A ... i .aw am .. i v ' an . i 9 Classified. 1 AOS Herald's Want Ad Page .lohn Uster. Chun Coupons. 1". W. i Slmnklin. Robert Broylea, all of Al llnnre. Nebraska T. J. O'KKBFK. Register. rtS-7:-914-9514 WANTED WANT T lHJY KomrthinK? Hun dred of nple Weekly Stan thea wnnt ad rolumtij looklnir for what ou or oIIicik have ic nITer lirl qillck result by l -1 1 tn The Rl Hid Want Ad depart ment . 01RL WANTED for ecu n I lioune work. Small family. Wood wages. Phone 173. a7-tr -3434 A'ANTKD A lady with OM child would like to got employment at i cooking nnrl housework on a farm or ranch. For Information please call Fhone Walnut 8162 or address Box 29. Alliance, Nebr. 9782-tf-84 dtst) let. ( room, completely ID odori Ii "ti . Ijlt from post (vffice, price low, ean mis. One fi room, nfodorn except furnace, throe (docks from post of f ice ; price low, eay tomuii furniture if d oat rod, Uoyd C. ThOQiai, Alliance, Neb. 43-tf-9rno. rOR BALE A nice Confectionery, Fine location doing good business. A tine bargain for one Who wants to buy a p.yinii business. (Hvnci onlod to war Write or see s P, JaCkSOl All i anCO, Candy BtOfO, Alliance N'elir 42-tf-!ir,:.r, WANTED TO RENT Furnished room at once. Address The Her ald office or phone 340. WANTED Painter to bid 'on paint tag and stenciling 8 tank cars; also ) uylng a 210 foot smoke btack. Pot ash Reduction company, Hcffland. Nebraska. 40-11-9492 Wanted 2 5 copies of the Alliance Herald of September 12th. Five cents each will be paid for copies of this issue brought to The Herald office. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED We have had a large number of calls within the past few days for fur nished rooms. Make that room or aulte of rooms bring you in an income by renting to responsible people. Phone 340, Alliance Herald office, Want Ad Department. WASTED I MM Kl 1 A T Kl j Y A 4 OKA410OM COTTAUI':. AIHltK8M THE HKK 1,1, or PHONE H40. FOR sale Rotate oak Heating Stove, same itm new Phone or call 111 East Third 4 2-2t-9 r. r 4 . FOR SALE One good, 490 model, Cheverolct touring car; good con dition; cheap. 4 09 Sweetwater after 6 o'clock. 43-21-9625$ FORJRENT FOR RENT Furnished rQoms. 224 West Third, two 2-room suites. FOR RENT One large sleepinp room furnished, largo enough for two beds; has outside door. Oentle' men preferred. 504 Sweetwater or phono 1024. lO-tf9494 LOST OR FOUND LOST - Child's dark green velvet coat, trimmed in fur, sometime Saturday; li;st seen near Empress rooming house. Finder return to Fuller's cafe and receive reward. 41-tf-9570 WANTED Three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Must be modern. No children. Fall at j Urennan's drug store. Phone 87. 44-2t-9486 WANT TO BUY 1,000 to 1,200 tonB of rmy with the privilege of feeding cattle on th eplace. Address Ed J. O. Dea, Kearney, Nebr. 41-t-9571 IjOST- Saturday night, a brown overcoat," with belt. Lost between Box Butte and Emerson, on Fifth street. Finder please return to Herald office and receive reward. 43-21-9624. STB AY EI) From Randall's ranch, red roan horse, no brand, left hip down. Wm. Reuben. Mlatare, Neb. Koute 2. 42-4t-9560-$ PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMFNDMFNT The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State ot Nebraska, as heieinafter set forth In full. Is submitted to the electors ot tho State of Nebraska to be voted upon at the genernl election to be held Tuesday, November 5th, A I). 1918: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one til of Article seven (7) of tho Constltutli.il ot the State of Nebraska. Be it Resolved by l!:e Legislature ot tbn state of Nebraska: Suction L Th;r Beetle One of Ar ticle sevn oNthe Constitution of the State of Nebraska lie and the" same herein is amended by striking out the following words : "Second Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their inten tion to become citizens cohiformahly to the laws of the United States, on tho subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an election." And inserting in the place of the words so stricken, the following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have become citizen! of the United States by naturalization or otherwise conformably to the laws of the United States at least thirty days prior to an election. Sec. 2. That at the general elec tion nineteen hundred and eighteen (1918) there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution relat ing to the right of suffrage. At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said proposed amendment, shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amend ment fo the constitution relating to the right of suffrage." and "Against said proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suffrage." Sec 3 If such amendment shp.ll be approved by a majority of all electors voting at lUCD election, said amendment shall onsHtute Section One (1) Article Seven (7) of the Cum stltutlon of the State of Nebraska. Approved, April !. l'JIS. KEITH NEVILLE, attest: , Governor. CHARLES W. POOL JBecrft1 r if S I The Churches FIRST BAPTIST HI lt II. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching at 11a. m., and 8 p. m. P Y. P. ! at 7 p. m. The church and Sunday school in planning a Special rally day, to be hold the second or third Sunday in October. A. A. Layton. Pastor. INEZ C. DAVIS Hairdresser & Manicurist THE WILSON 208' Box Butte Ave. Phone 911 Hours: 12 to 8:30 P. M. I lit IB H OF CHRIST. The continued progress of the Ktagdon depend on you. Wo are njeased with your splendid co-operation. The sermons are scriptural and helpful. Subjects for next Lord's daj The Abiding Presence of JOOttt;" The Last Call." Bible school welcome at 9:45 a. m. L F. prayer meeting at 7:00 p. m. Come to the church with a message and I welcome. Stephen .1. Kpler, Minister. DELCO-LIGHT Th complete Electric Light and Power Plet Operates n vncuum cleaner the modem and sanitary way to sweep. i ISf 'tr -:: -ill-- ' - l AlBUS A LYTLB, Alliance, Nebr. lift CtoOMMM Ave. Phone 051 tittttttttt 34-14t-S04-9P.79 WANTKn In this county, hustler with conveyance to represent wkntnoaln Urncnrv linUUO - i I it,' ill ii ui v. v . ......... . . . ..... " - - rect to consumers. Kxperlence un-j necessary. Big money for live wires. J Attractive work for middle-aged j men. Write Consolidated (Jrocery a-.. Dl.... , , lHM lO Ol tC1 POTASH l.AKKS WANTK1I 1 am interested in securing good potash lakes on which to erect-n re duction plant. If you own lakes, cither large or small, which are in the potash district, or if you have options or leases on lakes, get in touch with me without delay and I will handle them for you If they have the potash. Give full description rhen writing. T. B. L. Box 9780. care Alliance Herald. 34-tf-9780 POUND Bunch of keys. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this ad. 40-tr-9488 OLD I'M I'M PS WANTKD The City Mission is In need of second-hand clothing, esecially men and shoes. Call phone 696 and w will call for them. The City Mis slon FOR SALE If you have something that you wish to dlaposrf of that will be of us to other people " l uo tar tin POP BALK "i MIBCKL LANKOU8 heading will d tiie iir LADIES - Be the. local representa tive for the Duchess line in Alli ance. Lasy to sell. Others makin? from $16 to f30 per month in spare time. Pleasant, easy work. Particu lars free. Duchess Drug Company. 117 Bromley Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. 31-tf-9335 OAVBNQKR WAOOM --:o: We now have on regular routes and for special calls our city scaven ger wagon. All calls to telephone 575 will receive prompt and cnrerul at tention. Our prices are reasonable and we are bonded to do coort work. SAM SHKLTON, Phone 575. CM) Scavcneer. 33-tf-941 1 LOTS FOB BALE Call phone 930 4 2-2t-9r,61-$ KOR BALE -Chevrolet ear. In food condition: summer and winter tons. May be seen at Weaver's garage,, W ! 8econd street. 41-tf-9465 j . i FOB SALK CHKAP Wicker baby buegy in good condition Also' man's bicycle in fine sh ip. W. A. Bennett, 13 Reddish block. Alliance 40-tf-9499 Real Estate, Loans and Insm ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddis! Block. 15-tf-6727 TO KEEP WELL ATeaapooafal of PERU NA Three Time a Day FOR IALE or LEASK Boonung house, excellent downtown location n Alliance; 20 rooms, excellently furnished. Always well Iliad. Will wll or lease with or without furhJ-l ii Address Box 9416. care Alll-i 33-tf-9416 P()B SALK Two used autos in i good condition. One Ford '.ouring r and one standard make louring oar ot another make. Both cars are .quipped with new Hies and n t'' , toest of sh ipe. Prices Btaaooahlc . Inquire a; Tin Herald offl MOVE FlKNI'IT'ltK SAFELY :o: We have equipped our dray war uns and auto truck with the latei appliances for moving furnnur without marring or scratching or d Ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all movtn lobe, JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone If 17-tf-5960 All old account- after thirty days will ix- i haigt'd with lnti rest, so plnuM doom anl settle. W. L. c.xit- KOI.L. Black. niitll, corner Second and Laramie, Alliance. aH4fM6a Lots for sale Call phone 930. 42-2t-9561-$ FOR SALK. Roadster, driven only ix thousand miles. Cheap. Ap ply Sturgeon Garage. 43-tf. FOR SALE Two good residence properties in good residence dis trict Of AMiance. Close to business NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Departniint of the In-tenor 1 C. S. Land Olhce at Alliance. Neb. I August lit. 191 1 j Notice is hereby given that Mar garOl M Travis, of Alliance. Nebras ka, who. on March 16. 1915, mad homestead entry No. 017146, for EM si: '4 section 2: and the Ntjj NK'4 SW, NE4 and N-i IK 14. sectioi 11, townshp 23 norfh. range 4! west. 6th principal meridian, ha' tiled notice of intern ion to maki three year proof, to establish (lain to the land above described, befor register and receiver K. S land Oflta at Alliance. Nebraska, on tin 8tl day of October, 191H Claimaht aamei as wltaooaeo: Has Never Been Down Sick Since Taking PERUNA Read this letter from Mr. Robt. Minnick, Grass Range, Montana. "In !:' I Mas out In Kansas ruunlHc H thr-htK riiiilnr and the thipsltiria; crew had to sleep out of doors. One of tie' crew iiiiiiiiiitt Frniu Almanee to the t-iiKine one day and 1 wax feeling very III from aleeplaa; out. T derided to a;lve I'eruaa a trial and sent for a bottlo of Pe rum and a box of Peruna Tab lets, which straightened me out in a hurry. "I have sever hrrn Anna alek aiaee taat time. I do not take any other medlrlaea exc-pt Pe runa. 1 always keep It on hand. If 1 get my feet wet, net a cold, feel chilly, or a little bad, I wava take Perns. People should not wait until they are down .sick and then take it, but should keen it on hand like I do and when they feel had, tkey ahould uae It." Recommended for Catarrhal inflammation of every description THEN HE FADED AWAY POLITICAL Al) FBTIMINO CANDIDAT FOR THE STATE SENATE; 28TH DISTRICT Chadron Nebraska Republican I did not solicit this olTice hut was urged to run by my friends who sug gested I was the man Tor the place. I come to you through the newspaper as it will be impossible for me to see you and solicit your votes. I am well known in the western part of the dis trict but a great many of the voters In the eastern part of the district never heard of J. W. Good, so it will be necessary for me to tell you who I am, and where I came from. I was born and raised in Hopkins vine. Kentucky. My parents died when I was.a small boy and I was bound out to work for a horse, a bridle and a saddle until I was 21 years old. I came to Nebraska in 1883 came to Dawes county in 1886, tooR up a homestead and tree claim, and proved up on thorn. Have added to them until I have two ranches among the best in the district. I do not speak of this boastingly, but to show you that I have made a success of my own business why I solicit your vote, or why you should vote for me. I was raised on a farm and have farmed all my life and am one of tne largest farmers in this district. My sympathy naturally would be with the needs for the betterment of the farmer. As to the stockmen, I am known all over the state as being one of the largest hog meiin the strte. also raising cat tle extensively and my sympathy would be with anything that might help the stockmen. I wns in the clothing and shoe business for 25 years so I have had 5 years of business experience and feel I am broad and fair enough with the farmers, the stockmen, the busi ness men to see the needB of all as a whole The great ciue".tion before the peo ple today is to do the things that will help Win i Ins war. I am trying to do my bit by working a little harder to rai.;e and produce a little more, by being a little mole active in soliciting und taklni liberty bond:', war sav ings stamps, helping the Red Cross and also helpful the Y. M. C. A. drive. Some other tHn;rs I stand for is better roads, better schocls, better churebee, belter cattle, belter hogs and better people and to do all we can to win this war as quickly as possible without sacrificing too many of our boys. As I said before I did not solicit this office but was asked by your friends to make this run. I am will ing to sacrifice my time for my coun try at this time at aiy cost. I will appreciate your vote Novem ber r. 1918, also anything you may do oi say in my behalf. Respectfully, .1 W. Cood for State Senate 28th District, Nebraska. Terms Strictly Cash mmmtamtmmmm FROM NOW ON mrnrnmmrtrmnmti Those indebted to me please call, settle and start over on a ca3h basis W. L. Carroll, : : Blacksmith CORNER SECOND AND LARAMIE, ALLIANCE llllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllBIIMIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIMIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUBUI FARM BY IRRIGATION JOIN THE FORTUNATE SETTLERS IN THE BIO HORN BASIN OF WYOMING Your Government has spent five million dollars creating this splendid irrigation system and will spend two million on new acreage. It guarantees itegrity and invites you to homestead 40 or 80 acres, giving 20 years to reimburse, charging no interest and making no profit. SH farms are now availably near the new town of Deaver and 10,000 acres of new land will be opened in the next few months. 620 farmers who settled about Powell Wyo., on the first division ol1 his project are enjoying unusual prosperity; someof these forms have been sold for 5250 per acre. GRASP THIS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Free folders with maps will more fully describe il. Write for them today. S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q R. R., 1004 F am a in Street Omaha, Nebraska Government Irrigation means water when you need it. Professional Cards C. E. SLAOLE, M D. Physician and Surgeon ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA RESIDENCE PHONE No. 52 OFFICE PHONE No. 66 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon .TOaVfe BOX BUTTE AVENUE MIIhim . . Nrbraaka PHONES Ofllcrt 3tt2 ItrH'dmrrt 10 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the oul art at Abatraet Rook In Box lluiir t ouar. OOlcr l ROOM 7 norm Hnw Blaek 1 J ' 1 I i 'Let Mr Cry for HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK aad tiENKRAL' SALES SPECIALIST and AltCTIONEBR. Farm Sales a Specialty Tfrma llraaonablr PHONE ' Ml u nrc braka GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. ' Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Ear, . . . Nose and Throat rnoxi: tn Call ! nil from oilier day or nlutat Professional Photographer QUALITY PORTRAITS Interior anil Exterior i. . Koilnk I'IiiImIiIiik I ill in lilt iilCM ' lr ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Mi R. GMHMBi Proprietor PHOKB BED l NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. lie t'li:iierniiH are u nulsanca, a feu' i they. She Hi imt always, if it wasn't for my chaperon s me men would unuk urtiuiiii me all Uay. Ah! What relief! Your closed nos trils open riplit up, the air pMUgM of yniir head arc clear ami you can hreathe ircely. No more Imwkinij. ntmrHin?, mucous dibcharpc. headache, jifWHI WO 1 wiggling fur breath at uight, your cold or catarrh is fone. Don't Ktav mu!IV! upl Oet a small hottle of Kl's Cm mi Halm from ymir druj.'tritit now. Apply h 1 t tit- of this frajtrant, antiseptic cream in ymir nos trils, let it penetrate t'triuj.'li every air piinsspe ef the head; so alio and heal the swollen, intlanu-d eiticous iiiwnlir.ir.e, t?ivin you instant relit f. Kly's CrMMM I'alm is just what every cold and t'l t rih suifir. r Las tceu seeking. ItV I'm I f'lniiui. JKI'CHEV, IJ. C. Ph. C. A. ;. JIIFFHEY, O. C. CHIROPRACTORS 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. New Wilson .Block Harness Hand Made I 'rum lleMt Material. Outlast Any !''aetor Made i.innK. ( all and Nee. Hai-nenK Kepalrlim I. . , c . in i n ll.ii ii. - Maker. J. M. COVERT At M, M. I). MrlioU- Stunil AI.I.IAM B, NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-Law in i n i i l'lrit rTattfl Haul. HoiUinK I'nciN't: i so AM I UN i:. M lllt NKA Uost Bomethlne? You'll And it I the qulckent by advertlsiiiB for it under the l.HT neaainu. I I L. A. BERRY Lawyer it o (i u a iti MMKit UOGK l'HONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEHIIASKA - - ..J