IV 4 M f J Chicago Spud Market SMgt! m Declined Last Week IX 2 MlnnouiinliB tta tn rtnto no form pnirii. c hftl t-n in vogue In j A Minnesota and Wisconsin In making quotations on potatoes with refer core to the war lax on the freight i charges. Boats dftajjarl liave faitad t lellvMil prices without any r.'fir j nre to war taxes; other have taken theitrui Into CoaeMeratlOl in maklne l liv ii-,l prices; ami others have , JL considered it the duty or tie con FiKnet1 or punhaaer to -take care of this Itfiu. In order that the r:itif-e may b uniform. It was unanlmnnaty agreed, at a meeting of the Northern Potato Traffic Association, last Friday, to adopt the system of nuikinn all quo tation at delivered prices, exclusive of war taxes, hcuinning October IB, 1918. Dariai recent years, the dealers of Minnesota and Wisconsin have been confronted with many Incidental charges in the potato business Some of the more prominent Items have l" n the rental charges for use of re frigerator or insulated cars, costs of car linings, heater car service, re consignlng. etc. Thene charge hare been -taken care of by shippers and hrve not been Included In the deliv ered prices. The war taxes on freight charges were intended, it would ap pear, as a tax on the commoditr transported, to be distributed among the consumers of the food and was not created as a tax additional to those now being paid by the shipper. Dealer Is Forced to Take Hpuds Chicago W. Stewart Brown, who Mandled the, case for the shipper Fives the .'oliowing account of U disposition of a car of potatoes re cently: "acob Chevlin of Chicago, 111., and Youngatown, ()., purchased a caT of potatoes from J. F. Carpenter, of Hugo, Mln., and requested draft to be drawn on Shapiro, Berkovltr,, Rt covltx & Stamalates of Chicago, III., for $616.60. "The draft in due course reached th. First National Bank of Chicago and Ja( oh Chevlin sued oir: a writ of attachment in the Municipal Court, making the First National Bank gar i. ipl.ee and attached the bill of lad ing. J. F. Carpenter, of Rag, Minn., the shipper, upon learning that the Order Notify consignee had refused) to accept the shipment, wired the bank to release the draft and divert the car, but tht bnk advised the shipper that this could not be done by virtue of the attachment. The bank hereupon took t ie matter up with the local Food Administration, and Jacob Chevlin waa called in be fore the Food Administration. In the meantime the Food Administration suggested, after hearing from Jacob Chevlin that the shipper reduce his dft which h declined to do. "J. F. Carpenter came to Chicr.go in person and testified before Judge Jareekl, saying that Jacob Chevlin had given lim a check for $200. in lieu of one he had iven Chevlin for $100 with the understanding that if the $200 check waa paid that the $100 check was then to be cashed, but the check for $200 was returned "Not Sufficient Funds." and the orig inal contract to purchase a car of White potatoes was off. "Thereafter Jacob Cievltn bought a car of red potatoes and made good his deposit of $100. When the car arrived Jacob Chevlin rejected the same, claiming that he had ordered a rar of white potatoes, and that the shipper had forwarded htm a car of red potatoes. The shipper contra dicted this statement and claimed it waa true he sold him a car of wilte potatoes originally, and upon learn ing that the check that the buyer had given as part payment was no good, the buyer then came to Hugo, Minn., and bought another car after Inspection, and that he had no right to hold up this bill of lading. Judge Jarecki decided the case in favor of J. F. Carpenter, the slipper, and the car was immediately released and the purchaser was forced to take the car op the original agreement." The Best Value On The Market Today t 1 J t t 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 Y t 1 1 ? t t ? ? ? T t t t t t . Fish BatK A name to which Is attached wealth of the romance and reputation of traveler and writer is that of Lady Logard, In the British empire honors list. She v::s Mls Flora Shaw in for iner days, and of her travels there are nmny h amorOUS Incidents to tell. Once, for instance, on arriving at an up oiintry town in South Africa, the peo ple wished immediately to do her honor But Miss Shaw asked that she iniL'hl first be allowed to have a wash. She had to wait a little time before J X water was brought to bar, and then V the lish thai she whs to have for din . ner had already been cooked in it! r ? T 1 t t 1 Danger in Tainted Mouth. Bleeding of the teeth, pyorrhea. In volves a debilitating gradual loss of Mood, and the flow of pus Into the mouth, small though it be, is manifest ly neither healthful nor pleasant. Med ical science gives a tainted mouth as much cause for rheumatism, anemia, neuritis, ulcers of the stomach, acute kidney diseases, diabetes, heart trou ble, deformed Joints, Irritability and general nervous exhaustion, and even pMutonia game are found In Infect- BBbHsKs aBsflkB HhhBBBMBI I BBsV IbBbHoBH I V M I BSSsflH HBBBsssas sbSbbR sbbbbbIbbj KflflSB BBA fisBBEH IB bbBLbB HbbHS W sl HnflB I BhHBbbT bW Sll SHBBl BBBBsffl BBkBM BBBBBBBBol BBBa 1 JBBBBB BBMBBBBJ BBBBBBM BUT BBBw JBBl BBr atSBBBBBBJ BBBE BS BS BBBBBBJSBB iLBBBBBBBBgh? BBBBBBBBBBBB Lsfl W --JV M LJ IX ef ONi Coats, Suits, Millinery, all pint f We Are Shooting Down Every H Owing to the repeated losses occasioned by faulty plumbing it has be come necessary for us to vacate our present quarters and as there is no available place in the city we are forced to sacrifice our Big Stock of the world's best merchandise. We have bought in advance for future needs, knowing that the prices were going up and present wholesale prices, in many cases double that we paid, prove the wisdom of our foresight. It is impossible to replace many of the things we are now offering on special sale. It would be impossi ble to make such slashing reductions if we were to continue in business because we would be compelled to pay present prices to replace the goods. Because we are quiting we have no concern over replacing them and therefore we make these special prices. Six months from now you will be unable to get goods of similar qual ity at ANY PRICE. The government has taken over the entire wool crop of the country you can readily appreciate what that means. When pres ent stocks are sold you will take goods made by government regulation. Shoes will be made in three styles with very few styles to select from. Supply your needs now and be prepared for the future. In buying from this mammoth stock of goods ath one-fourth reduction price we want you to thoougnl understand that the reduction is based on the origins purchase price NOT PRESENT WHOLESAU PRICES. This means a distinct saving to you of f ror THIRTY to FIFTY PER CENT before you take off th additional 25 per cent of the sale price. Just stop for I moment and consider this saving and you will neea n further inducement to buy NOW AND AT THIS SALE We have had our money invested in these goods fo some months, although most of them have just arrivec You get the advantage of our early investmeuli iiihUHi chance in the market without additional cost to you. This Sale is for Cash Only. The Stock, Fixtures EXTRA SALESLADIES WANTED AT THE MOLLRING STORE DURING THE BIG CLOSING OUT SALE GEO. A. M "The Store o