THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, April 3, 19HT CUPID'S DAYDREAM By MARY J. HAYES. "What light hat thU man to opsst amy home and induce my wife Into frnbllc Itfe, when her doty la with her ttsaband and babyf thundered 1 Mr. Merrill aa ha threw hla paper aatdi 6nd Jumped up from the Morrla chair. "But, Alec,- bla wife pleaded, "I'm jnat tired of thta dlnjry little place, and fcaby la whining all the time. Mr. Otrdl haa made arrangementa for my tfrst appearance on next Tuesday eve log. Mother la coming oyer la the sornlng to take baby, and I ahall man Age to get Into the city before dinner ad rehearse with Mr, Cardl In the afternoon." "My dear girl, you are making a Iliad mistake In heeding tola man"! Advice. You will be sor " Jt Is useless." Interrupted Marie, tor yon to try to alter my plana, for erhea my mind la aet I mean to carry It OOtr" jllec crossed the room and stood in 1 front of the French window. The moon Ut up hla face aa be glanced oat upon fejf acres of golden wheat and corn, 'tfio Mr". ardl haa succeeded at last," he waa thinking. Tea, hla own tittle Innocent Marie had been per Maded by this miserable wretch." All V fejfl happtneae was to be ruined, his little cottaga, all hla newl found Joyi ' sd eomforta of farm lift, and baby rhat was to become of hlmt He would frow up without a notbtr't lor and length be turned toward where Ml wife had been standing, bnt ahe was not there. Shutting oft! the light, fee went upstairs. An he passed her 4or he stopped. Perhaps at this very cooment she was packing. Would he femockT No, he mustn't. He would let tttr carry out her plana, aa ahe said, and perhaps some day ahe would real lM her fault and come back to him. The next evening found Marie in t ttindeome chamber in one of the moat fashionable hotels of the city. She waa thinking over the events of the day. She had met and rehearsed with Pro lessor Cardl as had been arranged, Ud he had told her of the remarkable talent ahe possessed. Never before gtid ahe renll ted it As ahe sat gating at all the luxuries about her she ac knowledged to herself how wrong she ad been In partaking of such things s that were all ao unnatural to her ; but Ver heart, swelling with pride, re belled against these thoughts. . Every morning for nearly a week he spent with a dressmaker. Her afternoons were given for rehearsals, ad In the evenings ahe joined Mr. Oardl In theater parties and dnnces. . The night before her performance ahe retired early. These new excitements were all too ranch for her, and she lay wake thinking of baby and Alec, and feow ahe longed to be with them now. The next morning ahe arose earlier than usual, having spent a restless Olght As ahe stood before the Ion sairror, and the dressmaker's skilled fingers worked busily with her .cos tnme, she longed for her bungalow pron and heaved sigh of relief when the garment waa finished and ea re fill tucked tn her wardrobe. That afternoon ahe spent rehearsing, and at dined with Mr. Cardl. Seven o'clock found her very much excited and nerv waa. , Later In the evening Mr. Cardl 1J153 t pcfompany. her to the the- She came upon the stage, her eyes teaming with success, but with an chlng pain tugging at her heart "If Alec could only see now, how proud fce would be of her," ahe consoled her elf. The orchestra Bounded the chord, and Marie, forgetting her troubles, began tier selection. Iter lond voice rang out clearly and sweetly and won the hearts of her audience. The applause with which her first selection was greeted delighted Marie, and In the height of her success, she reached for a tele gram, which a messenger boy slipped Into her hand, and In an audible whis per, she reed, "baby died this morn ing. Alec,? The audience looked from one to another In amaeement, and Ma rl fell back in a dead faint Grandma Merill, hearing the lond BOise on the platza, dropped the sauce pan of potatoes that she waa paring, and rushed out to the front door, only to find Marie rubbing her eyea with oe band, and shielding the bump 01 her forehead with the other. . . and It waa only a dream after an." Marie waa aaylng, as Alec ap peared on the scene a few minutes later. Just then baby began to cry and Marie waa spared the humiliation f explaining the dream, while all at teatlon waa turned to Alec, Jr. (Coprrtgfat, M. by MoClure Nawspapat a Srndlcata.) ESj, Matter of Gender. The bell of a Scottish church was giving out a very poor tone, and a committee waa appointed to Inquire M to what waa wrong and to report a the beat means of putting II right After aa examination the mem bers were divided In their opinion, and the kirk officer, who waa In attendance with the keys, waa asked hla view. Tine. A ken what's wrang wl' th ken." he remarked. Tj'a a shee-yln" meaning that It waa of the feminine tender. Pressed to explain, he added : It's tongue's owre lang ire needla' t be cllppltl" And this turned out to he really the faalt The tongae had become loosened to the extent of aa lack or so, and waa overlapping the carve at the rim, and therefore act otrtMnf truly.- The Succulent Pieplant The pieplant has a recorded history of over four centuries. It was first cultlvsted In the whlte-walled garden of Morocco and Algiers, amid fruits and flowers and fountains and wn brought thence by the Moors to Fpaln. Not until 200 years later did rhubarb really become known to English gar dens, whence in due time It was brought to those of America to be em ployed first as n tincture, then as a sauce and to attain a final apotheosis In pie. Penn's Desk and Long's 8word. ' A desk originally owned by William Penn and a sword rarried by Major Long, United States engineers, while be wns a member of the first official government survey of the Rocky Mountains were among the articles be queathed in the will of the late Wil liam Foulke Johnrs of New York. Mr. Johnes left the old desk to his widow, with the provision that on her death It Is to go to Independence hall, Phila delphia. The sword was given to the Smithsonian Institution. Holmes Caught Napping. Referring to our recent note about the English reporter giving' the base ball score aa "Two-love," a correspond ent reminds us that no less a writer than Conan Doyle once made a cu rious blunder In describing our nation al game. "The catching," he wrote, "seemed to me extraordinarily good, especially the long catches by the bleachers," Boston Transcript LOOK roR 1 TH& RLD BALL TRADE, w MARK r Rrtartns Ammunition yshootBghr 7 A "Close-Up" Swift & Company's Profit of 2.04 cents on each dollar ot sales j jj I UbmMfht f I ' y 1 The diagram at the top 01 tne average swift dollar received from aaletr of beef, pork and mutton, and their by-products, during 1918. The magnifying glass brings out the distribution of the 2.04 cents profit par dollar of sales: .94 of one per cent goes to pay interest on borrowed money, taxes, etc. JO of one par cent goes to pay divi dends to shareholdera. .60 of one per cent remains in the business to help in improving and financing the business. Total 1.04 percent v 1119 Year Book of Intaraattag and instructive (acts sant on request. Addrass SwiA At Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U. S. A. Prlntlnf In China.' The Chinese follow the primitive way of printing from engraied wood en blocks. The matter to be printed Is first written by means of ink, upon pnper which Is pasted face downward upon a block of a pear or plum tree. After the paper 'becomes, dry It is rubbed until an Inverted Impression of the characters is left. Then the blank spaces are cut away and the block Is turned over to the printer, who works by hand. II? takes care to Ink the characters pinlly and to avoid tear ing tbe Impression. Forests of the Caucasus. The forests of the Caucasus in Rus sia are estimated at 12.000,000 acres, chiefly In the Block 8ea territory, ahlch Is at the rate of nearly 20 acres to each Inhabitant. The forests of western Siberia hove been scarcely ex plored, but they are stated to be 200, JOO.OOO acres In extent, more than half elng in an absolute state of nature. ROBUSTNESS Nature has not been prodigal with everybody in the matter of robustness. Many, all through life, must stand guard and combat colds, coughs, bronchitis or perhaps more serious pulmonary ailments. For nearly five decades scoits dmulsion ias been helping to turn weakness into strength. For those who are delicate, with tender lungs, weak throats and a proneness to debility and anemia, the definite nourish ins and tonic Qualities of Scott' ' are of special value. Scott & BowDt, BloomJieM, N.J. U-6 f shows the distribution m T Ward Off Frosts. Dr. a O. Abbott of tbe Smithsonian Institution, suRfcested that If It were possible to charge the lower air above cltrua fruit orchards, with a heavy dose of . otone Its absonilon of outgoing nocturnal radiation might help ward off destructive frosts. While the amount of oxone In the low er lnyers of the earth'a atmosphere Is now known to he negligibly small, this substance Is abundant In the upper at mosphere, where It plays an Important role In regulating territorial tempera tures by Its absorption of radiation. 'Bayer Cross" on Tablets. American Owned, Entirely! AWAY "Bayer .Tablets of 'Aspirin" Offer Relief with Safety For Headache Colds Neuralgia Grippa Toothache . Influenzal Colds Earache , Achy Joints Rheumatism Neuritis Lumbago Pain! Pain I Adults Take one or two 'Bayer Tablet, of Aspirin" with water. If necessary, re peat dose three times a day. 'Atplrln f tlit trade mark of T!yr Manufac ture of Monoaceticacitictter o( Salicylicacid Buy the Bayer packages only. 20-cent package Also larger sizes. HEADACHE FADES .' HI ASPI1 HAVING FORMED A CO-PARTNERSHIP WE WISH TO CALL THE AT TENTION OF THE MANY PATRONS OF THE CARROLL LIVERY AND FEED BARN TO THE FACT THAT WE ARE BETTER THAN EVER PRE PARED TO CARE FOR THEIR NEEDS IN OUR LINE. IN THE FUTURE, AS IN TnE PAST, A GENERAL BUSINESS WILL BE HANDLED AND BY THE ADDITION OF NEW EQUIPMENT WE ARE IN SHAPE TO GIVE YOU A SERVICE THAT WILL MERIT YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. TO THOSE WITH WHOM WE HAVE NEVER HAD THE PLEAS URE OF DEALING WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION TO CALL' AND SEE US. IT WILL BE OUR PLEASURE TO RENDER YOU ANY SERVICE IN OUR LINE AND TO GIVE YOU A SERVICE THAT WILL MEET YOUR APPROVAL. L t COME INGET ACQUAINTED YOU'LL FLND US GLAD TO AC I COMMODATE YOU. ' 1 n Carroll & Stafford Auto Livery and Feed Barn CORNER SECOND REDUCED miCES OS LUMBER For the purpose of enconraglriK the erection of buildings at this time we are making substantial reduc tions In the price of lumber. For particular call on FOWLER LUMBER COMPANY J. D. Heck, Mgr. Alliance, Nebr. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS WORK FOR YOU Great Fortunes are ullt onb the earning power of MOJTEY, not on savings bank interest. THE TEXAS OIL FIELDS offer greater opfmrtunlties for the small investor than was ever known in tbe history of the oil Industry. THOU SANDS have become Independent and development haa just started. ' In the past five months Marine Co. haa paid its stockholders 500, Wichita Fuel) 380, Hammond Jio. 1 207, Vindicator 201 per cent, and 38 other companies better than 200. f lOO in Fowler stock 5 months ago now worth f 15,000. 9100 In Hogg Creek 4 months ago now worth $8,000. What the Texas Field Has Done for Others It Can Do For Ton, The Beryl Oil & Gas Association Capital $30,000 ,' Share Par 91.00 403-5 Una BIdg., Dallaa, Texaa owns 40 acres in the BURKDURNETF Southwest Krten. sion, proven territory where 5 out of every 100 wella drilled are PRODUCERS.. WE GUARANTEES To drill two wells and have room for 14 more. Only 50 barrels per day to each well will place us In the same DIV IDEND paying class as our neighbors. THK UNION TRUST CO., of Dallas, Texas, are trustees for our drilling fund, and only 910,000 worth of this stock Is yet available. Mull check with subscription blank today to IiKKYL OID & OAS ASSN. or UNION TRUST CO Dallas, Texaa. Date BERYL OIL & GAS ASSN., 403-5 Llnz BIdg., Dallas, Texas. 1 Capital Stock 135,000 Gentlemen: I hereby make application for shares of the capital stock of the Beryl Oil & Gas Assn. at the par value of 11.00 per share. Name Address ? ANNO UN CEMENT Auto Livery and Feed Barn ST. & LARAMIE AVE. The Cuhsman Light Weight Ga Engine Is an all-purpose engine andT is epecllly adapted to farm nse. We will be glad to show you what it will do. Several of them are now In use In this section of the county and all are giving good satisfaction. The Dlerks Lumber Company. , 7865if 9. f ALLIANCE, NEBS.