TAKE PRECAUTIONS IN STORING SOFT COAL 'MR. TURKEY" GOT REPRIEVE M'.(. i I I lis AT THK NTA.TK KAIIl. GUARANTEED EvnSa 5000 HUES S1jU' lire Commissioner Itlilgi-ll Wains IfeOM Who Store Soft 'oal in IIh.mmiioiiIm (o lie an fill A3AH Alone Has Shoulders of Strength See the Ajax Shoul ders cf Strength in the picture. Note how they arc built out on either side of the tread v hich tbey support end cush ion. Thid moans more miles i-;' you. No other tire can have three shoulders. Ajax owns the patent has Ajax Shoulders of Strength. They give 'it "mere tread on the "road," more contact area more grip to sgrip with. Note the triangle barbs-of the tread. They safely hold the road, 97 Owners9 Choice It's because Ajax tires are different better that of their tremen dous output 97K go to individual motor ists They pick them out because they are better than the tires that came with their cars. An overwhelm ing vote for Ajax popularity. Gome in and see this master tire at our Ajax Tire Supply Depot headquarters for Ajax Tires and Tubes and real sci vice. Walter Overton's Garage IS "While Others Are ClatmfaMP Quality, We Arc .uar (91 ante cms It" (By W. S. KltUell. Slate Kin Com missioner.) Owinie to the tiovornincnt's request Unit all citizens put in their supply of roal this summer, larger quanti ties of roal than ever before-are now stored In all homes in the country. This coal is all subject to spontane ous combust ion, and espei ially tin lignite coal. We would advise all property OWnon who havo stored their winter's supply of coal to watch this very carefully and when ever the coal commences to burn or even smoke, move H from where It i.;, and do not put wale on It for the more water on it the more it burns; the only safe way to do is to move the coal outside and spread it out not to exceed 4 or fi Inches In thickness and cover it over with ashes or nam). Oo not store coal near wood parti tions or posts and do not pile it up to the flooring joists above. In surance money will not repro duce food, or fuel and will not clothe or feed our boys in the trenche.--. We must, during these turbulent times, conserve every article of food and material that we produce and manu facture. We understand that every man has a personal interest in pre serving his property from destruc tion by fire or from loss of any kind, and he will tell you so as he has often indignantly told us, bui at the same time the fact that he is fully In sured often makes the solicitation for the safety of his property only of ordinary or of luke-warni interest. We know 'that from experience. At this crisis of our history every citi zen should feel a keen, active alert interest in preserving for humr.nity that which Is their very existence and life-blood, and should take an extra ordinary interest in reducing the en ormous annual fire waste of (his country. Imagine what it means to this country's financial resources when something like $25,000,000, or the interest upon $6,2 50,000,000 worth of bonds is destroyed in a single yar and goes up in the smoke of great, senseless, preventable fires. Imagine if you can the -treasury department deciding upon a bond Issue of such size and amount and gathering to gether a hugh pile of securities and valuables to take care of the neces sary interest, then imagine some citi zen lighting a cigar and carelessly tossing the lighted match into this accumulation otsecuritles while hun dreds of Indifferent citizens stand around and watch it burn. Would you not imagine they were alien enemies? Surely they are help ing the Kaiser with every dollar's worth of .property that they destroy in this country. It is a fact, proven by statistics tht over 1,500 fires per day occur thruout the country and every cloud of smoke from these fires leaves the country absolutely poorer by an appreciable degree and retards it that much in meeting the strain of war time finance. J See Us, And See Best DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken Lens. 313 H Box Butte Ave Phone 121 IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE DELICATE OR FRAIL under -size or under-weight remember Scott' Emulsion is nature's grandest growing food; it strengthens then bones, makes healthy blood and pro motes sturdy growth, fccott Sj Bnwac, Blix-mfield, N. J. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State ot Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full, Is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska to be voted upon at the gci-cral election to be held Tuesday. November 5th, A. D. 1918: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the. state at Nebraska: Section t. That Section One of Ar ticle Seven of t he Constitution of the State of Nebraska be and the same hereby is amen led by striking out the following words : "Second. Parsons of foreign birth who shall have declared, the'.r inten tion to become citizens comformably to the las of the 1'nlted States, on the subject of nstnralisttlos, at least thirty days prior to an election." Ard Inserting in the place of the words so stricken, the following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall hsve her oine citizens of (fee United States by naturalisation or otherwise conformably to the laws of the United States at least thirty days prior to an election. Sec. 2. That ut the general elec tion nineteen hundtod and eighteen (1918) there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution relat ing to tbe right of suffrage. At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said proposed amendment, shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amend ment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage," and "Against said proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suffrage." Sec. I. If such amendment shsll be approved by a majority of all eleeuin voting stucti election, said amendment shall constitute Section One 'it Article St von (7) of the Con Mtitutlon of the State of Nebraska. Approved, April i, 1'JIS. KEITH NEVILLE, Attest: Governor. CHARUSg W I'OOL .. . gecratirrgl state, 34-14t-904-9379 to i BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS American Woman's Respect for Aor Led Her to Forego the Prospective Thanksgiving Feast. Miss H , the mntron of a Rlrls mission school on the Mnnrl of Kiilsle, one of the Carolines, relates thlf story : She had often told her Island charges about the customs of her own nntlve land, and was highly pleased upon receiving In Invitation to n Thanksgiving dinner, to be held on a neighboring Islnnd and given by ont of her pradnntes, who had proudly specified thai roast turkey would hi on the bill of fare. Miss 11 was delighted, and told her pupils so. Whereupon one of then nme and said : "It gives me great pleasure to think of your coming Joy, Miss H thonch It gives me pain, also, tc think of losing Mr. Turkey from out midst. I have been accustomed tf seeing that turkey on our Island foi many yenrs. he being the only resident turkey we have there. But If In hlf ripe old age he Is to be eaten, I'm sure. Miss H , Mr. Turkev would rather be eaten by you tl.i.n by any other person." Convinced that his death would hi an undesirable sacrifice. Miss II sent ber hostess word that she pre ferred seeing Mi. Turkey to entlns him. The Importance of the canning of fruits and vegetables trill be full) stressed at the 1 1 S Nebraska state fair In the boys' and pirls' ennnim club activities and In the exhibits of the domestic products class, It Is t till ed by the Nebraska state board of iik jrlrultute. Canning, as a means ef conserving food) was never so Import ant as thi rear, with our food re serves still distressingly low and with ohm upon tons of mils and VefjStabll F inK to sraste in the fields each year here is Seed of a new Interest In can ning. last year a great deal of com men; ; rose out of tbe demonstration at the I lata fair of a community drier for ; he preservatiM of fruits and vegi lablee and the demonstration was re ponslble a drier being used In ;i ood many onimunities. I; is hoped bat this year's canning exhibit may 9 of equal interest to the honsewiv' 1 i lie st;it" and that Nebraska ma) o her lbs re In corservatlng us well in producing food. DIFFERENCES IN CAT FAMILY Physiological Reason Why Lions, and Others of the Tribe Are Unable to Purr. A Hon, while an acredlted membei of the cat family, cannot purr, how ever happy he may be when you stroke him, because the hyold bone In hit throat Is loose. Jle has to roar. This Is one of n number of Interest ing things discovered about the cut family recently by scientists at tin London Zoo. R. I. Pocock, superin tendent of the zoo, explains that thosi felldne or cat family that have an elas tic ligament between the cerato hyal nnd the upper elements ol the IttapenSQftMl (lion, tiger, leop urd, jaguar) roar, but never purr, whil all the other species of the fclidae with normally constructed hyolds. purr, but never roar, and among these an the cheetah and itimn, The roars of the jaguar nnd loop urd are like "hoarse, barking cough-; an Interval of about one second Sep urnting the expiratory efforts" say the observer. They may be easily re produced or Imitated by sawing a piece of thin board with n coarse-toot lied saw. The eheetuh. however, calls with a decided mew, very much like that ol Hie cat. When Birds Fight. Sparrows are proverbially pugna cious. Sometimes a tree will be o sparrow battleground, and 'for ten mlu utes It will be as lively as a dog fight On one occasion u flock of seagulls Hying Inland from the Channel, took possession of n newly sown field. Then u mob of rooks appeared, swoopet down nnd drove the gulls off. The rooks posted sentries to iratcfa that no Invaders should steal in nno tnke spoil, and It was amusing to sef these sentries hustling and hustling the -trulls who ventured to return. From time immemorial n pair ol carrion crows had held undisputed sway at Gray's lun. and not a root put In an appearance until the felllni of the oaks on the Chesterfield prop erty at Muyfair. Then the Invasion commenced, and the big crows Weft overmastered by' numbers. Probubly the finest fighter In the world, qundruped or biped, Is the .mme-cock. He Is u match for any thing his size In the world, probably If he gets a fair field and no favor lie is as quick as a flash of light ning, nnd his spuis are terribb weapons, quite as effective as a pair of bayonets, and used much more scientifically and forcefully. Answers Filipino Legend. A Philippine legend tells of the orlg. In -of head hunting. lo warfare the Igorol always brings home the heads of bis victims. One day the Moon, a Woman, was beating out brass. The fWOnn child of (he Sun stood DSItr by, w atcluiiL'. His scrutiny ::m;erc-l the Moon nnd she threw n stick at him, sousing decapitation. The Ban then appeared nnd put his chlhrahsad buck en ii tnini-. declaring thai he- FaUSS or llic Moon's Wanton act mor tals wont.' henceforth cut Off r.acli tber's head When In wrath. NOTICH I'Olt P III ,14 HON Ml Department of the Interior. U. S. Land office at Alliance, Nebr. June 6th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that S. O. Peebles, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on October 19, 1914, made homestead entry, serial No. 016,989, for lots 6 and 7, Section 6; lot I, section 7, T. 23, N., R. 48 W. and tne NE',4 of NK M of section 12, townsnlp 23 north, range 4 9 west of 6th principal meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before rogister and receiver of the United States land office, at Al liance. N-braska, on the 22d day of July. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert B rolls, Ward Miles, Geo. Travis and nen Hibbert, all of Alli ance. Nebraska. T. .1. O'KKEFE. Register. 9808-fit-Sg PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Telle How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in hem! or catarrh will lie goap. Your clogged noitriU will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dull ness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no strug gling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed nmrous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs. lnt stay stuffed-up and miserable. Correct Heat Records. Why does a WeutbSf bureau th?r moinetcr show lower temperatures In hot weather than the thermometer at the corner drug store? asks the Popu lar Science Monthly. When discrepan ces exist, they are due chiefly to the fact thnt the official thermometer is installed in n wooden cage, where it is open to the air, but screened from both direct sunshine and the heat re flected from surrounding buildings. Onl under such conditions does a thermometer measure accurately the temperature of the air. A thermometer in the sunshine be comes much hotter than the air around It, and Its reading simply tells us how dot the Instrument is, not how hoi the air is. In lurge cities the weather bureau thermometer is often Installe d jn the roof of a high building, where the temperatures differ somewhat from :hoae prevailing at the street level. The jbject sought in this arrangement Is :o obtain a record of the natural tem perature of the locality In general, ather thuu the artificial temperatures )f the city. Had a Voice In the Matter. Samuel Oo you think If futber would object to my marryli on? Sully I couldn't suy, Sammy. If ies anything like me, he WOVlO.' -Dallas Nov n. The Collar Pone. it has bean aotlead thai the, collar Vine Is Btore freqaaattj broken than iny other bene la the body. Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, freeh. Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from Illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of the morning Inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complex ions; instead of the multitudes of "nerve wreckB," "rundown.," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoouful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus defusing, sweetening and frt shealns the entire alimentary canal before putting mere food into the stomach. Those subject tc sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and partlculary those who have a pallid, sallow complexion ami who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle but Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who practice Internal sanitation. We m ist remember that inside cleanliness is more important than outsld . be cause the skin does not absorb impur ities to contaminate the blood, while the pores in tho thirty feet of bowels An SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHI Harmless to flush Kidneys and neutral las irritating acids Splendid for system. Kidney and Bladder weakness result from urle acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this arid from the Mood nnd pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, soalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it.. Bladder weakness, most folks oall it, Wauso they can't control urination. While it Is extremely annoying and eome times very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralise the acids la the urine so it no longer is a sou roe of irritation the bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally again. Jad Halts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the aeid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with iithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splen did for kidneys and causes no bad effcots whatever. Here you have a pleasant, effervoaocnt lithia-watcr drink, which quickly relieve 1 ladder trouble. PTJY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS ...... ,. ... DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD GOLD r .. ...,,. ,., , , , , , , , m let a small package of Haastrarg: Hreust Ten, or as the German folk enll II. "TfaaihlirgSf Kmst Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tahlespoonful of tho tea, put a nip of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink e teacup full at any time during tho day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and euro grip, as it opens the pore of tht skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens tho bowels, thus driving a cold from tho system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cohl or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore saS snd harmless. BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Rob Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest St. Jacobs Oil When your hack is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get a ff cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand nnd rub it right Into the pain or ache, and by tho timo you count fifty, the soreness and lame- nexH ih poaa 4 Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only mice. It takes the ache and pain right mil of your back and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless, ami doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly! Urt qulek i. iilt h ,il . . I-lim In THIS ALB WANT Ad Department. The Telephone Operator Distributor of Messages Through the skillful hands of a hundred thousand operators, telephone calls are distributed each day to the homes and places of business throughout the country. They are messages of joy, of sorrow, of success and of failure. Telephone operating is a vocation of permanency and of intense interest in which bright, intelligent and self respecting young women have an opportunity to do pleas ant and profitable work. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Snv food Bar War Hnvlnaa Mnrapa and Liberty Moada rfSr V rnflj 5sV .t fiulrk rcfsultM l ad vrrt.Mlni; in TM IIKIil I WANT Ad lepismenf , sV KflESSPfTaMWji gTff I IX BTTJ rri'rf nllgsf Heel tffl&l V t jnHTI I ITT IT 1ftsWfaBsMBsWWWwB Insure Your Tractor Investment Keep your tractor properly lubricated and it will serve you long and well. It will give you bigger returns from your labor and fuel bigger crops and a bigger share in winning the war. STANOLIND Gas Engine Tractor Oil exactly meets the severe lubricating conditions that arise when you bum kerosene or other heavy fuel in your tractor engine. Follow your tractor manufacturer's directions and use this real tractor oil that keeps compression tight, saves cylinder wear and gives adequate, even lubrica tion most economically. Use Stanolind Gas Engine Tractor Oil and you will insure your tractor investment. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA BBKB