Thursday, Dooomber VL lilt THE ALLIANCE HERALD BRIEF BITS FOR BUSY READERS S. O. Carr working in Ellsworth spent Sunday at home In Alliance. Mrs. Rita Thornton of Lakeside. pant Saturday shopping in Alliance. Jame Herman is one of the many victims of influenza. His condition Is not thought to be serious. Miss Oral Richardson of Lakeside was a Saturday guest of her sister. Miss Mary Richardson of this city. i m t L. Zabolitsky. employed in the Darling Furniture store is in the lo cal "hospital, a victim of the "flu." Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frichie of Antioch have spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Frtchle In Alliance. Miss Stella Rowland returned to her hoe at Bayard Tuesday after a few days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riordan in this city. R. R. Hartford, district plant man ager, for the Nebraska Telephone company was an Alliance business visitor Tuesday and Wednesday. 101 The last of the goods remaining over from the Good Roads Fair last year was disposed of at public auction Saturday afternoon. Auctioneer Cour sey officiated. Manager P. D. Oleason of the Al. ance telephone exchange left Tues day night for Potter, where he will be in charge of the exchange during the transfer of the office to a new man aer. He will return to Alliance Saturday. Hon'; muater out your dollars un til Uncle Sam completes the Job. Mrs. F. D. Shannon of Alliance is seriously ill with tnfluenia. Her hus band Lieut. Shannon arrived home Sunday from Camp Taylor. Ky. MM Cashier J. O. Walker of The First State Bank returned Saturday from a business trip to Omaha and Kansas City. !! Harry Coursey of the Coursey A Miller firm feels quite fortunate that he has so far escaped the attacks of the Influenza epidemic. Mrs. Coursey and children are confined to the home now suffering from the malady. tot There is a rare opportunity for some Alliance capitalists to reap great returns by the investment In a few comfortable dwellings. Almost daily we have calls for residences or furnished rooms. !! A. N. Whitley, Burlington fireman, is Just recovering from an attack of the "flu" He was able to come down town Monday afternoon for theflrsl time since contracting the disease. I Ol The Charlie Nation barber shop is a much brighter and more inviting place Blnre the first of the week when It was given a thorough cleaning and the walls repapered. 10 1 Mrs. Jas. Osborne of Scottsbluff passed through Alliance Tuesday en route home after a visit of several days at Broken Bow, with relatives and friends. It tu with regret Indeed that the Alliance Candy Store wn forced to disappoint Its many customers on Sunday by being unable to urocure carnations to be used as token of ap preciation of the splendid patronage accorded this popular place during the past year. The florosts, far and near, could not supply the flowers necessary. Mack Ii Davis, office manager and purchasing agent for the Fotash Re duction Company at Hoffland, made avlslt to Alliance on Sunday of this week, returning to Hoffland. Sunday afternoon. Mr. Davis Is one of the pioneers in the potash industry, hav ing been with the Hoffland company, the pioneer company, since its early days. HOOVHR WILL Ol'TliNK lfKW I H I'll' m it M soon HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS But less meat if yea feel Backachy or have bladder trouble -Take . glass of Ealta No nan or woman who exta meat repu larly can make a mistake by flushing ths kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms urio acid which excites' the kidneys, they become over worked from the strain, get sluggish snd fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, oervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in te kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, Irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, atop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidney will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine eo it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cennot injure; makes a delightful effervesnt lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and ths blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Roy Book with, clothier, has an in teresting ad in this issue of The Her ald. You will find h very profitable reading. tot C. A. Newberry left Saturday for Chicago, where he joined a party of western hardware men on a trip to Atlantic City. New Jersey, to attend the National cAnventlon of the hard ware dealers. The trip east from Chi cago was made by special train. Mr. Newberry conte'plates being away about ten days. MM The telephone company suffered considerable trouble over their toll lines Monday as a result of the sleet storm of Sunday evening. The lines from Sidney to North Platte and to Sterling, Colorado were particularly hard hit. Lines leading out of Alli ance escaped serious damage. A letter from Alfonso Pool to his parents here, received the laBt of the week, states that while in Nw York recently Alfonzo met Dwight Zedlk er and that he had also seen Henry Heiser and Fred Palmer recently. Dwight Ib now in a base hospital at Mineola, New York suffering a brok en ankle. !! W L. Walker, former Alliance man, in company with some men located at Chadron, are reported to have organized a new company with a capital of 100,000 which has been financed largely in Chadron, Craw ford and Hay Springs. This company plans to erect one or more small plants on lakes which Mr. Walker and his associates leased last sum mer and which were thoroughly test ed out at that time. tMsWsltkiWsTOnTltsiTfrrrTlwr'W-'Trhr 1 M 1 MMWMMMMMMsw SANTA CLAUS IS COMING! Hnve you or do you know of any one who has two or three rooms fur nished for light housekeeping that could be rented by a small family? We ask in behalf of people who have nlways enjoyed the comforts of a good home and who know how lo take care of such. Modern convenien. cee prefered, but nothing that is com fortable will be turned down. If you do Just step to your phone and call Ther Herald office and so advise us. !! Alliance Aerie No. 136. Fraternal Order Kagles, held Its annual elec tion on Thursday evening of last week. Officers elected for the ensu ing year were: Lloyd C. Thomas, worthy president; Carl Wenzel, vice president: F. W. Hicks, secretary; George Gadsby, treasure! ; Smith P. Tuttle, chaplain; Carl Breuckner, In side guard; G. II. Woods, outside guard; F. E. Holsten, trustee for one year; T. M. Lawler, trustee for three years. The Aerie is in excellent finan cial condition, having a net worth of more than any other fraternal order in the city. i.i Announcement of civil service ex-, aminations to be held in Alliance soon is made by F. W. Hicks, local secretary. The examinations will in. elude the following positions: Veter inarian, assistant observer, weather bureau, mechanician qualified as in strument maker, senior civil engineer chauffeur, assistant in cotton busi ness methods assistant physicist quli fled In microscopy, traveling auditor, lay inspector, assistant In cotton test ing, investigator in agricultural in surance. Junior sub-inspector air ser. vice, draftsmen, production expert, chemists, stenographers and type writers, gage inspectors, engineer in forest products, examiner patent of fice, farmer, teacher in Indian service blu printer. These positions are mostly for both men and women and pay good salaries. Full particulars may be Becured from Mr. Hicks at the Alliance postofftce. A dispatch from Lincoln yesterday says that the balance in the state treasury at the close of business Nov ember 30 was II, 392, 019. 43. accord ing to the monthly report of state treasurer, George Hall, as against a balance October 31 of $1517,590.1S. Five accounts were overdrawn in the amounts of $523,275.23 against three accounts the month previous for $383,715.09. TheBe accounts are the temporary university, university ac tivity, university building, state nor mal and state aid bridge the new overdrafts being in the temporary university and the university build, ing funds. The trust funds of the state in vested are now shown to be $10,- 574,527.85. For the 11 months of the year the total amount drawn for war- ants in the office of the state audi tor is shown to be $6,481,311.35, and the number drawn to be 51,109. For the corresponding period last year 50,946 warrents were drawn in the amount of $5,587,924.85., Herbert Hoover, United States Food Adlmlstrator, Is unable to out line the future policy of food distri bution to the Allies, neutrals and enemy countries, at this time, accord ing to a cablegram received by Gur don W. Wattles, Federal Food Admin istrator for Nebraska. However a definite policy will be outlined within a very short time In Mi i.. atiMine Administrator Wattles is asking his county administrators to maintain their organizations so that Nebraska wll ready to meet any oeti ft.tdj that mav he nude I If : MOTVftl . has jast bvKVts" ttles. " 1 i. conservation 'n the future will be radically different from that of the past, we are yet to prove that we enn feed the world. We j must send 20 million tons of food across the water but happily It was . be different sort of food than the I meat and wheat which we have been limited to. Freedom for transporta- tion will make possible the export of ! much food which heretofore has fesjtfj ' denied the Allies. "Nebraska must be ready, when the call Is made, to go over the tpo ns she has in every single Instance." Peace will have a three. fold mean ing if at this Christmas season your gift is a War Savings Stamp. It makes the recipient a stockholder on the biggest and heat corporation on earth. It honors the American boys who have fought so callantly and have won a victory that assures pence among the nations of the earth. It lays the foundation for comeone's future prosperity for who but those who acquire habits of thrift and ecoo OBiy are made prosperous and stronir, 'a Icppii.ler,! and self reliant? OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLO OR CATARRH t Haw To Got Relief When Head T ana nose are mnaea up. See that all or your pledges to pur shase War Savings Stamps are re deemend by the end of this month. LADIES! LOOK YOUNG, DARKEN GRAY HAIR the the Old-time Sage Tee Sulphur and Nobody will Know. Gonnt fifty I Your cold in hsad or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your bead will clear and ynu can breath freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or vadaebe;' no struggling for hreath at nigh. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply M little of this frsgrant antiseptic srssns la your nostrils. It penetrati throiiffl every air passage of the hem I, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield, like magic. Don't stay atuffed-up and miserable. Relief is sure. ...e tages of a hair is you Gray hair, however handsome, denotes advsncing a rc We all know the advaa- youtniui appearance, i our your charm, it makes or mars the fsee. When it fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Us ap pearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray ! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a 50 -cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which is merely the old time recipe im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents. Thousands of folks recommend this resdy-to-use preparation, because it dsrkens the hsir beautifully, besides no one csn possibly tell, as it darkens so nsturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with It, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gTsy hair disappears; after another application or two, its natural color is restored snd It becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and yot) appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or pre vention of dii CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS f At Christmas time, the "sweet tooth" of America calls for candy. Young and old alike favor it as a holi day token you make no mistake in choosing it. From good old fashioned taffy to the prettiest of De Luxe Holiday packages, we're prepared to meet the de mands of everybody. The Sugar Bowl Christmas Day Dinner What do you want, Children ? CANDIES! CANDIES! FROM THE ALLIANCE CANDY STORE, THE ONLY PLACE THAT MAKES GOOD CANDY IN THE CITY OF ALLIANCE We have a complete line of Xmas candies. Our prices are right. A special price for every one : 10 lbs and up J off. The name, Alliance Candy Store is your guarantee of high quality a id full weight. We guarantee all our candies to com- nlv with all national and state i'ure hood laws. We guaran tee the flavor, appearance and quality to he the hest that you can obtain for the money on the market. THE ALLIANCE CANDY STORE Phone 27 216 Box Butte Ave. MAV HOOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY The Alliance public library has re- ceved the following now books. Tommy Tinkers Book BuaiBdell. Wonder of War on Land R. Wheel er. Hindu Fairy Tule Grlswold. Adventures of Reddy Fox Burgoss. Classic Stories for the Little ones McMurry. Bunny Stories Jewett. Silver Cache of the Pawnee Lange. Dave Porter Under Fire 8trate- meyer. Donald and Dorothy Dodge. Little People Elkln. Ballads for Little Folks Cary. Quest of the Four Atsheler. Pied Piper of Hamlin Browning. Jack, th Young Cow Boy Ouinell. Frolics at Falrmount Baker. Center Rush, Rowland Barbour. Jack Among the Indians Guinell. Frolics at Fairmount Baker. Forest of Swords Atsheler. Arme's House of Dreams Montgom-! ery. Bungalow Boys Forester. Childern's Furm Book Woedon. Book of Baby Beaats Detmold. Nursery Rhymes McGregor. Story of Christopher Nestor. Story of Sinbad, the Sailor Wool rich Prince Trixe Sabin. Princess Kallisto Orcutt. NON.FICTION. Bird-Woman Glbbs. Toasters Handbook Edmund. My Four Years in Germany -Gorard ' Minstrel in France Lander. A Student in Arms Hankey. The Silvertrrill Cafe will on Christmas Day serve a special dinner such as "Mother Used to Serve." Of course there will be the Turkey, done to a brown, with dressing and plenty of good, rich brown gravy; Mashed Potatoes, Cranberries, Pumpkin Pie and oh, you will have to come and see for yourself. There's entirely too much for us to attempt to tell you now and besides it makes 'our mouths water" when we think of the many good things there will be. This is the neatest, cleanest place in the city. We serve only the BEST foods which are cook ed as they should be. It's as a real pleasure to dine here. Our service will please the most particular. The SILVER GRILL Cafe JOE C HARVEY, PROPRIETOR Safe food reserves are the only surance against food disasters. in-