THH MJ.IANCK IlKRALD, HBPTKMBBR 26, 1918. I flJpn 1 THE ARMY and THE NAVY Communications will be answered promptly. Interest ins; news each week. GROWN PRINCE WRITES TO PA llrrc i n hitherto I npubiMi. i lafe, (or Kiom tttfl i.iiiiiui fOWH Prime His Dad Kntsor WMIh.ll-in: On tli.' IJun. Somewhere August 3 times. in Franco. u .ir Pal : i am initial on the run, hh (he brave and glorious soldiers under my romm md hav-s not in n the thine for bo long thr.t they have started hark that way, and of courBe J amolnr: with dem. Oh P, o'er has wen some offel tings happened here id Franro. Flrat, I started my bla of tensive whirh was to crush de fool Amrrlr ni, but dey know so little about mllitr.ry tootles dat dey will no be crushed just like I wnnt 'em. I tent my men In dor fight In big war t and ven dey gr t to de Americans ly all said "Boo) ) as loud as trey onlfl holler. Veil, according to vat yUi have I Iwnys told me Americans . u 1 11 have turned and run like bin jsoe. But vat you think? Dem fool Americans don)t know anything a about war and Instead of running the odder way, dey come right to ward us. Some of dem vas singing pome thing about we want come back till its over over there r-r some foolish song, and some of dem ver laffing like fools. Dey f-re so Ignorant. But doy are offel reckless mlt der guns and ven dey come toward us It ves den dat my men took a not'cti dey wanted to Ho back to de dear old Khtne. Ve don't like de little old dirty Marne River anyhow. And Oh, Pa. dem Americans use such offel language. Dey know nothing of kultur and say such offel things rlKht before us. And they talk blas phemy, too. Vat you think dey say righl in front of my face" One big tiiiviv i i Mimr pmce ivy ran braska i.u said Oh Para. I B'-t toj till vat t offel ting h" uaid To' lill. mlt der Kaiser" I Dlrl )OU PYfr tiear any'hfng so offel? I didnr link anybody would sny such i offel tn. I ii made ik so mad I wouldnu s tand and hear such i. offel ting, ao I turn ed round and run mlt de odder boys. Vas I right? Vat? And Oh, Papa, ve are- golnn de odder way now and breastidates re Bent us Can you send us some J 1ft put on our backs? Breastplates I 1 J "Bear" In Mind m Banishes thirst. Puts vigor into di gestion. Non-intoxicating. A remarkable soft drink with the good taste of hops. Absolutely pure. At grocers', at druggists', in fact, at all places where good drinks are sold. are no good for de cowardly Amer icans are shoting us right In der back Some of our boys tok of der breaat-j plates and put 'em behind, but derj fol Americans are playing "Der Star I Spangle Banner" mit machine guns) on dem plates. Cant you help us? I You remember in your spech you aid de brave German roldiers Oh1 Pap.- I don't believe dese Ignorant J Americans efer read your speech, for lcy run after us Just like ve vas! a lot of rabbits. Vot you tlnk of dat? 1 Can't you send dem some of your . speii-hes right avay? Dey don't know' bow teriblo ve are. Can't you move ; my army back in Belgium vere ve j on all our glory 7 brave men can! vip all der vlinnu-n and cliildred vot ; dem Bel (tans can trial up. But disc Americans are rough and ignorant ; MMl Forty Untied Profit Sharing tMipoiw 'L coupon. On 0-l,'MTUU.t!on 20) are packed In every rata Kxehangvable for valuable premiums.. Lr'.MT Manufacturers ST. LOUIS EVERETT COOK Distributor Alliance, Nebraska DR titi KCT TEA FOR A BAD COLD I i 0111 LUckSBS of llauiliuig li-.i. ur us t!ie German folks 'Hamburger Kraut 'I bMw at anv Brea( rail it. pbanuacy, talis tuMi-spoonful of the we can't rnak em understood dot ve nre de greaten soldiers on eath and and ven try to sing "Dulchland ubor AJIes ae) luff like a lot of monkeys, j ' put a cap id boiling wuter upon Brit ve are geting de best of de I'""1 t iirou-li a nieve aud drink a An.. , v.. ,... .1 UUp full at .my tune during the Papa. If ve are not de best on eartk j lurs an de best run en ve link of der dear old Rhine da or before retiring, It is IIMHITS; 1. u:iv 1 1 1 lir.vuL- 11 tAA and an: my army Baftor did t ink so much of that dear old river. Let me know risht avay quick vat to do hv return I pohtofflce. f- Crown prince Wilie. u. OLD WE BUY FALSE TEETH the moat cure gi i;1. St it OpetM the pores of the skin, relievhig coi'ift inn. AUo loosens the bowel-, thus driving a OoU fro the system. Try it the nt tune vu suffer from a eolil or the grip. It i inexpensive: and entirely e;-. t al.le, therefore sat and liiirmh FARM ANIMALS RATIONS FOR FARM ANIMALS Mora Effective Uee of By products of Cropa Offera Opportunity for Meat Production. Wo pay from $2.00 to $r,.Q0 per net t broken or net). Wo ; 1 pay actual value for Diamonds, old Qold, Silver and Bridge-viork Send at nre by pi real poat and roealvc eabh by return M Q MAZEB'S IHMITH SI'Kt IAI.TY DepC X, 2M7 so. Mh St, I'hilndel- pbla, 1 v LUMBAGO TOUT Trepan! by the ttnlted States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The misuse of the by-products of farm crops Is causing American farm ers to lose millions of dollars annu ally. Nothing offers greater opportu nity for Increased nnd more econom ical production of fnrm meats nnd dairy products than by the more ef fective use of such products. To bring our funning operations up to the high est possilde state of edit lency, all farm by-products must be used In an economical nranner. Nearly all man agers of the great Industries of this rountry have learned that by-products constitute u very lurge source of their Income and nhout all the profits. Farming Is the greatest Industry in this country to-day, but farm by-products have received very little atten tion from the average farmer. Now, however, conditions are such as to urge the conservation of every avail able farm resource and every Amer ican farmer roust make a study of conditions existing on his own farm with the idea of utilizing such prod ucts as are now being wasted. It Is estimated that the totnl amount pf corn stovr and straws burned, plowed under, allowed to rot In stacks, pnd wasted In other ways Is worth Over flOO.OOO.eoo. This is an appalling loss, and If these feedstuffs were psen In the feeding of cuttle, sheep, and horses It would result In greatly In creased profits to Individual farmers as well as tend to Increase the supply of ment and dairy products. The burning of straw, even though the ashes leave a small quantity of additional mineral matter in the soil, results In an almost total loss. It is practiced most largely In the west, mainly because of custom rather than Inability to purchase, feed, or market meat-producing nnimnls. The people there hove come to believe that straw Is of no value because in that section It hns never been used for anything. In some of the western states a cam paign has beeu made by the colleges of agriculture and Institute workers to get farmers to use a portion of their waste straw for spreading over their grain fields. It Is needless to s-iy that bnrnlng the stover Is a great waste, although It seems to offer a quick and easy LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Heavy Run of MH; BeoI Steers Sietdy HOGS SELL 1(M5 CENTS OFF Top $20.00 Bulk $19.0019 30 Rec ord Run of 67,000 Sheep. Fat Lambs Quarter Lower. Feeders Slow and 2550c Lower. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THfc xiyty ",:..Fun tZXmSfT MmSlWl: FXTRAYA6ANZA CtMi, Claaai En'urlnamant tar,bodi 6o; JUk to. LADIES DIME MATINEE DAILY DON'T ao HOME SAYING 1 DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY Rub Pain aud Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest St. Jacobs Oil Wlit-n your bash i sore and lame I or lnuiliao. tM'iatica of 1 lauuiatiam has ! v.u atillenc! up, tlun't suffer! Get a f ') cent liottle of oM. lament 'St. Jacob Uir at any uni.' Mure, pour a liitte in rani hand and rul it right into the I'Uiu or ache, and by the time von count ttftv. the Min-iirn and hiine- i..- ia gone. Don't tav crippled! rl his soothing neii et rating oil needs to be ued onlv :icv. It takea t lie ache and pain right .it of voiir back and euda the nisen it magical, yet absolutely haruilen and dtM'sn t burn the skin. 'Nothing clue atops lumbago, actatica md lauie back miaery so promptly! Herd of Good Quality Hereford. method of deahlBg the Bjfonod pro pamtovji to plowing. This syitem iJ, n-o t lai-gely praetleod where t!ie corr Is snapped, or husked. In the field, leaving the tdnlks standing. Another greut waste that can well be stopped Is thu fullure to utilize the larsjsj area of grass along our roads, lam s, nnd fenca rows. Sheep would utilize this waste and remove one ol the greatest breeding places of Injn rlQUS farm Insect s. The lower leaver of the corn plant, w hi It usually go t Hiisif, as well us the cut-over grain and hay fields, ulso -offer couslderiihl feed to farm flocks. Practical experience as well as ex perimental work has taught ihat straw nnd stover can lie used ery econom ically In the rations of almost all klnde of live stock. These roughages urc and should be used in the fnttenir;.: rations of all farm animuls except hogs, und should comioss the larger part of all wintering or keeping ra tions for cuttle, sheep, and hOTSea Bre"dlng herds of beef cnttle ir dry iuiry tows egsj be auecessfully kept n rations composed largely of these materials. I'loclss of breeding ewes .1o well with such feeds v hen peine ,,-raln Is nddel. Hor.s s doing very il'ht or DS) sork BOSSl Itttisi grain if liven a plentiful allowance or clean, Drlght simw or stover. I'mM- certain condit!.ms, of com. e, grain should le added to the ration, but no it should be conserved as largely usp .ible for human consovtptVan, Union stock Yards, South Omaha, Sept. 24. With a run of 17,.'X) bead of cattle or 100 cars on hand, trading Opened up slow nnd drnggy with pack era buying few beef steers Steady on the early rounds to Mil urgent orders and paying lR2oe lower juices on the medium to commoner kinds of westerns. Quality ns n whole was poor. Quotations on cnttle: CtnMee to prime beeves, ll7.AO019.Ut); good to choice beeves, lift (Kl 17.J." ; fair to good beeves. $13.r0 15.7.1; common to fair beeves, 18.00; gbod to Choice yearlings, $lfi.00 IS.00 ; fnir to good yearlings, fl2.00OtS.90; common to fair yearlings, ..'( ig 1 1.00 ; good to choice heifers. $P.". 1J.IK) ; to choice cows, .$0.00011.50; fnlr to good cows. $7.7.")R.75; cutlers, $7.n0g)7.,25 ; ennners. 4U6Jw80 veal calves, $.00 13.00; bologns JjuIIs, $7.0o7.75 ; beat hulls, $8.001..ri0 ; choice to prime feeders. 18J5lSMt good to choice feeders. $10.50i:j.00; fair to good feeders. $0.0010.'2.r; good to ChOtOS blockers, $10.0011.00; fair to good Mockers, MkWtM0i common to fair grades, $u.(K)7.50; stock helfrs. $7.00 fJfS.PO; stock cows, $0.007..0; stock calves. $7.00 11. 00; choice to prime steers. $1 n.00 1 7.25 : fair to good grrtss beeves. $12.0O 14.50 ; COtnnMMI t. fair beeves. $0,00411.25; .Mexican beeves. $0.90 1,1. 00. The run of hogs was light estimated t 8.700 head and while shippers bought s few hogs nt prices a little higher than Saturday, bulk of the viles were 1 0 SP 1 r - lower on packer 1 unf and trading a tittle strongs en the clotte. Bulk of- sales ranged from HtS.00910.80 wltk- tops at $20.00, Sheep reeeipts broke all records at this market for any one day. early es timates calling for 07.000 head. Ity as n whole did not Include many choice feeder lambs. Trading was slow and around Vic lower on the fat la tabs, and there was nothim: doing In the way of a feeders lamb tiade. Quotations on sheep and lambs: I ambs, (food to choice, $ 16 75 17.00 j In mho, fair to good. $1 4.00 10.7.1 : lambs, .-nils. $10(KiH.O0; lambs, feeders, good to choice, $15 00 10.OU ; lan.hs. feeders, fair to good, $12.00 15.00; lambs, culls nnd onts. $10.00 12.00: yearlings, good to choice. $12.50 1.S 0O: yearlings, fair to good. $12.00 12. 50; yearlings, choice, light fe.d iiiff. $12,541 12.75 ; yearlings. fair, good, feeding. $12.00 12.50; ewes feeder, $8.00a.00 ; ewes, breeders, good chobe. $15.tH)1S.INt; ewes, 3reelers fair to g.n.d. $IO.(Ni15 00; tvetliers. fat HO.75fJ12.00; wetb.'is. feeders. $117512 25: ewes, gooit to rhoice, $! .25 l ! .75 ; ewes fnir In grand, .0Oi.2.' ; ew es. -n. iaT.oO. mm t rj LUidJLPi Pistol and Revolt cr Cartridges for Shoot &.7j?-t ,'OR rirrme Jrfence. for Kunt.'ni or for tartf; ikoo'. ':-Y: ,- tr.i Vint! of JL cartridges the pinto r e- peri dem ir.J i :. i champions depend on to win the Remington uML Red Dall "brand. Knowing that a (ingle "unaccountable" wild toot nay coi Kim the match, one misfire in a hundred liot throw him out of Lis winning "form." the target champion chuoaes Remington UMC Cartridges. He Inert r r ki.iee ha InolfLt duwa tae i'.tt ol Km first pirtol. he Ki founa Rem.ugton UMC Cartridges all rrAc. The ol J cattleman who "pacVerl a aix-ahooter t.'U f was ItptiAtA" an! still delight in "smoking up a thieving coyote when he g-.-ti a chanre aavs. ' C.ivc roe Remington UMC 'Red Bail' brand cartn Jgca every time they shoot rSjSt 1 Sold ly S farting GooJt Dealers m Your Community Du REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO.. Inc. Largttt Mtufmcturtrt e fFtrtjg rm$ a nd Ammunition in tkt WwM WOOL WORTH BLDG. NEW YORK E)oq soaiKfet? t?L?ouci UITGULJIJ UUGJeJGJCSJlJS i when travel ing, attending a Theatre or some Social Function, or if Shopping. don't forget to have DR. MILES' -Anti - PAIN PILLS with you. They are in valuable for Headache and all other Pains. SB Deaes, 25 Cant. IF FIRST BOX 18 NOT SATIS FACTORY, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. J BRING DESIRED RELIEF. "I havvgt used Dr. Miles' Antl-PSIn Pills for some time and And them an Invaluable remedy for headache. I have always taken great pleasure In recommending them to u-r frlendsy being confident that they will brine the desired relief. I am never without them and use them for all attacks of pain, knowing that they will not disappoint me." MRS. W. H. BENSON. West Haven. ConnT IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE DELICATE OR FRAIL wmder-uze or underuoeight remember Scott's Emulsion ia nature's grandeat growing. food; it strcmrthen3 their bones. makes healthy blood and pro motes sturdy growth. Scott at Bowne, Bloomfttkl, W. J. Hotel Fontenelle O 7VY h Built By Nebraskans For Nebraskans make THE FONTENELLE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN OMAHA. UNFAILING COURTESY and SERVICE SEEM TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE 330 ROOMS-330 BATHS DATSC I ONB PERSON . Ms I AO Two PERSONS 12.00 M 4.0 ss.os is. oo Mnpement H. BgjgjSJ Gregory INCREASED NUMBER OF SOWS Select Thrifty, Broad-Cheated Animals, Leaving Out Pinch-Bellied Ones for Market To liir gust (fat iiuinlifr of brood sows hy selection from last fall's lit ter, SSat should choose the thrifty, brottrl-,liestod sows and leave out the nurrow - lu sted, pinch bellied ones to b irenred for veuleut . a market for a con.. MMTtttiirtTtilli All Kinds of HAYING MACHINERY Including the famous Loosbrock Stacker and the celebrated Bain Wagons De Laval Cream Separators Farm Trucks Gas Engines Dayton Airless Tires Lubricating Auto Oils and Greases The Farmers' Union Alliance, Nebraska sjsssjssijsssjpsjgsj