HELP 'THE GREATEST MOTHER ON EARTH" JOIN THE RED CROSS TWO Sections The Alliance Herald 20 Pages VOLUME XXVI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 19. 191m NUMBER 3 WILSON FAVORS NATIONS FORMING LEAGUE TO STOP ALL FUTURE WARS PRESIDENT WILSON, AFTER DAYS SPENT WITH CON TINENTAL LEADERS. STILL FAVORS LEAGUE OF NATIONS PLAN PRESIDENT WILL ATTEND CONFERENCE IN ENGLAND Denounces Published Story That he had Accepted Plan Formulated by the League to Enforce Peace Will make Preliminary Visits Next Week With British Statesmen PARIS After days spent In gathering views of the French lender President Wilson's closest advisers Rag he has seen no reason for chang ing his belief that the foundation of a league of nations Is iiisemrnble from the actual peace treaty. These advisers Bay that the president Till, MCCTIWP E1VADC reassure England that he has no MASS MlT Nil I A V KS lilt Pillion Ol aemanaing a reuuciiun of the British navy to a point involv ing the unsafety of the British empire but will emphasize his feeling that the plan will strengthen the empire. The president has denounced the published story that he had accepted a plan formulated by the League to Enforce Peace. The official statement made it plain that he believed a lea gue of nations indispensible to the maintenance of peace, but that he A STRICT QUARANTINE Hundreds of Nebraska Doctors and City Officials Attended Meeting Held Tuesday at Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska, December 18th, A strict and absolute quarantine for all cases of influenza was recom mended Tuesday at a mass meeting of had never, directly or indirectly, In- jocai an(j county boards of health, dorsed any particular plan. 'rne three or four hundred represen- Presjdent Wilson expects to go to , tatives from local and county boards London next week, where the prelim- j imdadinc manv physicians assembled Inary conferences will take place with British statesmen. MILLER WILL OPEN NEW UNDERTAKING HOUSE in the .senate chamber at the capitol deliberately decided that influenza had reached a stage in Nebraska that it must be met with the strictest i measure known to health officers I the quarantine. In making this re- commendation the representatives assembled in Lincoln go futher than Proprietor of Well-Known FurnltMre i the Burgeon general of the federal Store Will Open Department i neaitn department. 1018 XLhc Cbdstmas (Srccttns to be Iberalb jfamilv ; ! ! ; ! UNITED STATES f AVORS THE SINKING OF ALL CAPTURED GERMAN WARSHIPS AMERICAN DELEGATES TO PEACE CONFERENCE REPORTED TO FAVOR SINKING OF CAPTURED VESSELS FROM GERMANY ENGLAND DACKS PLANJEJDESTROYING WARSHIPS Smaller Nations Expected to Oppose the Plan and to Ask for Division of Ships in Accordance With Losses Suffered by Them During War NEHKASKA gPCDi WIN M1D-WEHT IMU'KK After First of Year The meeting was one called by the state board of health. It was preside d over by Dr. W. H. Wilson epidemiolo Glen Miller, well-known Alliance furniture store proprietor, announced gist of the state board and was ad- this week that he will open an under. dressed by Dr. W. F. Wild, chief of. taking parlor in this city soon after ficer of the state board. Governor the first of the year, n connection I Neville, chairman of the state board With his furniture busineso. He has j also spoke and predicted that a pro been engaged in the furniture busi- j gram would be outlined that would Bpas here for a number of years and do much to wipe out the disease in nis a large business. this state. The new undertaking branch will In recommending Quarantine f'r in be up-to-date and a new, latest mod- j fluenza the meeting discarded the 1 motor hearse has been ordered, in placard method which has bee. ttltti tors, this winning Is surely a highly charge of the department will be a witb varyiug success in this state. Ill J gratifying one. It eliminated any competent and experienced under- many communities placards have chance of future discrediting of Ne. taker who is now in the government J been posted warning people not to foraska and more especially Box Butte army service but who expects soon to Vj8jt where influenza exists. In some COunty. be given his discharge. Mr. Miller I eotntUUnitlM partial quarantine has Nebraska potatoes scored again when at the Mid-West Potato Show held at Des Moines, Iowa laBt week the exhibit from Box Butte county tarried off several very worthy prises In competition were display form Iowa, Colorado, Kansas and Wiscon sin, all potato states, County Agent Nueswanger, who accompanied the exhibit and who was responsible for the showing made to a great extent, has cause to feel mighty gool over the results obtained. The exhibit was shaped in the form of an American flag, the different varieties of pota toes forming their respective portion, won were: First on exhibit; first, second and third on Early Ohios; sec ond and third on Irish Cobblers. The display of Tmlumphs was disqualified because of the size of the specimens. Coming nn this does so soon afer unfavorable criticism on the part of some of our potato raising competl- IMMTOIt HI K OF GORDON LOCATES IN ALLIANCE Dr. Einar V. Blake well known physician and surgeon, who has been located at Gordon for the past four years, will locate in Alliance, occupy in the offices in the Mallery block be ing vacated by Dr. C. E. Hershman. Dr. Blak was in the city yesterday making arrangements to move here after Christmas. Dr. Blak went to Gordon from Oma ha. He is a graduate of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and Crelghton University in Omaha. Mrs. Blak and their two children will re turn with him after Christmas.. The doctor stated that the Influen za epidemic in Gordon has practically subsided, there being but few cases ther at the present time. GUARDIAN TRUST CO. HOME PLEASES CROWD had arrangements made for the es- j oeen tried, oten with good results tablishment of this new branch to his 1 -phe meeting, or those in charge of business prior to the draft, but on i tn( recommendations, purposely bore account of war conditions it was nee.,, jOWn lightly upon anything like a eesary to postpone the same BP I ban on public gatherings. Dr. Jen- Bhortly after the first of the year. ! niSOn explained that this was done i ,o, because it is.believed quarantine of Opening and Safety ault Denmnstra ' the sick and exposed persons renders lion Attracts Full Two Thousand It unnecessary to interfere With pub- People Saturday ! lie gatherings or meetings. Originally a resolution adopted did mention some amusements on which a ban but these were I i . I. ..,.. .... Kv ( ii' hlllineil im.u lilt- ii-?uiuiimii j ..... ,.,.. , ,i, n..,,rlur r.r.w.f H Ul Allien VII lll- 11:" muiihi t' PARIS The American delegates to the enre congress have decided to advocate the linking of the surrendered enemy war-hips and to resist the pMpMfltfcm of distributing them . on the has I, of naval lome. according i i to the announcement made by peo. pie In close touch with the American representatives here. The American representatives feel l hat such a position would result In avoiding contention and support President Wilson's declaration ' that the war was not based on aggression or the acquisition of property. England, through Sir Eric Geddes, first lord of the admiralty, has pre viously acquiesced in the American plan to destroy the captured and sur rendered warships and will, It is de clared, continue to support the United States, although It Is expected that some of the lesser naval powers will demand that the prizes be distributed NOT ALL SUBSCRIBING TO RtD CROSS CALL Home Heem to Fall to I ten 1 1 .e the Im portance of the Continuance of thin Work of Merc y CHARLES E. MARTIN WAS KILLED IN FRANCE The opening of the new home of The Guardian Trust Company, gat- i urday and the demonstration of tie Alliance Young Man Gave His Life should be placed for IJbertv Durinu the Closing . - . I ... Z 4 . . .,...1 ml.. i, L l , . Days of Fighting coiuuiivww, ..u ... .o.. . ,,y at leagt tW(, adopted it read a tollows: fhlI8and poople. Mr. K. Sorenson. re- Charles E. Martin of Alliance, aged j "Vve recommend that all gather- I u ,ne Amerlcan Bank Pro- I i... ........ .... nlii'iQii ru uiwt 'ill i 1 twenty seven years, was severely vrm- ' " tection Co., was presenl and demoi wounded in action in France on Nov- unnecessaiy puuiw paiuvnu c ember 3rd and died the following day ; continued.' November 4th Monday, according A sigh of relief was breathed by to a message received this morning by one or two moving picture men in the his wife in Alliance. Word had been ! gallery. One or two delegates had received some time ago that he had i moving pictures on their minds to a been severely wounded but the new s considerable degree and insisted on of his death the following day ( aim with a shock to relatives and friends. Martin was a member of Company H, 355th infantry, 89th division, and was in the thickest of the fighting. He left last April for Camp Funston and three weeks later started east for France. A letter had been received by his wife the middle of November. This letter had been written prior to his going into the battle in which he was wounded. On December 3rd ahe received a message telling that he had been severely wounded. Martin was married to Miss Hazel Hockey, daughter of Burlington en gineer C. II . Hockey, ten months prior to the time he entered the ser vice. He had been in Alliance for two years, employed by the Dirks Lum ber Company. His mother is living at Greeley, Nebraska. It is with the felling of depest sad ness that the third golden star is added to the service flag of Alliance The grief of those at home will be mitigated by the knowledge that he gave his life in the cause of his country. Claude Remiau in France Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rennau were ptsaeed to receive a letter from their on in France last week stating that he is rapidly getting well and recover ing from the wound in his leg which sent him to the hospital. Claude says that one of his "kicks" isn't in exact ly proper shape yet but that he is hopeful of soon being out and anx ious to be at home again. being able to go back home and tell their people what they had agreed unon about such amusements, but friends of the recommendations wav ed them off with a statement that quarantine was the main thing and little else counted in suppressing the epidemic that has taken the lives of over 5,000 Nebraskans within the past few months. The recommendations of the com. mittee were read in this order and adopted: "We your committee, hereby re comuien the adoption of the follow ing resolutions: 'Inasmuch as in some counties, cities and villages in the state, no local health organization exists, altho such organization is already provided for by law, we urgently recommend that in such counties, cities and vil lagee, heah boards be organized for the purpose of assisting in the con trol of the present epidemic; and w particularly urge all local health boards to enforce the present laws relating to the control of contagious diseases, especially as applied to the present epidemic; and we NNBBM 1 that in counties, cities ai d villages where the law is not enfon ! by local authorities, that the state board or health assume authority, and estab lish a local health organization at the expense of the community Involved, as provided by law. section 2738, re vised statutes of Nebraska, 1913. "And we recommend that in UUH strated clearly the system that makes it impossible to, in any way, temper with the safety divlces and lock while the time lock is on. without th sounding of the burglar alarm. The vault is one of the most niol. ern made. There is absolutely no way not even by burning through the vault without the warning being giv en, and once atarted the alarm can not be quieted outside the vault. The compny haa installed more than three thousand of theae over the United States and Canada and never has an attempt to burglarize one of them been successful (Continued to Last Page Section 1) dian Trust Company, by local men, Mr. Wright, the secretary, states the business has been much greater thui1 was anticipated, in fact twice what had been hoped for. It has been n welcome addition to the business en treprises and will prove a still grea' er factor in the development of west ern Nebraska. The business of the company is to loan money to farmeis and ranchman, act as administrators of estates, serve as trustee, and act as agent in general. It also receives nroney on deposit and pays Interest on same, handles Insurance and keei s safely valuable papers in Its safety deposit vault. It has an authorized capital of $100,000. Alliance is proud of this new buF.: nOM home of a substantial businesn enterprise and of the confidence in the future of the city and community displayed in a substantial manner by those interested It marks spothof step forward for Alliance and BOX Butte county. Bed Cross Boll Cull committees In Alliance, this week, have met with considerable success and a splendid showing for the city will be made, but there are some who seem to fail to realize thenecesslty of the continu ance of the work of the "Great Mother of Mercy." They feel It would seem, that with the signing of the armistice and need of the work done by the Bed Cross automatically ceaBed. The American Bed CrosB has won. derfully played an Important part In the winning of the greatest of wins It has rescued thousands of American boys and saved them to their country Many of these boys are still overseas in hospitals convalescing and so long as a single man remains in the servio of his country there is a great need for the protection and care of the Bed Cross. Tehy must not be neglect ed now and will not. but it is urgent that the organization have the un qualified support of every true Ainerl can. The cessation of hostilities has revealed a picture of misery such as the world has never before seen and especially is this true in the countries which cannot help themselves. Tin American people must continue to care for these sufferers. In this great act of mercy the heart and spirit of the entire American people must con tinue to mobilized. The eyes of th world are upon us and we I hall no1 fail the lied Cross needs your sun port. You, who have not yet Joined, end you who have an idea that the good to be done tins been lessened, con- FIREMEN PICK DELE GATES TO CONVENTION Walter lliicch sen stein, Vivian Hall and A. . Isaacson will be the New Convention Delegates LITTLE GIRL WRITES TO SANTA CLAUS Little Miss in Fourth tirade Wrote Interesting r to Santa Claus and Gave to Teacher At the regular meeting of the Alli ance volunteer Are department held Wednesday evening, the new deleg ates selected to attend the annua! state convention at Fremont on Jan uary 21st, 22nd and 23rd were Wa' ter Buechsenstein for Hose Company number one, A. G. Isaacson for Hon Company number two and Vivian Hall for Hook and Ladder Company number three. Alternates are Vera Kegester and Guy Smith. T P. Bolfson, A. G. Isaacson ai d Lloyd Thomas were appointed a eoni. mittee to confer with the city coun cil regarding the annual assistance given financially to the department for the paying of expenses of dele gates to the convention. It is expected that the total Alliance delegation, Including the band, the new d-legate aider the matter carefully then gel chief Bay Trabert, and the old dele in (ouch with one of the commit! I gatot who are metiiters of the state or step into cit' er of the li. iik, a 'association will number from thirty- take out a membership- all i I is the heart and a dollar you A OOMPARUOX OF DRUM tiOODs VAU FS A little Alliance miss, attending the fourth grade in school, wrote Santa Claus an interesting letter the other day and it reached her teacher The letter read aB fllows: "Alliance. Nebr., Dec. 17, 1918. Dear Santa Claus, I will write you a The building waa appropriately de I letter to let you know what I want orated with flowers and as expres sions of a hearty welcme the ladies visiting were aerved ice cream anr! given carnations, while the men were treated to cigars. Since the organization of the Guar for ChriBtmaB and hope I get all I want. I sode like a wats breleset and bed room slippers and shoes and if there is anything eales you wood like to brange me I wood preach eat it very much. Your loving friend." THE GREAT CROSS OF MERCY By THEODOSIA GARRISON. Glorious with scars and rents the battle-banners rise. And the great flags of triumph are spreading to the skies; Our tears, our prayers, our praise for them, hut when the lust Is said, Our hearts extol the banner that bears the Cross of Bed. The great "ross of Mercy that cnlls a world In pain To lift Its soul to courage, to look nn hope again The- -iuns of Love victorious that hate huth never slain. Ask thn-e who have awaited it upon the field of strife, Ask the stricken town- folk It has given back to life, Ask the lips of childhood, ihe valiant hosts of dead, What this banner lanai tn them that bears the Cross of The great Cross of Mercy O, lift and keep It high; cn.l Its flaming message to all humanity That pity is lmmortid and that Love shall never dla. That war. time conditions and de pleted stocks of materials have been the cause of great increases in thj cost of all kinds of dress goods no one can gainsay, but to the average paraOC the exact extent of this in crease Is more or less a conjecture This wee k The Herald representative was given a bit of concrete evidence along this line. While at the George A. Mollring store, a day or so ago. Mr. Mollring showed us some corres pondence from a reliable wholesaler whereby he was being urged to antic! pate future needs in the line of a cer tain grade of dress goods and to make immediate purchase of such amounts aB he would need. A little compail son showed that Mr. Mollring was retailing the same grade of merchan dise, for which he Is now asked to pay $3.25 per yard, wholeBale, at $1.19. And this is not all. Mr. Mollring has many items in his large stock ' merchandise which he purchased be fore the increased prices and, al though the savings thereby gained would be sufficient reason for the lib., eral patronage of his store, he has thrown them on the bargain count in order to close ut the stck and qu.t business. He has not selected particu lar lines, but has made the price cutting general and covering each and every item You are welcome to call at the store and take your choir; at figures that alone can tell the story of the saving effected. Mr. Moll ring is a firm bdiever in printer's ink, as will be s. en by the full pai;o advertisement on another page of this issue. six to forty men. The trip will be made in a tourist or pullman sleeper oiaf Kahn the first member of the fire department to return fron the army, made an interesting talk telling of his experiences during the past seven months. Olaf fceld the re cord on the adjusting of gas masks at the training camp, his shortest time being four and one-half seconds He tld of physical inspections antf training Hnd of the "slumgullion which the boys learned to love bo well at mess flme.; Congratulations were extended by the department to Tobe Gastlneau, a member of the department now serv ing in the army and located in Texas He has lately entered the bonds of matrimony. The boys greatly appreciated the handsome Christmas gift presented by George M ulring an expensive and handsome United States flag with Matt The flag will ko to the con vention with the party. Following the session the members present accepted the invitation of the Brotherhood of Bailway Trainmen, who were holding a smoker and lurch eon at their hall. They attended tiio smoker in a body and enjoyed a deli cious feed and entertainment. HAHYHY MAKING GREAT CHANGES AT S1LYKK UKILL Give Hooks to Soldiers Xnias How would you like to be in a hos pital with nothing to read? Give a book to the Library War Service .10 , vide such a place as the public des- The Herald takes pleasure in giv ing credt where credit is due and we this week call your attention to the improvements made by Joe C. Har vey, in the popular eating house, The Silver Grill. The arrangement has been entirely changed within the last few days. A splendid back bar has been Installed along with the change from a horse-shoe counter to one extending the full length of the build ing. A new floor covering has been laid, the wall repapered and painted and an electric lightning system that literally floods the place with light installed. Mr Hrrvey Is enjoying a splendid patronage ond that his efforts to pro. our wounded soldiers will have plen ty of reading matt r. ires are appreciated is eveldenced by the steady increase in business.