The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 20, 1918, Image 5

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It Takes Three Parsons
to Complete a Telephone Call
The effectiveness of telephone service depends on the
degree of co-operation between three individuals
1. The person calling.
2. The operator.
8. The person called.
Also, it is bound to help the telephone service gener
ally if every subscriber will accord the young women at
the telephone switchboard the same consideration and
courtesy which the operators themselves are always
anxious to show.
I V"1
Buy War in ampa
and Libert? lloada
State Klrv mmis.Hion-T nml Council 1
of lefene Itgqswal I 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
of ItniiKi'roiiH INM.UtS)i
Palling. Off in DapNHi in Itjtnk (Ivor
MMe Matnl) Attributed to Pur
chasing Lftoftl TVinN.
Special Summer Tourist rates to all the Parks will soon be
announced. All facilities for the Summer volume of travel will
be ample and as comfortable as usual.
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL l'AKK is open from June 25th to Septem
ber 15th; circuit tours embrace all gateways, including the Cody scenic en
trance and the Burlington's triangle circuit mountain tour from Eastern Ne
braska via Denver in one direction, through Yellowstone or Glacier National
Parks, with Rocky Mountain National-Estes Park en route three Parka on
one grand circuit.
OLACIEK NATIONAL PARK is open from June 15th to September
15th. The same general variety of Burlington circuit routes may be used
that include the entire east slope of the Rockies from the British boundary
to Colorado.
to November 1st. No National Park has, in the past two yearB, enjoyed such
a wonderful increase of patronage as this Park, located just north of Denver
on the Burlington's Denver-Casper-Yellowetonc-Glacier line.
Ask the undersigned for Summer fares, publica
tions; let him describe the circuit routes available
that will permit you to make a moat comprehensive
scenic Rocky Mountain tour during the 1918 season
S. H. COLE, Agent, Alliance, Nebr.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebr.
We have opened an office on the first floor of the Alliance
National bank building, on Third street, and are now doing
business. We have an organization that is complete in every
detail for the sale of western Nebraska farms and ranches.
Owners who wish to dispose of their properties should see us.
Our list of western Nebraska farms and ranches contains
some excellent money -saving and money making bargains. We
?.re always glad to show prospective purchasers the properties
which we have for sale.
We bespeak the co-operation of those who are interested in
the upbuilding of western Nebraska and invite them to call at
eny time on the
Thomas -Bald
Investment Company
V. S Rldgell, state fire roinn is-
loner, ami the Nebraska stati' couo ii
of defease, are Joining in the re(in .-t
thai bo flreworki ie used in Nebraska.
on July Fourth this rur. A s!iii-
menl issued t Mr, Rldgell regarding
the matter is as follows:
"We trust thiit the Fourth of .Inly
this year may pass m Nebraska With
out any disastrous tires occurring.
Fireworks are s dangerous, unneces
sary, useless luxury, a waste ol
money In every sense and meaning of
the Word. There an- main safe and
sane ways of celebrating the Fourth
of July without the use of dangerous
explosives, and the lire commission
department has boon for several years
discouraging their use. This Fourth
Of July we are asking that they he
eliminated by the people of Nebraska
entirely. Owing to the war and the
constant fear of treachery, the United
States government requires that any
purchaser of explosives of any kind,
including fireworks, must have a li
cense or permit in order to purchase
"The gorvernment allows the sale
of following fireworks without a li
cense, and while the fire commission
department had previously prohibited
the sale of any fireworks in the state
we concluded finally to conform with
the government's ruling and allow
the following fireworks to be sold and
so others: Chinese firecrackers,
American firecrackers, toy torpedoes,
serpents, sparklers or toy paper capH,
when costing not more than 10 centa
per package.
The dangerous toy balloon is posi
tively forbidden and must not be
sent up.
Council of Defense I'jivses Itcxiliit ion.
" 'Be it resolved, That in view of
the numerous requests for sugges
tions with reference to the proper ob
servance of July Fourth, the Nebras
ka slate council of defense submits
that there never was a time in Ameri
can history when the proper and pa
triotic observance of the nations
birthday anniversary was more ap
propriate or necessary, and we earn
estly urge the people of Nebraska to
make the Fourth a full day of stirring
patriotism, with patriotic mus'C,
plays, speeches, parades and exercises
urging at the same time careful
avoidance of the unnecessary expense
involved in the use of fireworks and
similar items of extravagance long
complained jgainst, and in these days
actuall sinful, if not a crime.'
"Omaha and Lincoln have abso
lutely prohibited the sale and use of
fireworks this year; and we would
like to see every town in the state do
"We particularly request all may
ors, fire chiefs and special deputies of
this department to take an activa in
terest n --eeinB that the ruling made
by this department regarding the
use and sale of fireworks :s strictly
obeyed. It would be a grefi.t benefit
to every community if tne mayor .f
every town in the state would issue a
proclamation prohibiting the sale and
us i of fireworks this year.
The following is a table giving the
statistics of fatalities for the nasi fif
teen years in the United BtatOS due
directly to fireworks accidents ou the
Fourth of July:
Year Dead Wounded Total
1901! 466 3.983 4,1 :
194 183 3,986 4.1T.9
190f. IS 4.994 .r.,176
1906 K.8 5,101 r,.!6
1907 164 4,249 4,1 13
1908 163 5,460 r..b-.'
1909 21 B 5,092 5 307
1910 131 2.792 2.9.3
191 1 57 1,546 l.GOt
1912 20 659 679
1913 32 1.131 1.163
191 4 4(1 1.486 1.L26
1916 30 1.135 l.lfS
1916 30 820 S50
1917 11 208 11
Residence Phone 304
Residence Phone 476
A report Issued by the state bank
ing board showing the condition of
state hanks at the close of business
on May 10 shows the total deposits tO
be 2S(,0S?,460.0I, I reduction of
$24,4 1 3,174.7 2 over the prevlOUS
statement. The report shows thai
siaie nanus now nave S14,f Dv,TI i in
vested in liberty bonds, The condi
tion Of the stale hanks of Hox Unite
county and western Nebraska is very
encouraging and shows the prosper
ous condition of this pari of the state.
The purchase Of liberty bonds by de
posits and by hanks Is said to be the
cause of a decrease In tne deposits
over the slate.
The number of banks reporting to
the stale hoard is 929. The number
of depositors was 507.313, and the re
serve is 2 7 per cent. The reserve on
hand is $60,632,782.22. The requir
ed reserve is $33,913,147.50. The
excess reserve on hand is $26,719,-
The resources and liabilities on
May 1 0, were:
Resources $282,966,807.22
Liabilities $282,966,807 22
The Increase since the last report
filed with the state banking board
February 15. are:
Loans and discounts. . $10,504.48'J.96
Overdrafts 253. 424. J 2
Banking house 31,378 52
Current expenses .... 1.464,648 26
Cash items 525.087.01
Capital stock 69,800 00
Surplus fund 201,957.34
Undivided profits . . . 2,057.509.69
Quaranty fund 27.861.47
Reserve for taxes . . . 26,351.72
Time decreases are:
Bonds $ 6,582,817.16
Real estate 15.39S.90
Due from banks and
cash 22.915,690.96
Deposits 24.413.174 72
Discounts and bills
payable 449,291.95
Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys
if Bladder bothers you -Drink
lota of water.
Kitting meat regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in some form or
other, says a well-known authority, be
cause the uric acid in meat excites the
kidneys, they become overworked; get
sluggish ; clog up and cause all sorts of
distress, particularly backache and mis
ery in the kidney region; rlieuinatic twin
ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con
stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness,
bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or If bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespooeful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act Aim. This famous
salts is made from tlie acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and has been used for generations to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them
to normal activity; also to neutralize the
olds in the urine so it no longer irri-
a, thus ending bladder disorders,
uj Salts cannot injure anyone;
ICS a delightful effervescent lithia
NTter drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean. us
avoiding serious kidney dise&e.
4 2.8 4 9
44. TS 1
The lirst lour months of this year
January, February, March and April,
! Nebraska's lire loss was $872,851. t7.
i At this rate our tire loss would be
.over two and on( -half million dollars
I for the year, an amount which we
Rt!gbl WoU conserve, with a little ex-
tra ar.- and diligence (in our part.
Cau e of Apoplexy.
Despite Ihe fad that medical tuci
look upon apoplexy na nl at -tenths pr
disposition, the courts and .laity have
at times i carded it as aim st
traumatic in its nature. The piiysf
clan thinks in terms of the blood pr
ure, hypertrophy of the heart and rs
cular degeneration, and to a much lei
extent to muscular effort and emottoil
ul stress, for these factors on'y pr
clpituted nn inevitable accident. An
exciting caus.' may he minimal, a Hid
den surname to cold, or absent alto
gether. Medical Record.
Says glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poisons.
The Heavy Hand of Justice.
We reed recently of u butcher wh
auk dischargee for being h lit fingered
His hand pjtobably did not weigh
Mioiigh to make it retail profitably
VuTgO Courier News.
To see the tinge of healthy bloom
in your face, to see your skin git
clearer and clearer, to wake up with
out a headache, backache, coated
tongue or a nasty breath, in fact to
feel your best, day In and day out. just
try In-side-bathing every moruiug for
oae week.
Before breakfast each day, drink a
glass of real hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limes IflllS phosphate In it as a
harmless nieai.H of washing from the
Stomach. Jiver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste,
sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing,
sweetening and purifying the entlro
alimentary canal before putting more
food into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate ou
an empty stomach is wonderfully in
vigorating. It cleans out all the sour
fermentations, gases and acidity and
gives one a upleudid appetite for break
fast. A quarter pound of limestone, phos
phate will cost very little at the drug
store but Is sufficient to demonstrate
that Just as soap an I hot wa sr
cleanses, sweetens and freshens tbfl
Skint hot water and limestone phot
phate act ou the blood and internal or
gans. Thi:e who are subject to con
btli'.ition, bilious attacks, acid stomach,
rheumatic twinges, also those whose
skin is sallow and complexion pallid,
are assured tnat one week of instde
baiiiiuK will have them both looking
aud feeling better In every way.
Soft Drinks and Beverages
Order a case of 36 pints
sent to your home. De
livery made anywhere in
Alliance. Rebate for re
t turn of cases.
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Candies, Lunches.
Distributors for Bridgeport Bottling Works
Take Care of the
Victory Machine
The farm tractor will win the war against
food shortage. 1 500 have been sent to
France. Thousands are fighting for food
victory in America. To make yours do
its full share, keep it properly lubricated.
Gas Engine Tractor OU
is especially manufactured to meet the unique
lubricating requirements of heavy duty, kero
sene and heavy fuel burning tractor engines.
It has the body and the lubricating qualities
that keep compression tight deliver the ut
most power to traction wheels or belt. It will
Ireep your engine running smoothly.
Fill your oil tank with Stanolind Gas Engine
Tractor Oil and cut down your carbon troubles.
Find out what your tractor can do when it is
properly lubricated.
Order Your
Coal Supply Early
It is the wise thing to do
You'll say so this winter, too.
If we could make pluln to you the alluaUoti, we know
Hi ii you would put In your winter coal aupply now
We are not trying to stare you, but we are trytng io teli
)ou. Tlie car shortage exist. It may ema to yon like
e ri thing U moving, out you'll appreciate BM tell
rod when winter CMSMiS in.I it may tie next to irupovdblt
to get coal.
We've got con) to sail yuu induy Wave got coal today
to put into your bin ?Vs can't ifome more. It's good
coal sad It'a a fair price W urge you to get busy
thing tut It will prore to your ailTantuye.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
F W. HAROARTEN, Mgr. PHONE 22 111 Laramie Are
art your ml estate It by tints.
wiS make rate mk farm ta fat it
oao pat o tar a loan far any aaaaat
will aava yoa Monty aa yaur lata,
solicit tke opportunity ta afcow yon.