THE ALLIANCE HERALD, JULY 4, 1018 BOYS' FIELD ftEET Bronze and Silver Medals to be Given as Prizes Hoys Field .M.o' wMek protect . even) (a Wat it' i luntsgnm. is 10 be he t aguin thin oar. To U.- toys winning brn..e medals last year, arid winning all tout events this year, will be given a beau, ilul silver medal Boys wliii: ne d i U b fits! time. t!u' t. in ftVCntr, will be gtveti a bronze medai Boys of all apes are eligible, tic out and train lor the events at once. Tim following ;re the four events Running High Jump, Standing High Jump, 'binning. 100 Yard Dash. All boys who want to win a badge mui come a ltd enti i the try-outs lr thinning, jumping and running. The crewman, irbo la a real athlete, will meet with you every morning, umpire your bail - .inc. go bll :ng with yon and train you for the Field Meet Big held last ua Uet out and Ebaat a record tot our town. boys. ait All proud ol yo.. . I BBaMk, Behind the Telephone Operator There Is a Large Invisible Army A muster of the telephone forces of the country would bring together nearly 200,000 men and women. Over 100,000 young women comprise the operating force alone a force now handling an intricate telephone traffic of more than thirty million messages a day. Telephone employees everywhere are playing a big part in the war-time activity of the nation. They are meeting each task with a spirit that at all times deserves from the public a courteous appreciation of their efforts. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Snve- FihmI Buy War Savings Stamp ana Libert? Bidi Chadron Normal DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. THE NATIONAL PARKS OPEN SEASON 1918 Special Summer Tourist rates to all the Parks will soon be announced. All facilities for the Summer volume of travel will be ample and as eomfortable as usual. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL I'AKK is open from June 25th to Septem ber 15th; circuit tours embrace all gateways, including the Cody scenic en trance and the Burlington's triangle circuit mountain tour from Eastern Ne braska via Denver in one direction, through Yellowstone or Glacier National Purks, with Rocky Mountain National-Estes Park en route three Parks on one grand circuit. GLACIER NATIONAL I'AKK is open from June 15th to September 15th. The same genera) variety of Burlington circuit routes may be used that include the entire east elope of the Kockies from the British boundary to Colorado. KOCKY MOUNTAIN N ATI ON A I - ESTKS PAKK is open from May 1st to November let. No National Park has, in the past two years, anJojr d SVCta wonderful increase of patronage au this Park, located just north of Denver on the Burlington's Denver-Casper-Yellowstone-tilacier line. PretidCfll Elliott went to Kushvllle Monday night to uivc an address at a reception in honor of mic ..en who left fof lb irnlnlni camp, A number of new hooks BAVG h en received in the library. Including st t eril hooks on ontemfM'nr.v drama and the short story ;.ud hack llles of ma l ;i zincs. Them are between forty-live and (if: students attending tiiis summer who are doing advanced work ahOVS i he course required for the advanced liploma, The temperature for the past week shows that this part of the state Is not so hot as the eastern and south ern parts. I he minimum range of temperature was ."h to t, aan the maximum range 80 to 90. After all. this is a prettjf COOl part of the state. Marcia lcnnington. who will re ceive her A. B. degree this summer. has been elected to a position in the high chool of this city as teacher of English and history. Mabel Fair head, one of the seniors, has been elected to tench" domestic science in the high school. Dora Argabrlght, a former graduate, had been elected to a position in the grades, The class in primary methods, which meets at 7 o'clock with Miss Prazier, now has an enrollment of sixty. The teaching or me work, aa well as the actual doing of the work and the materials used, ts studied. At chapel last Friday, the Chadron state normal trio played two selec tions, the first one being front ".Sam son and Delilah." by Saint Saens and the other a beautiful pizzicato move ment by Thome. The week that Prof. O W. Neal was here, Hazel Lynn, Vida Sutter ti( Id and Violet Eaton, members of the household arts das.i, served n three-course dinner to Prof Nea. some of the members of the faculty, and a few of the citizeus of Chadron The girls planned the dinner and the decorations by themselves. At the regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Inst week Miss'Scovel sang a solo and Supt. Pate gave a very good talk, taking as his theme Van Dyke's story of "The Other Wise Man." The war rookery class is having lU It resting lessons in the imr or substi tutes for flour. Thursday they made several kinds of bread, and Friday they had a sandwich sale. Mondy of this week they made thirty kinds of muffins, eiuht of which contained three-fourths substitutes and one fourth wheat flour, and the other 22 all substitutes. No sugar was used in making the muffins, but instead syrup was substituted. Government rccipeB were used and the nttempts of the class were all successful. There are now 78 sturs in the nor mal school" service flag. Several casual detachments have recently been sent east from the va rious training camps. Among the number were Ray Biglow and Wayne Borton. Rev. J. H. Mills addressed the students at chapel Friday. After the rehearsal of the girls' glee club Mon day afternoon, Miss Cowan gave a reading to the members nnu visitors. The glee club Is developing nicely and all are enthusiastic. The club will take part in the Fourth of July exercises at the normal next Thurs day. The club will give a concert in the near future. . The normal trio is contemplating a trip to Hot Springs soon to give a: i oneert there. A Fourth of July c I. bration will J ! held at the normal .ms Thursday for. noon at 19 o'clock. All students! and friends and citizens of Chadron DAge been cordially Invll 'd to attend. The celebration will co natal of a pa triotic proprne. Prof. Wilson "ill five the address. Hujr War Savin;.' ftaraps Says we will both look and feel clean, sweet and freah and avoid lllnesa. Sanltnrv science hns of late made rapid strides with results that, nre of Untold blesstttg to humanity. The lat est application of Its untiring r search Is the recommendation that it ts an necessary to attend to Internal sanita tion of the drainage system of the hu man body as It Is to the drains of tho house. Thone of ua who nre accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we nrlse, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, ncid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as o daisy by opening the sluices of the sys tem each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether nlllng. sick or well, should, each morning beforo breakfast, drink a glnss of real hot water with a teaupooofttl of limestone phosphnte In it to wash from the stom ach, liver and bowela the prevloua day's Indigestible waste, eour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action of bot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach Is wonderfully in vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the phosphated hot water la quietly extracting a large vol ume of water from the blood and get ting ready for a thorough flushing of all the Inside organa. The millions of people who arc both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions aro urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from tho drug store. This will cost very little, but is suffl clent to make anyone a pronounced crank on the aubject of internal san This romance of pure delight and difference starts in The State Journal Friday, July 5 King Solomon to the contrary, it is a new thing under the sun. It is a fairy story for practical moderns -a fairy tale that faces the facts of life squarely. It brims over with young love and ends with happiness ever after, it gives the dairy-lunch hero forty million dollars. Snatches them back and restores them when he has learned their use. it turns the Fifth avenue heroine into a hoarding house waitress and mal es you her humble wors hiper. Bhe I I a Cinderella who knows how to make. the prince come across. Shall we send you the story with the Daily Journal al $4 a year or Daily and Sunday at $5? Or three months at $1 daily or 81.50 Da ly and Sunday? Address W The State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Ask the undersigned for Summer fa fee, publica tions; let him describe the circuit routes available that will permit you to make a most comprehensive scenic Rocky .Mountain tour during the 1918 season S. H. COLE, Agent, Alliance, Nebr. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent 1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebr SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No body can Tell. McKee Quick Service ELECTRICAL 207 Box Butte Phone 133 Back of Roy Burns' Store You can turn gray, fadud hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents, are sold annually, savs a well- I known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no I one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning grav or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting ; them, because, after one or two applies I turns the gray hair vanishes and yaur 'ooks become luxuriantly dark and beau tiful. This is the age of youth. Gray-haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound to-night and you'll be de lighted with your d.'rh, I sadSSSM hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. This preparation is a toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention ol disease. M'Tli'L OF I'l HI l( A HON Department of the interior I S. Land Office at Alliance N b. j June 14th, 1918. NotlCg is hereby glTOU that Harry BOOH, of Alliance. Nebraska, who, on April 17th, 1913, made homestead ry, Serial No 016,1ft, for lot! 2 1 3 and SVV -4 of section 22; loih I -. and I and NKI4 . HWtf of see tiog 27; lots 1, 2 and I in section 2 ' wn hip 22 north, range 47 west of H th principal meridian, has tiled n t;e of BteatUl to make final thrcc year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before register and receiver, United states land office at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 23d day of July. 1918. Claimant nan es as witnesses: Victor K. Covalt. Jattidi H. Ron H nry W Sagemilb r and James P Murphy, all of Alliance. Nebraska T. J. O'KKKKK. Register. SM'ttl-St'fj NtrTH K FOR IM Itl.H ATiON IO 1 Department of the Interior. I) S. Utad ollice at Alliance. Nebr. June 6th. 191H Notnc is hereby niven that S. O p ebies. of Alliance, Nebraska, who on Octoher 19, 1914. made homestead entry, serial No. 016,989, for lots 6 and 7. lection 6; lot i. section 7, T fl, N, R 48 W. and tne NK of K of section 12, townsnlp 23 north, range 49 west of 6th principal meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three yeir proof, to ea- Soft Drinks and Beverages BEVERAGES ON DRAUGHT AT ALL TIMES Order a case of 36 pints sent to your home. De livery made anywhere in Alliance. Rehate for re turn of cases. Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies, Lunches. KING'S CORNER a JOHN HOIHJKINSON, Mgr. Distributors for Hi idee n t Bottling Works AT LAST! A REAL drink different from the rest. tf-C Mr J lESSI sbbbI sssnsfl The Best Is NoneToo Good M for Our Soldiers of Industry EXCELSO will help keep you "in M SVf I "i rWsV comes from fcaow f$L?WS JL Af MBSt wlnninl bever- ) TBuWsVBfl KslBSi 5sssdpVmWsfC Order Your Coal Supply Early It is the wise thing to do You'll say so this winter, too. If we could make plain to you the altiuulon, tr katw that you would put In yuur wlnter'a coal aupplr BtHi We are not trying to scare you, but we are trying im t4l you. The car shortage exlata. It may 100a tc you like everything la moving, but you'll appreciate what we tell you when winter cornea and It may be next tu Impossible to get MMSla We've got coal to aell you today. We've got coal today to put Into your bin We can't promise more. It'a good coal and lt'a a fair price. We urge you to get busy thing act. It will prov to your advantage. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. F. W HARGARTKN. Mgr. PHONE 22 111 Laramie Ava iiblish claim to the land above de scribed, before register ana receiver of the United States land office, at Al liance, Nebraska, on the 2 2a day of July, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert Hrolles, Ward Miles. Geo. Travis and Hen Hibbert, all of Alli ance. Nebraska. T. J. O'KKEFK. Register. 9303-51-28 The Heavy Hand of Justice. We read recentl) of a butcher who A-iis discharged for being light fingered. 'Us band probably did not weigh IBOUgb. to make it retail profitably. argo ( '.nii ier-Nc a a, hUY WAR SAVIN.. STAMPS See Us, And See Best the- t xutims weakness often results In n p:urco bearing, weakened eyesignt, bri ncbltls end other troubles, but If Scott's Emalmon is given promptly. "iT :e3 m sna tomeorsans and mates rich blood to build pi he depleted force. jx-i t: .! ea S-atfiEmulsioa. It U ! f from AkuhoL DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken S13fe Box Butte Ave Phone 111 t