The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 17, 1919, Image 13

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    r-5 ;
-tamrwUx. April 17, 1919
" " J
V , Th City of g
tAkro n. 0 h I OjM
Every Man
a Wise Man
Because every man
has something to
teach; the thing life
through experience
Nature but repro
duces: man's ex
perience taking the
world where Nature
6tops builds it better;
whether he makes
en iron plow to im
prove the crooked
Or turns mere rub
ber end cotton into
pneumatic tires.
Experience fa that
unseen thing in tires,
the quality of which
turns them out good
or bad.
It vouches for Good
rich experience that
Goodrich made the
firs tAmerican pneu
matic tire, and ever
since has fathered
" the improvement of
automobile tires.
It shows in burly,
full-rounded bodies,
and thicker BLACK
extra wide, fortify
ing the sidewall
against rut scraping.
It returns value for
your money in serv
ice value on your
car on the road.
Tires from m 7
Dealer 11
Y :r ..
J ii t it H ti n J
- Paid for Listening,
For 123 yean a sermon tins torn
preached In Hen firm (Rng.) pariah
church on the text, "Unman life Is a
bubble." Richard Johnaon, who. died
In 1705, left the masters and wardens
of the Stationers' company trustee of
his estate, and out of the tnterest the
vicar of Hendoit trail to rewire one
(tulnea for preaching this sermon, and
two wardens of the company a guinea
each for listening to If
' Wealth of Africa..
' The wealth of the resources of Af
rlcn Is thought equal to nny twp of the
pther continents of the- world. For
justnitre. lie Iuir "siN(,(Hirt sfjiinre nilles
of conl field, P.'.OOO.OOO ncres rff fertile
fiimrliinrirt, Iron ore efjunl to five times
Hie output of Xotth America, 00 per
cent of the world's diamonds, $10.000,.
000 worth of rulibor-fiKh yenf, and
uncounted millions In Ivory, outs ami
oil,. copper and gold." '
If vou contemplate mflijt a "ga
eiiKlne you kIiouM see the CuhIhimii
jiglit Weight before placing your or-
der. It l built to fill the fanners
need. We will be glad to show you
what It will do for you and to
on in selecting the one best fitted
to the work you bare. They are
ery reasonably priced. The Dlerks
itimber Company, 7 8 6 51 f
Smallest National Park.
The smallest of our national, parks
contnlns Just thirty-eight acres and Is
en Prince of Wales Islund, Southeast
ern Alaska. It wus created but n year
or so oco by presidential proclama
tion. The park Is an abandoned In
dian village, chiefly Interesting for its
totem poles. There are, also, some
buildings, which are the best known
examples of Mains Indian architecture.
"President Maker."
Thurlow Weed, on old-time polltlcnl
leader of New York, wrts called "the
president maker." He was promhient
In procuring the nomination of Gen
eral W. H. Harrison In 1840, of Gen
eral Taylor in 1848 -and of (lenerul
Scott In 1852, though the last namef'
was not elected. In 1800 he supporter.
Lincoln, though he had favored the
nomination of William II.' Seward of
New York. He never held any public
During Convalescence
he aftermath of acute
disease, when physical
strength is al low ebb, the body
need? oarticular.' effective
nourishment to hasten res
toration of strength and . vim.
There is no better time to
utilize the peculiar nutrient
qualities of ' A '
Being a rich food and tonic, it
luickly aids m the restoration
of the depleted vitality
and improves the blood-
Quality. Scott's builds
up the body by Nature's
best medium nourishment.
Scott &Bowu Bloomftcld. N.J. 1S-T
Says ws will both look and fstl
clean, sweat and fresh
and avoid Illness.
Lloyd's Col'm
Sanitary science has of late made
rapid strides with reaulta that are of
untold blessing to humanity. The lat
est application of its untiring research
is the recommendation that It is as
necessary to attend to Internal sanita
tion of the drainage system of the hu
man body as it Is to the drains of the
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise,
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, can. Instead, feel aa fresh as a
daisy by opening the sluices of the sys
tem each morning and flushing out the
whole of the Internal poisonous stag
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In It to wash from the stom
ach, liver and bowels- the previous
daya Indigestible waste, soar bile and
poisonous toxins; thus cleansing,
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before putting more
food Into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on
an empty stomach is wonderfully In
vigorating. - It cleaas out all the soar
fermentations, gases, waste and acidity
and gives one a splendid appetite for
breakfast While yoa ere enjoying
your breakfast the phosphated hot
water la quietly extracting a. Urge vol
ume of water from the blood and get
ting ready for a thorough, flushing of
all the inside organs.
The millions of people who axe both
ered with constipation, bilious spells,
stomach trouble, rheumatic a tiff nets;
others who have sallow skins, blood
disorders and sickly complexions are
urged to get a quarter pound of lime
stone paosshate from the drug store.
This will coat very little, but is suffi
cient to make anyone a pronounced
crank on the subject ot tataroalc aa-,
. . " l
How Was Ills AppoffgUto jid In.
morto7 ,
In his Sarasate selection,. "Gypsy
Airs," Seldel employed every4 device
of the' violinist, each with consum
mate skill. ( With remarkable bow
ing, with splendid leggato, aplcrato,
saltato, pizzicato and martetlato, he
left one astounded and gasping.
Richmond Times-Dispatch.
From the Taris edition of the New
York'Herold: - .
Constantinople, Monday.'' There
arrived here yesterday 241 American
relief workers. As' the ' city Is
crowded, they were divided, a local
paper says, by sex and formed into
three groups.
A- colored veteran Just back from
the other side when questioned about
the Iron cross he was wearing ex
plained: Doss, It was a extra decora
tion. De kaiser himself sent It to
me by a special messenger what
dropped daid jus' befo' he gave it to
me." , .
The man in -the next flat was
pounding on the wall. "Look here,"
he cried, "I can't sleep with your kid
yelling like that. If you don't make
him stop I will. "Come In, sir
come In," Bald the kid's father.
You'll be as welcome as the flowers
lh spring."
The editor of the Japan Times
says the telephone service In Japan
Is utterly bad. He wonders "what
Job would have done, had he lived in
Tokio and wanted to telephone to
the specialist on boils." He con
cludes wKh the following incident:
'A lady in Karuiwaza called up her
house In Tokio, left by the next
train, got the call and talked to her
self in Karuizawa-slx hours after she
arrived In Tokyo. That's not a 'Joke.
It's the solemn truth."
Mrs. Clark came running hurried
ly Into her 'husband's office one
morning. "Oh, Dick," she cried." as
she gasped for breath. "I dropped
my diamond ring off my finger and I
can't find it anywhere." "It's all
right, Bess," replied Mr. Clark. "I
came across it in my trousers pocket."
Private McGuire, lying on his cot
at the army hospital, was peevish
and obstinate. He positively refus
ed to take a second dose of medi
cine, which happened to be unusual
ly nasty. Several smiling nurses
bent oyer him, and tried to coax him
to be good. "Come," pleaded one.
"drink this and you'll get well."
"And rosy, too," chimed in a second.
Private McGuire brightened visibly
and sat up in bed. After -surveying
the pretty group he Inquired eager
ly: "And will yez be after tellin' me
which one of yes is Rosey?"
The soldier whose -specialty had
been sewer trenches for some months
past was found leaning on hts sho
vel. "What are you dreaming about
now i" the non-com asked. "I waa
Just thinking," responded the shovel
wielder, "that If these ditches were
straight,. up and down Instead of
lengthwise, I'd have dug my way
back -home long before this."
' After the third addition , to the
family it became necessary to secure
the services of a permanent nurse.
"Now, my husband is very particu
lar whom I engage as a nurse," said
the miatress to a girl who had ap
plied for the position. . "He wishes
me to go into the most minute de
tails sbout your qualifications. Do
you know how to prepare food? Can
you sew and mend? Do you mind
sitting up late at night? Are you
faithful and devoted, and have you
a kind, loving disposition? Will
you " "Excuse me, ma'am; am -I
j to take care of the baby or your hus-
nanar ' replied tne gin.
The lesson for the afternoon had
been with regard to the second com
mandment. and the pretty Sunday
school teacher waa very pleased with
the manner In which her discourse
had been listened to. "Now, John
ny Smith, tell me If we have any
idols in this country," she asked one
of the brightest of her class. "Oh,
yes, teacher," came the quick reply.
Our dad's been idle ever since ar
mistice day, and our uncle waa idle
for a long time before that."
An attorney waa defending one
party to an auto collision and. was
cross-examining a lady witness who
was undeniably pretty. "Have you
any idea what caused this accident?"
thundered 'the attorney. - "I think
so," said the fair witness sweetly.
"Then tell the court' how It hap
pened." "Must I tell the truth?"
"You have sworn to do so." "Well,
sir, I was standing on the corner, and
that gentleman turned to look at
aomething and ran into the other
machine." "Ah," divined the astute
lawyer. "He turned to look at you.
That makes you an accessory before
the fact, madam." "I I think It
was the the accessories he was
looking at," murmured the witness.
San Francisco Argonaut.
To members of the Box Butte Home
Guarda: :
By order of the adjutant general
of the.' state of Nebraska, all Home
Guards having guns or other equip
ment other than uniforms, the prop
erly of the organization or of the
county, a re -hereby instructed to de
liver the same without farther delay
Into the custody of the officers of the
organization. In my absence from
tbewlty, the guns may be left with
Lloyd C. Thomas, at the office of the
Thomas-Bald Investment Company,
in Alliance. Mr; Thomas has been
instructed to receive said guns and
to receipt for them for me.
ROY C.'STRONO, Captain.
Alliance, Nebraska, April 9, 1919.
' Oldest Ylmber.
What Is described ns the oldest Um
ber In the world whlchhns been used
by man Is found In nn undent temple
of Egypt. This timber is used .In con
nection with stone work, which l
WnoVn to be more thnn 4,000 years
old. This wood mid the only wood,
emiflojed In the construction -of thfe
templtf Is In the form of ties which
hold the end of one stone to onothei.
The ties appear to be tamarisk, of
which the ark was constructed.
Hv yuu UNU 1'llH 8AUb)T
Advertise It in these columns. It's
the cheapest and quickest way to
i flnrl i hnvr
Cheaper and Better
' ' Bread and Cakes .
Produced under the most stringent rules of sanita
tion, by skilled bakers and with the aid of modern equip
'ment our products are absolutely wholesome; are cheap-"
er than you can "produce them for and are of a quality
that will satisfy completely the most particular. - '
YouH find us prepared to fill your wants with any
thing in the pastry line. .AH goods are fresh and clean.-,
Buy None but Alliance-Made -Bread
and Pastry
With War Savings Stamps an ab
solutely solid and attractive Invest
ment, and aa the most effective
mechanism for saving small sums
regularly, the United States Treas
ury Department recommends this
form ot Intelligent saving.
Financially speaking, the war Is
still on. The Government still re
quires money, both for the purpose
of bringing our boys. home, paying
what Is due them, turning them back
Into civilian life, schooling the crip
pled ones Into suitable vocations,
and paying for the large contracts
for matf.-ial and equipment thai
would hi e been needed had the waj
continued through the winter and In;
to this year. The task now la tf
"Finish the Job." and the American
people are going to de tt by patting
ever the Victory Liberty Lena.
JLyjz aiiiiHimiiiiuiii.i.iMiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiHilllim.HiMilRk
111 " Cs '
$7io aff-ijoar-roitnd soft drink
Fox business men, professional men,
men of sports - - tfolf bowling, tennis,
shootin ,riding.For everybody, every
wbere, the year round. Bcvo is hale
refreshment for wholesome thirst
an invigorating soft drink. Ideal for
the athlete or the man in physical ox
mental training good to train and
gain on. Healthful and appetizing.
Wm. King Co.,
- mWMR . .
2 L I TTl
- w m
Reels Off the Miles
No mistaking Red Crown
Gasoline. It shows its colors
in the get-a-way and or the
road. The rythmic tune of
the exhaust milestones
slipping to the rear tell of
gingery, powerful gas.
Red Crown Gasoline is all gas,
' That's why each gallon gives
most mileage. Contains no
foreign matter1 no sediment
to foul spark plugs and cylinders.
The Red Crown you buy at tho
comer garage or service station
fa identical with that you get a
" hundred miles from home. Feed
your engine a steady diet of Red
Crown Gasoline procurable
everywhere. Look for the sign.
Use Polarlne for perfect lubri
cation to keep cylinders clean
and power at par. .
? fltift earn
n n n nn n n