THE ALLIANCE HERALD Thursday, November 14, 191 8 THE ALLIANCE HERALD IXOYP c. rnoMAs. Mtm CLTM K. MBMTR, ity Kdltor JOHN W. THOMAS, I Ax HI. k tkllfor mo o. in N r Mh. THE HERALD PUBLI8HIN0 COMPANY, Owner-(Incorporated) Remember that even though thin war should end within a few weeka, we should stand in great need of a fund of more than the $170, 000,000, because this work, unlike that of many other agencies, will have to be continued throughout the entire period of demobilization, nod this no doubt will take some time after peace has been declared. We feel sure that Nebraska will do her part in this campagn the same as has been done with other campaigns, and trust that the state's iiota nf three million will be raised during the period of November 11 to 1H, inclusive. Minn Dollle Whtte visited with klin car. ft it-mis in Denver over Sunday, re turning home Tuesday. F. A. Bald left laat week for Cen tral City, Neb., on a business trip, Mr. Bald will drive back with a Fran- Mr and Mr3. Davis nre moving In to rooms over Harper's department store this week. Tbey are moving here from Iowa. Mr. Davis is em ployed by the Burlington. Charter No. If SI Kntfrwl nl the pot offlrr nt Alliance. Nfbraaka. for traninillin through Mi. inntlM an MCOnd las inntfr. Published every Thursday. p v U i. I s H i: i M v H it v 1 H D R D A 1 Subscription Price, $1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advance Every subnorlptlnn I" regarded M an open account. The name of sub scriber will he Instantly removed from our mailing list at expliniion of time -paid for. If puhllshers shall he notified: otherwise the suhserlptlon will remain in fun i- Ml the designated suhm-i Ipl Ion price. Kvery suhscrlher must under stand Ihnt these mnilitlnnx are made n part of the contract hetween puhllsher nd suhscrlber. CI I In I lt-NII't Of Old II lolls Of ALLIANCENATIONALBANK iCatarrh tor Twentyfgars UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN This campaign is for funds for the support of all agencieN doinn social, educational, and welfare work for soldiers and sailors at home and overseas. t'ArtiripatJnK Organization Young Men's Christian Association $100,000,000 Young Women's Christian Association 1(5,000,000 National Catholic War Council 30,000.000 , Jewish Welfare Board 3.500,000 War Camp Community Service 15,000,000 r American Library Association 3.500,000 Salvation Army j 3,500,000 $170;500.000 At Alliance In the State Nebraska, at the close of business on Nov. Loans and discounts Overdrafts unsecured I' S Bond dep. sited to secure circulation (par value) i t. Bond to toetiro r. s. depoeltft (par value) 1' S Ilfindp and certificate of Indebtedness plcd oil to ni uit- postal savings deposits (par value) U. S. Bonds and certificates of indebtedness own ed and unpledged Premium on 1 S. Bonds Stork of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) Value of banking house owned and unincumbered Lawful reserve with Federal Keserve Hank .... Cash in vault and net amounts due from nattoaal banbs Net amounts due from other banks, bankers, and tret companies other than including in Itema 13. 14, or 15 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 17) Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from IJ. S. Treasurer War Savings Certificates and Thrif-i Stamps actually owned 1. 1918. $486, 4M. 23 6,820.57 50,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 1,250.04) 31.149.02 66,323.28 5.171.15 34,183.82 2,505.00 264.17 79,250.00 3,000.00 20,000.00 PERUNA Mrs. M. S. Davis, 1607 10th Ave., N. Nashville, Term., writes: "After been a constnnt aufferar fi "ii catarrh for mow thaa twenty ." and after try inn Hlino.-t ev-ry rcmeM miver tlseil, aril having lost all hope, 1 v. t v reluctantly I" wn the usu of Parana about years ao. pir rybodf says ". younKrr mn than I did tv. t years ao. unit I actually reel younger and hetler, and welsh more. ' ani recomiM. uilltiK It to- my neigh bors and i ll with whom I come in contact." Sold Everywhere MADE J ME Wt " WELL I.lqntd or Tablet Form Total Liabilities Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits .. .f Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid . Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to National banks Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies (other than included in Items 31 or 32) 12,735.48 9,575.97 This campaign w to raise money to sustain ami enlarge the -war work activities of the seven agencies now at work. Nebraska's quota was originally $2,000,000 of the above $170,- iuinann ,i... I i ,.. .... ......... ...... ...... : 1 i... JY"" ,"nn,u m "uwa "" ' 1 3f Individual deposits subject to check 264,722.54 the first of November ; as a matter of fact, this number has been dou- certificates of deposit due in less than 30 davs bled. It was also thought that the total number of American soldiers! (other than for money borrowed) on both sides of the Atlantic by next summer would not exceed three I Cashier's checks outstanding million men, whereas our military leaders arc now preparing for an ' l,"J0.',,118 f de,'8it (other than for money American army, before the end of next summer, of between four and post'Ii sav ink's deposits . . ............. five million men. Now take your pencil ami figure we must not stop ; other time deposits nt tin tun million niiii-L- lint iiniut mil tliw .iiwitn ''(ti-oe tin. T.n. '' Ki i i 11 ,.., IT a .lonnnllii Ineloilinir HannaiK f IT a mm . ...v Mill '., ' . V V..... '-m . m 1.1IV 1V1I 1 . 1 ms . mj. w,.uu..u, . ..... u u... R 4 va? . . u. hj. a1 least a fifty per cent increase, that any antl all emergencies may be dtrtMirilng officers 10,693.34 met promptly and effectively. That the public may be relieved from the burden of an untiect s oary number of campaigns for patriotic funds, the United Kiati-s gov ernment, through the War and Navy Department commissions on Training Camp Actvities, has advised this joint campaign, to be par ticipated in by the seven oiganizatious above named, A earn naiim of this sort should make a greater appeal to the public antl to the orirnn- roa.n i.ntitiiis themselves than could possibly be obtained by independent ! Corrert-Atteat: approaci) of any one of these organizations. ! f. m. Knislit F 139,596 44 735,100.24 50,000.00 50,000.00 3,159.51 50,000.00 47.28 2,447.58 86,275.95 27,517.56 168,089.92 3,107.74 19,038.92 581.940.73 Total , 735,100.24 State of Nebraska, County of Box butte. ss: I. F. W. Harris, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tin above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. W. Harris Cashier . . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of November, 1918. ii. S. Harpraves Notary Public. FALL Footwear For the entire Family. You'll be delighted when you see our new ar rivals in Fall Footwear delighted at the snappy, new shapes and the high quality of the leather. The whole general appearance of these Shoes is so far above anything we ever thought we would be able to show you this fall, that we want you to see them. Dr. A. Reed Cushion Soles for Tin1 d, Aching Feet. The Alliance Shoe Store K. Holsten R. K. Knight Directors. FRIDAY, Nov. 15 Imperial Theatre SATURDAY, Nov. 16 ' -1 h9 WW itywsw 'Wm w$ Program FRIDAY, NOV. 15TH The Giersdorf Com pany Great Musical Show and a Bluebird Photoplay "THE DECIDING KISS" SATURDAY NOV. 16 Giersdorf Great Mus ical Show and a Metro Picture "THE SILENT WOMAN" SUNDAY, NOV. 17 A Wm. Fox Picture "THE CAILLAUX CASE" in 7 reels The great interna tional intrigue that rocked all four quar ters of the globe. And the Ever-Popular Mutt & Jeff Comedy The Giersdorf Band Concert Company. The Greatest Musical Show De Luxe