THE ALLIANCE HERALD, AUGUST 16, 1918 PemaTkafck ScftDrink W 'HaWa. The final tri m. sod Itlnks. k HBF vKwa Spoil ; '.ins - pure. H Ml CERVA A . t ii-Yc-ti 0 M V W Wf', V no'dt 'rtarioiM VPfpcl" would ' bpro- wa , m Mr iaj 1 1 it i ii 7oi tn Cop Try the good tast. of CERVA toda' LEMP MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS EVERETT COOK Distributor Alliance, Nebraska Forty United Profit Sharing Coupons 12 coupons each denom ination 20) are packed in every case. Exchangeable for valuable premiums Look in tho Directory Always Before You Telephone To get the right number, do you look in the telephone directory first ? Do you think it is quite fair to take an operator's time from other subscribers by calling people whose num bers have been changed since you put them down in your memory ? It's so easy to look up the telephone number in the directory, and it saves time and prevents annoyance for you and for others you may call by mistake. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Rave Kd Bay War Waving Stamps . and Liberty Honrin t ... Take Care of the Victory Machine The farm tractor will win the war against food shortage. 1500 have been sent to France. Thousands are fighting for food victory in America. To make yours do its full share, keep it properly lubricated. STANOLIND Gas Engine Tractor Oil is especially manufactured to meet the unique lubricating requirements of heavy duty, kero sene and heavy fuel burning tractor engines. It has the body and the lubricating qualities that keep compression tight deliver the ut most power to traction wheels or belt. It will keep your engine running smoothly. Fill your oil tank with Stanolind Gau Engine Tractor Oil and cut down your carbon troubles. Find out what your tractor can do when it is properly lubricated. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA 1 t 1 annB MaVfl p" - "Hjaaaaj Jfrfga SUB"" Obituary Henrietta Laveaa Cattle wm born tin Anna II. 19117. In Neil York! Bt:tlo. She diet! at 1:11 t. m., July 19, mis. m! the hone of her dasjgh ter, Mrs. w C. Netaon, a1 toi mih- ourl avenue, after m sloknesn of ten days, death betas rsassdj by coniee tlOO of the brain. The fuller. il vv.ih held on Thureda) affc moon, annuel I, from the hOlne or Mr. nnd 'Mrs. It. C. Nelson, interment being ninde in Qr sen wood cemetery- Rer. Walta, of Bds;emont, and Rev Wixk. of Alliance, onotnted si the funeral ser ices. The pall bc.u- , ra re Chai leffers, Chaa. Fred erlrhe, n. Taylor, h. D. Rneher, O. N. Bnlth : ml Carl Bonnaacn. iteia threa from a dlatanca attetftllnt the funeral wen H m Piper and s Ife, of Havelock, Vern Piper, of Denver. and H. J t'astle. of Bdgeno&t lira, Castle had lived for alar en yearn in Alliance, mahtnf her home fOr the last six years With her daugh ter and httabattd, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nelson. Sin is survived hy her hus band, who Is eiehiy-llve yei is of nvte. liviiiK nt Bdgetnont, im.l who wastoo feeble- to attend the funeral Hervlr!. Alaotby two sons. ii. (;. Castle, of EMgemont, :ind v. L, Castle, of Alli ance; three dauphters Muriel (Mrs. R, ('. Nelson). Nettie nnd Herniee; two brothers In California and one it; Iowa, r.nd one r.'.ster in California. Mrs Cl 'th- had been men, her of the Prjtabyierlr.n church for many years She ran the journey of life in eighty-one yeara. it is a path marked w, !: deeds of kindness and cheer. Flowers, not thorns, sunshine, not shadow, did she scatter every where. With these she was lavish. Truth was the inspiralion of her, life and by kindness she exemplified its great worth. Was not her life full of God-likeness? To hi r the struggle and burden bearing Of life are ended, and we con fidently trust that like one who awakes from a troubled dream she has awakened to see lifg's endlesH morning break and knowrf herself at home with all the vast throng of lov ed ones, missed from earth, safe a boil t her. Her affedion for friends ami kindred WSa tender and abiding. Cone from our sight but because life and love are stronger than death she is ours still. She is still the mother of the dear children, upon whom she doted with such clinging fondness, and the companion still of him who mourns earth's greatest loss, and may siie not by this very transition wield" ver them a stronger force for coodness and truth than before. COUNTY AGENT NOTES (Bj (inmtaR mcimwAMORn m I, oil nt. 1 1 Agent, Ih tlOtte t 'mint v , Nebrnslm) i IfK SMI is or (1 RAIN to i The spring wheat of Nebraska con tains a high percentage of smut. In some localities 111 Nebraska the loss from smut has been found to he ;s high a SO POf tent. The OStS, bai ley and v. heat hive been found to run as high ns Itn per cent The Iobsoh from these dlaeaaea in Nebraa ka alone amount to hundreds of thonaands of dollai The department , plant pathology of the University of Nebraeha, in co- oKeratioti with the I tilted Slates do "i pertinent of agriculture, haa arrang ed a IBtvH survey through the conn ty agricultural agents. There RXS SOW eight men from the l'. S 1). A. work ing with the county agenta to locale the smutted areas 6f the state, and just previous to feeedlni time demon strations to urge seeil treatment will be carried on In the different coun ties. The methods for treating grain for smut have recently been much im -, proved Tin- present methods SfS simple, cheap and sure. Seed grain can he treated for less than 1! cents per hushed. Present government estimates place the early loss of wheat due to smuts equivalent to 4.000,000 bar rels of Hour. The loss of oats is great enough to feed 1.000 cavalry horses, and enough barley nnd rye are losl to make 400. 000 barrels of wheat Hour subsl M utea. In Boi Hutte county the variety of spring wheat, commonly called mill ing wheat, and grown chiefly in the vicinity of Hemlnford has been found to Contain an nhuiually large per cent of smut. Oats, barley and In one Instance macaroni wheat have also been found to con-tain smut. -r O THRKHHRR8 IH RRPORT AMOU1VT ok QRAIK I lilt I SHKH mi The food administration is requir ing ii report from all threshers. Rec ord hooks and report blanks have been sent to all threshers of the COJinty, any thresher having fill ltl to receive the necessary blanks .ahould call tit the ofllce of t lie county agent, where they will be supplied. Bach man operating n machine will be required to report to the county iiHent, at the end of each month, the amount of wheat thresh ed durlng'the month arid iit the end of the season the total amount of all grains threshed. - to CARD OF THANKS To the griends who came to us in our hour of trouble, and contributed all that human kindness could BUg cpst to heln and comfort, we return morl heartfelt thanks, nnd although BUeh devoted fWondship cannot re move the Fad memories that linger around our vacant chair, it brines into view the brightest side of hu- j msnlty, and throws the pure light of an unselfish friendship into darkened homes For the beautiful flowers sent during the hour of grief .we ex press our sincere thanks. S. T. Caatle. of Edgement. S. D. H. C. Castle and family, of Edgement P. L, Castle and family of Alli.mce R. C. Nelson and family of Alliance K. If. Piper and family of Havelock Mrs J. Meyers and fariily of Alliance. L Llovds1 ( 'iumn DEXTER T. BARRETT Deputy Attorney Genera" 191&-17 Lincoln, during the Civil w.;.. gave a bumptious young (ierinan a commission as captain. As the in terview was about ended. Her von A said: "And you must remember, Mr. President, my name is one of the oldes-t and most aristocratic in (Jer many." Old Abe looked nt him a moment, and then said: "Well, If you are careful, it won't hurt you any." THE SHACKLES There is hope for those who have suffered from so called Inourable dlaeaaea and ailments nnd those aho h re, not up to mark In health and efficiency, Thftl hope Ihn In Chiropraetie. Chiropractii (Kl RO-PRAKtlC) It baaed upon the k- owl edfte of the brain, siiinol eolurnn, spinal cord and the rtervw. Pressure on ji nerve al the opening where it leaves thfl aphtal eolurnn will cause disease in tlint oikh ir tissue at which the nerve ends, it' the pressure is on the nerves that lead lo the eyes, eve troubtR often lestiltH. The Chiropractor fidjtuta with his hands and w ithout dtiifjrs or knife the displaced vertebrae, which relieves the interference with the nerve force and en ables Nature to restore normal conditions, or Health, ill the af fected organs. The beneficial results which Rcnci-ally follow the USC of Chiropractic adjust incuts, even in cbhch that arc long standing and obstinate, demonstrates the merit" of C is If you arc ill and have not obtained relief heretofore, why not see whnt help Chirtprietie offers V Learn about Chiroprac tic. tic. Dor. Ah rafaim rJ(BlMiry GRADUATE PALMER SCHOOL WILSON BLOCK PHONE 865 nnittiiMiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintfl With an iiir of gre;it importance the small boy of a Sunday school in Belfast Imparted this happy fact to his teacher: "The devil is dead," he n;iid. solemnly. "What makes you think Chat?' asked the startled teach er. "Dad said so," exclaimed the boy. "I was Handing In the street with with him yesterday when a funeral passed, and when dad saw it he said, 'Poor devil! He's dead'." The s-tate fair has been a beacon light toward which .Nebraska agricul ture has steered in rounding the baola of adversity. :o i The state fair is not an amusement enterpriae; It Is an agricultural insti tution wiih pbnty of amusement added to make it attractive to 'Ji. Horn to Mr. und Mrs. Herman Bauer, living nine miles east of town, ii boy. IOI Perry, Mailey & .leffers, the real estate men, report the nale of a tine half section of Box Butte land nine miles northwest of Alliance, to a Lin coln man the last of the week. The land lies near Berea and the new owner will farm It. MM Ray C. Davis, chief of he York volunteer tire department, advises The Herald that they have installed a motor driven tire fighting apparatus and that they have a team and har ness for sule as well us the wagon and forty gallon chemical tank. For the horseB and harness they ask $500 without the harness $4f.0. The team is well broke and one of the beK tire teams in the state. Any fire depart ment interested in securing a good team, harness und chemicul wagon should get Into communication with Kay C. Davis, chief, York, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nlernan and dii lighter. Oretehen, left Sunday for Lincoln, Beatrice and other eastern point;- They will visit about two weeks and then reutnr to Alliance. DELCO-LIGHT Th rompUte Electric Uffht and Power PUt An electric fan brings summer comfort to the country home. AlKKM I . Vl l.l :. Alliance, Nebr. 418 Otwyean Ave. Phone 9S0 nMnwniuni:iiiMimtHittmnniminninimwimwwtumimnunniinrn DUINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Hit official recerd as Deputy Attor ney Cmern! is one of real service to the tax-paycrt i . a, package of Hamburg ilrgeat 'lea. or ns the German folks i ill It, "Hamburger Brest Thee," at say pharmacy. Tan a tablet poos fsJ of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it. poet through ft sieve and drink a I .-.ti up full at any time during the da' or before retiring. It is the most tire way to breaS said and cure grip, ai it opeaS tin- pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowela, thus driving a cold from the ayaten Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It ie inexpensive am! entirely vegetable, therefore saV in. 1 harmless. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Crecm in Nostrils Open L'p Air Passages. To J J il BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Ah! tVhat relief! Your clogged ne trile. open right up. tlie air of your head are clear and you can hfOStbe freely. No more hawking, snutlling, muriut discharge. kasdSoae, dryness uo struggling for hrtatli at night, your cold or catarrh is gom I)on't stay stuffed up' Opt a small bottle of Ely's Cream Halm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antis rt cream in your non trils, 1ft it (lenet r ,itp through every air passage of tin- lead; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed miicou membrane, giving you instant relief Fly's Crenra Italia it just what every cold and ca ufftref has been tucking. It'e j ii : . lc udij. ub Pain tad StiUhesa away with a small bottle ol old honest St. Jacobs Oil When your baek la sore and lame or luuihage. sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, dou't suffer! Get a 25 cent liottlc of oil, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug atore, pour a little in jrotur hand ami rub it right into the pain or ache, ami hy the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't itay crippled! Thin seothing, pine'rating oil neeU to be usel only i a It the a-he and pain right ii of your hack and ends the miiv. ' ia magical, yet absolutely harmless and doean't burn the akin. Nothing elae stops lumbago, aotatica ad lame back misery so promptly I II fls- Pord The Universal Car Another Car Load of Fordson Tractors Can be see tired ebcut September 1st. Orders must be signed befaore lraeUrs can seeured!, Tks contracts must be signed ami in lh MoJnet 1 tfOTt delivery will be made. Any one who wishes a tracter for the fall work should have their order at tin farat'i pot later than August 1st. i HERMOLINE OIL recommended ly T 1 wry Ford for the Pordaon Tractors and ford e;n. Thui is n ligh Ttsde oil suitable for all Tractors. On sale ii Mnall lots or barrels at FORD GARAGE COURSEY & MILLER triiiiiiiiniiiiiMi!''1111'11'''1111'1111'11'1'''''1"'''1'''1'"1'111'"''1'''1"'1'1'1111111''""