POTASH COMPANY GOT STOCK SALE PERMIT GuisrillllMll npital biM ( (iiiimit tm i.i.iiiii.l IVmiission lo SHI "m Million Hollars of BtOOU corn. Dnndcy said tin- Horp company has TiS.OOO ncrt'8. including eiuhty-six potash producing lnkc-s. tinder lo;ist i 11 ChcrrjT county. Thr company's principal plant is in Herri HMD, Nebraska, f Officials of the United States de partment of agriculture in Washing ton recently announced that Nebras ka must supply the greater part of potash during the next year, for the United States and her allies. The announcement was made ..be fore the capital ismies coin m i , t eo fol lowing a recommendation by Van H. Manning, director of the bureau of mines, that the William Berg Potash company of Cherry-county, Nebraska, be allowed to sell $1,000,000 worth of common stock. Manning said the project is good. The recommendation was ap proved. Charles L. Dundey. of Orauha, at torney, appeared before the capital issues committee for the potash con- Famous Collins Saddle The best saddle made. Have stood the test for 50 years. Write for J free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Company Successors to Collins & Morrison 1210 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. Hotel Fontenelle O JW a h j Built By Nebraskans For Nebraskans m m MAKE THE FONTENELLE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN OMAHA. UNFAILING COURTESY AND SERVIC1 SEEM TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGH 330 ROOMS-330 BATHS RATES ONH PERSON . TTO PERSONS $2.00 S 00 .00 00 Ha.nAgement H. Edgar Gregory WILLIAM B. ROSE JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION years Assistant Attorney Ten years Judge of Supreme, Eight General. Court. Clark Perkins, the well known pub lisher, in speaking of Judge Rose, says: "He has weighed every ques tion on its merits, formed his con clusions fairly and expressed them courageously in his written opinions. An analysis of his record will show that it compares favorably with that of any Judgo in the land." Three Judges of the Supreme Court to be elected. Each voter may vote for three. Primaries Aug. 20 Election Nov. 5 umtttttt nxstsunwKuan political advertising nniiiiinnimmmtniiniHntiiiiiiiiiiiiinua "Reed Surprises Convention" "The change of front on suffrage and prohibition was caused by Willis E. Reed, when he surprised the convention by making a clean-cut demand for a suffrage and prohibition plank in the platform. "' 1 am for woman suffrage,' he said. 'Women are entitled to vote, not only as t! . r right, but because of the splendid self-sacrifices they have made in the war.' " "The applause from the convention prevented Reed from continuing for a time. " 'Ratification of the national prohibition amendment ought to be the first thing the next state legislature does,' said Reed. "Delegates rose to their feet cheering and waving their hats. Almost at the same time National Committeeman Mullen, James 0. Dahlman and other leaden told I. J. Dunn, A. A. Lanmieaux and ether men that they hail urged the resolutions committee to include suf frage and prohibition in the platform. IflHH "Licked, and Knew It" " 'They saw the handwriting on the wall, said Lam OreaUX. 'When the convention 'cheered both measures as it did, the lat ounce of fight went out of opponents of .suf frage and prohibition.' 'They were licked, and knew it,' said I. J. Dunn." From Oaaaha Daily News, July 81, 1!MM. The foregoing is taken from the report of the Omaha Daily News, of July :51st, respecting the action of the Demo cratic state convent ion, and is of special interest to the pub lic, in view of the fact that Willis K. Reed is a Democratic c andidate for United States senator. POLITICAL ADVERTISING unmiiininnmiii 'MMIIIIIIIlllinn Bingham News 1 A. A. Colsnn is enjoy im n visit from his sister, Nfrs. Crlppn. from the eastern part Of ;lie state. Mrs B Shafenhorg closed the res taurant lust week and will soon go to her home in Council Willi's. Iowa o Mr. and Mrs ( H. Anderson at tended the Sunday school convention and picnic at Whitman last Sunday. Our cattl emen are getting stock on Ihe market early this year. Al most every day the yards are filled with cattle. The families of Scott Pittullo and James ilurton are now located in the hotel and ready to serve the public. HINTING AT A HABIT - 5 . "I have troubles of my own.1 "Sure they aren't In your Same?" wife's Mrs. A. .1. Applcizaith returned home from the Alliance hospital on atatdaj much Improves' in health, o II, L. Kincald. It. It, Klncaid. .1. M. Uentfro. .1. H Wllley and Iv Shafen bsrg attended tie Red Cross meeting held at Antloch last Saturday o The following letter from Camp Dodge will Interest Ihe BlBfhSBB Rd Cross: Kind Sir: Kindly inform the people of your city the dcepfoR feel ings of appreciation in behalf of 54 I'ark county boys nnd mysolf, as their i cprosentati ve, who went thru your city on the afternoon of the L'.MIi for the lovely eats passed to US, and their generosity and patriotic spirit. That we appreciate this nnd that we will give an account of our selves In action. Believe me. Thank ing you. "JOHN J. WEHR." i omii n MA von or i im mi Charles W. Bryan Candidate for Governor Opposes Profiteering Pledges unswerving loyalty to President Wllann in winning tha war. He believes Nebraska people are loyal to the core. He would prompt -l and adequately punish any dla loyalty that might he found. He would faithfully carry out the earn est appeal of President Wilson, un der date of July 2. to all governor to take the Initiative in preventing: mob rule. He has filed for governor because thr ntate government Is not helping President WIIkoii prevent profiteer ing. He has a specific legislative pro gram lo protect the farmer, the wage-earner and the consumer from the wnr paraaltes. If elected he will appoint no prof iteer to office. He would endeavor lo promote, unity among the people and to. v ordlnate their efforts to IvvueMne food production nnd to support nil wnr actlvltl'.- He believe.! the governor should net as lender In promoting the general welfare of the people of tin- stnte. His record ss niiiyor of Lincoln In destroying monopolv i .nliol und re duclns the cost of llvlns Is a guarantee thai he will pfjfTJ I " bis campaign plecVe. If You Favor His Program Help Nominate Him in the Democratic Prima ies, August 20, 1918 Farris, Marcy Company Live Stock Commission 110-112 Exchange Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA Successful and Efficient in the Handling of Range Cattle T. W. Farris R. F. Marcy R. W. Hanley mi III ' .