The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 28, 1918, Image 7

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And Display of the Latest
Think Well Before
Buying Your Easter
Coat or Suit
Already tliis season we have had the pool fortune to help
a hundred and more out tome n avoid purchasing impure fabrics
and hr.sty tailoring in coats ami snits. In hardly any season dur
ing the past ten years has it been so important to watch oIom ly
everything, hip and little, which noes into making garments
and this applies to onr purchasing as well as yours.
Frankly, we feel safest these days when we huy WoolteX.
We know that The H. Hlack Company, who makes Wooltcx
Garments, back up without the slightest hesitation the Wooltex
Uuarantce of all-wool fabrics, expert tailoring and latest metro
politan designing.
Our Full Easter Display is Now On
Another big shipment just arrived ready for your inspec-
i "
Mrf Copyright Hli
ts Tht WwlUi DttigrUTt
Smart Creations in Tailored and Dress Hats.
The Horace Bogue Store
The Store Ahead
Spetlal Easter Program Sunday
11a. m. Bible School 10 a. m. preach
ing 7.30 p. m. Young People 6.30.
Special services at the Baptist
Church next week. Rev. F. C. Barrett
a former pastor will assist the pastor
in these meetings, beginning Tuesday
evening, April 2nd. Annual elections
of officers, Wednesday, April 3rd.
Every member is urged to be present.
The 26th Annual Roll Call will oc-,
cur Sunday, April 7th.
Hostesses for the day are Madams
Standard, Harper, Bayce, Stringer,
and pryor. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all members and friends.
Be sure and come as the hostesss are
planning something extra.
The Ladies Aid of the If. E.
church will meet next Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. W. R. Harper.
Clark Jeary, Lincoln attorney
stopped over In Alliance Tuesday for
a short visit with attorney Basye.
Jeary is one of the stockholders in
the new Bonus plant, Lee told him
that all he ever heard about the lake
was that it had nothing but soda in
it, this remark sent the young lawyer
home with some doubts as to the for
tunes made in potash.
Penalties for Income Dodgers Are
Severe Get Your Return
in if You Are Liable.
Pigs are Scarce!
And every Spring they get scarcer, because cold,
wet and exposure kill off enough young pigs ever)
year to till the packing houses if they hud grown to
Warm, dry light hoghouses are absolutely es
sential to profitahle pig production otherwise there
will he heavy losses from disease and hardship suf
fered in inclement weather.
Why sacrifice valuahle pigs to the weather when
so little money will huy strong, durahle, economic
Southern Pine or other good lumher sufficient to pro
vide adequate shelter? One pig saved from death due
to exposure will more than pay for a good portable
hoghouse !
Stop attending pig funerals and come in and . t
the lumber that will save many future gen. rations
of pigs. We have plans for Doghouses, too, from
which you can select and build the type you prefer
they're free.
DO IT NOW and save your bacon !
Have you bought
your Thrift Stamp
We Sell Them
April 1, 1018, Is the final day al
lowed under the federal Income tar
law for the filing of federal Income
tax returns. I'ersous who are requir
ed to file returns under the provisions
of lew and who fall to get their re
turns In on time are Bubjeet to se
vere penalties, as follows:
For making false or fraudulent re
turn, not exceeding $2,000 or not ex
ceeding one year's Imprisonment, or
both, In the discretion of the court,
and, In addition, 100 per cent, of the
tax evaded.
For falling to make return on time,
not less than $20 nor more'than $1,
000, and, In addition, !50 per cent, of
the amount of tax due.
If on account of Illness or absence
from home you are unable to render
your return williln the time prescribed
by law you may obtuln an extension
of BO days If a request tberefor is filed
Willi the collector of your district be
fore the due date of the return. In
this request you must slate the rea
son why the return cannot be filed
within the time prescribed by hiw.
Collectors of Internal revenue are
not authorised to grant extensions of
more than 110 days, but the commis
sioner of internal revenue has author
ity to grant a reasonable extension
beyond 110 days In meritorious eases.
If you desire an extension of more
than 30 flays your request should be
addressed to the commissioner and
should contain a detailed statement
Severing the reasons which make it
Impossible for sou to file your return
on or before April 1.
The Internal revenue men are now
Completing their tour of the lountry,
during which they were in tOUeh Willi
the people of every city and town, If
you failed to pel In touch with the
deputy which visited your section it Is
uot too late to get advice Consult
your postmaster us to where the m ar
est deputy is now. (let your blank
form, study the directions and the re
qulretnents as BhOWQ thereon and
tuuke your return without fail If your
Income was sufficient to come within
the bounds named In the law.
It Is pointed out by 'oiiiinlssloner
Hoper that It Is Important that the
people comply with the federal laws
as fully as they are Complying with
the drafts for men and the conserva
tion of foods and fuel "The War must
be paid for," says 'o.iiin:ssioiiei Itoper.
"CnaJteaas bos as much iiiM .
The Alliance Herald's Little Salesman
itteitltlag under this head, live rents per lino Count six words
to the line. No advertisement taken for less than fifteen cents.
For Sale
FOR BALE t. Old Milch Con
Just fresh; phono, 704. 9 1 2 3-tf-l 6
Kor Sal. link? Chirk, Call 881.. .
FOR BALE Fall blooded black Mln
orka roosters Mrs. James Dougherty
PhoM 585. 12-tf-904R
FOR SAI.i: (iood bed. spiiiiL' and
mattress. $10. Thone 863. 627 W 3rd.
FOR BALE StHcTlyioelTToom
resident, located at tig nig Horn ave
Easy terms, c. E. Beaaat Phone
III. 8868-tM3
FOR BALI BuS Orplnnton eggs for
Batching from prize winning strain.
Two dollars for thirteen eggs from
a selected pen, six dollars for one
hundred okrs from rang! flock. Phone
Ash 8212. Mrs. J, A. Alliance
Nebr. 9079-IM4
FOR SALE Residence No 4 22 Big
Horn Ave In the City of Alliance, 6
loom all Modern except heat
For full particulars write Henry
Rlnler, York Nebr. 16-2t-9119
FOR SALE 22 Pure bred Duff Rose
Comb W'yandote Pullets, $1.25 each,
also cockerels; Pure bred Single
Comb Rhode Island Red egKB for
hatching, 5c. per ork. I still have
One tine cockerels left.
Mrs H A White. Hemlnaford Nebr
I ' l SAI.K (iooil improved farm
lor sale or rent, Containing 4 SO
acres, about LM acres gf corn and
potato grand ready for HpritiR
Wheat, besides this around 7.r and
L60 acres of the very liest of
ground for potatoes.
('. (i. Roaenberger, Hemingford.
Nebraska. 914.MH17
and shoes. Call phone 696 and WW
will call for them. Tbe City Mission
We have equipped our dray wag
tins and auto truck with the luteal
appliances for moving furniture
without marring or scratching or do
ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pade
will be used by us on all moving
Jobs. JOHN R. 8NYDER. Phone II.
FOUND B of L F E. pin apply
nt Herald sffleo. Pin returned on pay
ment for this ad.
house; must be modern, with five or
six rooms. Call 340. 63-tf-8707
vinCfffESXStSSiy wanT i
work on farm, on s" are crop. Call, FOUND One crank for either a Ford
111 m k 114. or f.24 East 3rd St.
WANTED Olrl for house work.
Phone 610. 6-tf-9357
WANTKI) TO RENT Three or four
furnished rooms for light house keep
ing good location desired Box 851.
or call 340. 9085 2t
WANTED Young man of good ad
dress with some selling experience
to learn the Piano business, good op
portunity for advancement. Call at
Haddorff Music House. 9112-tf-16
The City Mission Is in need of
second-hand clothing, eseclally men's
or Cheveolet. Apply at Herald office
and get on payment for this ad.
HORSES: 1 gray gelding, 3 yr. old,
lazy F on right shoulder; 1 sorrel
with a wire cut on one fore foot, call
J. H. Vaughn & son Alliance, Ner.
LOST Black Knitted Jacket between
depot and West Lawn. Leave at thin
office. 1 1 1 - $ - 2 1-1 6
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15 tf 6727.
script a Just portion or income na it
has to conscript our boys. The tax
for 1017 Is designed to reach moder
ate ss well as large Incomes, so that
all persons who are In financial posi
tion to bear a portion of the heavy
government expenses can be assessed
In proportion to their ability to pay.
"The man who Is barely making a
living or barely supporting a family
Is not affected by the 1017 law. But
the man who is able to bear a share
of the burden has been reached by
the new law, and he should accept his
responsibility In the same patriotic
spirit that our young men have shown
In offering themselves for this great
purpose of the country to make the
world safe for people of all kinds to
live In and to govern themselves."
This tux Is one which recognizes
women as on au equal busts with men.
The Unmarried woman or the married
woman with u salary must make tux
return Just the MUM as uny man. Only
the woman supporting her mother or
other members of iter family muy take
out 12,000 exemption.
Under the law the head of Hie fami
ly is tiie one win is.- earning power con
tributes to the family's support.
Similarly a widow with small chil
dren to support can take out $2,000
exemption and $L'00 additional exemp
tion for each of her children under
elgliteeu. Thus It Is intended that
the law shall work no hardship to wo
men having to struggle to get along.
But each must file return If her In
come Is $1,000.
A man whose wife dies and who Is
left with small children to support
upon u moderate Income may also take
full exemption under the new tax law
ami also claim $L'00 exemption for
erch of his children under eighteen.
The widower under the law Is a
single BUU) and must make inx re
turn accordingly. Married men need
not file returns unless they ure earn
ing $'J,000 or more.
"This Is as much a national obliga
tion as the reporting for duty of a man
drufted for service with the colors,"
says D. C. Roper, commissioner of In
ternal revenue. "As it stands, it Is
much a matter of the man or wo
man's own conscience. It Is for hi in
or for her to determine Just how fur
he Is liable to the tax. He must figure
his own Income and If It reaches the
figures named In the law must make
faliliful report upon it to the proper
"Tliis tax Is distinctly a war meas
ure and will he hi effect during the
"This Is a peoples tax It reaches
right down Into the pockets of the
small wage earner; It makes him a
partner In the Job of winning the
Mrs. Edith May Wallis of Foremast
Alberta Canada, died at the Hospital
Monday night at the age of 41 years
Funeral services w. re held at Darl
ings Chapel Wednesday morning and
interrment made in Woodlawn cemet
ery. Mrs. Wallis is survived by a
brother and husband.
The HupmobUe expert from Detroit
! Michigan, Is now doing business at
the Hup Shop In the old building of
the Alliance Auto Supply. Mr. Hollo
way will have complete charge of the
agency here which has been put in by
Behwabe Bros, of Chadron. The firm
got In several new cars the first of
the week, the new cars elng on dis
play at the show rooms.
Sturgeon Bros, have been doing a
big business in the Avery Tractor.
The days of tractor farming are here.
Both from efficiency! and savings'
standpoint the tractor meets the
needs of the farmer of today. It Baves
extra labor and buying high-priced
feed for horses, besides enabling the
farmer to do his work In a shorter
Schwabe Bros, of Chadron were In
town the first of the week looking
after the establishment of their Hup
agency. They have arranged for Ai
No. 1 service for their patrons.
Ueorge Mollring has sold his re
sidence property to William Rusk.
Vote for the Bonds that will Im
prove our health conditions by pro
viding a new septic tank.
s a e
The patrons of Rural District No.
4 at Hemingford subscribed $1275.
oo on War Savings day last Friday.
This was in addition to what had al
ready been subscribed.
Miss Abbott, formerly of the Alli
ance Schools, was in town Monday
having driven over from Crawford in
their Reo Touring car.
Car Dutton has resigned as mana
ger of the National Store ;md will en
ter the employ of one of the Potash
companies that has recently be B
Have you got your ticket for the
Kiks Minstrels, if not you had best
see ubout them at ouee as se;;ts are
going fast.
Miss Ruby Origgs of Gran 1 Island
travelling chief operator for the Ne
braska Telephone Co. is spending
the week here on company bualnese.
Lloyd C. Thomas left for Lincoln
last Saturday night to attend the
speciaT sesTTonnrTfieSftate ' Leglsla,
ture which started this week.
William Ostenberg Jr. has purchas
ed the pretty home on Toluca Ave.,
formerly belonging to Jerry Rowen.
Characteristics of Famous Men.
When T meet a famous man I note
that all he has is n little sense, a lit
tie politeness and a disposition to I ok
after things. Many famous men are
very ordinary, except that they are un
usual In the respects uoted. E. W.
Uowe's Monthly.
"8peed the Parting."
The Departing Guest "1 hope my
two weeks' stay here with you hasa't
proved u big additional expen to
you." Mrs. Inwrong "Oh, no'. George
uud I have what we cull a 'Catastro
phe Fund' that We've saved for Just
nueb emergencies." New York Times.
Don't Stay Gray! It D&rkena
So Naturally that No
body can Tell.
You can turn gray, faded hair beau
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
night if you'll get a 50-ceut bottle of
"Wyeth's Suge and Sulphur Compound"
at any drug store. Millions of bottles of
this old i ,ia. j- Sage Tea Raeipe, im
proved by the addition of other ingredi
ents, are sold annually, says a well
known druggist here, because it darkens
the hair so naturally and evenly that no
one can tell it lias been applied'.
Those whose hair is turning grav or
becoming faded have a surprise awaiting
them, because after one or two applica
tions the gray hair vaniihes and your
looks become luxuriantly dark and beau
tiful. This is the age of youth. Grav h.iired,
unattractive folks aren't wanted around,
so get busy with Wyeth's Bage sad Bnfl
iduir Compound to night and you'll be de
lighted with your dark, handsome hair
and roar youthful a pp. arame within a
few gnj I,
This preparation is a toilet requisite
and is not Intended for tiie cure, mitiga
tion or prevention of disease.
Plow Your Garden Now
Let Us do your hauling, plow
your gardens, dig your cellar.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Office at Dierks Lumber Company
Phone Res. 234, Office 22
mTiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinim i i i mi i hi iHiiiiiiiiiinii minim