ALLIANCE HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1918 FOUND BODY OF ANNA HORA. LOST TWO YEARS IVtrllW! IUhI Of V.uttR Schm1 TwwImt Kotiml In flM limnl itiver The Herald Is in rOCOlPI or a li t lor from V m. nt Horn, of Tliedford, Neb, latin r of the younft Mis drowned In tbe Dismal river two years and four weeks afO The many friends of Mr. Hora Will remember the Incident. Thedford. Nebr. Feb. 24, 1918 L. C. Thomas Alliance, Nebr. Dear Friend: Please Inform the rerders of your paper that the body of Anna Hora, the seventeen and a half year old chool teacher, who was drowned in Dismal r ver on Sunday afternoon February 6th, 1916. was found in the river last Friday, February 22nd, at S p. m., by Fred MngnuBon, a trappT on the river in a petrified otate. The Attention of Magnuson to the object waa called by a mud-tunle which Jumped Into the water whenever be passed around. The kIH'b body wrs found on a srnd-bar in such a position as if Boated In a declining cbair. During the past winter the body was evidently raised by water to the top by some under-current un der the ice and the girl's he. d, collar bone and one arm carried away by Ice gorgeB. Shoes, overshoes and Stockings appeared as new, with parts of underwear and two corset strings Irmly held by the petrified flesh. Anna wub our oldest daughter and would now be nineteen and one-half years old. Her body was covered by Qutck-sand and foot-thick ice for two winters. She was found by Magnu on about 100 feet east of the place where she was drowned two years and three weeks ago, and about 200 feet west of the spot where her hor3e waa found. Funeral services were hi Id Monday morning, February 2 5th, in the court house in Thedford and laid to reBt in Cemetery south of town. IWth best wishes to all my acquain tances in Alliance, I am, Sincerely Yours Vlncint F Hora. WOMAN'S ( ITIKNSIIIP AND INFLUENCE WANTED All foreign-born women in Nebras ka are urged to become Americanized and all American wives of foreign men are urged to Influence their hus bands to take out full citizenship papers, in an appeal sent out by Miss Hebkova, chairman of the Womun'B Committee of the Nebraska State Couiti il of Defense. Women of every comiuumty are also being asked to find What men have not coiujilei d citizenship and to urge them to be come Americanized. Statistic!; given out by Miss Hrbko va show thai In Nebraska last year 2346 men took out their li-st papers, but only 795 took all three steps, and thai there arc many foreign men here who have not taken even the first step. Hut a very few women have taken any steps toward Ameri canization. Of the foreign-born in Nebraska, the Swedes dominate in l'olk, Salin, Howard and Valley Counties. Bohe mians are most numerous in Knox, Colfax, ltutler and Saunders; Hus ians in Seotts Bluff, Clay and Hitch cock; Italians in L:inilc:irter and Douglas. 1 Frank Stockdale- A marr'age was issued Mon day to Edward Broil and MiHs Deri ha Jesse. Mr. Brost is a son of Adolph Brost and Miss Jesse a daughter of Frank Jesse. The young couple were married by the liev. rend J. W. Morris at the parsonage. They will make their home in Alliance. Auction Sale Under an order in bankruptcy, issued by F. D. Crites, Referee, I will sell at auction the remainder of the stock of Alliance Auto Supply Co. on Satur day March 2nd, 1918, commencing at 2 o'clock P. M. Purchas er can take one article or as many as desired of same kind if in stock. L. A. BERRY Trustee in bankruptcy. Col. H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer. LiTC Wire Authority Of Methods Of Mi lern Merchandising Procured The merchants are assured of re ceiving the valuable points on mer chandising that expert Stockdale will be able to give them. His message to retail and wholesale merchants is especially valuable due to his exten Blve experience and study of business conditions. Any merchant hearing Stockdale and applying the sugges tions that he gives can without ques tion make his business more success ful, both in profits and satisfaction to the customer. Near town clerks and merchants should make a special efford to hear this business expert. Evening meet ings will b held nt the Court House, March 11, 12, 13 at 7:30 p. m. Noonday luncheons at the Alliance Hotel March 12 and 13th. IWN-A-WAY XUPLK CAUGHT AT AIXIANCK A romance starting in Basin, Wyo., was brought to a sad ending laBt Sat urday night by police officer Stafford, when he hauled the errant couple from the sleeper of the Casper train Mr. Tubbs of Basin and Mrs. Sco vllle of Basin left Basin last Wednes day with out warning. The husband wired all along the line, his efforts being rewarded at Alliance, where the couple was apprehended. The cul mination of the affiir was that Mr. Tubbs was released Monday and Mrs. Tubbs to be went back to Basin with hubby. NEBRASKA GIRLS IN WAR SERVICE Nebraska young women who are responding to the government's call for stenographers and clerks are be ing advised and aided by trie wives of Nebraska -ongressmen, who haw or ganized into branch of ihe Woman's Committee of the Nebraska State Council of Defense. Thousands of young women are crowding into Washington at this time in response to the urgent need. Mrs. George Norris, wire of Senator Norris. has assumed charge of the Nebraska Kirls working for Uncle Sam. ns chair man of the speci: 1 committee of Ne braska women. She will see that the girls are properly housed, that they are not lonesome, that they are thor oughly comfortable and happy. Word comes from Washington that i great many more women are needed for office work. The Nebras ka committee urges that girls who ire trained for the work make appli cation at once, and those who have not the required training undergo nstruction at once. The entrance salary ranges from $1,000 to $1,200 i year, and advance Is reasonably rapid. Application blanks mav be secured from the V. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. Locals I'r Way I.rn; n Wilbur, a man in xt to Hoover In importance in the food administration, will speak to Al liance people at the Opera House Friday evening, March 1st. Admission Will be fii Monday Judge Tash married Nir olnus A. Trennt and Miss Veda S. Garrett both of Mullen. E. D. Mallery is in Omaha this week on business for the food admin istration. Mr. ad Mrs. Charles Bauer were very pleasantly surprised last Sunday evening by a number of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bauer will leave soon for their new home at Sargent, Ne braska. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Reddish held a complimentary bridge party last Saturday evening, in honor of Mrs. Reddlsh's brother, Albert Tlbbets, of Hastings, and Miss Helen Pureell of Broken Bow. Mrs. E. A. Hall, entertained at a MORE THAN MONEY IN LIFE Thore Who Look Upon Riches as the Source of All Happiness Have the Wrong Idea. Dollar! to dimes It is money, easy money, tin easier the better. What do we want money for? Merely to spend There are some, of course, who want It Just for the sake t having it, but the nverage individual wunts it to spend. He thinks he wants to live high and flue and be sporty. What has been the fate of the aver- age young man who has had all the uoney he wanted to spend? A full pocket generally leads to puce thnt kills. Only those who have earned their money know how to care for It, and .o use it to the best advantage. This Is the best world there is for urn an beings. There may be better ones for spirits or other forms of life, but none better for spirits encumbered sith the mortal coll. This world may have been made for man, or he may be nothing more than one of the Incidents of creation. There Is much that leads to the latter con- j elusion. None of the various phenoin- j ena of nnture show him the least re spect The lightnings smite him, storms regard him not at all, seasons ; come and go Just as If he were not here, and he Is not consulted about anything. If he cannot get enough to eat he mast starve, and If he doesn't provide against cold be will freeae. Pittsburgh Gazette-Times. Red Cnss party. last Saturday. The occasion was in honor of Mesdames, Hlllier Phelan and Barnes who are visiting here. Kighten guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Was and daughter leave Wednesday for Los Anceles, California for a visit with .Mr and Mrs. Show. Mrr. Frank Given and mother have returned from a visit at McCook. Mr. Stocks, timekeeper, has been T'ut in charge of the Labor Agency, a new position created on the Alliance Division. Mr. H. H. Crbarh. round house foreman at Seneca, was transferee! to the same position at Alliance, Mr. Stark being transfcrtd from Alliance to Seneca. Elmer Cromwell, assistant chief clerk to the Superintendent was cal led to Chicago on important railroad business. . .Ten ereent discount on all shoes and rubbers at the . M. Burns store Ten m ti i nt discount on all shoes mill rubbers at the J. M. Rurns store. Mr Robins, at the head of the O. S. D. Dept. 1( attending a meeting in ChtChgl this week. Conductor Bach and Landers went to Grand Island, Sunday, to attend the funeral of Conductor Betebender. Mrs. W. O. Niemann entertained the T. A. A. Club Tuesday afternoon. The Basket Ball team at the high school suffered quite a set back this week when Superintendent Pate sus pended, O'Connor r.nd Plato for smoking. This is a serious loss to the team. Matilda Belgum wv.i has been em ployed at Mrs. Wikers' too sick with scarlet fever last Saturday. Mrs. Wiker was fosced to close bouse for a rouple of days while fumigating was done. Jay O. Walker of the First State Bank left for Omaha last Sunday. . H. Kepler, Traveling auditor for the Burlington, left the first part of the week for work at Billings and Huntly Montana. Mr. Morris will speak Sunday morn ing at the Methodist church on "The See Us, And See Best DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken Lena. 313 Box Butte Ave Phone 111 One Baptism," and Sunday evening on the Law Of Retributive Justice. The freshman of the high school held a Red Cross Parly last Friday night. Miss Wilson, Bponcer, of the class, reports that the party raised $18.00. This was turned into the Junior Red Cross fund. Miss Gladys Sheridan entertained at dinner Tuesday evening at the Walker home. The guests were Misses Camfleld and Wilson and Mrs. Walker. AUCTION Owing to the fact thnt my lease expires, I will sell at Public Auction, on the Frank McCoy ranch, 1 mile west of Letan and 7 miles southwest of Alliance, on . Thurs., March 718 Commencing Immediately After Free Lunch at Eleven O'clock, the Following Described Property: 195 Head of Cattle 1 95 Shorthorns and Hereford s Cattle are well bred and from good stock 7 Milk Cows, 4 to 7yrs. old, 2 fresh, and 5 coming 7 3-yv-old Heifers, all to be fresh soon .33 Head of Coming 2-yr-old steers 3 Spring Calves 15 Head of Coining 2-yr-old Heifers 103 Head of Coming 1-yr-old Steers 27 Head of Coming 1-yr-old Heifers 10 Head of Horses 10 Gray Mares, t! ;nid Jhis. old, weigit, 26001b. matched team 1 Sorrel Saddle Horse, 9 yrs. old, weight, 1000 lbs. Gray Mare, 7 yrs. old, weight, IfOOlba. 1 Chestnut Gelding, 9 yrs. old, weight, 1100 lbs. Black Marc, ti Vi s, old, weight, 1400 lhs. This stuff is all good, heavy boned stuff and well broke and Cray Man , 6 vrs. old, weight, 1800 lls. ready for work. Bay Mare, smooth mouth, weight. 1000 lbs. 2 Black Colts, coining 1-yr-old, halter broke. Machinery and Implements i i i i i i i MeCormiek Coin Harvester 2rov John Deere Weeder 'J'4 H. P. Portable Gasoline Engin .John Deere Hiding Cultivators John Deere Lister Seven-foot Disc Five-foot HoCormlck Mowers Peering Hay Rake Dane Hay Sweep 3li Farm Wagon 3-in. Farm Truck Pump Jack 10 ft. Harrows 1 Breaking Cart Hay Hacks Feed Hacks Set Bob Sleds Power Washing Machine 1 Butterfly ( ream Separator 1 5-gallon Barrel Churn 1 Grind Stone 1 200-Egg Incubator 3 Sets Work Harness (2 sets almost new) 1 Stock Saddle, good as new 250 bushels Early Ohio Seed Potatoes 6 Dozen Thoroughbred Bar Rock Chickens This list of machinery and implements isas good as new, many of them having been bought one year ago. 10 Head of Brood Sows, All Have Been Bred 1 Chevolet Five-Passenger Touring Car, New Last July 6 Dozen Thoroughbred Bar Rock Chickens 1 Couch Household Goods 1 Sanitary Couch 1 Heating Stove And Many Other Articles, too numerous to mention. 1 Dresser T1?T liyfC Sums of $25 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of eight months' time L HIYItIiJ. will be given on bankable terest. V i i . i . ..!.. ,.i..i. ..:u O A : eriven on nankaDie paper approveu uy mc ic nciiv, wnu o yci cm in- No property to be removed until settled for. J. 0. DONOVAN, Owner H. P COURSEY, Atictioneer Alliance, Nebr. FRANK ABEGG Clerk, First National Bank