Thursday, March 27, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD mm. JJL I I Phone 340 Social News. Church Notes and Lodce Doings of the Week as Told the Society Reporter T)rs. Jeffrey and States, Chlroprac tors. 7859tf At the regular meeting of the Tublic Service Club Tuesday night the members and others present -were given a short but splendid talk ay former state representative Lloyd C Thomas, editor of Alliance's lead ing newspaper. Mr. Thomas' talk was along the line of co-operatlOn and good roads. He stated that he was pleased to find Oshkosh living up to her name of being a live wire In the matter of public improvements and that by more concerted action and hanging together we, as a com munity organization, can get most anything we go after. This is not only the opinion of Mr. Thomas but K is me opinion -throughout the pan-handle district of this part of the state. To say that we are proud of this reputation is putting it mildly and to further aay that we are going to live up to aaid reputation is also stating It mildly. Garden County News (Osh kosh). . n r ft v, hnnn anhnrrthed in the Victory Fund Campaign in the local Presbyterian church. The quota for i koa hwn nver-subscrib- ed The local budget Is well estab lished with a substantial sum but as yet not Quite sufficient to meet the - i . i. ntlll fair "hndeet xne comiuuite run r 6 t in7 la the Air ing suoscriyii"o. Tv. - ure subscribed to benevolences, In- . ... n.nhv(ar an suring tne Ainante 1 1 o., . church a full share In the $13,000. 000 benevolent work of the whole - v. . i .hnrrh thrnnehout the -world. Seven men of the church took part in the canvass, aa rc ,-ar Miller. Rheln. Hut- iUCBOlD. Miaw" ..... chinson, Overman, Wilson and Kearns. -ui.i. mintv mmils' exanu Ination will be given , at the " Anril lO and 11. 17-Zt-78bl a- n ioo Thiirodav. where "Weill lO Kjuiaua i- - Mr. Stephens was introduced to the mysteries or me aurme Masons. Tlie Cutisman UgM Weight Knglne 1 an all-pun engine and is especially adupted to farm use. We ... . iw.w von what it Mill do. Several of tliem are now In u.e in this section of the county and all are giving Khh1 itisfaotion.--Tlie Dierks Iiiimoer uiminn). . The Misses Ruth and Belle Reid visited over Sunday in . Uobert Macy, son of A. J. Macy, a At.tnAA AltlTOn former well Known . . . im.nna WoririPftriaV nOOll arrivea m . m . rvn Robert will irom iviuumu"! - nack up some furniture and ship it back to their home. Mr. Macy, who . ... ..n.sAtiiH with the Was IOrllieiijr luiuv.v. --- Alliance postofflce for several years, was recently appointed postmaster at Moorcroft. a place for which he is well fitted, iney nave '" near town. John Snoddy fepent Wednesday and Thursday in ciiiriiiu ness. Mrs. John Krause of Long Lake was visiting frienas nere .w.. for ireneral house- iinvu " " , 4..on. llionA 173. Itllfouo VI MS army service at Ellington Field, Tex as, two weeks ago. Lyle is now .' v. - t.i. inh in charee of the light plant at Lusk. Wyoming, the booming lltue ou cuy. c D he liked aeroplane flying with thte exception of the nose dive, which . V. .minmfnPt!lhln until U was roiuei ui".u"" person became used to It. mv. n ciinrinipnt was called out for the second time on Tuesday at 9 o'clock In the evening uy a longed alarm from the city light t nnnpnred for a time that the entire plant might be endangered o wViinh had raueht in the roof above the boilers. A bad fire plug, adjoining the plan, caused tho tireboys much grief and no water v.iiahi until a line of hoso was run from a plug at the other corner of the block. It then took only a few mlnutea to put out tho blaze. Throwing water nr a. oios.tri wires was not an en- Joyable experience for the volunteer flreboys but none of them shirked their duty in spite pi iu u..e. . The fire loss was not nemj. SATISFYING REIEF FROM LUMBAGO sA very pleasant affair took place at the home of Mrs. John Smart, on Cheyenne Ave., Saturday evening, when a shower was given in honor of Miss Elsie Johnson, who leaves the city March 30. Since the Im portant event Is to take place at Easter time, each guest was required to picture some scene or person closely connected with the bride, on paper cut In the shape of an Easter egg. Also, on papers cut to repre sent rabbits each' guest wrote a wish for the future. The gifts, consist ing of sliver, selected to correspond with the pattern already chosen by the bride, were secreted, each with an alarm clock, which was set to go off at a 6tate,d time. Several excited searches were made before the re cipient discovered the gifts. Dainty refreshments were served, and sing ing and Victrola music helped to make the evening enjoyable. Church or Christ We are expecting another of those record-breaking services next Lord's Day. The minister is attending tho State Ministerial Institute of the Churches of Christ at Lincoln this week and will be back refreshed in mind for pulpit work. The morning subject for the sermon Is, "Tho Christian's Opportunity." The even ing subject is, "Addition or Subtrac tion?" Both Endeavor Societies meet at 6:30 p. m. A place for all ages in the Bible school and C. E. How much depends upon your tal ents to make every service a suc cess. The church will begin a series of evangelistic meetings Sunday April 6. Come to the church with a message and -a welcome. STEPHEN J. EFLER, Minister. Presbyterian Cliurch Services for Sunday, March 30: The Sunday school at 10 a. m. is the Power House for Character Building. J. L.. Overman, Supt. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. "Forward Look for New Church Year." Evening service, 7:30 p. m. "God's Gifts." Text, "God who giv- eth us richly all things to enjoy." Preaching both morning and ev ening by the pastor. Special music by the choir. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Topic, "On the Fence." Leader, F. O. Rowe. All are cordially welcome to these services. A. J. KEARNS, Pastor. Methodist Church Our Sunday school goal before Easter is 250 in attendance regular ly. We lack only about 60 mem bers. Why not each member of the church adopt as his motto, "Every member of the church in the Sunday school; and every one In the Sunday school at the church services." That will immediately put us beyond our goal. The evangelistic meetings have been announced to begin next Sun day morning. The pastor will have for his sermon subject, "Each One Win One". Let us respond heartily to this service, as the congregation plans to Join the Baptist church In a farewell to the Laytons, whom we greatly ove. Let us crowd the Bap tist church to the doors Sunday night! The evangelistic meetings will continue thru the week, excepting Saturday night. Tuesday night we shall have Dr. J. M. Taylor, Just re turned from a trip around the world'. It will be a free lecture, also Illus trated by lantern slides. Let us fill the church to the walls, and catch the world vision which Dr. Taylor always Inspires. Every Methodist Is expected to support the evangelis tic meetings every night if possible. All other denominations are heartily welcome; ana the general public Is urged to get the spirit of these evan gelistic meetings. We svall sing the old time songs, and listen to a warm spiritual sermon nightly. Come! and again we invite you to COME! First llaptlst Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach ing service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's service at 6:30 p. m. This will be the closing Sun day of the present pastor, A. A. Lay ton, who has been In Alliance thre years and three months. There will be baptism at the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Layton go next week to Billings, where he will make his headquarters for evangelistic work Mrs. Layton and daughters are wet Qualified to co-operate with him if this work. Annual election of tho church will occur Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. i SPECIAL Extra fancy boxes of high-grade Chocolates reduced: 75c Boxes now 50c 95c Boxes now 70c $1.90 Boxes now $1.50 $2.00 Boxes now $1.60 $2.25 Boxes now $1.80 Remember your friends with a box. They Will like them. Just received, a big new stock of your favorite cigars and the kind we Jmow you like best. t Alliance Candy Store 210 Box Butte Ave. Phone 27 S. P. Jackson, Prop. NOTICE All accounts due Snoddy & Mollring are payable to Snoddy & Graham, at the same address Snoddy & Graham CIIIUOPllACTIC 1XHI Ad'TTJ CASKS 'Sloan's Liniment has tht punch that relieves rheumatic twinges BlkkMkMk This warmth-giving;, consestlon scattering; circulation-stimulating; rem without tubbinf richt to brines ouick relief. surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for external pains, sprains, strains, suit - sees, headache, lumbago, bruises. tt. inu9 twtfo torlavcosts little. means much. Ask your druggist (or it ly ram. Keep it handy for the whola. gaxnuy. uo lug imiuc l wvuwm. NORTH PLATTE AUTOMOBILE SHOW APRIL 10, 11 and 12th. All the cars sold in this terri tory will be shown. Come and see the new cars and the latest models. 3 FARMERS Don't miss the trucks and tractors. NORTH PLATTE AUTO DEALERS Some people have a mistaken Idea that Chiropractic only accomplishes results in chronic rases and can do little In acute cases. This Idea has exploded durliiR tho recent "Flu" ep idemic when the record mde by this great science was simply astounding. If you are suddenly taken sick send ft once for t e Chiropractor. He will at once ascertain the cause of your sickness and will adjust same. You will probably be saved many days and perhaps weeks of sickness. The result will be that your health will be quickly restored and that there will not be such a bl gdeut In your pocketbook. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mallery are expected home Sunday. They will make their home on the Armstrong ranch. Mrs. A. Tlanansky of Ilemlngford is spending a few days visiting Mrs. A. Curran. O. Staab hns recently sold hlf ranch near Marple to Frank Droit. He has also, bought the M. A. Brown homestead and is planning on mot Ing there soon. The Misses Kotrs of Bridgeport were Atllance shoppers on Saturday. no of the lniHtrtant features of a gas engine Is the cost of upkeep and ' operation. Tho Cushntan Mglit. Weight will handle any work that, any other engine of Its size will han-j die and the cost will be very low. ; Among the several sUea you are sure ! to bo able to select one suited for the Job you have. They are. rompaet, yet towerfiil; improved to the lnt won! of gns engine perfection, vet priced very reasonable. He them onl Iany. 7865tf Archie Phillips has received his discharge and arrived home the first of the week. J. M. McDantels of the National Optical Co. of Denver spent Tuesday In Alliance on business. v John Lively is enjoying a visit from his brother who was recently discharged from the army. Mrs. J. H. Weir of Ellsworth was shopping in Alliance Wednesday. Mrs. A. Dennett and two daugh ters of Hay Springs were Alliance shoppers Wednesday of this week. GLEN MILLER UNDERTAKING PARLORS 128 West Third Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 Red 520 mk 5$ w m Easter Apparel JUST NOW EVERY WOMAN IS THINKING OF NEW GAR MENTS APPAREL THAT SUGGESTS EASTER AND SPRINGTIME READY-TO-WEAR SUCH AS WE ARE SHOWING AND WHICH ESPECIALLY EMPHASIZES Style Originality! Exceptional Quality! Extreme Value! WHICH ARE MARKED CHARACTERISTICS OP "QUALITY STORE" . 5? We have already broken all records for Spring Ready-to-Wear sales. There's a reason, of course It's because of tho superiority of the goods shown and the wonderful values of fered. Suits, Dresses, Dolmans, Blouses and Lingerie in exceptional assortments and at prices that will startle you. See them today they're going rapidly and cannot be replaced at the money. CEORGE A. MOLLRING ASSOCIATION nrnsw n