The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 09, 1919, Image 2

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Hack Sea Shore jAbout the Last
Word in Desolation.
rhen the Great River Danube and It
Surroundings Present as Dreary a
Scent Today as When Ovid
1 Wrote Hit "Sorrow,"
If you think the warm aim of an
Cnstcrn Illvicra on r cms the shore of
it Black sen, where the blue Danube
creeps out through as ninny channels
as the reedy Nile's, you need to re
make your picture. In ruse your Im
agination needs a little aiding, take
down your dusty copy of Ovid's "Sor
rows" -hla "Trlstlu" and read once
more what he wrote back to uuforglv
Ing Home about bin first winter ot
banishment on that count. It was
nineteen centuries ago. Hut. you might
suppose he won telling of this very
winter's work, at Nantucket, say, or
Montreal. Touch by touch his clever
Hoes draw the picture es plnlnly aa
W he were a correspondent for a mod
era syndicate. You feel yourself shir
ring with him on the whitened plain,
beneath the flaring stars that circle
but never set.
There at Tom! does the north wind
Wow, and do they feel that bitterer
wind from the north-by-eastt It
blows, and the fields turn to atone; It
tears rewfs away, and brings the look
out towers down flat Any snowt
Storm triads oa storm till here and
there tha heaped-up and compacted
anows lie two winters deep. Of course
the brooks are stilled now ; the water
In the lakes Is brittle. It can be dug
and ahataered. Of a native, what
tvtth tola pelts and hi stltched-up
oreechea, all you can see Is his face;
tils beard Is white with the cold'he
sucks through it No one drinks wine;
It Is passed In lumps; If a wine Jar
U broken, the wine within It stands
Does the great Danube freeze? Its
blue currents have hardened Into mar
ble. It holds the ships locked fast ; not
an onr can cleave the waters. Where
the pilot steered now men go afoot. No
wild Sarmatlan lacks n bridge for his
srenselcss ox-enrt. Hut surely the
Black sea Itself keeps open? Well,
says Ovid, If I had anything to gain
by saying what Isn't so, you might not
believe roe; hut as sure ns I am a
wretched exile, I have walked that sea
"dry-shod. Boreas was howling, but
be could not raise a wave. Not a
bumping dolphin could come through
to stretch himself. Oh, Lenndcr, If
once upon a time a like sea had been
jours, the scandal of your drowning
could not have been laid upon the
strait yon had to swim!
And then. With arimmop of r.L
- p........... DIIUnQjl .
" "1 I- L Ulil L HIM
ttls wlnjpxJmdplfl
LliU llkJif IllL'ImnvtiH , lr
come savage foes, sweeping on
awlft horseB ; they have poison on their
arrow tips, they bring thongs to lash
tbelr captives; they Are with torches
what they cannot carry off.
B-r-rt But if Ovid were alive again
In this year of grace, and once more
writing from Toml, or as they call It
cow, Kustendjl, he would not find the
atlng of the north wind from the
steppes less biting thon 19 centuries
ago, nor the cruelty of man to man
less appalling. Boston Herald.
y New Disease.
Members of army medical boards
Iiave some curious experiences, I
gather. In the course of their work, but
It might be supposed that they would
bave fewer opportunities for making
discoveries than their colleagues be
hind the fighting line, and In the base
hospitals. But evidently there are ex
ceptions. "A man presented himself
for examination the other day." one
medical friend tells me, "and I put the
usual question : 'Well, what's the mat
ter with you?' Tlniorhllll.' 'What?
lie repeated It. 'I don't know what
that Is, I said. So he produced a pa
per from his own doctor, and on It
Tvas written: This man Is suffering
from Timor Belli."' It sounds better,
certainly, than "cold feet." and Is quite
as full of meaning! Westminster
(England) Gazette.
Earned Hla Meal.
Governor Stephens was commenting
cn the misuse of the uniform by per
eonH who have no right to use It.
Tbey ought to be In Jail." he de
dared, "but once In a while you can't
belp but forgive the culprit. I have
In mind the case of a tramp In uniform
who asked a housewife for a meal.
'So you were In the battle of the
Ma met
"'Tea, ma'am,' replied the tramp.
" "What can yon tell about that great
"Not a word, ma'am. Tin on my
honor not to reveal a thing I saw or
did. Thafa a very strict military
I Patriotism.
Who can measure the compelling
force of patriotism? At Fr. 'ny ulht's
Pattery concert, large!' u led by
Ylanhattanltcs to whom nortu ..f Four
teenth street Is a foreign land, the lead
er asked that after the singing of the
national anthem the audience offer one
tnluute'a silent prayer for the boys over
there. One whose head did not bow
promptly, seemingly held alert by the
shock of some amazing surprise, soon
acknowledged the force if patriotic
motion by saying, aa he bowed hla
bead: "I prayed last Easter, but If
It Is for the boys here goes." New
York Sun.
Manufacturer Have Easy Method of
Overcom'ng Harshness That May
Mar Perfection of Sound.
Bells mny have .tone which, while
thoroughly rfgreeahle to the manufac
turer, are not so
plcnnnt to thoe
who hnve to lis
ten to tliem, A
remedy for such a
condition Is de
scribed by James
E. Noble In I'opu
I a r M e c h a nlcs
By drilling two
holes In the side of it twit, n Indicated
at A and B In the sketch, the tone will
remain perfectly clear, but will be
quite changed. If a slot, ns desig
nated at C, Is then cut between the
two boles, still another change of tone
Is effected. By driving n metal rod,
K, Info one of the holes and trimming
It off (lush with the Internal and ex
ternal surfaces, the tone may again be
Changed. Filling up the second hole
with a plug, 1), will further alter the
sound. Then If a wedge such ns F Is
cut and driven Into the slot the tone
of the bell, will be restored to normal.
"In the Rear- Translated.
Day after day Germans who read
the official statements of their own
government learn that although ile al
lies are said to suffer numerous re
verses the German armies have fallen
back to positions "in the rear." That
Is the regular ration served to Ger
mans hungry for news of victories.
By this time the more Intelligent of
the kaiser's subjects must hnve learned
to translate 'in the rear" Into what It
really means. They must have found
that It tells the story of defeat and
retreat. They caunot help perceiving
that It records the movement of the
German armies nearer to the German
frontier. "la the rear" Is toward Ger
many. That Is what makes the effect of
the official phrase extremely depress
ing. That Is why It fulls like lead on
the hearts of the Huns.
Parachute Jump From Airplane.
The first successful experiment on
record of Jumping from a moving air
plane wltlr a parachute was recently
made by Cn plain Sarrat, a French
aviator. This Intrepid airman leaped
from a height of KiN) yards with uft
umbrella some twelve yards in diam
eter, and landed safely. He was three
minutes In the air, suspended from
the parachute. Previous to this test
numerous experiments were carried
out In France with sandbags, and the
practicability of the scheme was es
tablished beyond resonable doubt. But
it goes without saying, nevertheless,
that It required real courage to beoJ
nrsi io risK lire and limb la an,-ctnal
test. Scientific American. It
V ' 'T
Devilish German Device Fatal
to All Forms of Life.
.-.. . v
Ah Harold!
CJoln' down to do
ea,-hore this
. No doah boy I
I kin alt jlst as
tanned on our
roof an save
money b'sldesl
Athletic Equipment for Army.
Athletic material sufficient to supply
1,750 companies, or 125 complete regi
ments, has been purchased by the war
department comiulsblou on training
camp activities, an appropriation of
1250,000 having been obtaitied for this
purpose. The supplies, for which the
war department through the commis
sion invited bids, Included the follow
ing Items: 17.5UO sets of boxing gloves,
7,000 basebull bats. 21,100 baseballs,
3,500 playground baseball bats, 10,500
playground balls. 3,0tH) rugby footballs,
7.000 soccer footballs. 3.500 volley balls
aud 1.750 medicine balls. Allotment of
the material to the various trulning
camps Is being made.
Free Advice.
Dear Star Sly wife and I have 13
children, who annoy us so much that
we are unable to rend the wur news
In peace. What would you suggest?
A. In the first place, how can you
read In peace v. lieu we are at war?
You might report the matter to the
health board, as there Is a ban on pub
lic meetings, anyhow. Indiuuapolla
In 1950.
"They seem to have plenty of
"Yes. Back in 1918 their father
bought more Liberty bonds than he
thought at the time he could afford."
The Lingering Beard.
"I see you shave yourself," com
mented the barber.
"What difference does that make?"
"Very little, sir; very little. Thafa
how I came to notice IL"
Without Proper Maska There Is No Es
cape Even Rats in the Trencha
Succumb Horiea Now Fit
ted With Respirators.
The Intensity of the phosgene gas
wave can be gathered from the fact
that buttons and ammunition were
quickly corroded and turned a villain
ous green color. In a few cases rifles
stuck and Lewis guns Jammed, owing
to the effects of the gas on the am
munition nnd the breech mechanism.
One good thing about the attack was
that most of the rats In the trenches
were killed. AH attempts to clear them
out had been useless. But what fer
rets and terriers nnd virus could not
accomplish the Boche gns did.
Curiously enough, two kittens, which
Inhabited the dugout of the command
ing o ITIcer of one of the battalions of
the Hcottlsh Borderers, who were In
reserve, came through It nllve. The kit
tens were badly gassed and lay breath
ing rapidly, suffering from spasms and
with profuse salivation. Possibly their
fur helped to absorb some of the gas,
for five hours later the little victims
were almost themselves again, though
they continued to cough occasionally
and drank water continually. The wa
ter they took In preference to milk.
The fourth German attack of 1916
was made June 17, In Flanders, near
Melsslnes. Like those of April, It was
Intensely strong, very short, and went
over In successive waves at Interval
of about 20 minutes. I had no per
sonal experience of this attack, but
the cloud must have been very strong,
for It killed animals at "Plugstreet,"
three and a half miles away, and was
quite distinctly perceptlMe even at
Bethune. At the "Piggeries" the re
mains of a model farm In rear of
Plugstreet Wood belonging to a nota
ble French sportsman a calf was
found dead, after the passage of the
cloud, with the body very much blown
out. Dead rats lay In close prox
imity. Even farther back than this animals
were seriously affected. The army
mules In the line of the gas were
seized with fits of coughing nnd kick
ed violently, making them even more
difficult to handle than usual. It Is
probably not realized that horse masks
are now Issued on a scale suffi
cient to provide protection for all
horses nnd mules, such as those of
the first line transport and the artil
lery, which hni to approach any
where near the lines.
The present form of these respira
tors Is that of a big bag soaked in
chemicals which fits over the animal's
nostrils, leaving Its mouth free sd
that the use of the bit Is not Interfered
with. When not In use the horse res
pirator Jplds p very nicely and
neatly Into 5 canvas case which can
be carried on the breastband of the
harness or any place from which It
can be quickly adjusted. Some of the
animals take to these mosks--"horspIr-ators,"
some wag called them
quite quickly, but others are stren
uous objectors; some of those
hnrdened sinners, the mules, transfer
ring themselves Into masses of teeth
nnd hoofs whenever an attempt Is
made to fix on the gas bags.
These masks have proved of the
greatest value and have saved any
number of horses' lives. The cavalry
are not provided with them, as it Is
not anticipated that they will be near
enough to be affected by gas cloud at
tacks, and when the cavalry are mount
ed and In action It la unlikely that they
will meet even poison gas shells In
large numbers. Added to this Is the
fact that a horse con stand more gas
than a man without being distressed.
MaJ. S. M. J. Auld In Saturday Evening
Japanese Cltiea Open Public Markets.
The large cities of Japan are making
efforts to keep down prices of food
stuff by opening municipal markets.
Ever-increasing cost of living has
caused this step to be taken. The re
sults at Tokyo have been satisfactory.
In Osaka a market has been opened by
the authorities in each ward, greatly to
the public benefit.
The government has taken up the
matter, and the home minister, at the
recent conference of prefectural gov
ernors, urged the necessity of protect
ing the public from exactions of middle
men and profiteers. lie assured the
established retailers that, so long aa
they asked fair profits, the government
policy would be to let them alone, but
In cities where markets had been es
tablished by the local authorities the
latter would be sustained. East and
West News.
Thee Words.
"Some men can convey niofb com
mon sense In three words than others
ran put Into a two hour speech."
"That's right," commented Senator
Sorghum. "Buy Liberty bonds."
The Opposing Force.
"Er Miss Brown er do you
think your father would oppose my
marrying you?"
"If he is of my opinion he would."
Anything Black Is Coal Nowadays.
"What are you going to do with all
that black dirt In front of your Isomer
"That isn't dirt. That's my winter
New Land Monitor.
A howl-shaped tank of novel con
struction, shown In Popular Mechanics
Magazine, Is now being considered by
the war department. It has a re
volving turret that makes It possible
to fire In any direction, and will ac
commodate a crew of eight men. A
scraper attached to Its base enables It
to fill shell craters and trenches. A
scope Is used by the man who controls
the turret. ,
Accelerating Influence.
"Why did you put the crown prince
In charge of the array?" asked -one
Prussian general, "lie couldn't lead
any fighting."
"We didn't expect him to." replied
another. "We wanted him to lead the
Butter Fat U
Per Pound for
Delivered at the
Alliance Creamery
D K b'ents
Again all records have
been broken. While we
thought the top had been
reacihed we are glad to be
able to pay this extraordi
nary price for your cream.
Remember it must be deliv
ered at the Creamery.
Bring your cream Tell your
neighbor to do so, too.
Aleppo an Ancient City.
In the center of the older section
of Aleppo stands the ancient citadel,
a deep mont encircling It. The great
mosque Is on the site of the tomb or
Zacharias, the father of John the Bap
tist. If alleged Egyptian monument
can be accepted' as an authority, the
first settlement dates bock close to
2,000 years B. C. The city at one time
had a trade connection with Venice,
as well as with Bagdad, and Its name
and Importance became famed through
out Christendom.
Presidential Succession.
The law of the presidential sueccs
slon, passed lu 1S00, expressly states
that In case of the death of both pres
blent nnd vice president the succes
sion shall go to the members of the
cabinet, beginning with the secret arj
of state, but only "such ns nre eligible
to the office of presldeut under tin
Constitution." If the secretary ol
state was foreign born, then-fore, tin
succession would pass over him und
go to the secretary of the treasury.
Differences in Fashion.
, In Japan .the professional beauty
oves to nppenr with golden teeth ; In
l.ndln she prefers them stained red.
jut In certain parts of Sumatra no lady
ivho respects herself would conde
scend to have any front teeth at all.
V -
I am offering for quick sale
the following:
1 Wagon and hayrack
2 Red heifers
1 Holstcin steer
2 Hogs
Some farming machinery
Phone 86
Alliance Milk Station
The 6000 Mile Tire
Guaranteed Non-skid The Vacuum Cup tread is the
only tread guaranteed not to skid on wet, slippery
pavements, else tires returnable, after reasonable
trial, at full purchase price. The cups act on the
only principle by which rubber projections can
grip a smooth, wet surface suction. No extra
power or fuel is consumed, for the forward rolling
of the tire automatically releases each Cup by gen
tly raising it edgewise and releasing the vacuum
Guaranteed Oilproof Immune from deterioration of
oil and grease.
Quality Vacuum Cup Tires are made to typify the
ideals of their makers to give users at all times
the highest possible quality