The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 22, 1919, Local Edition, Image 3

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    Thursday, May 22nd, 1919.
Dr. Walter A. States. Chiropractor,
fits placed an order with Sturgeon
Brothers, local dealers, for a new
W. L. Broad and family moved
this week 1o Box Butte county from
Lincoln. They will reside six miles
north of Alliance.
Mr. J. J. Cox, of Lincoln spent
Monday and Tuesday in Alliance on
business. iMr. Cox is Division Freight
Agent for the Burlington lines.
Mr. Gwynn, western weighing In
spector of Crawford, spent Tuesday
In Alliance on business connected
with his official railroad work.
j. u. ouiems, uenerai rreigni
Claim Agent for the C. B. & Q., with
headquarters at Chicago, was in A1II
. ance Tuesday.
W. R. Harper, merchant and
booster, Is In Omaha this week mak
ing a few purchases needed to supply
the demand for new goods.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Witowack
went to Denver Monday night for a
short vacation trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E1 Dillon, living on
4he Rust place north of Alliance have
a line baby boy at their home since
Sunday. Mother and child getting
Jong nicely.
Messrs Fred Vogel, Joe Robbins,
O. B. Adkins and Roy Spencer left
'Tuesday night for Omara, where
they were given Initatory work In
the Scottish Rite.
Frank L. Merritt, fire chief and
beaed man at the A. D. Rodgers
Grocery, this week received a new
Maxwell car, which he had purchas
ed from Mr. J. H. Ehrett, local agent.
Sheriff Bruce of Sheridan County
waa an Alliance visitor Tuesday
evening and Wednesday. He had
been at Ellsworth on official business
and came on to this city for a short
visit with his many friends here.
The Railway Clerks held their reg
ular meeting last evening at the
Reddish hall. Mr. J. B. Davis, secre
tary and treasurer, who had Just re
turned from Cincinnati, Ohio, where
be was in attendance at the national
convention, was present and made a
very Interesting report i
On account of the extended period
of cool, wet wea-ther, pneumonia la
reaping a big harvest of young pigs.
The University Extenoion Serie
says better care is the only remedy.
The pigs should be kept thrifty, on
plenty of clean, dry bedding, and
plenty of clean, dry bedding, and
good feed provided them. Quite often
pneumonia appears as a mixed in
fection with cholera. "
Chief of Police Oscar Reed has
decreed that all dogs not tagged ac-
cordlue to the. city-oullnancea must
die. Already several of the specie
V " 'VIIIa.1 .i A nnlaoa Ika twn
umw ucirjl niiiru am uuiraa iu3 v n u
ers take warning and provide the
necessary tags others will follow to
the happy hunting grounds for can
ines. The A. H. Jones Company this
week received a car load shipment of
Reo cars. ,.Mf. I. L. Keith, the local
manager says that yet the factory is
unable to manufacture cars fast
enough to supply the demand, but
that there Is promise of relief for the
situation in the coming few weeks.
A well known Alliance citizen who
is well along in years and who is sup
nnwri 4n duve loai hed the aee of dis
cretion, has been accused by some of
bis frionos or Dur.i.iiK tne
ml in rtauine love stone. :e
dfeen t .! it.
W. J. Hamilton, of the Alliance
Tlrnlforaen Cnmnanv. transacted
business in Omaha a couple of days
thin w0lt Mr. Hamilton, while
away, made arrangements for the
handling of all kinds or insurance
and building and loan and says tnai
be Is now ready to uo ousiness on
large scale.
The rapid growth of the purebred
stock business has greatly increased
h interest in community coonera-
. Biilfis. Several communities"
have written The University Exten
. sion Service for information on how
sales are conaucxea, ana ior pamiuuu
plans. The Extension Service has
mAe a studv of successful commun
ity 6ales organizations, and it will
furnish this information, together
with plans for sales barns or pavu
lions, to any one interested.
Requests for a wage scale that will
ber of the Brother
hood of Railroad Trainmen a mini
nm salary of J1K0 ter month will
be formally made by resolutions be
fore the brotherhood convemioo in
session at Columbus. Ohio. Deiore
dlourns. officials of
the brotherhood predicted as-a cer
H. J. Ellis and family. Alliance
ttin arrived Monday nleht from
a four months' tour of the west.
Tkey report having had a wonderful
time and to having traveled some
12.000 miles while away.
Nebraska has Its share of edible
greens, according to -the womea'a
section of the University Extension
Service. In addition to the standard
greens, the following uncultivated
tn oat. YVIlri Hands-
vun 6"v w " --
lion, wild lettuce, sour dock, lamb s
wild mustard.
quai w i v "o TTvf
epper cress, smartweed sprouts,
. t J A tunHor
etrouU and young leaves of milk
i . iiiaiiua Th fr.llriVI
W r CU . UUUB mionrav. ' " - -
lag cultivated plants make good
- T?oHleH tnnn tlirnlD tOD8.
beet tops, Swiss chard, kale, Chinese
cabbage leaves, upland creBS. French
endive, cabbage sprouts, esparagus,
n.i.nii aninirh rnMlvated dan-
4ellonB. native mustard, horse rad
ish Russian mustard, collards, rape,
The Hoosier schoolteacher still re
mains In some parts of Indiana. On
of these "last leaves" recently le
clared that she wished a new posi
tion. She went to one of the young
er generation of teachers and told of
her plans. "Fin writing a letter .
ne trustee of the low In which 1
wish to teach." she -aid. "and 1
wish to tell about my work here.
ve taught ever since Mr. li
became superintendent here. New
shall I say I've worked for twenty-
flve years under his adml'iutrutiun
or his Incumbrance?"
Lice and mites are havoc raisers
ith chickens. A few pinches of
idlum fluorite dusted nvor a. hcn'i
body will help keep the lice away.
solution or nve parts kerosene and
e part coal tar disinfectant, such
lenoleum. creosote, rrentln. ti .
thoroly svraved into the rmrki and
crevices of the poultry house will
p eliminate the mite problem.
High School Notes
The Senior class play. "It Tavs to
Advertise" will be given Thursday
and Friday of this week, at the High
School. Everybody Is urged to come
Tickets 50c.
Miss Keith gave an interesting ac
count of the State Debating Contest
in assembly, Monday morning. Oma
ha, represented by Mr. Vose, a re-
urnea Lieutenant, took first nlace.
Fhirbury second, ind Leatrlce thirl.
Alliance was ably represented by
Vv'illiam Cautant, however, and con-
i 'ermg that is now a Sopho
more, we may expect a first place
sometime in the next two years.
Monday night, a picnic dinner was
given by the returning teachers to
hose who will not return next year.
The dinner was given on the lawn of
the Emerson school. All report a
good time.
Invitations have been received by
the high school teachers to a banquet
given Thursday night by the ninth
grade of the Domestic Science de
partment. This will be given In the
D. S. rooms at Central school, and
thpre Is a rumor afloat that the le
s brptess will bu worth seeing
All please bring enmeras.
The Freshmen enjoyed a party
l-riday night about six miels out of
town. Games were played, and ap
petizing lefreshments were served.
All enjoyed a Jolly time.
Monday and Tuesday, the Normal
Training department, escorted by
Miss Clayton, visited country schools
The weather man was especially kind
to them.
Wednesday night a shower was
given by the Misses Clayton, Peters
and Reynl8h, at the home of Mrs.
Walters, in honor of Miss Wilma'
Bruce. Beautiful presents of cut
glass were given the bride-to-be.
The most striking feature of the en
tertainment was a colored wedding,
In which Miss Pauline Clementina
Piccalilly Jones, was united In mar
riage with Mr. Rastus George Wash
ington Johnson. In congratulating
the bride, the colored folk all be
anie 'confused and heartily saluted
Miss Bruce, instead. Everyone en
Joyed many heartx laughs during the
The Seniors celebrated their an
nual "sneak day" Thursday of last
week, and went by auto to Pine
Ridge, where they enjoyed a picnic.
Tired Smiles and sunburned noses
bore mute testimony of a good time,
The conceit by the Chadron or-!
chestra, last Wednesday was a real
treat . In the afternoon the orches
tra gave the highschool a very inter
esting sample of the evening pro
' - r"'- '4:iri finVni i'nr-i
I AIo Relieved of llheuniatUm
Through Taking Coume
of Tan lac.
"I not only gained thirty pounds
on a few bottles of Tanlar but can
do more work than I have been able
to do at any time In the last ten
years," said C. B. Gwln, a well
known produce merchant of Aniory,
"For a long time my system was,
debilitated," he continued, and my
digbestlon out of order so I could
hardly eat a thing. I suffered from
awful headaches, my nerves were on
a sMaln and my muscles felt like
they were tied Into knots with
rheumatism: I lost weight and got
weaker every day.
"I was Induced to try Tanlac by a
friend and It is making a new man
of me. I now eat and sleep better
than I have In yenrs. my rheumatism
Is all gone and 1 feel stronger and
better than I have In a long time.
"The logic of the child Is always
amusing and oftentimes embarras
sing," remarked a well-known educa
tor. "They tell a story of little Bess
who had been complaining that her
stomach felt bad, and her mother
said: 'Perhaps It's because It's imp
ly, dear. It might feel better If you
had something in It." Shortly after
ward the minister called. In reply
to a question as to his health he said
that he was well, but that his head
felt rather bad that day.. 'Perhaps
It's 'cause It's empty,' spoke up
Bessie. 'It might feci better if yon
had something in it."
The State anti-hog cholera serum
plant at the University Farm, Lin
coln, is now distributing serum at
practically the cost of manufacture.
The present price is one and one
half cents a cubic centimeter, with
the same price for virus when sold
with serum, or 2 cents for virus
when sold without serum. The
erum Is carefully tested when made
and again after bottling. Money
should accompany orders, or the
serum will be sent c. o. d.
Senator Curtis, Republican "whip"
In the Senate, is quoted as disclaim
ing any intention on the part of his
Republican colleagues to make a par
tisan issue of the league of liatlons.
That will be news to Senator Jodge
and the thirty-nine "robins" who
dragged the question ln,to politics
three months ago. '
The amendments to the league of
nations covenant have stripped the
Republican "round robin" of Its
tail feathers
or nrrMs
250 DATIISm.
100 RJWMS Vmi bath 12.00
10 0 v$ms With bath 1 .50
J. A t
of Permanence
The post that drives
like a stake that re
quires no hole digging that
is cheaper installed than wood
or concrete posts that lasts!
Let us demonstrate
ed Top
Steel Fence Posts
made of durable A-l angle steel rot
proof fire-proof unbreakable. Used
extensively by the U. S. Government
Protects cattle from lightning per
mits fence line burning -improves and
beautifies your property saves work.
Sharp bevel edged points make it
easy to drive, patented anchor plate
makes it bind tight in any soil.
Ask for the poet with the
REDHEAD. Come In to
day; no obligation to buy.
v. - : ."..A
The visitor handed his card to
Jan, fresh from the country, and
the domestic read It with awe.
"This way, jour nobleness." she
murmured, and showed the Duke of
Dilkinrioii Into the cold and cheer
less drawing room, where, of course,
he had omitted to make a fire. Then,
breathless and flustered, she dashed
up to her mistress. "The Dook o
Islington to see you, niarm," she1
gasped. "At least, that's what e ses
'e Is. Shall I go down and fight the
liar?" Her mistress stared. "Jane." ,
she said, sternly. "hat do you
mean? The duke Is a very old friend ;
of mine." "leg pardon, inarm," j
said the excited servant. "I mean.j
shall I go down and light the fir?".
"National reform and national
progress besan with the school
room," declared William Jennings
Bryan." He was speaking for pro
hibition. Continuing, he said: "I
hope the day may come when all our
children will be like little Henry.
'Henry,' said the teacher to a pupil
In the juvenile class 'what Is
synaax?' I guess it must be the tax
on whisky, replied Henry." j
of the stomach has upset many
bight's rest If your stomach Is add
dittuibed, dUsohr two or three
on the tongue before retiring and en
joy retrethinf aleep. The purity and
(oodneM of Kinoid guaranteed by
The Wonder of the Age
Can Be Installed in Any Stove
Old or New
Cheapest Foel Known to Science
4?c KEROSENE and
96 AIR
Pour in kerosene and pump air to 10 to 2Q pounds pressure and the burner
is ready to light. Very simple. Complete instructions with every outfit.
A Most Wonderful Opportunity for a reliible man with some capital Tbe easiest seller ever offered to the public Don't overlook
this opportunity as there will be someone selling them in every town in this territory. Be sure and fct this valuable agency.
Thanks to
Mrs. Kate Marquift, Mid
dleburg, Ixran Co., Ohio,
writes as follows:
"I have UKd Teruna with suc
cess. It has cured me of catarrh
of the head Vnd throat. It Is the
best medicine for catarrh that I
have ever ued. I am completely
cured. Thanks to Peruna."
Mrs. Marquis Is but ene of
mny thousands who knew the
valut of Peruna for that catar
rhal condition of the mimbrtnc
rtnpentible for many of the
human ilia.
All accounts due Snoddy &
Mollring are payable to Snoddy
& Graham, at the same address
Snoddy &
rv ; r " j
''.V ... ". j
i ; : ; f .
No excess carbon to pile up engine
trouble. No thinning out at high
est engine heat
That's Polarine oil for motor cars. :
Efficient lubrication all the time. V v
Power leaks plugged up tight at the piston
That's Polarine, too,
To keep the engine running" smooth as a
whistle, look for the sign when you need oil
for your motor car. When you need gas
the Red Crown brand means more mile
age per gallon.
Completely &m
Cured I
If you ebject to liquid remedies
ask for Peruna In tabltt form.
Your County or Town
A Woman's Friend
. Heats For Cooking and Baking
with Same Convenience and
Efficiency as City Gas
iender tips oi