The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 09, 1919, Image 5

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Good roads mean higher land val-
Coming: Charley's Aunt, a three
act comedy, presented by the Junior
Class at the Imperial, Jan. 16th.
The stockholders of the fair asso
ciation will hold a business meeting
at the Community Club room on Sat
urday night.
Miss Mable Carey, cashier at the
Alliance creamery, returned last
week from her visit at Sheridan,
Wyoming and Dilllnes, Montaftna.
See The Farmers Union for Gas
Engins and Ecllps Wind Mills.
Miss Helen Sohott, formerly Roclety
Teporter and bookkepper at The
Times office is now employed at the
Alliance Creaomery.
See Charley's Aunt, the Junior
Class play, Jan. 16th, at the Imper
ial. 612t-7608
Regular teacher examination will
bo held at the court house January
1Mb. . 6-2t-76l7
The Farmers Union Cooperative
Association have Just received a car
of John Deere Machinery.
Mrs. W. E. Spencer left Friday for
Phoenix, Arizona, where she will visit
her brother, John Baumgardner for
a while before going to Los Angles
to spend the winter.
freeh country eggs. Alliance Cream
Make Them Wear Like New
As Did This Canadian
A Canadian army officer, William
Femberton, of the famous Princess Pat
Regiment, told of the extraordinary
wear given him bjjuj pair of army boots
twice repaired witn Neolin Soles.
"Six months of trench warfare under
destructive conditions put the first
pair of NeOlin Soles out of business."
said Lieutenant Pemberton, "but ordi
nary soles would have gone to pieces
in much less time."
Don't throw away shoes that can be
repaired. Have them re-bottomed with
tough, durable Neolin Soles. Any
gobbler or repairman will do the work
for you. The price is no more than
for soles that give less wear. Remem
ber Neolin Soles are created by science
' to be what soles should be. They
are flexible and waterproof as well as
durable. They come on new shoes of
all styles. They are made by The
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.
Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot
Heels guaranteed to outwear any
other heels. , J
neolin Solesl
tam viik itw.U.a. rk ex.
Quick Service Electric Shop
F. T. McKEE, Mgr.
Phone 250
Carry a Complete Line of
John Deere Plow Co.
P. & O. Plow Co.
Independent Harvester Co.
Farm Machinery
Buy & Sell:
Hay Grain & Feed.'
The Insurance firm of Guthrie &
Miller of Alliance, representatives of
the Equitable of New York, report a
total of $446,005 worth of new busi
ness written for the company during
the year 1918.
Ben J. Sallows, editor of The Tlm,es
was called to Dattle Creek. Michigan
Saturday evening because of the ser
ious Illness of his mother at that
The City Cash Grocery's ad this
week is mighty interesting reading
it makes money talk and should be
read by every one of the many Her
ald readers.
We sell Tractor Drawn Plows
Discs and Drills. Farmers Union Co
operative association.
m m m
W t I xim T'liimhiuir nnri llendno:
Nebraska House 224 East Second St.
The Alliance hleh school basket
ball Ave easily defeated the Chadron
team last Friday evening at Chadron
when they carried away the long end
of a 21 to 9 score.
Thn Inaurnnre firm of Kelley k
Jeffers have Just recently paid deaf a
claim of $5,000 to Mrs. Cecil Carrier
qf Bridgeport and a $2,000 claim to
the parents of Mr. Painter near that
place. The claims were paid, by the
Old Line Bankers Life of Lincoln,
which the firm represetns. .
m m 9
Aiiinnre In lannln . t send '
strong delegation to Sidney and Box
Butte county will no doubt have a
representation that will do the coun
ty proud. If our people are In ear
weniorn Nebraska can easily
build her share of permanent high
ways during the year jusi oegun.
Don't fall to meet Charley's Aunt
at the Imperial, Jan. 16th.
O-Zl-4 OUO
Tha wtnr has a better chance to
save lives if good roads shorten the
distance from office to farm.
cina nf rm mission and commission
you may attribute to sicknesB. This
week The Herald has been bit es
pecially hard by colds and illness
among the members of the force.
Most of the time we hace been unable
to muster more than half the regular
number at any one time
. The Alliance fire department was
called out at 10: 30 o'clock Wednes
day night by an alarm stating that
there was a fire at 213 West Third
street. Twenty-three firemen rode the
big' auto truck to the fire prepared
to thoroughly quell a blaze of any
size but on the arrival no fire was
to be found and up to date It has not
yet made Us appearance.
'installation of the officers of Al
liance lodge No. 168, I. O. O. F., was
held at the hall Tuesday evening. The
officers of I. O. O. F. Encampment
were installed the same evening and
the officers of Canton Regal, No. 24
were installed Wednesday evening,
followed by a banquet at the Silver
423 X Box Butte Ave. '
The Home Life Insurance Company
of New York, of which Arthur Feag
ias is general agent and It. E. Knight
local agent, last week paid to the hus
band and ton of Mrs. Cora L. Zurcher
of Broadwater the turn of $10,044.(3
In payment of the policies held by
Mrs. Zurcher. She carried two poli
cies of $5,000 each.
F. A. Pierson of Gothenburg, for
mer Alliance citizen, in in the city for
a short stay on business. Mr. Pier-
son is now engaged In the Ufa insur
ance business and Is making a success
of the same in a big way. He visited
Alliance a year ago In company with
Mrs. Plreson.
The demand for extra copies of
The Herald hns been so great that
our supply of the last issue, January
2, is entirely exhausted. Five rents
each will be paid for the first twenty
copies of this date brought to The
Herald office. .Persons wanting ex
tra copies of any issue should place
their order early or phone 340 and
have the extra copies desired laid
aside for them.
Mr. and Mrs. nl Cox were the
guests of honor Wednesday evening
at an elaborate banquet of several
courses given In Oeir honor at the
Silver Grill by the members of Ue
gal Canton No. 24, I. O. O. F. The
banquet was tendered following the
Installation of afTicers in the Canton
and was the occasion of much en
joyment by 1hose present.
The Alliance fire department was
called out at 6:00 o'clock Monday
evening to quell a small Are In the
roof of the two-story frame building
at the corner of First street and Nlo
brar Avenue. The fire was caused
by sparks from the chimney and did
only a small amount of damage to
the roof.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
January 6th, 1918.
Notice Is hereby given that John
Ira Hicks, of 'Alliance, Nebraska,
who, on January 27th, 1914, made
Homestead Entry, No. 016496, for
Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. SE4NE Sec. 3;
Lot 1. SENE. E SE l4 Sec. 4;
Lots 4 and 5, Ef NE Section 9;
Tract 1 in Section 46. Township 22
North. Range 4 7 West, Sixth Princi
pal Meridian, has filed notice of in
tentlon to make five year proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed , before he Register and Re
ceiver of the United States Land Of
fice, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
13th day of February, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Robert Graham, Henry Smith, Julius
Blrkel, all of Alliance, Nebraska;
George Meade, pf Antloch, Nebraska,
-6t-928-7652 Register.
FOR RENT furn fshed lodging room
modern 603 Tjramle. A-lt-7MR
LOST Ladles' black purse, con
taining some money and some papers.
Finder will please leave at the Her
ald oftWe and greatly ohlice. Purse
was lORt on streets of Alliance this
(Thursday morning.
POSITION WANTED as housekeep
er near Alliance or Hemlngford.
where I can have my two-year-old
child. I do not look for big wages,
only good and kind people. Address
Mrs. Delia Houz, care of 'Frank
Turek, Hemlngford, Nebraska.
The party taking the rims, casings
and other material from the Glide
car standing (it the side of the road
between Alliance and Hemlngford
about four miles out from Alliance
will save trouble by returning same
to C. A. Dow's garage, as they ate
known and the sooner they are re
turned the better it will be for the
party. C. A. DOW
' 6-lt- 7651
Estate Number 394 of George Ash,
deceased. In t' e county court of Box
Butte County, Nebraska:
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate take
notice that the administrator has
filed a final account and report of her
administration, and a petition for
final settlement and discharge as
such, which have been set for hear
ing before said Court on January
20th, 1919 at 10 o'clock a. m. when
you may appear and contest the same.
Dated January 8th, 1919.
(Seal) Ira E. Tasb
County Judge.
. .612t-929-7643.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Box Butte County
Fair Association will be held In Al
liance, Nebraska, at the offices' of
the Alliance Community Club on
Saturday. January 11th. 1919. at
7:30 p. m. Stockholders will take
due notice and attend.
7639-lt Secretary
Well kept roads mean better rural
schools. Our country boys and fc'lrls
are entitled to as good school facili
ties as our town children enjoy.
"I Just feel like going- from',
house to house and telling the fro
pie about Tanlnc." A. J. Living
ston, Ashland City, Ten.
"Till l truly the first medicine
I have ever taken that doe what
they aj It will do." J. P. Ilolley,
loxlngton, Ky.
"I would not take one thousand
dollars for what this wonderful
medicine, Tanlac, has done for
me." Mrs. Mattle Lutes, Lexing
ton, Ky.
"We have sold 1,180 bottles of
Tanlac and have never had a dis
satisfied customer." Smlter Drug
Co., Columbus, Tenn.
"For two years before taking
Tanlac I had rheumatism so bad I
couldn't raise my left hand to my
head. I now feel like a new man."
J. B. Woodward, Lexington Ky.
"I feel so good after taking Tan
lac that I told my hands the other
day I believed I could beat any of
them shucking corn. I meant It
and believe I could have beat 'em
all." J. A. White, R. F. D., Lex
ington, Ky.
"In my thirty year of active
prat ice mm a physician I have never
seen anything to equal Tanlac an
a medicine to produce results."
Dr. J. T. Edwards, FlUyettevllle,
Twelve Million Bottles Sold in Four Years
J-, J--!
Trj Our Popular Price Lunch Room ml Gotfes St:;
AU Modern Conveniences Rooms $1.00 Up
Uadsr New Management
L A 0
"This medicine is worth Its
weight In gold, and If the price
was fifty dollars a bottle Instead of
one dollar I would buy It Just the
same if I had the money." Robt.
Young, Knoxvllle, Tenn.
"Four bottles of Tanlac helped
me more than fifteen years of medl
cal treatment that cost mo an
average of $100 a year." A. B.
Hall, Fountain City. Tenn.
. "Money couldn't buy the gool
till. Tnnlac has done for tne." -Kx-Hhctiff
Archie Anderson, Hous
ton, Tex.
"Tanlac has certainly helped me
and I recommend It to others for
the good It haB done ine." Ex
Sheriff C. W. Mangum, Atlanta, Ga
"I would spend the last dollar I
had on earth for Tanlac; I have
gained nine and a half pound cm
one bottle and feel Just like a new
man."- J. T. Andrews.
"If the people of this town only
knew the good Tanlac did me you
wouldn't be able to make it fast
enough to supply the demand."
Mrs. Mattle C. Bond, Memphis
"Yes sir, I gained twenty-fire
pounds by taking Tanlac, and it
has been a long time since I felt
as well as I do now." Capt. Jeff
D. Rlggs, Vlcksburg, Miss.
Lindell Hotel
Pifa d Ptb, Pre;?.
Political Haadquartan