The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 17, 1919, Image 6

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    lliH Oral Richardson ot Lakeside
wit the meat this week of Miss
Jeffle Ererett.
Miss Edna Lewis of Antiorh spent
the week end visiting her sister Mrs.
Joe Kase.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Standard are
he parents of a baby girl born April
9th. The young lady's name Is An
na Louise.
Mrs. Rufus Jones, wife of the
newly-lcted secretary of the Com
munity Club, has been critically ill
at the home in this city for the past
several days. She has been a vic
tim of the dread Spanish Influenza
and suffered greatly. She is, how
ever, convalescing at this time and
It is hoped that her recovery will be
entire and speedy.
J. F. Ehrett, Maxwell dealer, this
week received a shipment of five
cars and is ready to make Immediate
delivery of the same. Mr. Ehrett
contemplates handling the entire
Marwell line and anticipates a big
w . i i a A
I'ercy cogsweu is aoie io gei
around town again, with the aid of a
pair of crutches, and feels greatly
relieved after being confined to the
home for many weeks. The Injury
he sustained when he fell from the
porch of his home proved serious in
deed. A stellar attraction the Allied
War Veterans Band at the Imper
ial, Monday, April 2 1st.. Forty
pieces make up the organization and
Alliance is fortunate in securing an
Principal Frank Prince of the Al
liance high school refereed a basket
ball game between Sidney and Kim
ball at the former place last Friday
evening, in which Sidney was re
turned victor. The game was well
played and a number of spectacular
plays were made. Sidney won dur
ing the last few minutes of the al
lotted time for the game.
Mrs. Rita Thornton of Lakeside
visited over Sunday in Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. Maine Beckwith
bav returned from a two weeks
trip to the eastern psrt of the state.
Miss Elizabeth Will In ins enjoyed
a week-end visit from her sister, of
Misses Izola and Mabel Worley
have returned to their home in this
city after spending the winter in
Florida. Washington, D. C, and Lin
coln. While in Washington they
were the guests of Misses Hattle
Renswoldan d May Graham, former
residents of Alliance.
A bunch of eight Roumanians was
arrested at the nuiiinpton yards on
Monday following a battle royal. In
asmuch as no one was hurt and the
foreigners could not well under
stand the American procedure.
Judge Roberts released them after
admonishing them not to allow a re
occurrence of the affair.
Win. Hacker and wife of Scotts
bluff were visKlng friends in Alli
ance over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pruden of
ilemingford were shopping in Alli
ance Wednesday. Mr. Pruden is a
prominent real estate dealer of Ilem
ingford. Jerry Rowan has sold his resi
dence property at 823 Box Butte ave
nue to R. C. Hacker. Mr. Hacker
took possession of his new home this
Mrs. J. O. Walker left today for
Columbus, where she will visit Miss
Sherldun, a former Alliance teacher.
The man who has been singing In
the choir, if we were he, would al
most fail to see the Joke when some
one moved our chair from which we
had arisen, without giving us notice
of the fact especially if we did not
miss said chair until we sat down
and found the floor to be the nearest
solid support.
A five passenger HUIMOBIl.H Touring car in excellent con
dition completely equipped in every way. Will sell for cash or
trade for cattle.
all at The Herald For Full
Imformation or Address Box 183
r r ti i v
Owing to the demands made upon our sales force during our big stock
reduction sale, we have therefore found it impossible to devote any time to
the display of new spring merchandise. But so many of our customers have
repeatedly asked that we- supply their needs before Easter, we have secured
a full line of the very newest Spring Hats by express direct from New York.
In appreciation of the continued patronage of our customers we will
place these hats on special sale during the coming week and afford them an
opportunity to effect savings up to forty per cent.
We want you to thoroughly understand that this event is for this week
only and it is because of this fact that we are able to price such an exception
ally fine display of millinery on such a narrow margin of profit.
J FROM $5.00 TO $7.50 AND EVEN $10.00
They are alluringly picturesque and smartly trimmed. Shapes and
trimmings are new and decidedly late. The complete line comprised the sam
ple showing of one of New York's most exclusive stores and we were partic
ularly fortunate in securing them in advance of other showings. ',
In selecting here you are not compelled to make your choice from hats
which have been picked over for weeks. You get the very latest and be st and
at a big saving.
We would advise an early selection because the styles are irresistable
and the prices will at once command your notice.
Th Herald has aleuer"froiakrC'
Frank J. McNamara. Douglas, Wyo.,
stating that her muff was stolen at
the C. n. tc Q. station In this city on
Friday of last week. For informa
tion leading to the recovery of the
muff she will pay liberally.
IJoyd C. Thomas left last week
for eastern Nebraska and other
points o attend to business matters
pertaining to the real estate business.
We have stored at Alliance a high
grade piano, which, If taken at once,
will be told at a tremendous sacri
fice. Trrnis to responsible party. If
interested write at once for partic
ulars to
Denver, Cola.
Kidney dleeaee It reeperrer of per
na. A majority of the Ills amirtlnf
people toiler can bs trace bark to
Sidney trouble.
Ttio kidneys are tha moat Important
eraaaa of tha tody. They are the
lierers, tha purifiers, of your blood.
Kidney disease la usually Indicated by
wearlne'aa, eleeleeenea, nervoueneea,
deapondoncy, backache, atnmarh trou
ble, pain In lulna and lower abdomen,
gall atonea. gravel, rbeumallam, sciatica
and lumbago.
All theae derangements are nature's
algnala to warn you that tha kidneya
need help Tou ehould Ool.l
MKDAI. Haarlem Oil Capaulea Imme
diately. Tha soothing, healing nil etim
utatea tha kidneys, rellevea innamtr
tlona ant dealroya the serine
have raueed It. Do not wait until to
morrow. Uo to your drugglat liav an1
Inalet on KU MEDAL Haarlem Mil
Capeule). In twenty-four heura y
should feel health and vigor raturalni
and will bleea tha day you flret hear
of :U) MKHAt. Haarlem OH.
After you feel that yoa hae eurei
youreelf, lontlnua to take on or tw
efauli each 1ay, eo aa to keep ll
flrat-4aaa condition and ward oS th
danger of other sttacka.
Aek for tha original Imported OOtJ
MKDAI, brand. Three olaee. Money re
funded If they do not help you.
The "FORDSON" TRACTOR is the result of extensive trials and experiments con
ducted by Mr. Henry Ford, covering a period of many years. Before placing the trac
tor on the market, every detail has been thoroly tried out under actual farming condi
tions in various parts of this country and abroad.
Experience has pointed to the small, light tractor as being the one machine which
will fill all varying conditions satisfactorily.
In developing the "FORDSON" Tractor, the aim has been to produce a small trac
tor which will be low in first cost, reliable, and above all efficient
Being small, light and economical, the ?' FORDSON" Tractor is adapted for use on
small farms as well as on the largest. It will pull all farm implements and do the work
generally done by horses on the farm. . In addition, by its belt pulley the tractor will
drive farm machinery such as a thresher, ensilage cutter, etc., making the "FORDSON"
a truly universal tractor.
In design and construction the "FORD SON" takes a long step in approaching the
ideal tractor. The simplicity of its operation and construction will at once appeal to
the farmer.
Special devices were perfected to keep out dust and dirt. ' All moving parts are
enclosed and thoroly lubricated. The number of lubricating points requiring attention
are very few and easily gotten at. - .
The motor, transmission anr rear axle are assembled together, forming one rigid
unit, which, combined with the three-point suspension, relieves these parts of all strain.
- ;The absence of any frame girts access bility to all parts for making adjustments or
repairs, and allows the tractor to be taken apart in a few minutes.
, .The motor is of substantial design and is capable of delivering its full power con
tinuously. It embodies features which have been used with success in other fields for
many years.
, The tractor is designed as a two-plow machine and will pull two 14-inch plows in
itic stiffcfit soil. It will maintain a drawbar pull of 1800 pounds at plowing speed. In
low gear a drawbar pull of 2500 pounds is obtained. , j
The fuel consumption varies With conditions; two and one-half gallons of kerosene
per acre being a fair average. The amount of ground plowed also depends on condi
tions ;..,ight acres in ten hours would stiikc an average.
When used at stationary work and running at full power, at 1000 R. P. M., the fuel
consumption does not exceed two and three-fourths gallons per hour. ".
The total weight of tractor is 1700 pounds, with water and fuel tanks filled. Over
all length is 102 Inches, hcigr&PpMj ajul wjU)t c jubes
There won't be enough
Fordson Tractors to go 'round!
THE demand for the Fordson tractor is so great
that it will be a long time probably before every
one will be able to get one. Therefore, if you
are looking for a tractor and wish a Fordson you should
. see us at once.
The Fordson has more than fulfilled expectations.
With its economy efficiency durability it is ideal
for the average farm.
-Burns kerosene has special air washer and all
moving parts are enclosed there is practically no
thing to cause trouble.
Use it with the Oliver No. 7 Plow
Here are some of the big Oliver features: The
combined rolling coulter and joiner buries all stalks,
weeds and trash at; the bottom of, the furrow; and
the stop device maintains an even depth of furrow.
The best plow for your Fordson that's the Oliver.
Come in and let us show them to you. .
Get Your Order in Early