THE ALLIANCE HERALD, OCTOBER 3, 1918 9 1 X i 1 x i i x X t X x X 1 X "OVER THE TOP" LIVE STOCK MEN ALL PATRIOTIC Record-breaking receipts. No limit to demand or X X to the facilities and ability of BOWLES LIVE STOCK COM. GO. to handle all kinds of Cattle, Sheep and Lambs. Not overcrowded; skilled men everywhere. Send for and read "BOWLES special advices." C. A. MALLORY, Omaha Manager. CHICAGO OMAHA KANSAS CITY t X ? X X 1 x X ? ? ? X Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? f X ? ? X ? ? i ? ? ? ? Y z ? 1 ? ? Y ? x t f M'KELVIE UP ANAINST ANORHER LITTLt FACT I HINtJ MORlB MISKK1MIKHKNTA TION IN H1H CANVAHS FOR FARM von-; lot Hay Mate llonrri Forbids Sale by Manfacturer of Hern in to Farmers. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimitimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii umnniiiiinmm BOWLE S LIVE STOCK MARKET INFORMATION 4. ! in (.HOICK KTFKIIS HKiH Klt OTHKKS STKADY TO mtoiraai "WW SilH'K IS TH H liOWKST Morn Arc Still on the IKiwii lintdc Sheep and l.aitihs Halt. by C. A. MALLORV, Mgr. UOWLKS LIVE STOCK tOMMIS MISSION COMPANY onmhu. Nebraska. Union .Stockyards, ()m:iha, Oct. 3. After last week's record receipts of rattle, it was only natural for the "fun" to let up a little, and as the demand is very bro;wl and strong the trade reacted and price:; are closing fully as good as any time last week on most grades. The common to fair cattle of all weights, ages and kinds are selling at big discounts, and our readers must these things into consideration when purchasing or when shipping. Under the latest order from the Food Administration, the packers will continue to be heavy buyers of all kinds of steers that will dress 575 ' and upwards. In ot ier words; any steers fat enough for beef that will . weigh 1000 pounds and upwards are the lind which find the most com petition. The trade does not seem to care much for -the heavy coarse kinds of beef unless they can buy them at a bout the same pricf: as the ligher weights. We rather expect the Food Adminr istration to soon publisa their Octo ber beef prices, and unless they are higher than in September we look for a decline in the high priced cat-tie, especially cattle that have been sell ing in any market above 16 cents. The supply of "she" stock contin ues large by comparison, and prices are going at a much greater discount not able to handle- this stuff as fast as H ajrives. hence the lower prices. ThcrV is a good demand for calves and yearlings of good quality of all breeds, and we think this claas. to gether with good to choice feeders, will sell well throughout the reason, and as stated several times lately, we would not be surpprised to see the general run of fat graBs beeves sell I hig.ier before the season is over. From our lutes-t advice we believe the receipts will continue heavy for at least six weeks as all railroads re port every available car ordered, and i good ii any on the waiting list, if this should prove to be correct it i would not be surprising to see some ' weak spots and some further decline 1 during the time, btrt the demand is I very good and we do not look for any ! thing like a severe or permanent break on the good stuff during the see ion. The shortage of roughness and snortage and high prices of hay is having a rather weaking effect on m, k cattle, but t rie corn market has ; declined considerably, and will pro ' bably decline we believe the usual a mount of s:ock will be fed. i We sold some 960 lb Colorado yearlings that had been fed some corn by J. L. Slack of Holyoke, Colo. He deserves a good deal of credit for having such nice cattle. He was , naturally well pleased with the price we obtained for them. We still get a good supply of Ne braska, Wyoming, South Dakota and Idaho cattle, bat as we are in shape to give them prompt and personal at tention we have no difficulty in sat isfying the people. Hog trade is very weak and even with light receipts,, prices are again on decline. We would not be sur- Llneofh, Neb., Sept. 30 Since 8. R. McKellle's campaign Issue on state taxes was shot to pieces by the official record showing what demo cratic efficlals have done In the last four years, the republican candidate for governor is now resorting to an other kind of misrepresentation in his canvass for votes. His latest charges is that the live stock sanitary board and the state veterinarian's office have forbidden the manufac turers of hog cholera serum to Bell their product directly to t ie farm ers so as to compel the latter to buy I serum of veterinarians and pay a ' higher price for it. The official records disclose that Mir, Mckelvle has gone astray as badly as he did In the matter of tax burdens. State Veterinarian J. S. A tide? son has repeatedly advised those who inquired of his depart ment about this matter that there is nothing in the live stock regula tions to prevent serum manfacturers and dealers selling to the farm ers and the farmers applying It themselves where they do not wish to employ a veterinian. He has further pointed out that the law per mits one farmer to assist another in administering the serum liar Against Serum. In his speech at Sidney Mr. Mc Kelvie made the statment t.iat the Btate veterinarian's office had for bidden the serum companies to sell to farmers, the effect being to give local veterinarians a monopoly. The same charge had previously been repeated in Mr. McKelvie's farm paper, accompanied by a re production of a letter from a serum company at Denver (which is outside of the jurisdiction of the Nebraska state veterinarian), refusing to sell to A. H. Grove of Alliance aid giv ing as his reason that the state vet erinarian had ordered it to sell to no one but veterinarians. It now develops that the company had been refusing to sell to farmers and had passed the buck along. As soon as I le matter was agitat ed, the following letter was written by the assistant state veterinarian to the Denver firm: "Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 23 Dr. J. D. I Thrower. Denver Hog Ranch com pany. Denver, Colo.. Dear Doctor: , At a meeting of farmers in Omaha recently a letter was presented from I your firm wherein stated that you -N had received a letter from the state I veterinarian in Nebraska requesting 3S you not to or Prohibiting you to sell anti-hog cholera scrum and virus to any licensed are graduated ver erinarians in Nebraska. "We would like tosk vou to send us a copy of the letter as soon as S possible. Yours very truly, Hmfwyphrdluta IIAKKY MINI Another Request, i No came to this letter and the following letter was then writ ten by the State Veterinarian Ander son to the head of the Denver firm, dated September 27.: "Not having reeeive j renlv to our letter of tie 23d instant, beg to Next Sunday is Rally day at the M. I ask again if you or the Denver Hoc K. Sunday School. Special music is Ranch company ever received a let prepared and a good attendance is ter on any advice from the state vet desired. Come and bring a friend. j erinarian or live s'oek saniftirv "-i i hnsirrt of VehrnnUa r tho ,,tta preaching services you were not nernMtted to sll umwm , When a Body i$ Ailing Whenever there in disease or suffering in some part of the hotly, Chiropractic has demonstrated that it is due to the pressure of spinal hones on the nerves lhat should feed those affected organs. Invariahly when this pressure is relieved hy Chiropractic Adjustments, the trouhle vanishes and healthy conditions are restored. That is why, if you go to a Chiropractor to he relieved of severe headaches or other trouhles, he adjusts that part of the spine where certain nerves are pressed (or squeezed by the movable bones of the spine). He adjusts the bones back to normal position, thus removing the pressure. Nature's heal ing forces are set free to build up and strengthen the weak ened or diseased parts. Experience has shown that there is hardly a case of disease or ailment that has not been benefited by Chiropractic. Adjustments of the spine. The Chiropractor knows just what part of the spine to adjust for the different troubles. It's all a part of his science and his training. is never followed by adverse results. Certainly it has never done anyone any harm, but it has done thousands an im measurable amount of good. If you are ailing, no doubt the trouble lies in your spine. Try Chiropractic and prove its merits. Pit juiiaa (Srsfaim rJJdfifirey GRADUATE PALMER SCHOOL WILSON BLOCK PHONE 865 llltmiltllHIHtHIIIHtimm iiiiiniininmimiiinnniiiniiiiiiniminmmnttnt HE COULDN'T WORK I enjoy my work. I have enough ! faith in Tanlac to tell my friends that if they take it and don't get results ! I'll pay for it myself, and I don't be lieve I would lose either. It certain ly is the medicine for me.." Talac is sold in (pick up usual ending.) "Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E. Holsten, in Hemlngford by H. R. Olds Drug Co., and In Hoffland by Mallery Grocery Co." The Churches Church of brlst Let's make the Kaiser swallow it. Then we must keep tae "home fires burning." Sermon Subjects "The World's (treat Need," and "A Good man who was mistaken." Evening Services begin one-half boui earlier now. , Chriv ian Endeavor rt 6:30 Prea ching at 7:30. Come to the Churcr with a raess SgC anil a welcome. Stephen J. Epler, MIni-ter There will be at the M. E. Caurch by the new Pas tor next evening. Sunday both morning and TIME TO ACT Dm1 Wait for the Fatal Stagew of Kidnc) Illness. Profit Ily Alliance People's RxHr1eiice. or virus to the farmers or lavmen. but to sell -to veterinarians only. A prompt reply would greatly oblige." The following communication was receivd to Dr. Anderson's inquiry: Denver. Colo . Sent ?fi Tlr .1 S Anderson, state veterinarian. IJn colin. Neb., Dear Doctor: Replying to your letter of September 27, I beg to say that your let-tec of the 3d in stant was answered in detail on the 26th. but to add will say that I or the Denver Hoe Ranch comnanv nev er received advice from you or vnur Occasional attacks of backache, lr- n-LMilar iirinnti duzyspells are frequent symptoms of I bra,rt WP Drohibi,pd or neglect these ills. The attacks may "There raiy be other medicines ml good as Tanlac for troubles like I have paid put hundreds of dollars trying to gat relief," declared C. D. Hut.hes. n BiUwright, 'living at 241 Halock Strt, Portland, Oref-on re cently. 1 "I have suffered from stomach trouble for fifteen years," continued Mr. Hughes, and hrd fallen off from one hundre'. and sixty-three to one hundred and twenty-one losing forty-two pounds. For the pf.s eit'ht months, that is unti I bepen takir. Tanlac, my stomach had been in sue h a bad fix that I couldn't eat any t ling but What would make me mis erable. Starting in the pit of my stom ach -the pain would run clean through to my back and 1 got to where I was actually to eat, it caused me so much trouble. I had no appetite and the very sight of food would rag me it times. My boct and nides pained me most all the ;ime and my kidneys bothered me constantly, I had terrible head achs, and was bo nervious that I would walk the floor nig it after night, unable to get any rest. I have lost at least four monthB time from work in the past twelve and waa forced to give up two good jobs on account of my health, I finally be came despondent and worried a great deal about my condition. "I know H's putting it pretty strong, but it's the truth, when say two bottles of Tanlac have done j me more real good than all the other - r J medicines I have taken put together . tOf SatlSiaCtlOIl ailli I have picked up thirteen pounds of .my lost weight already and am 'ee'" I X70 HfllVf tVi I ing just like a brand new man. My i VV C VlCllVCl i IK appetite is so good I believe I could ! eat every two hours and my stom-1 PfOOClS. ac i don't bother me any more. My j : headaches are gone, so has the pain from my back and sides and my kid--nevs don't bother me at all. I simply ! sleep like a baby, have more energy i than I have had in years, and really Phone 7 1 illlt'S Bldg. Tire . and Battery Repairing We use the very best system in our tire repairing and 11 we guarantee both battery and tire 1 1 work. You pay C. A. DOW pass of for a time but generally re turn with greater intensity. Don't de lay a minute. Begin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and keep up their use until the desired results are obtain- prisea to see another downturn be- ed. Good work in Alliance proves fore the month is out. Bulk selling: the effActivenetia nf thi. wun.v ...... pi.ui n i w ii' . now from $18.60 to 19 on The receiptB of Bheep and lambs continue large, but the demand is good and prices, after showing a further decline, have reacted and re covering to about steady with last week. Good to choice rat lambs, 15.50 to 16 50. and good to choice feeding lambs 14.00 to 15 50: feeding ewes 6.50 to 8.00; fat ewes 8.00 to 9.00 i Do not fail to write to the Bowles Live Stock Com. Co.. at South Oma- than usual, although the strictly fat ha any time your paper fails to reach cowe and heifers of weight are sell-! you on time, or whenever you need ing remarkably well. Stock cows and special or otaer information regard thin "she" stock of all kinds, unless ing live stock matters as they make of good quality, are selling at a- a specialty of keeping well posted boat the lowest prices of the season, and are always glad -to give our read M ell markets are heavily supplied ers concervative and valuable lnfor with that class, and the canners are i mation as well as service. remedy. Mrs. Taomas Ackerman, 621 W. Second St., Alliance, says: I know Doan's Kidney Pills are a wonderful medicine, as they have always re lived any kidney disorders I have had Wien my kidneys have been dull, heavy pain across my back that seemed to pull me down. At night I couldn't rest because of the steady aching and during the day I would reel tired and worn out. My kidneys acted irregularly, too. Doan's Kidney Fills have been the means of releav- ing all this trouble, so I am glad to recommend them." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simple ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pill's the same that Mrs. Ackerman had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfg., Buffalo, N. Y. vised not to sell serum or virus to farmers or laymen. Yours truly. "By J. I). THHOWFR." The letter sent from Denver on September 26, isb since been re- cieved, and it also states very ex- plicity that "we have never received any such letter from the state vet erinarian of Nebraska, nor have we written a letter in which we stated we bad received a letter to that ef fect." " - to I ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINTER EXCURSION FARES TO CALIFORNIA: Tourist fares, generally at 90 percent of the regular fan-.s, will he effective coniniencinB; Octoher 1st, nine months return limit. Miss Thelma Fitiatrick returned stopovers i iuoute, with additional amounts covering the coast tour via Portland. TO THE SOUTH: ' You can visit many Southern camps, cities and resorta, on e duced tourist fares to Florida, Texas and the Southeast. These winter tours heconie effective Octoher 1st, with final limit June 1st. 1919, at approximately 90 percent of the regular fares.- hi due time complete tariffs will he received and we shall he in a position to quote exact fares. We will be pleased to serve you 8. H. COLE Ticket Agent, -WAKELEY' 0eneral Passenger Agent 1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska Tuesday morning from a weeks visit with relatives and friends in Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska. Mr e. s. Chamberlain of Luther. Oklahoma, came last week to spend the winter with his daugater, Mrs. A. J. Cole. mi Ladies hats at a reasonable price at the Alliance Hotel Annex Friday and Saturday only. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pryor are the proud parents of a baby girl born October first.