THB ALLIANCE HERALD Thursday, November 7, 191 16 It's Our Patriotic Duty to SAVE , VULCANIZING Jj Means ECONOMY bt us help you save money for Liberty Bonds. Our experts combine satisfaction and economy. IV. sto-Lite BatterieR in stock. Service on all makes of batteries. SCHAFER BROS. Phone 63 ' 116 East 3rd Hotel Fontenelle OMAHA Built By Nebrask ans For Nebraskans make THE FONTENELLE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN OMAHA. UNFAILING COURTESY aWO SERVICE SEEM TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE 330 RQOMS-33Q BATHS B ATK I ONB PBBSOIf . . . It .00 M 1 see "TH I TWO FBBSOItS . . ii .00 I t oo m JKvuf nttiti H. EdjBBS G fit fit' i ATLAS REDWOOD TANKS Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other material, and cost less, money. Those tanks will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATLS TANK MFG. COMPANY Fred Boisen, Manager 1102 WO W BUILDING. OMAHA, NEBRASKA TWO DAYS' PAY IS TOUR SHARE FOR WAR WORK FUND """ " ii i i fffrmi"TtfTmmrmirfnrmHMH mtm Comfort for "Our Ooys" in the Mili tary Service Fumiihid by Allied Organisations. 'Seven Big Drives in One" During the Week of Novtmber 1L1S. Vou art asked in give two daya' pay to i lit l nited War work fund during the wocii of Xuvmbr 11-18. Heretofore, esch of the seven Inde pendent unr work org! nidation rep resented in this campaign put on Ita particular drive whenever additional mone.v was necessary. Yot. contribut ed, nn doubt, lu ea h. President Wilson im now nked thai Hii'vf ergaBlaitloni unite to ri their funds and pro rate the total ac cording li Mi. needs of each. "This united drive," n nntionHl of ficer explained, "mearts Ihnt you. and every other loyal American. must give more I his I line limn vou have ever given before. Bol In doing this vou will lime given Bo more In the end than If you -lioultj contribute a smnll er sum to each of ibe seven different drives which otherwise vvoubl be made. And you will sve the enor mous wogk uiul heavy expense of COB. ducting seven driven, "To raise the iUnta under the i. nit ed plnn, it litis been found Hint two days' ptiy for nil of us will suffice, Two dins' pay- wages, salary, total Income or whatever it tuny be In your ease- wlH mean that the boys fighting your battle, offering their, lives for you. will have the little comforts r tint Veep up their fighting spirit. It will mean more than that; It vlll meOB that the War will be brought more quickly to fheonly enil that can i nne a victorious pence. "To your little bit here and the hoy will do the rest over there." WELDING Of All Kinds Wfl have an expert Welder, one who ha had years of c pertBBl and oiieipientl can handle the most ditlii tilt work, tilve us a trial all work guaranteed. VK M A K K A SPI-X IAI1 Y OF DIFFICULT WORK OVERTON GARAGE PHOX R 24 FU For 32 vran we have uiithnl ..r hli pm. Ptfioul f ravin, a; and pymj what ,ut end ii. wiMfi you mvatj vo supplMa " T. J. BBOWN t I B ( V. Je erea-a BelMlaf. kauillt), Brown I SEVEN DRIVES IN ONE NOVEMBER 11-18 Tear Share Twe Day' fmj. Always Ready to Serve You TAGG BROS. MOORHEAD Union Stock Yards, Omaha PERSONNEL A. W. TACi. Steer Salesman BIIJ.IF. LYN'AM, Cow Salesman PRKD TFOOT, Calf Salesman BF.RT ANDERSON, Hk Salesman COMCI Wn.KERSON, Sheep Salesman KLLIS 3. WRIOHT, Feed Buyer H. Wi JOHNSON, ( ashler W. B. TA, Manager We have been sell ing Sand Hill and Range Cattle 23 YEARS At this market all that time giving serv ice that satisfies. NEBRASKA GIRLS PAINT BUILDING FOR WAR WORK FUND. Miss Bemice Branson of ltiverslde Kami, nenr Lincoln, who contributed score of her interesting sketches to Hie Nebraska 1'niversity "I'nm- husker." hits reproduced m most at tractive poster on the Women's Bulld- ing. United War Work Campaign, which Is on the iWiiiglaa county court house grounds. The rouni Nebraska artist de veloped a splendid portraynl of the greiit work being done by women to win the war and make It poaslbft for men to do their great Dart, Her post er Is three by five feet. .MNs Helen KagtBtaB, I young Oinaha B rt 1st, reproduced her beauti ful W;:r Work CkmnalgB poster on the other side of the htiMtltnii while Miss Bran boh was painting hers. War I ii nil Orlir. Nov. 1 1 -IS. How War Work Money Is Divided. The financial hnrvest to be gar tiered in behalf of United States sol diers by the United Wur Work CBSfe palgn November I1H8 vvill bedlvided g foltOWa: The ToQng Men's Cliris- tltm Asaoaiotlfta win reeelva :$y' V. roung women' ChriatlnA Aaaoetatloa';. Natioiuil Catholic War Coun cil (Kniglits of Calamhua) 17.00, ,lcvili Welfare Board -0"irr. War Camp Community Bervlea fi.80, I American Library Aaaodatloa, '.."';. Balvatlon Army 2AM6. Thla l the itnta each hits gaked for. The seven great organisation! 1 amalgamating for the United War Work campaign tre working spien dldlv together, racial, religious ind 'aectlOBal feeling be'ng prnclically Ob" Jlteratad. In Omaha, for example. It la reported that a I'nlhollc priest se cured a contribution of a dollar from a Chinaman for Hie benefit of the Jewish Welfare Board. All the organisations of the United War Work campaign, ever ulnce the war started, have extended practical heln to soldlera. at home and overseas. without thought of race, nation or reed. limniimiitiim mtm iiinmium i fftniff HH'-MMII II lllllllf I T. W. Farris ; R'. F. Marcy J R. W. Hanley I ill Farris, Marcy Company 'n MIBJlHsBIIP' , r " SEVEN DRIVES IN ONE NOVEMBER 11-18 Ibii IBBBI ' r. Live Stock Commission a 1 10-1 12 Exchange Building J OMAHA, NEBRASKA Successful and Efficient in the Handling of Range Cattle