The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 13, 1918, Image 5

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FOR RKNT Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Call S49 or
Red 426. X10-tr-28
FOR RENT Furnished room IB
modern house. Call 304.
tween town nnd south Alliance,
looser inquire at this office. 9259-25-tf
WANTED A girl for general house
work. Phone 173 or call at 607.
Toluca. 9254-t.f-24
We pay up to 5 dollars per set. Also
cash for Old Gold, Silver and broken
Jewelry. Check sent by return mail.
Ooods held 10 days for sender's ap
proval of our offer. Mazer's Tooth
Specialty, Dept. A, 2007 S. 5th St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. ad-9229-6t
w ANTED Competent stenographer.
One who can handle dictation rap
idly. None others need Hpply. Sal
ary depends on itbility. Write Pierce
Af Jenkins, Hemingford. Nebr.
WANTED To correspond with a
maid or widow between 40 to 50
years of ape, by well known man
with references, 60 years of ape.
Good health and in business. No chil
dren. Object matrimony. Address P.
O. box 21, Spearflsh, S. D.
FOR RENT Rooms in modern home
Phone Red 524. 9266-tf-25
For Sale
Overland truck In Rood condition.
Harry Pennlnger, Antloch, Nebr.
One I J". II. I IiIkIi WIW holler
with front. Tills Is n Mnrry boiler iiml 1
In good sluM, only six years old and
used hut four enrs. lnsected by
state boiler inspector .Inly 1st, 1016,
and used only six months afterwards.
Will sell f. 0, b. car or delivered.
9293-3t-27 Blue Hill, Nebr.
18-36 Ruinley Oil Pull, with Rume
ley tank and wagon. Abo Uumeley
automatic self lift, heavy duty plow,
5 bottoms and I breaker bottoms and
two sets of lays. Used one year
Price $2,550, a bargain. (Juaranteed
in good condition. Seven miles south
west of Sidney in Sidney Draw.
JOHN SEIDKL, Sidney. Neb.
IXST Tuesday, a small silver vanity
box engraved "6-9-18." Prised
more for its association than for its
money value Finder please return to
the Herald office and receive a liberal
The City Mission Is In need of
second-hand clothing, esecinlly men
and shoes. Call phone 6 96 and wi
will call for them. The City Mis
Real Estate. Loans ancf Insur
ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15-tf-6727
We have equipped our dray wag
ons and auto truck with the lates
appliances for moving furnltur
without marring: or scratching or do
Ing damage. Up-to-date wagon padi
will be used by us on all moving
Jobs. JOHN R SNYDER. Phone 1R
Must sacrifice 10.000 Lone Star Oil
and 10.000 Lucky lAin. Best offer
takes either. L. ALLISON, Ktlgewa
tter, Oak. 22-4t-$-9212
Agents wanted in every
town and county
Truly a Quality Car
At a Popular Price
Stylish - Well Made - Reliable - Low Upkeep
car in every sense of the word. The Elcar gives you everything
you can ask in an automoDiie;
Brief Mention of Elcar Points
Four-cylinder models have powerful, long-stroke El-car-Lycoming
motor, developing 37M horse-power at 2100
r.p.m. Six aylinder models have famous Continental 3V4
by 4V2 i. engine, developing 40 horse power at 2,100
r.p.m. Two unit electrical system. Outride of the power
plants, the Blear fours and sixes are practically the same.
Long wheel hase 116 incites; road clearance 10i inches.
Full floating rear axle with spiral bevel driving gears.
Timken roller hearings, front and rear. Double universal
drive; tuhular propeller shaft, copper cellular radiator. A
wonderfully easy riding semi-elliptic springs suspension
Roomy and eomfortahle hodies of beautiful design and
finish that is durable; new "Cathedral Pipe" upholster
ing. Equipment complete, even to motometer on radiator.
fine appearance; up-to-date
conveniences, plenty of room,
unusual riding comfort, low
upkeep, lasting quality.
It doesn't cost much to run an ELCAR. An average
of IK to 24 miles is secured to a gallon of Gasoline ; 1000
miles are averaged to a gallon of oil. Tires give good
mileage due to light weight and good balance.
The 116-inch wheel-base gives an abundance of room.
The motor is powerful and speedy responsive and flexi
ble, the built-in quality insures dependable service for
years to come. Every perl is built 150 per cenl strong.
The ELCAR is a beautiful car. Has long, graoeful,
distinctive lints High claim body and paint work. It
holds its good looks a long time and will give dependable
service for years.
Rumer Motor
Distributors for Western Nebraska,
Wyoming and parts of South
Dakota and Colorado.
George Ormshy write home that
he tmn mi f ply arrived In Franrp.
e e e
Don't fall to see those new, nifty
neckties at the Keep-IT-Neat.
Misses Alta TOVai and DpssIp Kib
ble went to Antloch Tuesday on the
motor bus and returnpd by train.
Let ua save won money on shirts,
neckties, hislery, etr. nepp-TT-Neat,
207 Hox Butte avenue,
A card was received from Ed I'erry
announcing his safe arrival in
Fran e
Let ua save you money on shirts,
neckties, hosiery, etc. Keep-U-Neat.
207 BOS BUtte avenue.
A. P. Stockdale came to Alliance
Monday from Chadron to spend about
a week here on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duhon are down
from Maraland tills wppk to attpnd
the stocknipn's convention.
Mra. Elizabeth Carpenter has
bpen In Alliance thp past wpek vis
iting with hpr daughter.
At thp labor registration last Sat
urday 2, BOO mpn were ' registered
from Box Butte county, 1490 or these
being from Alliance proper.
Mrs. JaniPH Fox, of Maraland, was
In thp city last Saturday on shop
ping tour. Shp rpports that farm con
ditions wptp never better than at the
present time.
Misa Mary Wilson, of Rushvllle,
who has taught In the Alllanc-- high
school for the past two years, ll 111
Alliance this week attending the
stockmen's convention.
Mrs. Blanche Buck and two chil
dren arrived Wednesday morning to
visit her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. W.
5. Zediker and her sister, Mrs. L. A.
Surprise for several days.
Mrs. Angus Smith, who has been
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wllmoth
In Colorado, and with Mrs. J. H.
Daugherty In Alliance, returned home
to Nemo, Nebr., on Monday.
H. F. Snyder, of Primrose, Neb., a
brother of Mrs. L. S. Huff, of Alli
ance, Is in the city this week visiting.
Mr. Snyder Is an old friend, of Oscar
Braman and they are visiting each
Mrs. J. W. Miller, of Crawford.
came" to Alliance Saturday to see her
sister, Miss Blanche Moon, who un
derwent an operation at the St. Jo
seph's hoapital here earlier in the
You should have seen the surprised
look on the faceB of a multitude of
people who stood at the ticket win
dow at the depot on Monday morning
when the ticket agent said 52 cents
to Antloch, please.
Miss Hanna Cotant returned home
from Chicago on Tuesday. Miss Co
tant has been attending school there
and has just finished the school term
Mrs. Cotant went to Chicago about
two weeks ago, and returned home
with ber daughter.
George Carroll, of Hemingford
known as the Box Butte county pota
to king, was in Alliance Monday on
business. Mr. Carroll has Deen spend
ing most of his time at the Edgemont
hot. springs since March, when he suf
fered a severe attack of Inflammatory
rheumatism. He returned to the
springs on Monday
Mrs. A. A. 1.4 y ton returned to Alli
ance. Monday, after a three days' trip
10 Chadron to the Nort sweeiei n Bap
list association, which met there on
Friday. Mrs Ity ton reports trie meet
iQg of the D ;soeiation a great success
There were many interesting speak
i rs on the urogram who came from
all parts of Mie northwestern section
of the Bapt 1st church.
M D CrSTSth, one of the best
known ranchmen in western Nebras
ka, is going to quit the live p.tock
business and has rested his ranch. 28
miles south of Rushvillc and 21 mllSfl
north of lakeside On Monday, June
24, he will sell ITS head of cattle and
100 head of Pereheron horses The
display advertisement in this issue of
The Herald gives full particulars. Mr.
Cravath was in Alliance on Tu sday
on business.
Two newspaper editors, short the
price of admission, gazed eagerly over
the tent wall of the Yama-Yama girls'
cabaret Tuesday evening. After each
one had given the other a boost, they
'(ruled that the most interesting
figure was a gentleman who seemed
to be attired in a Texas dress-suit.
AftSC a ride on the merry-go-'round
they retired to a dark corner to dis
cuss the propriety of ordering one of
ilit new faugled suits.
Mrs Jerry Rowan returned to Alli
ance Wednesday after a few days'
trip to Woodlake, Nebr , wtiere she
was organising a woman's committee
of the council of defense. She held
three very successful meetings and
to do their share of the war work, a ,
is shown by their enthusiastic re
sponse to 'he call.
Don't fall to see those new, nifty
neckties at the Keep-P-Neat
0. F. Mayfipld, of thp Wpstprn Pot
ash company. Is In the city attending
the first class program at the convesv
e e
Miss Dorothy Clark of Hot Spring,
Is sppnding t ho wppk In Alliance, vis
iting with her friend, Miss Naomi
(Indole, and attending the stockmen"
Flint 1hh Hand laundry- We do
washing and ironing the right way.
Huaranteed work. We call anil Ie
llver. .1. D. and Lizzie Moore 721
West Second street. Phone 974.
Did you see the lady on the street
last Thursday who hnd on a nickelt
worth of clothes and a hundred dot-
lars worth of furs? She canif from
the south and thought that it would
be 'n Alliance
City Attorney Robert Reddish re
turned Tuesday morning with Mrs
Reddish from an extended trip east
ward, which Included stops at Lin
coln, Chicago. Hastings and other
points. Mr. Reddish reports that they
enjoyed their trip greatly.
A quiet wedding was held at the
home of Rev. Stephen J. Epler last
Saturday noon, when the marriage
vows were taken by Earnest Hnlcomb
of Mllburn, Nebr., and Miss Emma G.
Reynolds, of Montrose, Colo. Miss
Reynolds formerly taught school. Mr.
Reynolds and bride left for his farm
near Milhurn, where they will make
their future home.
John W. Thomas, live stock editor
of The Herald, and deputy land com
missioner, arrived In Alliance Tues
day morning from Lincoln to attend
the stockmen's convention. His
friends here find him looking well
and say Hint his work In the busy
1.11 commission office at the state
capltol must agree with him. He will
spend most of the week in Alliance.
A box social program was given at
the school house at Bereft Inst Thurs
day night, June 6. for tne benefit of
the Junior Red Cross. There was a
large attendance and the Juniors are
well pleased with the results of their
efforts. Eighty dollars and fifty cents
was raised for the Junior Red Cross
and about thirty-five new membrs
were enrolled. Miss Ruth E. Smoth
ers teaches this school.
The quiet wedding of J. Allen
Stokes, of Alliance, and Miss AlyB E.
Cone, of Lexington, Nebraska, took
place at the Methodist ptrsonage, on
Friday, June 7, Rev. J. W. Morris of
ficiating. The young couple took the
train for Denver shortly after the
ceremony and will return to Alliance
after a short wedding trip, spent In
the west. Mr. Stokes Is an employe
of the Burlington railroad company.
and they will make their home here.
Dr. J P. Maxfleld, Alliance's
"speed king," has placed them all in
the background this tin e. He has
purchased the agency of the Ru r
Motor company, a classy Stutz fcur
cyllnder sixteen-valv roadster, fin
ished with a beautiful yellow bo ly.
This is the fastest car In western Ne
braska and the doctor will n iue
to be the envy of those who have le
lieved their cars to be really speedy.
The car has eight spark ptup.i an 1 is
Completely equipped wit! all the
eBt accessories.
Two cases of refusal to conform to
Hp registration rules of last Saturday
were brought to the attention of the
council of defense. John Smith, em
ployed at the Burns ranch, six miles
seel of Nonpareil, was reported as
refusing to register. A committee,
composed of it . Strong. J w. Bick-
BsU and W. J. Hamilton, waited on
him Monday. Mr. S:nitli was misun
derstood in hi! remarks and willingly
filled oul ref istratSon card. He also
subscribed for s liberty lond while In
the city, The other CSS was that of
I, S Johnson i bo'luMniimer. Mr.
.V rson is '.in i ,ii lite coming draft
and iiis reason v. as a substantial one,
as he did not think it necessary to
register, as his services next summer
would not be available, due to his call
in the draft.
One of the largest crowds ever
seen in Alliance Saturday viewed he
eclipse of the sun. All those that
did not have smoked glasses grabbed
the ones held by some one else, no
matter whether they knew them or
The event was Interesting from ev
ery standpoiu 'his eclipse will not
occur again (or y 9 years, the next
eclipse occurring in 2017.
The solar eclipse of last Saturday
began at sunrise in the Borodino In
lands, south of Japan, and was visible
as a partial eclipse In southeastern
Asia, in the Artie and North Pacific
oceans and in North America. II
passed thru the United States
I - 'm s -
the women of that place are willing ended at the Bahama Islands