The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 19, 1918, Local Edition, Image 4

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l.imix . THOMAS, Editor CMTDH It BKNTB,
.iohn W. TSloMAs-, Lire sk Mttor
uov . EiKirrs, MMMgc
citj Editor
Kntered t the pnntomco nt Alllnnoe. N- brnnkn, for transmission through tlx
malls as second lss matter. J
p i n i.
ii i. ii
1' II
Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Adv
Kvery subscription Is regarded ns nn opt-n accoui "imp r ibcorlb-
rrn w ill be Instantly 1 1 i ., i l from our tnnitlnir list nt "' '" vn foi
If publishers nhull ! flotllV i; nthcrwi.-w th subsc ript i, ., roTtM -it
at the desltmnter) Milorlpt Ion price livery subscribe ! n,ut , dand that I
inesc connnicns n- untie n pat I nt tiie ronttnrl between pulill.M .1 nml su
or I her.
I peratrVd, This ia not tlM time to omd
ti; 1M whole future pollry of the
I'nli l States, on the owneinhlp and
(porat 0 1 1 of mtlroailt telcgtaphs.
tolopUont'M utnl t xpvaa service, on the
;tirifl aftOT the war, on labor legisla
tion and immigration. The w. r nust
be won first. This one thing we do is
the motto of common sense until the
Hun Is defeated."
AMMUCA'B anhwkiv
Announcement of the government
army prog an.rie completes the Amer
lean answer to Germany's "peace
offensive." This ami other develop
ments of the day moan not bin tf less
than a demand for r. ; m, ny's un
conditional surrender, MJTt tho Now
tort Herald'.'-. Washington Corres-
Germany is now called upon to
take her choke of bowing to the tie
roendoai Ai.prlc-n. military machine
or being annihilated by it.
The army programme means an '
American Army of more than six mil
lion men. Rehjnd then fcffl millions
moio, so that tae aumocr or Amen-
sent down there for n few weeks.
Mrs W.
1'. u sons K.
A llennetl wrs callod to Bingham News
by iho do th of In r I
A number of our ranetieri hippod
' ..hA tint if tli.t Wu t ITinot ,f nrhtoli
went to tho HiOMpfe markets.
Mrs.tieo. Hicks, went to R: vennn
Friday algal for a short vi.iit wKn
friends. She returned) Sunday night.
Sheriff Cox spent few days In
Hemingford the first of the wek.
Gladys Armstrong of York, Ne
lr;:l(a is visiting a tao home of her
parents north east of Alliance.
C K Dolaoa and family of LIpco
wore BOBBIBg In town Saturday.
IV h
Wor.l has been received from Mrs.
! a. Lotepleeh, who submit tod to an
ii'i.itioii in n Kirksville Missouri
Hospital tllCl sho is OB the road to
Mrs M. t; Carter irt l j . i night for,
Rochester Minn., to consult Mayo
Bros, in regard to her daughter's
The hunting season is on, and :
many-strangers as well t.s tl.e resi
dents people are taking adva ,t : e of
th K von , u s hi ty
Under the caption "No DtftdBt
Counsels at Wrshington," T''e lnde
and responsibilities should In- so dis
I ivuttul.
"We yi-it! to no one la profound
t 1 I H 1 '. f'l 1 1 till u iin.l ill.,
. a, . , ' I ' , ' 1,'IH II , ,,1,1111-
rw'Bilimt 1 : -:i 1 j MUH4 ut nil 1, li Mm intnu .
vv. m, ,,r .,, 111,,
wu.aa v 1 ini
men like Colonel Roosevelt.
Mr. Taft and Mr. Hoot. Hut when
tlteV ftUV flint tlx vnlorn tt ., ,
it lslhe duty of AmerlcauH, regadloss nn . . ... ... . M .
- r-i auaa I v I II I II l I v ' I (I ll I '
Him confronting the votei" in tho ap
prochiug Fall election. Arguing that
can Congress, and argue that ihe
time hug come to impose upon Mr
Wilson's administration the fearless
inquisition and the practical legisla
tive check of an opposition political
majority, we are unconvinced, Irfes
ol previous political affiliation, to I
fft&nd by the President and send to 1
'our. toss men who will support htm
and his war pi'llcies. The Indepen-1
dent saya:
"The Republican party will not
find it easy to convince the people
that it would have done better had It
been in power or that it would do
better if it could be placed in power
now. Yet more difficult would be the
tak of convincing a sober judgement
that anything would be gained by
handing over to the Republican party
that partial power which at the ut
most would consist in Republican
supremacy in Congress backed by Re
publican administatlans in states
lecting governors and legislatures
"American experience of divided
political responsibility has never
been happy. A Democratic President
intending with a Republican Con
gress, or a Republican President con
tending with a Democratic Oongreefl.
has never been, even in tlnien of ! dictate of conn, on sense that the
ponslble power is indeed a serious
maWer and no human being is infal
lible. But a Congessional minority is
quite competent to ask questions, to
tilnt' mistakes into the light of publl
city and lo register protests. It is
necessary for the preservation of our
libeties to route the certainty that a
Kopublican Congress Vt uld itself
. ans in Franco never win gdW lest! health. Frien In hope for a speedy re
( but always greater. eovery for the little one.
Qttanity production has boon
reached not only in tho merchant
I marine. It han been reached In the
I manufacture of ordaaee, or submar
ine cliaseas, Of aesiroyers, or every
kind of war munition or agency.
America lias solved the problem of
organization ami is now prepared to
grapple with Ihe enemy with ever in
creasing force and power.
German military critics always
have insisted that if the United
States could oganize her resources
she would be the greatest mllitar
power in the world, ou. always
scouted the possibil'-ty of its beitr:
v e it. rlirVliiiillins i . . , 1 1 I
. , , , .,,..! safely In France. Cards were received
the 'n ted States has done this, and . . . . . . .
after one y -a i nil three months par-
from him yesterday by relatives an-
ticipatlon in the War, is prepared to j
i announce to the world her deter-;
I initiation to wage it lo the finish.
sailed has
'The ship o
arrived safely
make lame "table and pos-ibly well ' r
nir;M fatal erro.s in its desire to play T rnl lVX7e !
a decisive part In the conduct of the I ivJV Cll 1 C W O j
wa 't ;i time and under clrcUOMtan- k 1
cea when It DOUld nc4 be. s the Dem-! UlM tUWi HMOMUW gottt
ocrallc pany li row, wholly respon-! ,,ar, of WednMday in Alliance on
Hiblc for success or fa lu.-e. In or;,mrl of veodooaday rn Alliance on
udgemout h, d-headness oenmnd.-, ,u h(M. ho at oobkooh, Neb
that this respans bility should not le i
destroyed. It is, we ihlnk, the plain ! Mrs.
peace, an effective disposition of iolt
ttoal foceB. Waste and Inefflcltooy
have usually resulted from It, and
it is not possible to imagine that a
great war in its critical stages could
be more effectively waged if energies
people shouid rctu. n i Democratic
majorHy to Congress and assure to
President Wilson tiie suiport of a
Democratic 1 1 If tattling ower.
"As for question of demes'ic policy
they are Important bu-t not now im-
Otgt to
tiater Mrs.
I). J. Rogers of
Nebraskv arrived Tuesday
spend the winter with her
J. H. Carlson.
Warren Lofspiech left Tuesday
night for Seneca. He has taken a Job
firing for the Burlington, and was
titiit::nnnxit:titjstxjt jti:tJtitH:u:r
She Us, And See Best
Glasses Accuratefy Fitted
We Can Duplicate Any Broken
SI 3 Box Butte Ave Phone 121
H. A. Townson and family and the
E. E. Melvin family, ate l." for
I the school months i fter : summet
, spent on the ranch.
Schcol began Monday moraing
with an enrollment of 4 2 pupils this
is a full school and many more wilt
enroll within the next few days.
.Tames Burton his wife end his
mother are sojourning In Wyoming
this week and looking up homestead
land as a side issue.
An extra grng of thirtytwo men j A. P. Shafenberg and Mr. C. Yoke.
came Sunday to help with the ork j reCelved cards Saturday stating that
on this pap; of the road. I- .j
i Paul Yake and Rogs Sh: renberg had
- ie v
:.ird. p. li Giibaugh and BttldjlaBedwfolir ta Fraaee.
daughter Kargarot, are spending j . :
li a days in town With relative's. The i'ershini'. colebratin : held h
Clarence Foodlck i Sunday ' here was w. il at' tided, we ato all
from a weeks visit with 1 i'i parents proud of our home talent t'uc mmia
;.l Mui'.en. and helped to celebrate ! was eceptionah.Iy well roaderod and
Porehtae day at that place. Me. Dudly gave a sp-nded addrone.
tot ! Mr. Davis of rorrse was -,oli reeotT-
ed as he always is, everyone enter
ed the dinner r.Dd the sale of water
melons added to the Armerican relief
Mrs. Shafenberg, return od to her
home in Council- Bluffs Saturday,
having sHnt theesununer here with
he,- son, A. P. Shafenberg
Miss Mary Raker of Chadron visited
ftiendl in. Alliance, while on her v;ny
to Lincoln, to attend the SU.te Univer
Mrs. Myra A. BhawTer v.ho went
temporally : c-. : ,: about ton days ago
was taken io Englenide Tuesday
night ag 42. She was accompanied
by her hurband N. T. Shawver. Mr. 1
Shawver is an engine-'r on the Bur- i
Harold S. Thomas, one of the four j
"Thorn: s Boys" now in the i rmy, j
and a member of the 3 21st Field j
Signal Battalion, A E F, has arrived
which I
Every Housewife or
Mother is ever under
that Nervous Strain
which so often results
in Headaches, Dizzy
Sensations, Faintness,
I 1 a mr A c- t i r,4 AW If H
Nervous Disorders.
Dr. Miles'
b Highly Recommended
in Such Caaet.
"I had become greatly run down
and my nerves were In terribl
condition. I had frequent head
aches and became vary weak and
was unable to do anything1. I
bought a bottle of Dr. Miles" Nerv
ine. I aoon began to feel better,
my nervea were quieted. I re
covered my strength, and have sine
recommended Dr. Miles' Narvlna
to many of my friends who have
used it with satisfactory results."
179 Uroadway, Schenectady. N. T.
We extend to you a cordial invitation to attend this
of Stunning New Creations in Fall Coats, Suits,
Drsses, Waists, Skirts and Millinery.