The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 29, 1917, Image 11

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    AI.I.IANt K HI It AIM. THlllHDAT, NOV. . I17.
The sifriis of hv times tell .von tliat you will liavc to pay a lot
more for good farm lands within a year ami that it is tfoinir to M much
harder than now for vou to yet hold of a ( Jovnnnient irrigated farm
in the Big Horn Basin.
KniKlit of Cotamtms Wnr Camp
I timl Will Do (it. nl Qooi at MM
i mint ig 'mM mm i
Ihe Front.
Contributions to the Knlnhtp of
ColSBtbUS war fund will In lp do the
follow lag:,
Flr.m ItsiBtSlB volume -r priests
to look af'iM ttie Fiuritual welfare of
Owing to war condition! it m happens thai there arc yd available
icatead entry probably 60 Qovernnienl irrigated farms near
I ...t, WyO.( out of a total of 184 thai were opined for settlement
September 20th. These have excellent soil and Hie located on our
main line, adjoining the prosperous Government irrigated loealitv of our bojri in the tralatai camps of
Powell. Wvo. If vou will take steps tiuioklv,-within .'!() days, von ",,s and prpttCt them from
.'.i ik-iu:. a:. i . Ihe moral hazards of earn life.
can secure one 01 incse minis. .mm unit: iue iois rimmr win occiii
on the Burlington Route for several months. Land is free, 20 yean
payment no interest, for a permanent water right. At the Govern
Blent opening of this now localily $80,000 WOTth of town lots at
D'eaver, Wvo., were sold ill one day and over
100 farms were filed on.
Write me. 1 am paid to help you.
S. li. IIOWA'HI), Immigration Agent, Ci H. & Q. II. It.
lOOi Fiirnam street, Omaha, Nebraska
I'nited States Civil Service Announces
Many lOxaminntions For Uood
Salaried Jobs
F. W. Hicks, local secretary of the
United States Civil Service Commis
sion, announces a large number of
examinations which will take place
soon to fill vacancies in government
positions. Full particulars regarding
the examinations for these positions
pk-tod this month, will also employ
about 3,000 men.
The workers who man such plants
are of a superior class, and they feel
a personal pride in turning out prod
ucts that will stand the tost of con
flict with the arms of other nations.
A considerable part of the building
of war vessels in also din in govern
ment yards.
The United States Civil Service
Commission, which is charged with
the task of recruiting the ranks of
this great civilian army, through its
widespread, organization is furnish
ing the men as they are necd?3. In
certain trades, particularly those
a mp
Second- Send about 200 volunteer
pri.-sts abroad (in addition to the
181 furnished i tie- government as
the Catholic quota of chaplains)
to follow our boys to the t reticles, i
ministering unto thvm at ell times,
and, if it he necessary for them to
make "the tiipreiii" sacrillce," en
suring their being 1 tit to die."
Third- Erect at e.ieh of ihe 1 ti na-
Itionai army eantoantcats three roe
reatlOB buildings al a cost ol about I
114,000 for each CSBtOBBlOBt,
j Fourth Krect one large bulldlag
jat a cost of about $6,000 at each of
the lb nat.onal guard encampments.
Fifth Krect from IS to 30 similar
(recreation stations at the regular
j army expansion camps, naval train-i
j camps of other units of the service.
Sixth Provide idaces where ail
the soldier.!, regardless of creed, may
i assemble and furnish them with
wholesale recreation.
I Seventh Provide a stage for en
tertainment and ample facilities for
reading, writing, playing checkers, I
I domininoes, etc
work, considers Itself the agent nnd
trustee of the Catholic people of
America as the Young Men's Chris
tian association is acting for the
Protestant people of Anicilea.
Strong though the order is. It
could not hope to shoulder the whole
of this enormous burden
As an evldenco. however, of Its
RQOd faith in Ihe matter. $1,000,000
have btea raised for this work by en
assessment on Its membership In the
I'nited states and by additional vol
untary contributions of Its members
The order feels that this Is a woil
that appeals to every Catholic heart
and should receive the tlnandal sup
port of all.
Uoth the national md state com-
rnlttsss on Kalghta of Columbui war
activities are servinc without salary
or spente to the fund.
MAY mm:n s) PLATRi xow
DepftftmeBl of State, Lincoln, Ne
braska. November I, 1917. To the
county treasurer, Frank Tlsh :
Dear sir: You may be occasionally
requi Bled to take license money for
1918 automobilV platrs before the
pit sent year closes. In orde- to hh
lgt you and at the same tiiti" accom
r.iodate tl ose who desire o pay early,
I have thought best to advise all
county treasurers that beginning No
vember 24th you may send to this
Office the 11S applications, but they
must be enclosed in a separate en
velope which is plainly marked on
the outside "For 1918." Do not semi
any to us previous to November 24th
as we will not be prepared to handle
t hem.
Also, in every instance you must
give the registration number that is
to be renewed, otherwise the applica-
I I ittl ill 1 . . . 1 . I 1 1 . . . I An MAM
Eights Furnish each bBUdiBg "7. .
with a piionograph and records, 1 " 'ou ,nko UP the question of
piano and sheet music, nnd an ample f':0er plates immediately with the
supply of stationery. dealers and have them renew and you
Ninth Provide each building with WI" s,'n" applications to us in a
the home drink
Besides itt popularity at drug stores, fountains and
reitaurantt, Baro has found a welcome place in th
home. A family beverage a guest offering a table
drink that goei perfectly with all food.
At a suggestion for Sunday auppmrSwaat rad or
green peppara atutfad with cream cieesa and
chopped nut or 01'res, aervad on lattuoa Imavaa.
French draaaing. Cold meat. Toaatad oraekara.
Bevo for avaryona. A beverage that tastes like no
other soft drink. Pure, wholesome and nutritious.
Bevo the sll-yesr-'round soft drink.
Sold In bottl only and bottlmd axclutinly by
Anheuskr busch St Louis
: n:"7prpH If rom Mr Hicks at the connected wl,h shipbuilding, there is I a library of good books, current lit- "J" eB "T',9 TD you re
can De secured from Mr. xlicKs at (BO I , . . e.n, I a.n. ,ceive them, t w ass st us material.
riiit ui r; iiuu m 1 1 j 1 1 . ' .
iy in neing le.ity to send 011 i
Alliance postofflce.
Applications will be received at
any time for examinations for the
following positions at the salaries
named: Inspector of hats and in
spector of shoes and leather, male,
$100 per month. Mechanical drafts
man, male and female, $3.52 to $6.00
per day. Gauge designer, male,
$2,000 to $3,000 per year. Inspec
tors of artillery ammunition, male,
$1,500 to $2,400 per year. Finger
print classifier, male and female,
$1,000 to $1,400 per year. Assistant
inspector of cannon forgings and as
sistant inspector of finished machine
parts, male, 1,500 to $2,400 per
Open competitive examinations to
fill the following places at the sal
aries named will be given on the
dates named:
December 1. Inspector of gun
stocks, male, $125 per month.
December 4. Telegraph rate ex
port, male, $117 per month.
December 5. Bookbinder, male,
50c per hour. Medical interne to fill
vacancy in St. Elizabeth's Hospital,
Washington, D. C, $900 per year.
Pathologist, mal", $2,000 per year.
Lithographer, male, aalary $1,000.
Laboratory strt, male and female, to
All vacancies in the Hygienic Labo
ratory, Public Health Service, salary
$720 to $1,000 per year. Junior
chemical engineer, male, Balary '
$1,200 to $1,500.
December 6. Operative, male and
female, salary $720 to $1,000 per
December 11. Pressman on offset
presses, male, salary from $4.80 per
day to $1,400 per year. Assistant in
visual agricultural instruction, male,
salary $2,000. Electrical designer,
male, for Panama canal service, sal
ary $153 to $164 per month. In
spector of car equipment, male, sal
ary $1,500 per year.
December 12. Sub-station opera
tor, male, salary $1,200. Scientific
preparator, male, salary $1,200. Edi
torial clerk, salary $1,200 to $1,600.
December 12 - 13. Architectural
and structural steel draftsman, male,
lighthouse service, salary $1,500.
December 18. Electrical expert
aid, male, salary $4.00 to $6.00 per
day. Ore dressing engineer, male,
$2,400 to $3,600. Assistant in lum
bering, male, $2,000 to $2,600.
December 29. Bookkeeper and
accountant, radio $1,200; auditing
clerk, radio $1,800; auditing clerk,
radio $1,200; both male and fe
male. Nearly 55,000 appointments were
made to the forces of mechanics,
helpers, and laborers at navy yards
and other naval establishments dur
ing the fiscal year ended June 30,
1917, and since that date appoint
ments have been made in increased
An appropriation of $7,500,000 is
now being expended in the enlarge
ment of the great naval gun factory
at Washington, which, when com
pleted, will furnish employment for
$4,000 or more skilled mechanics, in
addition to the 8,000 already at
work in the plant. In this mammoth
factory, one of the best equipped and
most Interesting in the world, are
built the great guns for our war ves
sels, which carry to every country
the message of America's ability to
protect herself and to safeguard the
rights of her citizens wherever they
may be.
The new naval aircraft factory at
Philadelphia, which will be com-
usually a shortage. Sailmakers, cop
persmiths, shipfitters, anirlesmiths,
blacksmiths, and machinists are es
pecially needed. Women to operate
power sewing machines are also in
great demand. The representatives j
of the Civil Service Commission at
the post offices in all cities are the
official recruiting agents for this as j
well as other branches of the civil 1
service. The commission urges com
petent mechanics to offer their serv-
lees to the Government at this time
of great need.
n..i. it ...... 1 v. , M. .. . i. .,1 :
r. tru 1 11 1 1 1 ''ii u I'm v ill 1 1 v 1 1 1 v 1 1 . .. i .. , 1 , -
soldiers and sailors, prayer books. iff" Jl"& the first of the year
How They Differ.
A pessimist "ill hi iv out the light
to see hov dark it is. An optimist will
light a candle if he hasn't a lamp and
go into oestusy over tli.' lnr;re amount
of l!r;ht 11 little thing like a caudle can
really make.
rosaries and other devotional arti
cles. Eleventh Provide altar linen,
vestments, chalices, etc., for our vol
unteer priests i.i the camps.
Twelfth Furnish what are com
monly known as "chaplain's kits"
lor our volunteer priests who will
co abroad with the troops.
Thirteen! h--Provide possibly, for
chapel ears for foreign service, as au
tomobiles to enable our volunteer
id ! I SIS tO
tn nches an 1 hospitals
Fourteenth Erect and equip a
suitable recreation building at Fort3
Omaha, Crook and Ptobinson in Ne
braska. Agenl and Trustee.
The Knchis of Columbus in this
Be sure to make your order for 1918
1 trust that our dealings in the
OOmiBg year may be as pleasant as
they have been In the year now com
ing to a close. Yours truly,
Secretary of State.
The Pillar Dollar.
A plllnr dollar was a silver coin of
Spain, with large nillHrs on one side.
reach all our boys in the coloed at a very eariy day for circu
lation in Mexico and Other Spanish
colonies. It circulated freely In the
I'nited States for many years, nnd win
known as the Spanish or Mexican dol
lar. It was an honest sliver dollar,
full weight arid handsomely engrnved.
Cold, rain, winds, and daiiipiiens
bring out the rheumatic achea. An
application of Sloan's Liniment brings
quick relief. Norubbing. It penetrates.
Generoua tlttt bottle. 25c.. 30- tl.OO.
To the Housewife:
We take pleasure in announcing that the
well known
Pacific Coast B
orax company
will, within a short time, have a number
of expert demonstrators in town to explain
to you personally the various uses of our
Products, including
20 Mule Team Borax
20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips
20 Mule Team Boric Acid
The three greatest household labor and
money savers.
It will be distinctly to your advantage to
receive our demonstrators. The informa
tion they impart will be of great service
to you, and they will offer a
in conjunction with the demonstration.
s. . . 1 . i -. - ... - . rj rw rraa j 4 hifii 1 a
Will Your Bank
Lend Money
To a Farmer?
This bonh was a fifth wheel in the
town. It had to have new business.
The president found it the farmers !
A Bank With
A Heart
and a good idea has won deposits of
$3,500,000 by encouraging the
farmers. George ftibbe Turner tells
about it in this weeK's issue.
Tha Curt It Publtthtng Campmny
ISS Indapandanea Sqmara
5g Philadalphlm J
tha Copy laa yaar
Spr-llm aub.crlptlon repr-
nttlivei for our periodical,
wnnl.d tv.rywhtr. Ilyou nd
more money, we need you.
Kill Germs and
Save Human Life
The menace ol militarism, die horrors of war and ihe
toll of death taken in all frightful accidents is as nothing
compared to the danger of unseen deadly germs
Even in war itself the toll of human life taken out
right by the whizzing bullet, the bursting shrapnel, or the
piercing steel is less than that caused by the unseen
deadly germs that attack the wounded and the v c 1 1 alike
Human life w ill be lengthened and human happiness
increased when we loarn better to guard ourselxes
against the danger of the ever present germs of disease
Powdered boric is one of Nature's most wonderful
gifts to man, for it enables us, through antisepsis, to ward
off the danger of infection
Owing to its wonderful antiseptic properties it can
not be too highly recoinim noVd for liberal use 111 the
care of the person wherever and whenever exposed
to the germs of disease.
Pure powdered boric may bo 11s. J with absolute
freedom and safety in all the natural cavities ol the
body. To realize how healing it is, yvi how sate, vse
have but to recall the physician almost always P,c'
scribes it as the principal ingredient ot an eye water
The manufacture of powdered boric has been
brought to such a high degree ol efficiency by me con
cern that if we alwayi remember to Specif) "20 Mule
Team Powdered Boric" we know that we have the real
article in lull strength.
On eer package of 20 Mule Team Powdered
Boric will be found directions for its multitude ol uses
and the expense is so little that no one should ever
be w uhout it.
A solution of 20 Mule Team Powdered Boric in water
makes an absolute and positive antiseptic for all per
sonal use. It is excellent lor a shampoo, for it kills the
germ which makes the dandruff that spoils the lustre of
the hair and causes it to fall out and cease to grow
It should be used as a mouth wash on account ol its
antiseptic qualities whenever there is the slightest dan
ger of having been exposed by being brought in contact
with persons suffering with colds, sore throats, etc.
To overcome I tie unpleasant effect consequent upon SSSSMH per
tpiration the ue ol 20 Mule I earn Putdered lioric will give gnat
MtMlscttM, making everything tweet .ml clean and healing an ahr..
lion that may have occurred
A hot foot bath with a liberal quantity ol 20 Mule Team Powdered
Boric will make the leet trel ten year, younger
Kor the baby a liberal dusting with 20 Mule Tean Powdered Kuric
not only akure Ireedom Irom dialing hut help to maintain ao ami
eptically clean condition on the little body .
To any cut or abrasion 20 Mule Team Powdered boric should be
Ireely applied.
20 Mule Team Powdered Boric is toe to germ lite.
Il should he on the dressing table ol every dainty woman and
liberally used in every household where health is prised.
Authorized representative will soon call al your home and make
arrangements tor you to obtain, I Kl I . a lull sie package ol 20 Mult
Team Powdered lioric Irom any ol I lie lullowmg druggists:
All Alliance Drug Stores are Official Redemption Stores