The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 05, 1918, Local Edition, Image 2

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ha m x ' III FAI?M 17
,jn Communications will be answered promptly. Interest- III
Bug rg news each week. , j
Daniel A. Poline. associate presi
dent ofjth" United Society at ("hris
tian Endeavor, writes as nn "eye wit
ness at the front" In the current Is
sue of the Outlook on questions of
vital interest, hh he says, to nil Amer
icans and particularly those who have
relatives In the expeditionary forces
f the United States.
Mr. Poling went nhroad to ascer
tain for himself the moral ehnractcr
of ttie American soldier fighting for
democracy on foreign - soil and to
learn w' ut the American military au
thorities in France are doing to keep
the soldier physically competent and
morally fVt. HIS report, In brief, Is:
"The American soldier in France la
a representat iv American. And lie Is
living on a moral plane which la
above the moral plane of civilian 1'fe
-at home."
Mr. Polin was given exceptional
opportunities to observe the m"i in
te fighting zone. He atudted cviiy
l.hase of the question, visiting nnd
living with the soldiers in London,
Paris, in the towna where they rrr
bill(lcd) back of -the lines, and in the
"Our leaders in Fran c." he said,
"haw not conquered the flcOS society
has battled agnlnst from the first or
ganized heginniiiKs of civilization hut
if the American expeditionary force
is not setting nn example in moral
Idealism to American civil life, then
I have wnlked thru France with my
eye closed and my ears Stopped,
"I would be false to these men if.
hnving the evidence of their sound
ness, I did not declare it ; and I would
be false to those who gave them as
a priceless offering upon the altar of
"General Pershing and those who
are in authority with him in France
deserve, not a resolution of inquiry
r censure, but a vote of confidence
With the assurance of our co-operation
and support.
"The American soldier Is the
worthy inheritor of the finest 'tradi
tions of American arms, a credit to
those who bore him, nn honor to the
nation he representn, and the last and
best hope thnt civilization shall not
fail In her struggle to establish the
might of right."
ABLE Many Alliance People In This Condition.
There Is little rest for many a kid
ney sufferer.
The kidneys feel congested, sore
and painful.
The urinary passages are often Ir
regular nnd distressing.
The aufferer, tired, worn-out and
Weak kidneys need quick help.
They need a special kidney rem
edy. Doan'B Kidney Pills have stood the
1 Can any Alliance reader doubt this
Mtb. J. M. Line, 314 Missouri St.,
Alliance, says: 'My kidneys were out
of order and acted irregul.i'ly and I
had a steady, tiring ache in my back.
When I bent over or got up from a
rbnlr, a sharp cuKInu p in caught
me. I had dizzy spells and felt all
worn out. Doan's Kidney Pills com
pletely relieved me."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
Klmply ask for S kidney remedy get
Doan's Kldnev Pills- the same that
Mrs. Line had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Nfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Magnetic Transmission Pre
T ferred to Old Mechanism.
It is a grave mistake for mothers to
neglect their aches and pains and suffer
in silence this only leads to chronic
sickness and often shortens life .
If work is tiring, if your ncrve3 are
excitable, if you feel languid, weary or
depressed, Scott's Kmulsion will
pSove a wonderful strengthener.
It possesses the very elements to
invigorate the blood, nourish the
nerves and build strength.
Every druggist has Scott's. Try it.
t lluwu. DiOOtUDCIJ. N. J.
i Clear, Peachy Skin
i Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water Inside bath, before break-
T fast helpa us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
Sparkling and vivacious merry,
aright, alert a good, clear .l.ia Bad
a natural, rosy, healthy oompli d
are assured only by pure blood. If
euly every man and woman bi
Induced to adopt the morning inside
bath, what a gratifying Change would
ake place. Instead of the thousands of
aickly, anaemic lookiug men, women
and girls, with pasty or muddy
complexions; intti-ua of the multi
tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns,"
'braln fags" ami pessimists, wi
should see a virile, optimistic throng
Of rosy-elieeked people everywhere.
An Inside bath Is had by drinking
ach morning, be'ore breakfast, a
arias of real hot water with a tea
wpbonful of limestone phosphate in it
to wash from the stomaoti, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's imiii't stible waste, sour
fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, aweeteUn., und freaheuing
She entire alimentary eaual before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particulary those who hava
pallid, sallow complexion and who
re constipated very often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store which
will coat but a trifle, but is sufnVu i t
to demonstrate the quick add remark
able change In both health andappear
ance, awaiting those who practice In
ternal sanitation. We must remem
tier that Inside cleanliness la more Im
portant than outside, because the akin
4loea not absorb impurities to con
taminate the blood while the porea In
the thirty feet Of bowels da
Just as Necessary That New Form Bi
Ltamed as It Waa Gear-and-Clutch
Should Be Understood l Is
Drivers of motor cars nre still un
decided as to whether the new "mag
tietic transmission" Is prof fable t
the old geur mechanism. In nn article
in the Illustrated World (Chicago),
Wnlter bet asserts thai when there i.s
any trouble It is been use the driver
ims not taken the pains to learn how
to manage (Up new form of transmis
sion. This requires to be learned just
ns the geiii-iiiid-eliitch NWttSmlSSlda
hud to he learned.
The magnetic transmission is frtc
tlonlcss nnd noiseless even when,
changing geur. Mr. Lee describee it
us follows:
"The best way of describing the
magnetic transmission is to begin with
what we all understand the little
horseshoe magnet, and u piece of
steel. The magnet Is mounted on a
stand so that It will turn freely, and
ii crank handle Is attached to tin
curved end With which to revolve It.
The piece of steel is mounted on an
other stand, no It will be supported be
tween the two ends of the magnet,
without, however, touching it ut any
When Magnet Is Revolved.
"Then, when the magnet is revolved
by means of the crank handle it la
seen that the piece of steel will turn
k . A
Device la Paying Proposition and Will
Save Trouble Animals Soon
Learn Ita Use.
There seems to be very little said
about the hog oiler and yet It Is
something that has been used on a
great many tanas for the past year or
two. XI have had experience with oil
ers of different kinds and find that
the use of a good oiler, that does not
leak or clog up, Is quite worth while
and Is a paying pSjOpoallion, as it will
save a great deal of trouble and ne
glect, says a writer In uu exchange.
A great ninny farmers neglect keep
ing their hugs free from lice and
mange simply because It is so much
trouble and annoyance to get them up
In a pen and sprinkle or dip them.
The hog oiler not only saves time
and trouble, but also naves oil, since
much oil is wasted when the sprin
kling can Is used.
There are two distinct xlnds of oil
ers on the market: The cylinder oiler
and the upright or post oiler. Tba
oiler that does not waste oil by leak
ing or overflowing and one that oper
ates easily is one of the best invest
ments a hog rnlser can make; while
the oiler that leaks or clogs up with
sir Is almost useless.
If the oiler is set up In a place
where the hogs congregate every day,
such as the feeding place, they will
almost invariably use it when theV
smell the oil.
lsk ' r
f i ;..,
Material Slump In Profits If Animals
Are Confined to Pens Maka
Barrier "Plg-Tlght"
The raising of hogs calls for the
fencing In of a field or two for hog
pasture, for every hogkeeper well
knows that there is a very material
slump In the profits In pork-growing
If the hogs nre kept In pens or small
runs, obtaining no food except that
given them. Of the three prime es
sentials In a hog pasture namely
pasturage, water supply nnd fence
the fence Is of more Importance than
most of us realize until a stiff bit of
experience sets us thinking. The hog
lot fence, of all fences on the farm,
needs to be built substantially and
"Plg-tlght." Any hog pasture fence
that Is put up hurriedly and somewhat
Indifferently Is a detriment to all con
cerned to the rest of the farm, to the
farmer and to the hogs, even.
Country Church In Northwest Missouri
Is Center of Community De
voted to Breeding."
A country church near Rnvenswood.
In northwest Missouri, is the center of
n community devoted to breeding
Shorthorns. In the past three months
the 20 members of the organisation
and to be eligible to membership In
this special effort one is required to
Plan of Magnetic Transmission.
With it, although than Is DO physical
contact between them. Now then, if
the t runk ha mile la changed Into u
gasoline engine, and a CoUarllhe ar
rangement of wire, called a held, sub
stituted for the msgnat and another
arrangement of wire called un arma
ture substituted fog the piece of ste!,
we car. apply more readily the Idea to
the niitomohi'c.
"The engine revolve; the field, nnd
the Held, her oral m a ntagnet on ac
count of the revolution, ihea revolves
the armature, Which is connected rig
idly to the drive-abaft of the car.
Thus ve have the direct 'drive, or
'high.' A cylindrical controller then
is put in, with its op. rating handle la
a convenient locatl in, Dy menus of
this controller the magnetic energy
generated in the Held l aa be cut BO
that it will have no effect on tin- arm
ature at all, nhlch given neutral.'
Intern. ediatj Cp.-eds.
"It is, of course, Beceaaary to pro-
fide tor Intermediate speeds, and this
la done by changin,' the relation lu
tweeu the tield nnj the armature, si
'.hat when it is au t! aired the tield
Wetproof Steel Lined Snot Snells
DOUBLE your duck hunting luck in rough weather with the rigltt shotshella"
Remington UMC Smokeless Arrow" or "Nitro Club" Wetproof Steel Lined
"Speed Shells,' made to atay dry and firm aa a bullet' no matter how wet the
pocket that contains them, and shoot right.
ith the rig t rhcll in your Remington
UMC Purr.-, G r.n or Autoloading Shot
gun there will Lc no hitch at the critical
moment no gun jammed with a water-
ii i n i i ii
roaked and swelled shell no
fizzled fhots from mushy turn- T)CfYl i fl if ) ft
overa of the ahell ends. UAlC
Remington UMC Smokeless for Shooting Right
"Arrow" and "Nitro Club"
Vetprof Steel Lined "Speed Shells" are
completely proofed against wet by a wonderful
and exclusive process, which it took three years
to perfect. This improvement costs you nothing. huy the same favorite "Arrow" or "Nitro
Club" brand, as usual, at thf regular price. You
will get the Vctproof improvement extra.
without charge. You will not he able to
tee this improvement but you will know
it is there when you put it to the test of
shooting under conditions which only
Wetproof shells can stand.
They will atay hard ana
smooth as usual, with the
turned-over end entirely firm
iii if
and top wad tlat. It you caa
detect any difference in the results in
shooting them when they "ought to be
good and wet, you will be the first to
succeed in doing so. The same highest
dependability and per
formance qualities as
In Uaclt jtowier skeJh, huy the old reliable "New Club,""
Dow Wetproof scaled at turnover and top wad.
SoJd by Snorting GooJs DeaJtrt in Your Community
Clctn tint oil your gun with REMTML, tSc combina
tion Powder Soivoat. Lubricant and Ru,t Preventive
. rM Mantfturr of Firturuit attJ Ammunition in tkt WorU
, At the present time barley is sell
ing on -the market for about $2.25
perhundred pounds In comparison to
a price of $3 per hundred pounds for
corn. The question is being asked
as to which is the better buy at these
prices. Experimental work has shown
consistently that barley, when
uround and soaked. Is almost the
enulvalent of corn for fattening ani-
Lujale. Ow this basis with the relative
ly wide spread in price which we have
now barley could easily be pronounc
ed the cheaper feed of the two, and It
Certainly would seem the part of wis
dom to utilize it where possible in the
ration of animalsr especially hogs
which are being made ready for the
market. Experimental work has
shown that the gain is increased ma
terially by grinding and soaking the
barley before feeding.
Conjugal Felicity.
"My wife and I never urgue, so we
get along beautifully." "How do you
manage it?" "When anything goes
wrong I always figure thnt It was my
fault nnd she never disagrees with me."
Boston Transcript.
Hairdresser & Manicurist
208'.- Box Butte Ave.
Phone 911
Hours: 12 to 8:30 P. M.
JaL' rri)
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel UhS lead
or Bladder bothers you Meat
forms uric acid.
Sister Johnny, wlait did you mean
by telling ma that you saw Henry kiss
Johnny 1 didn't. 1 told all de
neighbors, and It must have got to mu
In a roifndabiiut way.
Most folks forget thnt the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluizaisU and clogged
and need a flushing occasionally, else we
have backache and dull misery in the
j kidney region, severe liealachc, rheu
mntic twinges, torpid liver, ncid stomach,
j sleeplessness bad all sous of bladder tiia-
You simply must keep your Iddheys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an uche or pain in the kidney
repion, got about four ounces of Jad
Kalt from any good drug btore here,
take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act line. ThU
famous salts is made from the acid of
(rrapes and lemon juice, combined with
litnia, and is harmless to flush clogged
kidneya and stimulate them to normal
activity. It also neutralizes the acide
in the urine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpenaive;
mokes a delightful effervescent litbia
water drink which everybody should take
now and then to keep their kidneys clean,
thus avoiding serious complications.
A well-known local druggi?;. says ho
Is lota of Jad alts to folks who believe
in overcoming kidney trouble while it is
i-ily trouble.
Rich Anthracite Deposits.
At least twenty-one workable beds
of anthracite havo seen id.ntltled In
the State of Pennsylvania. Their maxi
mum depth below the eurfses i.pproxl
mates :.rOu feet, and tin y contain ut
best from sixty to seventy feet of coal.
How v r, in the "southern" ib id some
of the beds are estimated to reach
levels 4,000 feet below the surface.
Prize-Winning Shorthorn.
live Within live miles of the church
have acquired 100 registered Short
horns und 200 biglfgrade cow a,
Twelve registered bulls huve been
placed in service. The latter, however,
are owned privately by this group of
Individuals within the circle. The mat
ter of convenience determined this
The Community is known as "Har
mony." The Shorlhorn circle Is but
one of various interests which the com
munity is encouraging.
Good Judge of Stock Offered Many
Opportunities to Mingle With
Experts and Breeders.
Tho farmer who has been a good
Judge of stock through careful, sys
tematic Study will have a degree of 1
recognition and Influence in his com
munity that sans oiier many opportu
nities for Mm to meet and mingle with
the best informed live stock men, ex-
ivrt judg m, peosainenl hreeders and
officials of rhows and oilier agricul
tural organizations. He may thus
come in touch with the best meth
ods of breeding and handling stock
and with men of affairs, and by Ida
Increased kuowledge broaden his in
fluence and mefulnasg to his com
munity and tho world at large.
All Kinds of
Including the famous
Loosbrock Stacker
and the celebrated
Bain Wagons
De Laval Cream Separators Farm Trucks
Gas ; Engines Dayton Airless Tires
Lubricating Auto Oils and Greases
The Farmers' Union
Alliance, Nebraska
Tmmtmrnm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ntntmtTtnitntmTTnttmtmnttwt:tmtmmnmmritnt