The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 28, 1918, LOCAL EDITION, Image 2

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Thursday, November 28, 1918
wmmmmm m
1 and -
8Rlh infatrtry or the 19th division
whs announced several weeks ago,
is the (relief of a number of staff of
ficer here. One high officer of the
19th said Thursday he Is certain
there was only one Col. H. W.
Parker In t' e American army.
(Jone In Washington
Divisional staff officers left this
week for Washington, D. C, where
1 J. HT. Jarnagln
t'amp Dodge, Iowa, Nov. 27, 191,
Conditions at Camp Dodge give no
indication thut peace has been de
clared. All of the camp activles are they will attend the school of In
being cnried on as in days agone atructlon of the War Plans division
Fifteen hundred carpenters and work for the next twenty eight days. The
men are putting the finishing touches officers who were ordered to report
upon the newly constructed barracks. , Washington for this Instruction
Streets leading through the newly Hre Col. H. A. Ripley, chief of staff;
laid out addition to the big canton- J Col. Kdwln W. Rich, division sur
ment are being paved and there is an geon; Lieutenant Colonel E. F.
Air of permanency about the whole Graham, division ordnance officer;
situation that keeps the best poBted Lieut. Colonel M. O. Holiday, assis
men guessing. What of the future ant chief of staff; Lieut. Colonel
Will this camp be maintained as a sykea, 163rd Depot Brigade; Major
place for military training In the James J. Toy, assistant division
years to come on will these thoti- .quartermaster; Major J. A. Ladd,
sands of buildings be dismantled, division Inspector,
miles and miles of water mains and I Many Xn verted Into Citizens
sewers torn up, the paved streets of the present increment at
turned over to the farmers who owa . Camp Dodge over 6,000 have been
the land and the miles of sidetrack naturalised and converted Into A
bc abandoned? Nobody knows what , inerican cltliens. It was a suprlse to
disposition wll be made finally of the everybody connected with the camp
great camp. The new addition Is et to aote the large foreign element
yet ready for occupancy but will be that is affiliated with this newly
ao as soon as the plumers catch up formed division. Many of them had
with the carpenters. These newly to take out naturalization because
constructed buildings were to af month, and in adboys were brought
ford ahelter to e thounnnds of new j to this country when they wer9
men who were ordered to report the niore children. All nationalities are
latter part of this month, but this ' represented but more are of SweJ
order has been rescindel. Several urn origin than from any other ono
hundred men came the first of the nationality,
week In responae to orders but as I Discipline i Strict
soon as the armistice was Blgned Refusal to permit the men to vi
4hey were excused, not discharged, , 8it the city only on Saturday alter
because they had not yet been in- noons and Sundays, the requiring
ducted into the service. The past passes from all visitors and other
couple of weeks the men who occu- restrictive measures have been fol
pled the hundreds of 'ents have lowed with a strict order represffl
been transferred to barrackB and low with a strict order respecting
only a few of the men serving qua- the saluting of officers. So-called
ranline are still to be seen In that . "salute officers" have oeen station
segment. Coal Ib being shipped in by ed in organization areas a I over the
the train load and last Sunday we mcamp to Be that both officers and
saw over a hundred men unloading men properly salute and obey othei
the blnck diamonds along the rail- military regulations. The half heart
way side trucks. Something liko oa salute of former days are to be
40,000 tons of coal are now ricked things of the past t this cantonment
song the tracks and more is coming Brig. General Simmons new camp
every day. Several hundred new commander, is determined that the
from various camps have recently proper Hilary regulations be adher
arrlvcd and these are forming a ed to.
basis of special units that are requlr , Promotions and Trunfers
ed to make the 19th division com-; priv. Paul Herman VVelse, Com
plete. There are now around 37,060 pany A. 219th Field Signal Battal
men at the camp. Every department ion, has been discharged from thi
ef the service is in training and no- service and ordered to West Point,
body is admitted without a pass ex- New York for admission as cadet
cept on Saturday afternoons unll from the army in the United States
efforta of those who are trying to
do something for the afflicted, j
In the big parade during the cele
bratlon of the signing of the arm
1st Ice one of the interesting sights
was a poor fellow with one leg In
France, riding In an automobile
and using one of his crutches for
a Nag staff
The greatest parade of soldiers
ever witnessed in the state was
over the victory with Germany was
featured. Ten thousand men were
In line. It took two hours and a
half to pass a given point. Three
thousand of these soldiers were
brought from the camp to the city
In army trucks. Each truck brought
24 men. This gives some Idea of
the number of auto trucks at the
camp. The rest of the men came to
the city on tse Interurban specials.
There were fifteen bands In the pa
rade. It was the greatest event 'n
Ds Moines since the soldiers' re
union soon after the war of the
rebllllon when General Grant and
blue from a reviewing stand on the
Thg Farmers Union Co-Operative A'ssn
Wish to announce that we have leased the property formerly oc
cupied by O'Bannon Bros.
We invite you to our New Head quarters, where we can
better serve you.
An Alliance man was overheard
last week talking to his doctor as
follows: (For obvious reasons the
first part of the talk is deleted but
the later part is given.)
Frank: "Doctor, you know it pit
me in a mighty emberrasing posit
ion. I can't understand H. Link has
been doing it all summer and his
hasn't failed him once."
They were out for subscriptions
for the Associated War Societies
and landed in the Burlington shops
and roundhouse. One of the five
business men, a local Beau Brum
mel whlse fancies are reported to
often turn to the ladles oftener
than otherwise, happened to spy a
cute ittle miss in ovecalls with h
hair all dono up in the most at
tractive manner. She was just pass
ing by when he spied her and here
we will draw the curtain over the
scene, for he hasn't seen since and
the rest of the committee had to do
the soliciting.
We Sell We can now Show to ad
Coal vantage our complete Line of
Feed and Grain Farm Machinery
Apples and Potatoes Gag Enging and wind MiHg
Stock and Poultry
Remedies Corn Shellers
Will order for you oods not Doubletrees, yokes,
carried in Stock, and save you Scoop Boards,
money. Lubricating Oils and Greese.
And Don't Forget
We Ship your Live Stock for you.
Come in and Learn our Plan List for car lots
Yours for Cooperation in Buying and Selling.
F. H. WILDER, Manager
"Time to find a few more bones"
says Bull Sights, Jr. Open your
closet and shake the skeleton Just
once, my boy. It's there and we'd
hate to have to shake it for you.
i o'clock and on Sundays from 8
in the morning until .r in the even
ing. The health conditiouu contln le
Military Academy. First Lieuts.
Wallace W. Taggart and Angus D.
McKlnnon, engineers, have been re-
to improve ano no new cam-a 01 m- uvea rrom duty at this camp and
fluenza have been reported for some ordered to report for duty at Camp
days. A. A. Humphreys as students a
Airplane Delight the Men there. Capt. Bodley Hough and
Lieutenants A. W. Martenstein Capt. Stanley. A. Yergey, engineer),
and Glen W. Bailey, who have been who have reported there this week
at the aviation field at Bellvue, III., according to Instructions from the
tor some time, made a trip to Camp war department, have been assign-
Dodpe the past week. Their pres- ed to the 417th Engineers, for du-
ence here Ib to asulat in the staff of- ty.
fleers' training school. They are in-; HfnulH rMN WiUl oi.cleme
structlng in liason work. They gave 1yt Arthur wnon a .
a number of exhibition flights and 8ervlce at Camp DodRe and w,f.
on several occasions visited Fort BtyIed preachee. has been
Des Moines and made several trips found w0f of wilfully
over ie eiiy.
Ho More Overtime
One of the changes wrought by
United States Senator Howard
Sutherland of West Virginia tells a
story about a mountain youth who
visited a reeultlng office in the Sen
ator's state for the purpose of en
listing In the regular army. The ex-f
amining physician found the young
man sound as a dollar, but that he
had flat feet,
"I am sorry," said the physician,
"but I'll have to turn you down.
You've got flat feet."
The mountianeer looked sorrow
ful. "No way for me to get in, then?
ful. "No way for me to get in,
then?" he inquired.
"I guess not. With those flat feet
of yours you wouldn't be able to
march even five miles."
The youth from the mountain
studied a moment. Finally he said,
"I'll tell you why I hate this so
darned bad. You see, I walked nigh
on to 115 miles over the mountains
to get here, and gosh how I hate to
walk back!" Everybody's Magazine.
I Know the Voice
I have to see or re for the first time the works of any noted
writer of the middle ages, anything ihat pertains to Dentistry. There
could not have been the demand upon them then as in being made
Which has shown such wonderful progress in such a comparatively
short time, has been compulsory so to speak. Again
For twenty years every hour of every day, I have heard some
one say, "Why does not some one invent something to relieve pain in
a safe and easy manner?" The cry for this great necessity has dwelt
on my mind so long, that I finally solved the problem and have put
it into use. Through Sturgis & Sturgls, Attorneys, I filed for a patent
on this most wonderful method to relieve pain.
in a manner that should Immensely please. It's here for you to take
advantage of. I will gladly show you.
For Out-of-Town Patrons
Appointments Made to
Best Suit Their Conveni
the commands of his superior offi-
er by a general court martial and
sentenced to twentv Nm vonm
the signing of the armistice Is the in lue dJsetpUnary barracks at Fort
dispensing with oveitime, and Sun
day work by the force of carpenters.
Eight hours now is all the men are
Leavenworth Kan. According to the
charges to which Wilson pleaded
guilty, he refused to heln nrpna-p
allowed to work and this cuts into hl8 own food take off a dirty 8nlt
the wekly pay roll very materially. when told t d s by Lieut. E. H Til-
Durlng the summer and fall carpes- tn or to help other lliembera of tn
ters have been making as high as lMiOfl objectors clean up the bar-
$10 to $12 per day. That Is how t racka a8 dlrec,ed by the orficer. The
happens that the contractors for reviewing authority disaproved that
the new barracks found no trouble art of the oentence decreeing dls-
In getting plently of workmen while vlc bllt aDDrnVMt th
city contractors fund It next t Impos year8. confinement at hard labor
sible to get help.
School at Camp Dodge
and the forfeiture of all allowance
due or to become due. Pvt. Charles
y Cripples la The Olty
Soldiers in khaki, moving about
oa cratches or with canes, one arm
off or perhaps both In slings, the
Diina, tne lame and the halt a.
ft -V 1 . l - . l ' : -
m ,wr uiouiwr. oi lue vr- stanek. a member of the second in-
lous intelligence sections of Camp tlimtTr MBt(MIoed to one year
Dodge organisations in the new dir- t ubor ,n the disciplinary
talon has been started. This work barracks for leaving his post while
la considered of high Importance M guard before being properly re-
and more than a score of commie- t,u case also was disapproved.
siuneu utiicers nave oeen returaea
from overseas to take up the work
tn the lew division.
. Twins Pass Examination
John and Joseph Steely, twin
brothers from Waterloo, aged 41 , C.-.-.0- ..-htj, umom thA -f n.
years, successfully passed an examln bm Moines these days. They are
ation for admission to the edioal of lhe contingent brought
department. The men are both phar- fro overseas for treatment at the
macists and are anxious even aew to , Meiaes. Some of C e most pitable oo
render what assistance they can. Ow are the fellows who were
lag to their ages they enlisted under gassed. In many cases this will lead
a special call. Troops from Alaska ta permlnant blindness. Under
a special call. wklCB ,akea tne pUce , - ,
Troops from Alaska Get ethe Ha these seriously crippled men are
The 14 th Infantry of regulars sap UUed to do and theM BO,
posed they were proof against a- gter gtlon are receiving food and
fluenza after the frigid weather clothing. Some of the difficulties n
they had endurer for several fears u-ring to teach men to believersu
in far away Alaska, but such was trying to teach men to be self sup
not the case. Several of the red- porting are based upon this fact,
ment were stricken and 24 ef them p-o, instanc a man with an arm
dledi gone, provided with a fairly good
Died in France atoathly stipend from his insurance,
That the Col. H. W. Parker re- Is not caring very much whether he
ported killed in action overseas 8ep learas a trade that can be followed
tember 29th Is the Colonel Parker with one arm. Some of the careless
whose assignment to command the aad indolent discourage greatly the
A certain stage manager, noted
for his ambitious demands In regard
to scenery and stage effects, yet who
was equallysatisfied with the most
meagre povislon, Bald one mornipg
to the lesseee of wooden booth in a
smal town: "In the first act I shall
require a regiment of soldiers on the
right, a posBe of policemen on the
left, and a crowd of pessants on the
bridge n the center. Now, how many
supers have you?" "Two sir." To
which he composedly replied:
"That will do beautifully."
Lady Victor Paget, who has been
doing much to aid the wounded In
France tells an amusing story of an
enthusiastic nurse who In past days
had been aa equally enthusiastic
suffragette. At a base hospital she
was bandging the arm of a stalwart
Tommy who had been mangled by a
bit of German shell. "Do you knew."
she said presently, "your faee seems
strangely famllllar to me. I've been
I trying to remember where we met be
fore." "Well nurse," replied the
wounded man, "perhaps we'd better
let bygones ne bygones, i usea 10 e
a police constable."
Lieutenant-General Sir Francis
Lloyd of English tells a story which
concerns a very small recruit. The
sergeant's big Yorkshire recruit
The sergeant's temper was fierce,
and he possessed a ready and rasp
ing tongue. "Now then Private ,
Tibbe," he bawled to the tall York- j
shlreman, "old yer 'ead up. There
slnt no qulbs lying about on this 'ere
parade ground." "Shall I always have
to look up sergeant?" asked the
country lad "Always!" was the fierce
reply, then goodby sergeant, for 1,
shan't never see the no more." San
Francisco Argonaut.
Reliable mechanical attention to your Ford
means more service from your car and less
cost in its operation. Let us take care of
your car. We have the mechanics who know
how and use only the genuine Ford materials
and only ask the fixed, standard, Ford fac
tory prices. As you value the use of your
Ford see that it is kept mechanically right
Successors to Keeler-Coursey Co.
Have you LANP FOU SM,F,
Advertise It In these columns. It's
i .. i licnpeiit nnd quickest v ay to
And i huvcr.
Just received: A big line of lunch
eon sets, napkins, and centerpieces
in all slses. I have the most com
plete line of fancy ktmonaa iu tli
city. Call and see them. Mrs: It.
Simmons. 49tf979
Counter Question.
She "How do I know you are not
nnrrylng ine for my money?" He
'If it comes to that, how do I know
'ou are not marrying me to reform
neT" Boston Transcript
Destruction Wrought by Rats.
DeatnKttve rats in Britain ur atl
Sated ( have destroyed food valued
about two hoadred million dollars,
r aOOOt live dolluiV worth of food
er head of the population.