THE ALLIANCE HERALD Ttoday, PotMbw 96, 1919 THE FAMOUS. r EBEEB k christma Nineteen-Eighteejji THE FAMOUS. w E invite you to inspect the finest lines nil of Mens' wearables in this section. Wpat ever man or boy may need for the holiday gift will be found here made by America's best manufacturers. Our stocks are large, our assortments varied and prices moderate. Clothing by Hart Schaffner & Marx. ... Borslina and Kropp Felt Hats. Clapp and Walkover 0 Munsing and Chalmers Underwear. w w .. a v w 1 Holeproof Hose. bnaldinir sweaters. Shpes. 1 " E Ji E THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE THE FAMOUS