The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 17, 1919, Image 10

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    Thursday, April 17, 1919
1 1
The Jagpers-Trlnkle sale of thor-
aphbred live stock ' to have been
1 eld at the liana Jaggers place south
f Hay Springs last Tuesday was
jostponed bee a life of inclement
"eather. The sale will now be held
in April 21. Announcement of the
fostponement Is made in this issue
f The Herald.
f "
Mrs. Homer Bujidy of Llngle, Wy
oming, was soaii made happy Mon
day evening at the station whena
j urse which she had lost was re
tjrned to her through Burlington
Officer Smith. The lost article had
ieen found by Mrs. . It. Griggs or
Pthel, Wyoming, aud she had turned
St over to the officer. Not much
money' was contained In the purse,
tut what was of particular value to
the loser was a couple of passenger
James Thomas of Antloch was an
wer Sunday visitor In Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frlcke ex
ject to leave this week for Casper,
where they will make their future
Mrs. E. O. Lalng left for Broken
r'ow Wednesday, where she will at
tend the Sixth District convention of
"Woman's Clubs.
At the regular meeting "of the
Eastern Star on Tuesday the follow
ing officers were elected: Mrs. A. S.
.Mote, Worthy Matron; Mrs. E. G.
"Laing, Associate Matron; Mrs. Ella
"Young, Conductress; Mrs. Joe Bo
f an, Associate Conductress; Mrs.
IPavia. Secretary; Mrs. W. E. Spen
cer, Treasurer. ,
Mrs. S. O. Carr is enjoying a visit
J:om her small granddaughter of
Wheatland, Wyo.
The Misses Thelma Fitzpatrlck,
C-race, Alice and Rose Carlson ex
I ect to go to Denver Sunday and will
tpend several days shopping.
J. B. Denton and granddaughter
lave gone to Oklahoma City and will
spend some time visiting in that city.
Coursey & Miller this week un
loaded a shipment of four Fordson
tractors. The machines were all
fold and the new owners ready for
them. , More tractors are expected
ry the firm within the next few days
and still the supply will be inade
quate to meet the demand.
Falrvlew Methodist Church
Strvicea for Sunday, April 20:
Siinday School, 10 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser
mon by the pastor, "The Resurrec
tion Morn."
A special meeting will be held at
2:30 p. m., at which Dr. II. E.
Wright of the Alliance M. E. church
'will speak. Come and hear him.
Evening service at 8 o'clock.
You are welcome.
W. A. BOWDEX, Tatrtor.
(imrrli of ClirlM
We are rejoicing. The last In
debtedness on our church house Is
paid and the mortgage is returned.
We will have a great day nxt Ixird's
day. Every member and all the
friends will desire to be present. We
can show the Lord how we appreci
ate His goodness as we have never
done before. This will be a day of
jubilee at the burning of the mort
gage. Special music in harmony
with the resurrection day of our Sav
ior will be used. The morning ser
mon subject Is "Victory". .At the
evening hour the Bible school will
render a special program. The of
fering goes for t' e benevolent work
among the aged and orphans. The
meetings continue this week. Each
evening at 8 o'clock, the minister
gives a ten-minute study preceding
the sermon. Come to the church
with a message and a welcome.
MetlnKtl-st tliurth
The decision day services will be
In connection with the Sunday school
and all teachers are requested to
talk with the non-professing Chris
tlans of their classes, and urge defi
nite decision for Christ. The Easter
program will take the place of the
regular preaching service. We have
a beautiful program this year. Ev
eryone will be welcome.
Epworth League services at 7 p.
in., and all young people are urged
to be present; older people are al
ways welcome.
At the evening hour the pastor
will preach and definitely close the
evangelistic services which have
been interrupted by his indisposition
physically to carry out the Passion
week program in full. The sermon
subject will be "The IDsciples With
a Burning Heart." There is a wel
come for you.
l'lTsbyterliin (liurch
Services for Sunday, April 20:
The Sunday school hour, at 10 a.
in., will be largely devoted to a spe
cial Easter program by the school,
entitled "Life Abounding."
11 a. m. Easter service, "Accept
ing the Risen Lord."
Music for the morning service:
Easter Response, "Since Jesus
Lives", Lorenz By Invisible Choir.
'Anthem, "Sing for the Day Is
Breaking". Wilson By the Choir.
Solo. "Hall. GloriousMorn", Gei
bel Mrs. Rhein.
Anthem. "He Is Risen", Jewett
By the Choir, with solo by Mr. Bald.
At 7 p. m. the Christian Endeavor
topic will be, "Eternal Life." The
pastor will lead the meeting.
8 p. m., evening worship. "God's
Moral Order."
Music for the evening service:
Anthem, "Christ Is Risen," Adams
By the Choir, with solo by Mrs.
"Unbar Ye Golden Gates," Nolte
Girls' Choir.
Anthem, "In Christ Shall All Be
Made Alive." Loreni Choir, with
duet by Misses Joder and Sturgeon.
Eggs and Cream
The Alliance Creamery will open an up-towa
Buying Station, Saturday, April 19th, where far
mers may bring their eggs and cream and sell them
for the highest cash prices and get the money with
out delay.
The station will be located at
118 West Third St.
(Across from Darling's Furniture Store)
In opening this up town office the Creamery
was desirous of providing a convenient place where
farmers could market their products and realize im
mediate cash benefit. Arrangements have been
made for the immediate testing of cream and other
service that will please all concerned.
' Coal orders will bo received at this office.
Alliance Creamery
"Hark. Hark. My Soul." Shelley
Women's Voices.
Anthem, "Jesus Lives." Wilson
Obllgato by Mrs. Rhein and Mr.
You are more than welcome to
come and worship with un.
REV. A. J. KEARX.S. Pastor.
IK. MMlt. IS ( )Mn.lMKMi;i
Dr. Geo. E. Condra. director of
the Nebraska Conservation and Soil
Survey, who Is well known to many
Herald readers, received the follow
ing nice compiling,, from lne Ne.
braska legislature a few days ago.
passed In the form of a resolution
WHEREAS. Dr. George E. Cndra
of the University of Nebraska has
devoted much of his time, beyond
any requirements of his official po
sition, to various acts of courtesy to
ward this legislature, assisting ma
terially In the entertainment of the
Nebraska Legislative League and co
operating on every other occasion
where opportunity has been given;
WHEREAS. Dr. Condra is contrib
uting in a notable way toward bring
ing the legislature and the people of
Nebraska Into closer t Ollrll With cirh
other through the medium of moving
pictures showing legislative person
nel and procedure, thereby giving
material impetus to better citizen
ship; therefore, be It
RESOLVED, That the members of
the House of Representatives of the
Nebraska Legislature, Thirty-seventh
session, by this resolution, voice
their appreciation of this courtesy
and this admirable public spirit; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That this resolution
be published In the House oJumal
and an engrossed copy thereof be
sent to Dr. Condra.
Genuine Minnesota Red River Early Ohio and
Cobbler Seed Potatoes. Come get a few sacks of
each kind and help get good seed for Box Butte
Value Giving Sale
Just now' when the greater part of the
spring season is still before you, we
offer startling price reductions'on
ktli sS
All Coats, Suits, Capes, Dolmans, Dresses, Skirts
and Waists
A Great Sweeping Sale Just Before Easter
For the Information of our pa
trons we list below the articles on
which there will be levied a tax of
10rr. to be paid by the purchas
er, on and after May 1, 1919. The
tax will be paid at the time of
purchase and will be levied in an
amount equal to 10 of the
amount in excess of the list given:
Purses, pocket books and hand
bags, above $7.50.
rarasols and sun shades, above
Hats, bonnets and hoods, above
Silk stockings or hose, above
$2.00 a pair.
Underwear, pajamas and night
gowns, above $5.00.
Kimonas, petticoats and walats,
above $15.00.
Any purchase made before May
1 will not be subject to the fed
eral tax.
Sale Starts Wednesday Morning
Patrons of this store appreciate that our prices are always lower than those asked else
where for the same grade of goods and when we give au additional 20 per cent redaction it
means a double saving to you. Many new and attractive garments have been received in the
past few days and these will also be included in the big money saving event. Do not delay
come early for first choice. Economical shoppers save money by taking immediate advan
tage of our sales. r
The goods will be ar
ranged for convenient se
lection. You will not be
restricted In your choice
for we are Including ev
ery garment enumerated
above for quick Bale. We
never carry over a single
garment because we
price them to sell.