Thursday, January 9, 1919 SESi zm T MOTORCAR B H THE ALLIANCE HERALD IESITAN Chandler-Hupmobile Agency ' CHANDLER AND HUTMOBILE CARS Overton Garage HUDSON AND NASI OARS There are only FOUR factors which could probably cause a REDUCTION IN PRICE OF MOTOR CARS during the next half year ANALYZE THEM FOR YOURSELF 1 Will the price of Materials decrease? r ANSWER: The MATERIALS for the next season's production must be CONTRACT ED FOR AT ONCE and at PRESENT PRICES. Steel is high Part makers are swamped with orders Material . cost can not be reduced at this time. 2 Will the Cost of Labor be Lowered? ANSWER: The cost of LABOR will not decline until the high cost of living is reduced , It will be months before the supply of labor equals the demand. Until then labor cost will not come down. 3 Can Quality be Reduced? ANSWER: Emphatically NO! Past standards must be maintained. Cheaper mater ials or less efficient labor cannot be used. This will not remedy the situation 4 Have Motor Cars Prices Increased OUT OF PROPORTION to the Increased Cost of Manufacturing? N ANSWER: In SOME cases this is true and those cars are now adjusting their prices downward to an EQUITABLE FIG-URE; but those cars which were PRI CED RIGHT during the war cannot be reducedn price until manufactur ing costs are reduced. We wish that conditions were different and that we could promise lower prices in the nir BE REFUTED. There is nothing to be GAINED by waiting, except the LOSS of the comfort, convenience and utility of a car durimr Winter and Spring.. fe Alliance Deafens: Sturgeon Garage BUICK AND PAIGE CARS Lowry & Henry STUDEBAKER AND DODGE CARS Coursey & Miller FORD OARAQE Rurner Motor Company JACKSON AND ELCAR DISTRIBUTORS