The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 25, 1918, Image 10

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    IIUI i- im i r ii I i iv
Alliance Young Man WMlM InUMWt
ing lfltrr of His Surrounding
in nr-Kitlilm France
Lieut. UeorRO H. MrFall. of Alli
Utf, writing I' ec Witty to fllMI from
Fmnce. before lie entered the line of
buttles, tells them of the French noo
tolfl and their ways. The lieutenant Is
probably ftfS ceil In active wurfnrc a
this time, bp the lettSf waa written
sonic time in-" It nQU as followa:
"Another line from Sunny (?)
France.' In I different place Mff.
Have heard the boom of the bin MM
Am rati lag tine, eatinu good eatH and
aleepinn uooil sleeps. The iedi In
thin roil n I r are about two feet thirk
nntl a feather bed on top of that,
l-lctit l.awh i ami I are iiiarteref in
the name place. Madame is
our hostess and believe me. she In n
rood one. She is about fill years ol I.
and is fairly forcing French down my
throat. She makes me talk It. She
1s Home talked, tOO. I nianaue In
make myself understood and Ret
what I want. I boucht some wood
for my stove today and hail quite n
time making myself understood. It
-wan bo funny and when we net alone
we have many a latmh about our ex
periences. "The cars for transportation are
"marked 40 homines, or 8 rheveauv,
moaning 40 men or S horses The
fellows had quite a lauKh over that.
BotD.6 times it is hard to make oneself
UndentOOd and Other limes It is easy
The people here are very patient i
"With us.
"Last night I Heft! In a bttlldlni
which was built in 1609. Also there
was a trunk in it marked, (Irand
Ducke Nicholas.' A ponderous Iron
pate was in the wall around the place
and it looked just like picturea we
have seen of historical buildings
ClOOS to this building is another one
with a tower I went Up in the tower
and it was formed into prison cells,
the lower one being called the dun
peon. In it we found names carved
In the stone, and ilati s running back
to 1738. Napoleon , at one lime
made it his headquarter!
"There are many other places, veiy
Old and all very interesting. From
this tower one could get n wonderful
view of the valley; but that is an-
can't tell you much but will try to tell were 112 cats, the previous week 152.
M muck as I csn without Imparting total 'o date 6.060 and total Inst
any thing of Military value. Don't yPflr to April 1. 5.083 cars. Oreuon
worn about me. I'm bavin the time K,i,m.nfj were 8 cars, the previous
of my life. Can hear the big nuns we(it 1S ,olft) to ,,, ,, nn,j total
boom. That's music to me. . . . . . 1oe Bfi.kiaMM
. . ast year to date 3,1. .8 W ashineton
"We are anine to have pancake '
for hreakfast Had fried pork chO s -'"pments were 44 cars, the previous
beans. e omelette and coffee for ,al ,;',,' ' f f "
ipper a real pood feed For din- i ttal to date 2,260 and to
ner we hare roat pork, fresh fried The market on northwestern po
POtetOee, peas, CkOCOiata and aravy. tatoes almost disappered the last oou
They never put upper crusts on the p,. of weeks and the movemtnt from
tiles here They call pancackes tlf. W(,ole western sertion waa almost
crap." Sounds like gambling, B .... ,V, j. fe rr"'t th"' Oregon
doesn't it? Also Kolnu to have oat- ,w.,. u ...... ,i.
mai n- ii 'i i ' 1 1 1 ? kii n tiir r4 r i rrv" m .
meal for breakfast. I am ni".-" ofll r
and believe me we are havin.' sotii"
"Ml stop now.
111 w rite again
(Continued from Page On )
offered in hampers and moved at
Light North weal Mureweul
Lo Angeles, Calif. Potato ship
ments from California last week were
t8 cars compared with ti4 the pro
vious week; total to date Is 7,706
against the total last season to April
lake a glass of Salts if your Back hrn
or Bladder bothers you Drink
more water.
If you must have your meat ercry
oat it, hut flush your kidneys with n
occaaionally, says a noted authority v
tells us tliat meat forms uric said B
almost pnriilyj.os the kidneys in their
forts to expel it from the blond. Til
beeonio llttggish and weaken, then y.
sulfer with a dull misery in the ki '
rsgli sharp pains in the buck or
hatdaahOj dizziness, your stomach s
tongue is coated and when the we.i
is had you have rheumatic twinges,
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, ;
ehaaotls often get sore, and irriU
obliging you to seek relief two or t
time, during the night.
To neutralize these irritating aci!-.
cleanse the kidnevs and flush off
other place We are now in a plctur- body's urinous waste get four ounce
. .... I T .. I O 1 i . f . 1 U.
esque place and It is also very intei
eating. Napoleon is also said to bar
used some of these buildings. Don't
know if It Is true or not I have
sure enjoyed some of thise BuenCB.
Last night i . m C. A man told
Lieut. McCoun that he was looking
for his brfther, Lieut. Layton. Lieut.
IfeCoUU Bald he was right here and
the two brothers met here In France
Believe me, they were surprised and
were so glad to see each other.
"I have never felt better In my life
than I do right now and am getting
.lad Salts from anv pharmacy h
take a tahlespoonful in a glass
water before breakfast for a few qj
nid your kidneys will then act) fine. I I
famous salts is made from the aei I
papal anil lemon juice, combined w
litliia, and has lieea used for generatii
to flush and stimulate sluggish kidnev
also to neutralize the acids ta un:
M it no longer irritate., thus endi
' i.lder weakness,
lad Suits is inexpensive; cannot
llirs, and makes a .i . .-'.tful affarvet"
lithia-water driuk.
Most of them went to evaporafina
Plaftta The activity was very light in
comparison w ith a year ago, as for in- j
statu e during the first greek in April i
1 f 1 7 . Oregon hipped 11! cars, Wash-'
inuton and Idaho have slumped limit-1
arly. Thepe thlnaa are against fur- j
ther extensive shipments from Ore-1
gon this season There are great j
crops in storage in Idaho, Colorado
and Central western states moving to
i market at every opportunity i nd w ith
I ss freight charges those points give
shippers there such advantage over
this section that northwestern pota
toes can be sold only by accepting
less money or giving better quality.
I'rices in Oregon are such that they
cannot an much lower. Some have
Old at 50c per rwt. In bulk with sack
ed bringing fOOTSC. There! is no
speculative buying, so sales are in
Bmall lots. QeoWeri figure they gre
not getting much more than handling
22 Million Families
in the United States
F EACH FAMILY saved one cup of wheat flour it would amount to
5,500,000 pounds, or more than 28,000 barrels. If this saving was made
three times a week, it would amount to 858,000,000 pounds, or 4,377,000
barrels in a year.
You can do your share in effecting this saving and really help to win
the war by omitting white bread from one meal today and taking in its
place muffins or corn bread made according to this recipe:
Corn Meal Muffins
iua turn in e 1 1
1 ', cups flour
'.. teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons Roys' Baking Powder
2 lablerpc -jr.s fj-ar
No frf3
1 cup na Ii
2 tcblepoor. -. !:or!cninj
Sift dry ingredients together bOWl idd milk and RMtttd
Shortening and beat well. Bake in greased muffin tins in h t
oven about 20 minutes. Same batter may be baked as corn
bread in g ased shallow pan.
Our new Red While and Blue booklet, "Best War Time R::if cs," containing many ether
recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods mailed free address
ROYAL BAKfNG POWDER CO., DEPT. H.r 13E Wiiliam St, Nev York
VWBrHft 1 Wfc-.jHJfcl 13-"
Char gee now. fha quanta hi net rerjr erop here and in tBfB Immediate sec- t.vto movement this way opened early than the qunntiry iniporfet fast year.
Vow York Receipts Lighter
Rochester. X. Y. With farmers
wuu am M,uons ury season maae tioh are in good condition at the pres- last week. Carlots of Hose packed in the quantity for this year being 9.989
poorly developed and Shaped tObera. snt time and With ROnfiflned favora- ilnatai hnsrf oarrols orrtveil and same I turrets At the time of w-titinir the
ble weather one of the largest and passed on to other markets further condition of the crop la good, altho
best crop in p.dnt of botrr volume and norta. The nfir stock hi all Ohio val- , early planted potatoes especially have
(itialitv ever produced in this section lev aaatera WOtt well reeeived and Buffered from nrolonaed drv weather.
lalinu ofl in the receipts of potatoes; i8 expected. The unusually good found an active ronsumf.tive demand. Rain has fallen during the past week,
and despite the prophecy that April I weather prevailing thronirhont the The bouses rcceivine the initial ship-Jand if the weather continues favor
would would see growers feeding no- j seson has given the plants aVirdi- ments dlSttllmted tlw arrrrala I able a vedy good yield may be anticl
tatoes for lack II s market, the pre- jaesi and vitality rarely seen and all promptly. WhlcH Indicates the trade pa ted, for the crop is nnu.uially free
diction has failed to materialize Od indications are for a considerable in- as a wlale will take take un the early from leaf-rool or other low-yielding
further, under the licht receipts there I creas in the averaae yield, tt It es- j goods freely. The forepart of the ; plants. J,ate blieht is reported in
is a distinctly stronger tone to the ; jmated that in the neighborhood of areek No. 1 Rose -as sellinp at $t.S9 some localities and the prem nee of
i ,000 cars of potatoes, mostly Trt- o per barrel, No. 2 at $?.S0t3 8 and this in conjunction with unusually
Btmpht, WlH be produced in this sec- ftfo. 3 at 6.S0(9C. A few Florida Tri- liebt applications of fertilizer, brot
tion practically all of WhicB Will b umphs pill up in bushel packages about by Its high cost and scarcity,
market. DeaP is will inaKe no esti
mates Of the amounts now In posses
sion of growers, but some of the big
buyers here are coniine to the con
elusion thtn stocks may have been
rat her overestimated.
Reports continue to come in to the
tffect that there will be some reduc
tion of potato acreage this sea bob ow
inir to the unfavorable conditions that
obtained last season in handling the
crop. It is claimed that the acreage
shipped out of this point. With con
tinued favorable we: ther conditions,
digging should begin about the first
week of May and the CarlOi move
ment, it is believed, will Be ready to
open np actively by May .r to 10.
Florida Spuds on Market
Hastings, Fla. The Brat carloati of
were received here, brtnmni: 11.60 may reduce the estimated yield which
; :! 00. lis 42,000 barrels.
Old potatoes are doing a little bet Discolored Seed Xot Fit
r All aloni.' the line a higher quo-. Wo ostein Ohio When selecting
.... o. re-. tiled compared with the seed potatoes, Beware of. the tuner
previous week. No. 1 stock out of howittg internal discoloration, cau
Rflehigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota turns the Ohio experiment Station, for
brought in a general way on valley . by discarding such seed you are tak-
arkets $1.40 l.-O per cwt., sack- ,,1L. a nir step in preventing wilt and
., !... k. i,.nn,i mi
in stent), n c ounty this year will h ' " ' "' . ". , ' , . ... ' -,f stai.le varieties of seed, such as blaekleff that may later threaten the
1 IttlLl . I fl " ' ' - "
19.000 as eoiimared with "7(1(111 1-. at Wlin I He yieiu 01 .mi
v,.-,r Inf.,r,.i...ti,.n fr,n rt.. tBUB Bud been expected
The recent
damemi witich
, i
io ),.., t tin f..,.. i i rains nave cau.-.-o
drafted. Bare enlisted, or left the CWmed digging to becin a week or
ten nays earner turn usuai.
Klkton growers .ire dicginn and
farms for one
the iast year.
1 eaaon or another in
and to make up this
Erly Ohio, Rse and Cobblers con
"nue to moveviit prices in tine with
taBte stock.
Potato t 'rr In IW-rniti'Ih
Washington, D. C. In a special
Fusarium wilt causes ;i shrunken,
depressed area at the stem end of the
potato, and inside it forma a dark
crescent shaped marking. Plants in
the field turn yellow and droop and
I I a . 1. -.' . .1 .1 .AAnia T Ii tt . . . .if" ocrinnl-
loss, only 100 new men iiave gone to 'vva ' r" . vield -i nnor crop when thtd wilt be-
,h ta equal to that of Hastings. tore of Bermuda makes the following n pn.rroJ n
'. .... . At federal Point crowers are dig-,Mn,.nt with respect of the pros- comes established.
There is still some opposit on 'VI " f si.irtunin 1 . .. nimklesr n1o causes plants to b-
l i ..i.,.. ,i .i amimt of th( SCIircitV o.. nninn :ini onion Ul.liKK- .I!..) i.iusr-s l"'"lu
against potato grading, although ap-"" ' : . 1 "s u k .
nrantft the rrrc it r,ronortin of "1 """" K,rl"' "' ! cropss
1 1 i. . i . . ..... i ... . . . i , . i . . .. . , .. ..imp
lave oeetl oi usiin auo .n- rno. t c. j ,,otaio acrea-e ir mi sci
used. With one dinner and four to 1917. The increase
- 1. .......... Aim - 1 1 j . tw
rer, there are few dealers willing to; " oK w " ' "V " 2' winter
to six acre a any. nunc - h., acreage pianiea w veuei.voim
crowers and dealers favor it as a real
prop to the potato business How-
come unthrifty and finally die. The
than base of the stem turns black, and
is due leaves often fold along the midrib.
Infected tubers carry the over
admit that they do not grade pta-
We have Opened an l!p to-Date Dressmakiti"; Pnrlor
and are prepared to do
ON OUB OPENING DAY, MAY 1st, to every lady that calls.
drafted to individual measurement.
From 9 to 4 each day, starting May 1st. IVacltcal lowing tauuln
Ladies Tailoring College
hands two rres a day was the limit.
carrots, lettuce, etc. j Treatine seeed potatoes before
toes, out investigation snows: at I " .. " " I ih .' ZL t.w i .nM.l th nlnnt. hura
Tidinc consists in a little hand ort-' Tm rauroaus are -uF.auufi which was Dioupnt aouui oj i"t- i.i.wo.u ...... -,",.--"" " .
El "'"thrrn Lnl dde grading the growers and are furnish all f chm room accommodation on the eontthd
over a mechanical device Bv sneeial ara obtainable. New York-Bermuda route. The tion of disease-free potatoes ana crot
over a mechanical device By special. Vltatos in Ohio amount of seed potatoes imported for rotation are the only control meas-
request of the federal food adminis-, Ne POtaloa MS W j amount o seeu . commended. (,'ioinoiu ffl rorrin Mwadeaw : . ; liir ThP K 1011 Ofl DO I) inilUK 13 U UJ Li i a "
; . i i i i . - w. i i:iii. i'viv-ti ill' ii.iii. wiiiw -
of the New York State Potato Ship
pers' Conservation association, has
been doing some investigation. Deal
ers are paying growers $I.10Til.30
per cwt , for V. S. grade 1. tracksideJ
delivery. Healers are shipping U. S.
grade 1. bulk, $1.45(dl.50 f. o. b.
Roc heater.
i .odd cars in Louisiana
Alexandria, La. The new potato
I Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water !
Quart Ice Cream 45c Pint Ice Cream 25c
Completely equipped Sanitary Service
0OMB IN at any time and let us serve with that cooling think
or delicious Sundae 1 AC with wafers.
We deliver goods to any part of city or out of town
S. P. JACKSON, Prop. 210 Box Butte Phone 27
Hotel Fontenelle
Built By Nebraskans
For Nebraskans
q A triK I ONH PERSON . 12.00 t A.OQ
A 1 1 TWO PERSONS Ji.OO M $.00
. . . Ma-ruigement H. Edgar Gregory . . .
f Saysn inside bath, before break i
T fast helpa us look and feel
a .
T clean, sweet, fresh. ;
; x
Sparkling and vivacious merry,
bright, alert a good, clear skin sad
a natural, rosy, healthy rnmplwtlnn
are assurexl only by pure blood. It
only every man and woman coul 1 be
Induced to adopt the morninic inside
bath, what a gratifying change would
j take place. Instead of the thousands of
sickly, anaemic-lookim? men, women
and girls, with pasty or Buddy
complexions; fautflaJ of the niulii
' tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rumlou
j "brain fags" and pessimists we
! should see a virile, optimistic throng
! of rosy-aheeked people STary where.
An Inside bath is had by drinking
each morning, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone pho.hate in it
to wash from the stomal, liver, kid-
ays and tan yards of bowels the pre
vious day's Indlcoatlble waste, tour
fermentations and poison, thus
cleausing. sweetenin and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and partlculary those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pouud of limestone
phosphate at the drug store which
will cost but a trifle, but Is sufficient
to demonstrate the quick and remark
able change In both health andap!oar
ance, awaiting those who practice In
ternal sanitation. We must remem
ber that inside cleanliness Is more im
portant than outside, because the skin
does not absorb impurities to oa
taminate the blood while the pores In
the thirty feet of bowels da
rtKill Friction and I' wnv
Save the Car rlT j ill
TACTION is the deadly enemy of your IfSj I I HKfc I
r :...:.kDJ ;;k P.L,. Ii ! m flW I
mwui. r....W.u..U.... m..uu- I lit I 1 ITmikI
ine in your crankcase, summer and winter, j (JUUlJ j ! Hi
I i you are assured perfect lubrication. Polarine I UKKZAxI !! Ii 1
LI flow, freely a, Zero; it doesn't ran thin or ! 1
I tff break up at the highest heat generated by $SUfi H ' I ill
f your engine. M H olKWI
I Polarine conserves power ; ia acid-trre will not II) M 111 rUPJSLW
Pit the cylinder, or eat away,,- piston rings. I ! I I) iMMnml
Burn, up c.ean., carbon. 1
always. Get it where you see the sign, 4Tl 1 ' ft&mK"
Red CrOWn G&SOlfne takes you farther on fj j J JjLJtf f
a gallon makes hill climbing easy. V r'TOjf'JBFr"
(Nebrakd) OMAHA JmfW
! Mois8 "" T