ALLIANCE HERALD, THl RHDAY, NOV. in. 1017. Lloyds Column Mayor Route; Of Alliance ws hav ing n good laugh by himself the other ssorntng. When asked by the writer What ih' fun was about hp handed over a slip containing the following: A sale bill bearing the signature Of Will Quitwork" has been going the rounds of the press and purports fc be a Missouri auction sale, giving evidence of what queer combinations Can be made by a printer who is suf fering from the effects of a night out. The bill announces that the sale will Begin "In the morning sharp," of a eertaln date and includes the follow ing list: 25 good cows broke to work; 41 head of cultivators coming in soon; 10 head of shoveling boards With scoop by side; 8 IMano mares Ond 120 rods of canvas belting, bet ter than new; Ie Laval cow with Ice Cream attachment; short-horn corn Slant.! with ten feet of wire; 1 Mc rmirk binder with foal; 1 Poland fbina bob sled with runners on it; I head of chickens in perfect work ing order, good as new and many other articles belonging to other folks too numerous to mention. A liutton in CXrtlection Many amusing storieB of life in Eton school in England are told in thane Leslie's book, "The End of the Chapter." For instance, when one of the masters found a button In the ebapel collection, which he read out tn terms of pounds, shillings and pence, "and one trouser button!" proceeding immediately with the words of the service, "Rend your hearts and not your garments." An other good one concerns a young nobleman's son who Introduced him oelf as Iord C , son of Earl C . The whole house kicked him twice, once for Lord C and once for Earl C. The latter story the author caps toy one from Harrow, where a foreign prince at the school waB once men tioned as a candidate for the Spanish tbrone. The poor boy had to be re Moved, as half of the school took the necessary Bteps to be able to boast Afterward that they had kicked a king of Spain. San Francisco Argo naut. 1 lu il'ii Oil Ml An I'npopular English Official Lord Northcllffe at a Washington luncheon was tnlking about the Brit ish premier. "Mr. Lloyd-George 1b the idol of the nation now," he Bald. "It is hard to believe how unpopular be was, at leust among the unionists, once. Among the many stories cir culated about Mr. Lloyd-George"B un popularity at that time there was one which concerned a rescue from drowning. The heroic rescuer, when gold medal was presented to him for his brave deed, modestly de clared: "I don't deserve this medal. I did nothing but my duty. I saw our friend here struggling in the water. I knew he must drown unless oome one saved him. So I plunged In, swam out to him, turned him over to make sure it wasn't Lloyd-Ueorge, and then lugged him to safety on my back.' " l.lo"a Column To the Police Station Bounderby was a most respected resident of the suburb and made friends with everybody. As he was nutting up for the borough council be made a tour of various municipal establishments, including the local police station. The superintendent bad treated him with great courtesy, end had shown him everything of in terest, on which Bounderby dilated When he reached home. Next day he was taking his little son for a ride on the trolley car, which was crowded With loyal residents. As the car was passing the police station a shrill oice suddenly cried: "Oh, dad! Is that the police station Where the po liceman took you last night?" Every person on the car turned to start at Bounderby and he was not elected to the council. l-lv4' Column May ami December Wed Again The old millionaire and his beauti ful bride, after their quiet wedding, bad a quiet wedding breakfast a deux. Astrakhan caviar, eggs pom padour, a truffled chicken, fresh Cal ifornia peas, champagne bo the quiet breakfast ran. "My dear," said the eld millionaire, us the fruit course, a superb Florida melon, came COMING TO Alliance, INJebr. The PHBfClM on Chronic DiftetlM's Will Visit Our ( ity Friday, Nov. 16th, 1917 And Will H- at the Alliance Hotel I mil n p. m One Itay OMV. Dr. Potter! of 3108 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo., who has treated thousands of patients with electricity and medicine, will give consultation, examination and all the medicines m essary FREE. All parties taking advantage of this offer are requested to Btate to their friends the result of the treatment. Treats DEAFNESS by an entirely new process. Treats catarrh, throat and lung dis ease, eye and ear, stomach, liver and kidneys, gravel, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, nervous and heart disease, epilepsy, Brlght's dis ease, diseases of the bladder, blood, skin, goiter, stammering, and asthma. I'll'"- and rupture, without deten lion from business. If you are improving under your family physiclun do not take up our valuable time. The rich and the poor are treuted alike. Idlers and curios ity seekers will please stay away. Our time is valuable. Remember, NOT A PENNY will be charged for the medicine required to all those taking treutment thiB trip. Office hour, 8 a. m Positively married ladies must be accompanied by their husbands, lie member the date, Friday, November 16, at the Alliance Hotel, Alliance, Nebraska. SOLDIER BOYS PASS THROUGH HERE Two Trnlnloads of Men" Enroute I' .. id. to Atlantic ( oast Make llrlef Stop In Alliance Two train loads of Boldier boys, enroute from the Pacific to the At lantic coast, passed through Alliance last Friday afternoon, each train : making short stops here in order to take on a stock of supplies and make ! change of crews and engines. The first train arrived about 1 o'clock and those in charge assem-1 bled the men In order and gave them I a short drill about town, to the In tense delight of many spectators. The men all seemed to be very light hearted and cheerful and how could anyone blame them, if at all their stops they are received as cheer fully as they were here? The young ladies of the city made It n point to entertain them as best they could. There was hand-shaking and kisses, and when the trains moved away many "good-byes and good luck." These men represented a portion of the draft army of southern Cali fornia, and have been in training about two t months. DIPHTHERIA OASES ARE WELL ISOLATED Recent Diphtheria Cases Cause Adop tion of "Safety First" .Measures for Adequate Protection on, "tell me, dear" and he laid hlB withered hand on her young one "do you love me for what I am or for what I was?" The beautiful girl smiled down from the window into the admiring eyes of a young club man who was passing; then she bent her clear, considering gaze on the gray ruin opposite and replied: "I love you, George, for what you will be." I.lojd'e C olumn Contempt of Court A certain man whose previous rec ord was of the best was charged with a minor offense. Law and evidence were unquestionably on the side of the defense, but when the adguments had been concluded a verdict of guilty" was given and a fine im posed. The lawyer for the defense was sitting with his back toward the magistrate. Without changing his position or rising to address the court he remarked: "Judge, please fine me for contempt of court." The magis trate Inquired: "What d'ye mean, sir? You haven't committed con tempt." "I have," came from the old lawyer. "It's silent." i ii IJaysTS t'olumn A Seick Irishman Murphy was making his first trip across the Atlantic, and he felt un speakably awful. He failed to con nect the fact of his being on the briny ocean for the first time with his agony. The doctor came to him as he tossed about in his berth. "Cheer up man," he said heartily, "I know you're feeling rotten, but you're not going to die." Murphy opened hor rified eyes. "Not going to die?" he wailed. "Faith, doctor, I thought I was! That was the only thing that kept me alive." Following the discovery of diph theria in the Burlington hotel some time ago, a few other cases have been discovered about the city. As an nounced last week, a case of the same was found at the J. B. Irwin home, among the roomers at tlie place, and still another case, that of a child in one of the schools, was found on Fri day of last week. Accordingly, the Central and Em erson schools were dismissed for a few days until the proper steps could be taken for the fumigation of the buildings. At this time, however, both schools have re-opened and work therein has been resumed. The Burlington Hotel has also re sumed business, as the building has been thoroughly cleansed and fumi gated. In each case of sickness the patient has been removed to the city hospital where they are receiving the c;ire and Isolation that Is necessary. The precaution that h;;s been adopted thus far by the authorities Willi it is believed, avoid any further spread of the malady at th's time. War Horse Inspection We will hold a War Horse Inspection at the Simon Spry Barn Alliance, Nebraska, on Tues., Nov. 20th Bring in all your geldings, ages from 5 to 10 years. Prices, $130 to $160 J. E. WILSON & SON Money Not Msin Object. "All healthily minded people like t I'iklni; money ought to li!;e it and njoy the sensation of winning It; hut lie main object of their life is not money, a good soldier, for Instance. mainly wishes to lo his fighting WOM. He Is glad of hi pay very properly so, and Justly grumbles when you keep him ten years without It still, his main notion of life Is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them." John Ruskln. flajftj sM(M?&to(9 tea". Long hours, close and tedious work are very apt to result in Headaches or other Pains. Don't suffer. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly drive your Pain away, and Dr. Miles9 Nervine will assist you by relieving the Nerve Strain. IF MUST BOX, OR BO T TLB, FAILS TO BSTNEFIT YOU, YOUR MOMBY WfLL BE REFUNDED. DIZZY SPELLS. "My nerve became aU worn ouL I has bad head aches and sever dlszr pells. I could not sleep and mjr appetlt was poor. I began using Dr. Miles' Antl-Pata puis and they always save me isstant re lief no matter what the pais. Then I used Dr. MUea' Nervine regularly and was soon tn perfect health a-aia." MRS. B. I TOVNG, 324 Pittsburg 8L. Heweaetl, Penn. For better food at less cost MAZOLA BUTTER, lard and suet have been used for years for deep frying, sauteing or shortening because the housewife could find nothing better. Today the Food Administrator asks her to use vegetable oils. And Mazola, the pure oil from corn holds first place among vegetable oils. It is the ideal medium for sauteing, deep frying, shortening and salad dressings from every standpoint. Mazola reaches cooking heat long before it smokes cooks food more quickly and at the same time more thoroughly. This does away with that sogginess and greasiness so prevalent with the old cooking mediums. s And Mazola can be used over and over again because it does not transmit taste or odor from one food to another! That is what makes it so wonderfully economical. Get a can of Mazola from your grocer today. Sold in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon tins the large sizes give greatest economy. Also ask for the free Mazola Book of Recipes or write us direct. Your money refunded if Mazola does not give entire satisfaction. Corn Products Refining Company 17 Battery Place New York SUim rMcit.tii Csxtsn&Jettrey Co. Osuke, NeWaiks JJln ' SBBBbTSkV' l M0ASBB I 1 "V . Hn,; I a pure 9my -