THE ALLIANCE HERALD, THUR8D4Y, SEPTEMBER 12, 101 T V t J V Y Y 1 Y Y Y 1 Y Y ? Y i Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 Y Y Y v 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 Y Y 1 Y Y Y 1 Y Y 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 Y VICTORY AND FOOD Without One We Cannot Have The Other The Meat Producer Needs The Encouragement of GOOD PRICES FULL WEIGHTS WE ARE DOING OUR BIT For The Stockman With High Sales and Big Fills which are Making Us THE FASTEST-GROWING FIRM At The Omaha Stock Yards TRY US WITH YOUR NEXT SHIPMENT Bowles Live Stock Com. Co. Established 1899. Paid Up Capital $100,000.00 1 ? 1 ? ? Y 1 I Y 1 Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 Y Y 1 t Y Y Y Y t Y 1 Y F K 'oddish recently returned from h t p f six ,.,,kM lfl )h, W(w) om coal spending i km pan of Hi- tl"' 'ii hfK farm In tfta wtlftam cttc vail, y f Oregon. Hta farm In located a Kugene. Ortgoa, While In Oregon It . . 1 along the coast It paid partteou attention to the spruce in- dutsry. v hid, is Jumping a lira (I by loppe a bounds. Most or the .small towns ;ir deserted as the Inhabitant ban gor t (! ,lK cities to engage1 In war ik tad to the spruce forests to cut s; nice, wages In trim line of work h. exceptloeslly high. Mr. cloddish Journeyed from Seattle to Old Mex o, visiting Camp Kearney ioi , a rec m nawa dispatch from niv- orton. Wyoming, In the Rope Agle valley. II tad that thousands of tons Of POta es ralaad there mils-: be thrown it to rot unless more freight earn ean be provided for their thlp mat. A very greatly inoroaned area hnd beei planted to potatoes there this ye.-M and the unusually wot sea son mad the dry land potato erop very hem jr. IOI-.. Miss Irene nice left Monday BOOH for Oma!ia. where she will atend the Van Sunt business college Her mother and younger sister will soon follow and make their home ;bere during th winter. Mr. Rice, who Ir now In Omaha, spends much of hlR time there and they will make their home In a cozy apartment rented there the first of the week. A. L. Payne, circulation manager of the Iowa City Dally Cltlsen. pub lished nt Iowa City, Iowa, wan a vis itor In Alliance last week. While here he visited the potash district end Inspected some of the htg potash plants. J. H. Welton. well known newsna- per man of Mullen In non-pr.rtlsan candidate for county Judge of Hook er county. He Is one of he best known men in weBtern Nebraska, and should win the rnce wllh but little trouble. in i Mrs. VV. A. .Coleman returned home after a three weeds' visit with tier daughter. Mrs Arthur Schieb, of 1 1 Tabernash, Colo. The time was spent In camping, tishing and enjoying the hatha at Hot Sulphur springs. wiiniiiiiiiiiuumiitiiiitiitiitiMiiiiiniiiitmtmtmtiiittiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiHiiim BOWLE S LIVE STOCK MARKET INFORMATION XkMAHA LIVE STOCK gPBCIAL DEMAND Kill CATTLE BROAD PRICKS advanctf: ON HKAVY RrNS. ftftANY (iRADKS SF.IXINti ON TOP. Hoos nki.i. abovk aio.oo HHV AND LAMBS FIRM by C A. MAJLLORY. Mr. BOWLES L.IVK STK'K COMTMIft MISSION COMPANY Omaha, Nebraska. Union Slorkyards, Omaha, Neb., opt. 12. A good part of last week's congestion was overcome, and. altho UU receiptn of cattle continue liberal aud still beating all records, the trade nail on the head" most of the time, and wfcile there will be limes during the seoscn when there will be a shortage of ci'.rs and some delays in the movement, we blleve conditions j will average better the balance of the season. The demand for everything con tinues active and very broad. Corn feeders are competing with the pack ers for the fleshy and heavy feeder and the packers and shippers are op erating to their full capacity. The Omaha market shows an ad vance of 50c to $1 during the week on nearly all grades of steers and ! "she" stock, and is now nearer in line than any time this season. Present prices are certr.inly good and while we still have plenty of faith in the markets this ye;.r and next, we hard ly feel Justified in advising anyone to hold cr.itle that are ready or that are not paying their board. The corn crop is safe :.nd while not the largest on record, the quality is excellent which will make up much of tl e loss by drouth. There is a good dofflaad for calves, yearlings and all kinds of stock steers, cows and heifers, and believe this demand will Increase at Omaha is of the western has become accustomed !o these con- as seasin advances ditions and everybody Is "keyed up" BoViM outnt io working raster and the movement ,.,n(jnjj ;,H M ocen more acuve ami me resuns t,..(ss ,,,,, , nof nv,,,,,)W((,( ter' i-nd with its pres'Mit OFgaaitatloa are Our readers know that the Bowletjin position to give each consignment Commission company have "hit the I to them the proper kttenl on and at Due to the volume of our business and the co-operation of our customers, we have been able to reduce the cost of production of Original Kansas Germ Free Fluid Vaccine made by Dr. O. M. Franklin, and are, therefore, giving the consumer the benefit of that reduction. HEREAFTER the regular price of tliis vaccine will be 40 cenls per dose. To those who arc not familiar with our product and t ihow thai we have every confidence iii our vaeejne, we will five a written guarantee thai it will save every t;i 1 1" from Blackleg, The price with this written guarantee is 50c per 1om WE MAKE ONE QUALITY OF VACCINE ONLY THE KANSAS BLACKLEG SERUM CO. E. A. HALL & SON, Alliance, Nebraska. these prices the "fill" counts more than everr. Bowles sold Wednesday two cars of 700-lb yearlings from Woodlake at $11.75 and come extra Wyoming steers sold at $17.75, with the mar ket closing strong al the top prices of the season. Men whe h"ve not been on the market this month don't know how high it really is. We quote Nebraska grass cattle: Good to choice heavy fat s teers $13.00 to $15.75 Fair to good .... $11.50 to $13.25 Good to choice fat cows and heifers $8.50 to $10.25 Fair to good $8.00 to $9.25 Wet cows $7.50 to $8.75 Canners and cutters. .$6.50 to $8.25 Good to choice heavy feeders $12.50 to $15.25 Good to eheles 800 to 900 lb. feeders $10.00 to $12.75 Light stock sieers . . .$8.25 to $10.25 Stock calves $8.00 to $11.25 Veal calves $11.50 to $13.75 Fat bulls $7.50 to $9.75 Feeding bulls $7.25 to $8.75 Common to fair gr: il;-s at the usual discounts. Wyoming, South Dakota and se lected Battle cosiaraHy 25c to $1.00 higher than thane quotations. The hog trade has gone over the top again; besi hogs celling above $30.00 in the Omaha nu rket this W'ck with bulk $19.50 to 110 90. In our judgement it will be ome weeks before we wMl ge. enough of this year's hog crop to break the market permanently. The supply of sheep and lamhs I continue larg but the demand is very strong mid prices are well sus tained. Good to choice fat : nd f I I taa lambs llt.8f to $17.25; f. t ewes $10.00 to $11; feeding ewes $7.50 i to $9.00. The different branches of the gov ernment administration are working together, and from the best informa tion we can secure, we believe that ; conditions will improve, and in any event, there is a sufticient demand in I sight and rlso a sufficient I mount of ; rail and ship transportation to take ! this year's meat supply at hinh 1 prices. Our readers should not fall to no tify Bowles at South Omaha. Nehr I any time their paper or the Bowles , special information fails to reach them promptly and regularly, and any time they hi ve any shipments to ' make see thnt at least a portion of them are consigned to this good an I reliable company. Bruce Mallery, one of the Alliance boys who joined the service sometime ago, retuined Tuesday ufternoon on 43, for a short visit with relntlvcs and: friends. He was in the week. but bad just stepped out of the uniok- tng car a few minutes before the crash. Peculiar to Women Many women eonf inunlly bear the bttrden of distress and pain with fortitude just because they are women. Few of them real ize thai their nilments me dtlC primarily to dislurlied herve function thai can easily he corrected so that they may be free of the nerve-racking-, systeni-wreekinu spells that make life miserable for them periodically. Most women can be strong, Itealthy, happy and vigorous, because their highly nervous and Complex orpanisni readily responds to Chiropractic Adjust ments that offer a safe and effective means of restoring normal function. Chiropractic ( Ki-ro-prak-tic) corrects the cauec by adjusting the spine and relieving the nerves of tho bone pressure, which disturbs the nerve function. With the pressure removed nor mal function is restored and Nature builds up and strengthens the system. Acute and chronic cases are handled by Chiroprac tic iti Nature's own way. Operations, drugs and instruments are needless in Women everywhere are turning to Chiropractic for relief, be cause they find it not only effective, but, free of the embarrass ments of other methods Every woman should investigate Chi ropractic and learn what it can do for them in a health way. Biro AmiBiffl raJhsoM JlElEiry PHONE 866 GRADUATE PALMER SCHOOL WILSON BLOCK hnmmmuifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintfiiiitiinnimnrmmtmiiifSfifiififfiiiiiiiiMuuji HKHAl.D WANT AD8 brlns results. Try one and be convinced. The Fifth Avenue Trend in Coats No 202-M All-wool ve!our, latin-lined to the waist and tirav- ii lateriaedi is the material for this you-lit ul coat. The laiHtacOO veitible coll;.;, pockets and stylish double belt aie all butto'i trimmed t No. 228-M A very fine silwr tone coating is used for this most fashionable coat which is lined with lustrous satin and heavily in terim.. I The big p ickets, shapely Baring cuffs and novel collar are features othe vogue. Fit ih Avenue likes serviceable fashions this season for the war's sake, but Miss Manhattan has not forgotten what becoming magic can be wrought with pockets, belts and collars. It's just in such little touches as a novel pocket or a belt thai one senses the liishion Kel ol New 1 oru - just a new turn to the or a im neral air ol iauntineea coil. i r and there is l-'ift Avenue's mark. t OMJC IN and see these new Miss Manhattan styles fresh from New York - offered to you when they are at the very height f their vogue. THE HORACE BOGUE STORE