The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 17, 1918, Local Edition, Image 6

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Do's nnl IHnt'Li a OtVUM Hit by
ptflMM at V:i
Ice Boxes on Wheels
Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice
boxes traveling on wheels.
Most people in America would have to go
without fresh meat, or would have to pay
more for what they could get, if it were not
for these traveling ice boxes.
Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the
packing industry, saw the need of these
traveling ice boxes before others.
He asked the railroads to build them. The
railroads refused. They were equipped, and
preferred to haul cattle rather than dressed beef.
So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars
himself. The first one was a box car rigged
up to hold ice. Now there are 7,000 Swift
refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice
box as you have in your home.
Day and night, fair weather and foul,
through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go
rolling up and down the country, keeping meat
just right, on its way to you.
Thus another phase of Swift & Company's
activities has grown to meet a need no one
else could or would supply, in way that
matched Swift & Company ideas of being
When you see one of these Swift & Company
cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be
reminded of what is being done for you as the
fruit of experience and a desire to serve.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
SSftt Lend the Wav
rT They Fight
IMTi i ill 1
I1 Mt a m
r Buy Liberty Bonds
Delay and confusion me canned by
the inaccuracy and Ineligibility of .!'
many letter trnt come dally Into the
Bureau of War Kink 'nsurance. I'rof.
Sarka Hrokova, Chairman of tie
Women's Committee, Council of Nat
tonal Defense Nebraska Division, has
been asked by the Treasury Depart
ment to transmit to the women of
Nebraska Information as to thin
that should and should not be done
by those who find it necessnry to
write to Washington concerning
soldiers' allotments and allowances.
The following set of 'Do's and
Don'ts" compiled by t'ie Bureau of
War Hlsk Insurance, Is sent to the
State divisions of the W(. men's t'om
mittee: To
1. Write legibly
2. Date voir.- letters.
3 State your case in as few as pos
sible. Short, clear statements Will en-
utria us m handle vour letter with
least possible delay.
4 Be careful to give conect illot
ment and army serial number wlwn
refe ring to application of enlisted
men. When UBinp serial number pre
fix tie letter "S" to the right cf your
5. Give his first, middle ; nd lart
name, rank, date or f'.rst enlistment,
orginzation in which first enlistment,
and when possible, address of enlist
ed man.
6 End letter with your that, mid
dle and last name, address city and
7. Notify your postmaster and the
chanpe in your p.ddrees. In doing this
always give former address with the
new address clearly deslgnrted.
8. WrKe the Bureau If any person
in your family dies who wri getting
allotment or ellowance.
9. Answer promptly any cominul
catlon requiring reply that is sent
you by the Bureau. When pddressed
envelope Is enclosed tho Bureau ex
pects you to use this for your reply.
This will r.ssure more prompt attent
ion. 10. Bead crefully all circulars or
letters of instructions sent you by
the government. These instruct tens
are prepared with purpose; s lould
not be disregarded.
1. Don't write in pencil.
9 rvm't writs on both sides of
the paper.
3. Don't use check number in re
ferrlng to application. 3
4. Don't write in reference to pre
vlous correspondence, Without stat
ine the case again.
5. Don't write letters of thanks to
the Bureau of War Bisk Insurance
We will assume that you have re
cieved checks and information unless
we hear from you U) the contrary.
6. Don't write the Bureau concern
ing allotments and allowances BO
til the enlisted man has been in tin
service at least sixty days. D requires
RED Grown Gasoline in the
tank defies cold. When you
open the throttle the car springs
ta life when you want speed
it's there.
Every drop of Red Grown does
its bit every gallon is packed
with utmost power and mileage.
It vaporizes at low temperatures,
burns cleanly, and doesn't clog
the carburetor.
Red Grown Gasoline is the same every
where straight-distilled and all gas. Look
for the Red Crown Sign. It's your guide
to full engine power.
I is a cold-proof lubricant
lClPin6j that keeps cylinders clean
and compression tight.
C chown 2 i
POLARINE is as warm
hearted in zero weather
as in hot. Its lubricating
qualities are the same the
year round. Zero temper
at ure doesn't make Polar
ine congeal in the crank
case nor clog in feed pipes.
It burns up cleanly depos
its little carbon in cylinders.
Polarine is produced under
pressure at zero tempera
ture. That's why its lubri
city is unaffected by Jack
Frost's hardest efforts.
Look for the sign.
gn Red Crown Gasoline is the
clean, uniform energetic motor
fuel in cold weather. t
in many cases t.ns amount of II" e
for all oieratlons to be completed.
7. Bea't writs the allotment and
Allowance Section in regurd to ad-
Iresses of enlisted men. Tins ques-
tion can le answered only through
the office of the Adjutant General of
the War Department and the Bureau) VJ
of Navigation of Ihe Navy Depart-1
(Political Advertlseeaeat.)
Von Should Vote f
(iood for the Stat'
because lie it; ..ii A reri'
believes In stnnd'up by PV
and our udmlniriaiion am.
everything we can ! win
send to the sen ate hi the
has don etbinfs in the. pa '
has shown deep I atari It in
ii' unity in which lie l.
'ins taken deep iii art I
aehoois, ha baUeva in uuv
taachara and bat or school)
reaper,, and In has been
worker In the e urch. Fie
connected wuh ilia Y., M. t
, for tre last 20 years, not -sated
in the Chfdron Y. If,
has been on the state bad
years, he has helped to buiu
raise the money for almost every Y.
If, ' A. in the state; has spent fctfl
i L
8. Don't feel alarmed of the in
UraBaa certificate is not mailed you
at once. I ho insurance is ertective
as soon as application is accepted
nd premium paid. If the government
... .....mnlnd ft... . . . I . ! i . i ' I . . I I .lit!
uon .iMrinci , .. kin! Tl
vnrified the rifchts Of the enlisted . . . ..
man lo take out this IttSUraACOi lue
premium win he mailed in due time.
I. Don't feel alarmed If the check I
issued by the War Hisk Insurance
Bureau is smaller than foiuierljr
The full amount of previous allot1
ment 01 allowance may be obtained
If the enli ted men will make new
an additional application through
the War 01 Navy Department.
10. Don't expect family allowance
unless you know thai the enlisted
man has allotted the required amount
from his pay to receive this nd!ition
nl government allowance. The tllot
ment ix c nmnulRorv onlv as to wife
and Children For relatives the allot-' time and his money and paid his own
ment is voluntary The allowance is railroad expenses to help tins grand ;
a ,.niv r.n n nrii ten t inn hv the oiKanlzation which is taking such a
I . . i m - ... . i
knlhttwt ninn greai pan in caruin mm uui hujo, bwi ,
oniy in i ie camps in uns roimiry oui
Speaking of po' if.. the industry wherever they are ocated In any
will brim ttPVardi of 5.000,'JO to ; couniry, and we are sure every fath
Nebraeks during 118 all mR fer and every mother Is gual to know
from raw material that four years i that an organization of this kind is
aEo was not onlv worthless but ' taking so much Interest In their boys
deemed a great nuisan e. The w ck-
lv nay row of the votash plants of i
Win n they are away from home.
Mr. (iood has alwios taken a keen
a month.
Nebraska doubtless exceeds $1 2r.. 000 . interest in farming and stock raising
and when the government offered
j any county $1200.00 if they would
raise a similar amount for placing a
county agent in their county, Mr.
(rood was one of the first men to put
in his time and money to secure an
agent and, in fact, put in more time
and oney than any other an in his
county. He las not only been Inter
ested In his own county and commun
ity urging better farming and better
stock raising but has been Interested
also in the surrounding counties.
When Box Butte county wanted a
Most foil.. forpt that the kidneys, j farm agent, Mr. Pugsley of the ex
ilke the boweU, get sluggish and clogged ; tension department of State Ann ul
sad need Htniuing occasionally, else we I (Urai Farm asked Mr. Good to find
hfve bscfcache and dull misery in the i f Box But( county and , f.
""""J """T?-.. 1 ' - ! hi,i it n,l Rr,v TlnttP rnnn-tv can
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like u.d
or Bladder bothers yon- Meat
forma uric acid
matic twinges, torpid liver, acid utomboh,
leeptoeeneea aud all aorta of bladder dis
You simrdy must keep your kidneyc
active snd cleau, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
raitirtn r..i - I. . 'f ! , -in. . tif . t .1.1
Salu 'from any good drug store here, has proven one of the very best of
take a tatdeapoonful in a glasa oj water agents in me srrte.
did it and Box
give Mr. Good credit for placing their
first agent in their county as he
recommended Mr. Fred Seidell to the
extension department of IJncoln for
the agent of Box Butte eouniy and he
uefore breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act flue. This
.liitioua salt U made from the acid of
.-rapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and is harmless to fluah clogged
Jllaajl and stimulate them to normal
activity, it abo neutralises the acids
a the uriue so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad HulU id hanuleiu; inexpensive
makes a ddliglitfid effervescent lithia-
water driuk which everybody should take
When Sheridan county wanted to
nit a farm acent in their county Mr.
Qood w;ts called upon to help secure
hi m i nt, also o organise the county.
Id' spent from two to tiree weeks In
the county making public speeches
at Hay Springs, Rushvllle .nrt Oor
ilnn talking up the advantages that
would come to the county tbrcuch
their agent. He gave Sheridan coun-
RepobUcam CaodWIate for Ra-Blee
Bv voice and vote has given his un
qualified support t oevery wmt meas
ure and urges vigorous, speedy
prosecution of the war until the
enemy is forced to an unconditional
bolieve that anyone v ;o baa taken
so much interest in hi; f. 1 county
andl udjoining counttei in the pst
through public spirit i:; the man to
send to the state c nate for 'he '.'Mir
llstrict as we are sure that Mr. Uood
Is a man who will look cut for our
Interest if sent there
He is a farmer aud a good one. He
iti a big stockman and has had 25
years successful business experience.
A word to the stockmen. One of Mr.
Gcod's greatest desires is to fix the
lav so that all railroads running Into
Omaha give the stockman be
transportation so that taey are not
put off at midnight or some other
hour of the night one to one and a
half miles away from the stockyards,
as every stockman knows that they
have to walk from a mile to a mile
and a half to get to the stock yards.
He would like to see the railroad
companies compelled to take their
stin k nit n to the slock yardB the same
as a passenger Iran lakes you to tbe
Union de pot in Omaha.
We sre sun you will not make any
mistake by voting for Mr Good in
November for etatt si nalor, 28th dis
trict. 46-2t-822
now and tlien to keep their kidneys clean, iy his time and paid his own ex-
thua avoiding serious complication. p. nses What he has done for his
A wall-kuora loeal druggist says he eOUty. Box Butte county ana
sella lots of Jad baits to folks who btbove " . . .,, , . Z1
in overcoming kuiaoy trouble while it Sheridan county he will do for any
only trouble other county In the district and we
Nebraski. tei-chers nhould have
copies of "Nebraska Facta" in their
possession. This handsomely illus
trated booklet contains a wealth of
Information about Nebraska, and Iff
really a cood text book for school
use. It would be impossible for the
Bureau of Publicity to Bupply eacb
teacher with a eopy, but one copy
to each teacher applicant wll be
supplied as long as there are any
booklets left Address, "Bureau of
Publicity Lincoln. Nebraska."