y Is The Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds. OUT v OFF FOURTH ERYTHING GOES , Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Underwear, Sweaters, Bedding, Blankets, and j our big piece goods lines. tNG THE BUSINESS i Price In The Store ughlySJ iginai SALE from :f the for a SALE. Is for rived. ou. It would be difficult to describe all the money-saving opportunities af forded the people of this section at this sale. Many of these things in the staple lines have been bought for several months and the prices then were considerably lower than they are now. We are selling staple goods at 27c a yard that are costing 35c wholesale today. Your reduction will be made from the original selling price not the present wholesale prices. Get this thought firmly fixed in your mind and come to the store Wednes day morning prepared to take away some of the most wonderful values you l ever saw. rne prices quoted are casn, we can not deviate from this rule. None of the goods damaged in the recent flood of the store are included in this sale, we have moved out every damaged article, tf In every department you will find evidence of the careful study we have given the war-time needs. Especially in the apparel section are the offerings .particularly notable thorooughly in keeping with conservation and preservation of style. It is well for the discriminating shopper to visit these seasonable showings now where a e:reat many winter wants can be supplied. 1f Early shopping and practical giving can be combined in your Christ- nas purchases if you take advantage of this big sale while it is at its height Don't delay come early. r tBi iff St v If Mt. The More You Buy The More You Save i And AH Must Go. flOLLRING of Quality" OWING TO THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES AND THE FACT THAT WE ARE QUITTING BUSI NESS NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN Locals News Marcus Frankle returned from Chi cago the flrat of the week, where he attended the National Clothiers' As sociation which Waa held In that cltjr. fie reporta a successful meeting. Wi J. Overton, of the Overton gar age, drove to Antioch Wednesday.. Mr. Rlloy, of Sidney, a representa tive of the J. 8. Davis Auto Co., of Nort.i J'latte and distributor of Nash cars in this district nccompanled Mr. Overton, Mr. Glenn Miller is reported on the alck list this week. .1 W Hood, of Chadron, candidate for the state senate, was In town Monday. ft. I. Klllo-lt, President of Chadron State Normal, sends word that the Normal will not be open until Mon day, October 28th. Now Is the time to buy your furni ture at a big saving. See T. J. Thompson's ad! elsewhere in The Herald. Chas. Walters, who has been sta tioned at Fort Riley, Kansas, came up the first of the week for a short visit with friends in Alliance Howard Lotsplech went to the ranch Tuesday to spend the next week or two. Wanted Three or four furnished rooms. Phone 340. Ruth Lemons left last week for her home at Belmont, during the quarantine. H. V. Campbell returned Sunday morning from a short visit In the eastern part of the stole. J. L. Nlcolal and family expect to leave Thursday for Denver where they intend to make their home this winter. Miss I'hylliB Rush in spending the winter with ler father, who is work ing at the carpenter business here. E. C. Drake and family autoed to Scottsbluff last Sunday. Howard Bennett is spending a few days with his parents while school If closed at Lincoln. Miss Wlma Mote is with the Flu. reported 111 T T X X Y I X X X X X X f X x X X X 1 i X x X ? ? ? Y Y Y 1 Big closing out furniture sale starting Saturdr.y, Oct. 12. See ad la The Herald. A few of the High school boys have spent their vacation in picking pota toes for the farmers who were short of help. Wanted Furnished rooms for housekeeping: Phone Herald office. . o School will be cloaed again next week. Martha D. Isom. an elderly lady of Mullen, Nebraska, died In this lty Tuesday. The cause of her death was given as pneumonia. Just received a complete line of adiera Luncheon Sets in all B1 Napkins, handkerchtefKi.,',':s and see them. Box Butte. Mrs. Sunn.. 46-lt-. Big furniture sale at 123 Box Butte, starting Saturday. See ad In Tie Herald. Natural Handicap. All of tn get to talk all we want to, ut few ire nMe to say all they want o. Kxrhamro. Uncle Eben. "Some men," Mild I'nde Eben. "wor ries so much ubout numV dat It seems almost a favor to give em a little reg ular trouble. ' Joke cn Editor. A well-known author, says i New York pnragraphcr, submitted an ar ticle on Zolu to n magazine editor. The editor rejected it on the recommenda tJon of one of his assistants, who said It wits tiMi petal IllllUg. He wrote to the author "If you have something else let i. it- have It." The uuthor cut the article into two parts, one he titled !ToUtoy.M The other "Bullae." In stead of the work of Zolu he substi tutod the work of Tolstoy uud Balzac I i ditot accepted both articles. Many Have Felt the Same Way. Nothing is to he said In commenda tion of the snirlt of the man who re cently advertistil in a Londou new spa Ier : "Lnud, sei inl hand gramophone, wanted for reprisals." Many people, however, not only in London but lu nmiiy other towns the world over, are only too familiar with the clrcum stances which provoked this vengeful and mistaken determination. Such cir cumstances certainly constitute one of the things which will need to be "a to" sooner or later.