enjoyed by a good repre
sentaton of the organibation. Dur
ing" the meeting the work of , the
vast three years was reviewed and
a remarkable progress shown. Sev
eral very instructive addresses were
made by prominent club men from
over the atate and Governor S. R.
wvoivi niained the - "Adminis
trative Code Bill" as passed by the
last legislature. Mr. Robert H. Man
ley, Commissioner of the Omaha
n..mli of rnmrncre. K&V6 the
VUBtww v - . -
vnrni, a rfri !- setting forth the
greater service of the commercial
clubs and lllutratlng methods of
n.itinr itrnnnr oreanlzations and
obtaining more effective work from
the same. President J. W. Bteinhart
f Nebraska City for three terms
k..ii nt h atatn association very
ably addressed the assemblage in his
annual message and among other
things called attention to tne xaci
that the war had brought about a
greater constructive work as the
function of the commercial club and
that state legislation making possi
ble extensive state Improvements
should be endorsed by every club
within the state.
In the election of officers for the
ensuing year Mr. N. T. Gadd of Brok
en Bow was chosen as president and
Mr. M. E. Helm of Columbus, eacre
tary. Vice-presidents representing
each of the various congressional
district were chosen as follows:
let district, J. W. Steinhart, Ne
braska City.
and district, Francis Bogan,
Alliance i to have a real hull
game on Sunday afternoon. The
fast club from Bayard, which
baa defeated some of the bent
teams in western Nebraska U' 1
year haa been secured t-
tnot honnra with H v -v4
Fire DeparUne
1 -V
,-A" a
good game -oV"v''e fire-
boys ha rvA VIIkIiik hard
that Uiey in trim to take
Bayard ino camp upon this
meeting and have improved
The game la called for two
thirty at the fair grounds and It
is to be hoped that a full atten
dance of Alliance bane ball fans
will witness the game.
If you desire a good, fast ball
team for Alliance this is your
opportunity to display your in
terest and enthusiasm in a tan
gible manner.
Mr J. E .Reisenwever of Sheri
dan, mother of the young lad who
two months ago confessed tne mur
der of Charles F. JohnBon at the
nitriinsrtnn rtnek yards in this city
was in the city this week and while
here told a representative 01 tne
Herald that arrangements naa Deen
mnrie for defense for the son and
that attorneys had been engaged to
handle the case when tt came to trial
in the liistrlct court in September.
The names of the attorneys she re
fused to divulge, but stated tnat tne
allegations of the charge brought
aealnst the young man would be
fought to a finish.
"It is all the fault of the Demo
crats," said .Mrs. Reisenwever- m
sneaking of the affair and she furth
er alleged that the confeslon had
been wrought from the boy Dy me
officers unfairly. "No Republican
paper would print such stuff." she
remarked and in no uncertain ierui
!riad' plaa her;-opinio' of it'urj'
papers which carried the story of the
horrible crime. She had no appar
ent fear of the outcome of the trial
and never shows any anxiety . or
emotion. When spending the time
with her son In the cell at the county
Jail she engages in a game or caros
with him and from her actions no
And Willi id indue that she realized
the seriousness of the charge which
the young lad will be forced to race.
The officers are raltnruuy garner
ing evidence in the case and will be
in position to present the same n
good shape when tne time tor iu
trial arrives.
(Continued on Pago Eight)
The American hotel, in the W. W.
Norton block, will open to the pub
lic ahnut the middle of next week if
the plans of the management, Mrs.
Lottie Wilson go not awry. in
carpenters and painters are as busy
as can be finishing up their work and
Mrs. Wilson and assistants are get
ting the new furniture, unpacaea
and ready for intallatlon. . The en
tiu thMv.iwn rnnins are being fur
Ml V. ..... t. j .
nlshed with fine new furniture and
when ready for business the notei
wui hn one of the most comfortable
places to be found In the city.
Restricting Order Obtained Twenty
.. ..... A n.Ailwl ttv J 11 rt ire
.nonius Ag" i - .-
Wetttover Tula Week.
... .. j nr IT f rt rvpr on
Monday of this week dissolved the
temporary injunction obtained Dy
Miae iiarrniBiou. - ----
and Allen G. Fisher twenty months
ago restraining County Attorney Leo
Bayse ana wiubij ,uus -
- .v. ...urainn of the above
I1UU1 i.p r v , rTA ftf
named genuemen , .v-i.
. i-. ii.i 11innr In tneir
naving m.o.n ---
possession "-". 1K
On tne mgui i
during the time the famous Chadron
auriD-, m . . he
blacamau cue w "
. . . w . will h rmm-
District .Ik.
bered oy newu --"r-hotel
in this city was raided by the
Sheriff Cal Cox and hla depuUes and
fhat fn the suite of room, occupied
by Harrington. Rooney and I Fisher
was iouna a ouiumj v , ,
w" v nt. worn iaaued
lowing tne ram ;"T the
tti men with having tee
... 1 MAonABBlnn in
wnisaey n --- - .
place other than their home and
. . 1 . n , a lows and C. Lb
contrary to - uh
uraae, yrv'i niv.
. .' . a niane. When
naving uiiuvi .
tne case tnuio w " . , .
.... , v a rout ro tnlc C
day 01 me same -
order was oDtaineu uj -
plicated prohibiting further V'
ct ih.t im according to
"on-. atr.-T" r7aVr.f the inlunc-
tlon was taken up but not until this
week was xne
1,1 I 4. nrnhania re-
The omcers wu.. v---- ;
sume tne prosecunou ---
""Jb.v.i.. .itnuua in the mat-
fer U .be locVted "and sufficient
evidence ean still be had to aecure a
foundauon zor sucn acuon.
l& Sigr" v 1 met May F? l-vi lw. 1
n 3Nix v.At i . ' x. li i v
AnxTHiiHO, w yOLJ JSJT f '. T;MtATM)H WITH TK eofta AWMY
om to"c-ro si on
- Jt J . - HWN THUCK , . '.- ii"
Ball Games and Wrestling Match
li-ove li1ncliial Attractions of
Tliree-Day Meet.
The annual convention of the Ne
braska Stock Growers' Association is
attracting large numbers of stock
men from over the entire state ac
cording to reports reaching Alliance
from. Gordon today. The splendid
program arranged by the committees
in charge is being carried out to tee
letter and there is in store for those
who attend a really good time. Band
concerts by the celebrated Military
Band of Rapid City are rendered
twice daily and are strong features
of the program. Some of the best
base ball clubs in this section of the
country are, on the grounds partici
pating in a three-day tournament
and in which the Alliance ire de
partment club will take part on Fri
day afternoon. The local team will
be matched against tne Morioia nine,
which is one of the fastest in western
Nebraska. The Indians have their
part la the celebration and are prov
ing a great drawing card.
The pre-eminent feature of the en
tire program is the IIZ.OOO world's
championship wrestling match be
tween Zbyszko and Pesek, the latter
of Shelton, this state and one of the
most promising of the heavyweight
claimants. Wrestling fans claim it
will be one of the best matches in
years and predict a wonderful crowd
111 witness the same, in this por
tlon of the entertainment Alliance
gain scores in that two local young
men. Ray Trabert and "Dutch
Maunler will stage a preliminary to
the main bout.
Alliance will be well represented
at the meeting, both Friday and Sat
urday Friday because of the A1U
ance-Norfolk ball game and Saturday
on account of the wrestling match.
i 1 , .
ricked up by the police and with-i
out an apparent friend In the world l
is tne rate or a peneciiy good truna
which was taken in charge of Chief
of Police Oscar Heed Monday when
was evident that wlihln the said
runk was confined enough "red-eye"
o intoxicate tbe enure citizenanip
provided the Bald citizenship with
stood the probable fatal effects
such a Quantity of bootleg whiskey
No one can be found as yet who will
admit having rightful ownership of
the same. The search that ensued,
disclosed fifty-eight pints in good
order and a considerable number
which had not fared so well during
the long journey from Kansas City
to Alliance. .
The members of Post IS, T. P '.A.
are always to be counted upon when
it comes to scattering the gospel of
Alliance. They are now spreading
over the various territories of the
men who make this city their bead-
quarters a vast quantity of advertis-
iny matter on the Soldiers', Sailors'
and Stockman's reunion and racing
meet to be held here July X, S and
4th. The entire west half of Nebras
ka la being covered like a blanket as
are parts of adjoining states, much
to the credit of this bunch of com
mercial travelers.
Engineer Grant Told 8(iall Crowd of
Importance of Drainage lrovi
skwis Before Paving.
Although not well Gjnded tha
mass meeting held at the armory
last evening at the call of th am--
ance Community club was good evi-
ura oi me general favorable re
gard lue which the pronoeed luut at
storm sewer bonds in the.
135,000 is held by the cltiznna nr Al
liance. The meeting was called to
order by President B. J. Sallows of
the Community Club, who Introduc
ed the principal speaker of the even-
us, engineer win, Grant, who as a
member of the Arm of Grant ft Ful
ton has in charge construction, work
of the proposed paving. Mr, Grant
In a few well chosen words told of
the advantages of the storm sewer
and the importance of the very ser
ious consideration of the installation
of tbe same by the city before the
laying of tbe pavement. One of the
chief objections to surface drainage
as pointed out by Mr. Grant is the '
necessary gutters across streets,
breaking the crown of the street and
leaving an inconvenient, unsanitary,-'
unsightly roadway because of such
gutters. "There is but one real ob
jection to the storm sewer," said Mr.
Grant and "that is the fact that it
cosls .noney. The first cost is about
the only cost, however." lie laid
particular stress upon the fact that
in putting in the same in the district
now proposed land before the paving
was done, that at any future time
and as the city grew the same could
be added to at the discretion of the '
people of the city. Drainage grades
that would provide for the-carrying
oil of the water have been establish
ed and would no doubt suffice, but
u.wr uivuriD, ichb uaugerous and
more satisfying method is that of
CondUCtillU tha Water tr th ...... i
dcali, iaumtib , the- mviPt cine
ander the surface and ' eliminating
the ill effects of the old way of doing
things is in the judgment xf Mr.
Grai.t advisable and well worth the
extra expense.
Judge Ira E. Tosh, who recently
visited iast-end-of-state towns told
those preent that after careful In
vestigation of the conditions in th
es visited he was convinrtwi that
proposed Improvements would in
inj way uunsrupi tne city and that
i like the Installation of thn mwai
h- DIFFERENCE t.KIt PEV E PACT system some years ago would be ap
of; APPEAR TO HE KEKIOl'H ! predated once they were made and
uir.AK.. me people given an opportunity to
' : realise ineir nenenu
' 1.1 in Need of Rnl lender." The
HMy.Tlwwe In Clxe Toutli
" lont HUM t
With Situation.
Buine TraiiNacted Consisted Prin
cipally of Allowance of Claims
Storm Hewer Ducuted.
Not much business of importance
was transacted at tne regular meet
ing of the cit ycouncil on Tuesday
evening. After the allowance of tbe
claims presented some time was giv
en to the discussion of the proposed
extension of the water mains and to
needed sewer facilities not now be
ing enjoyed by residents of the out
er sections. The matter of the prop
erty insurance was taken up and a
motion passed expiring all policies
upon a date to be later designated,
probably July first and providing for
the Issuance at that time of new pol
icies covering the city's property.
Mayor Rodgers reported the com
mittee's having made a choice of ap
plicants for the position of city
manager and that when time for ne
gotiations arrived the applicant had
received an offer from a Kansas
town and bad accepted the same
Other applications sre now being
Engineer Win. Grant was present
at tbe meeting and gave some valu
able information as regards the in
stallation of tbe storm sewsers. Mr.
Grant set forth tbe advantage of this
more modern method of drainage
very plainly by illustrating the
otherwise necessary gutters in the
streets and crossings always incon
venient to both pedestrians and driv
ers of vehicles and always unsignt
ly. He stated there was but one log
ical objection to the storm sewer
proposition and that was the initial
The tabulated report of the find
ings of the accountants In the recent
audit of tbe city's books were pre
sented at the meeting. The reports
very clearly show the cost of oper-
PARIS, June 12.- The hw situ
ation a regard Germany I becom
ing more complicated mm the roult of
rumors reading over the country
give I'ltte to the dlfteiitlon "ng
certain allUnl reiM-ewiitallvea and ait-iMW-Uited
ower. Impartial observers
believe they fere in the delay of the
(kriiMii a play which will give
(.ermanv an advantage bwaune of
the delicate labor Mtuatltm in f-ur-oe.
The Germans hoie to create an
pinion throughout tiie , world that
they are unwilling in wgn ine i-um-t
treaty an offered. "Never in the his
tory of the worm na were uwn
such an urgent need for a real lead-
.... .. 1 . ...... I. urtlfr.
er, claim mone ui ouw ura
the situation. The "lig lour- la torn
aannder by difference oi opinion as
regards the peace treaty. ,
PARIS. June 12. Two black
clouds of more sullen mien than ever
before suddenly have appeared m
.h. allied skv. The" Trig four today
speeded up the completion of its an
tn the German counter propos
al, in that it might shelter
v.,- with m. aienea oeace at u
and turn its attention to the impend-
in a storm.
nenorts hav been pouring inio
Paris all day from maflr sources, re
vealing that new war, as vicious as
the conflict suspended In November,
however smaller in scaie are wVi-tns-
out cvr middle and eastern
Csecho-Slovakla attracted the mosi
imoHiata attention, out equu
serious is tbe drive ot organised Ger
man armies througn vounauu, tr
acing Esthonla.
Hlndenburg's troops which are
attempting to dominate Esthonla are
said to be supporting me weaunj
German Russian land barons.
Orlando Bolts Big Four.
Still other ructions are in sight
and tbe lnter-allled military council
including General Foch, Bliss and
Wilson was called this morning to
recommend what military action
should be taken to prevent a contin
uation of hostilities between the Ru
manians and their neighbors.
While the big four was eonslder-
rrobable increase in the' tax
levy necessary to care for the pay
ment of the bonds was discussed and
Mr. Fred Harris believed that a
maximum levy of four mills would
do the work, taking into considera-
(MmtliiueU on Page Eight.)
Plan to Immote Such an Euterriae
hhelved by Omimunity Club
After Investigation.
Ins the wars. Premier Orlando and.
aiioa ot tne city anairs auring me denly announced that despite bis
past several years and are Yaluable earlier assurances, he -would not
to the present board in the way of agree to the proposed settlement of
furnishing a basis of comparison. the Flume question.
Some two months ago a proposi
tion was made to tbe board of direc
tors ot the Alliance Community Club
whereby Messrs J. C. Glynn and
George H. Fannon were to promote
the building and operation of a pack
ing plant in the city of Alliance, and
since that time' tbe club has been
busy investigating the probable suc
cess of such so enterprise. A few
days ago Mr. J. W. Guthrie and Mr.
Robert Graham were sent, as a com
mittee of two, to the packing centers
that they might obtain first-hand in
formation as regards tbe matter and
at the Monday meeting of the club
tbe committee made its report, re
sulting In the abandonment, so far
as the club is concerned, of the pro
ject. The committee's investigation
shows that while there is a possibil
ity of the raising of the necessary
funds to construct the proposed
packing plant that once completed
and in operation there is grave doubt
as to whether or not the same could
be successfully operated. The mem
bers found that It Is the history of
most Independent concerns of thi
nature that profitable markets are
hard to find and that most such en
terprises fail before a sufficient de
mand for the finished product Is
created to assure Its success.
The Community Club, although at
one time hopeful that the scheme
would prove entirely feasible, by tbe
action taken by the directors Monday
evening washes its bands of the deal
and will now investigate some of tbe
other propositions being considered.