UAAMMM herald, ffTTMPAl. wov. i, ii7. Sum "IF THE SHOE FITS VOL ruv.s WEAR IT" -By A HAM MAR ( 'old t ln r h II i ml r n . You will remember, dear readers, ibat a few weeks ago I mentioned Abe city park in Alliance. Yen, 1 Mentioned it several times in differ nt ways. The snow has rome and the grass has gone bo we can't take our lunches any mure until next sum mer I am only loo sorry to report also that this cold weather is a se rious hindrance to the tete-a-tetea or tattle (ultra) or whatever you call them, that used to take place on thu front port lies BO often this summer. President Roosevelt conrn tula ted the father of Ave aont. President Wilson congratulates the father of Are soldier. Anyhow the potato crop la 59 per rent larger than last year, and legions of back-lot planters have for the first time raised enough or h:.lf enough for their own use. A BclMMl Pig At tMlkosh The Oshkosh paper, one of our valued exchanges, contained the fol lowing interesting little siiuih in its mi week's issue: "The superinten dent of the Oshkosh school took a gad to some of hla unruly kldB and as a result of this a meeting of the school boar was held laat night at which the superintendent was sus tained." That's all right, the sup't. Is O. K. What became of the boar? Probably on its way to the packing bouse. Knitter Bought a Liberty llond Philadelphia. The German gev ornment has subscribed to the Sec ond Liberty Loan. The bond was purchased, it became known today, with money belonging to the kaiser's government and held by a lawyer In this city. safe Way to Smoke (igareMes London. Another champion for the heckled but happy smoker has Appeared in the person of Dr. Koefol, whose report on t he effec v.s of tobaccon on the heart recently ap peared in the London "Lancet." Dr. Koefol Buys "The only safe way to smoke a cigarette Is to hold it be tween the Angers oil the time, take a puff when desired and blow it nut poedily." Virglmia was slow in her voluntary enlistments for the regular amy, but Richmond Is the first large American city to over-subscribe ber Second Liberty Loan allotment. Our loans to England, France, Italy, Russia. Belgium and Serbia since last April have reached the great total of 13. 756, 400,000 all for the common cttuse and moot of It to be spent in this country. o Prominent Germans are discuss ing the "next war" in which they hopo to oe more successful, but if an aroused world does its duty there will be no next war precipitated by Ormnny or by any other predatory nation. Autocratic Germany naturally makes much of the situation in Rus sia M an object lesson In the evils of democracy, but Russia's trouble Ih anarchy, not democracy. When the latter Anally emerges out of the for mer liussta's day of triumph will be at h:ind. If there Is foundation for the re port from an army camp that a mil lion American soldiers have already been lnnded In France, the single dis aster to the returning transport An tilles with 70 men "mlssinr:" nerves to mIiow that our good fortune at sea has been far greater than we had rea son to expect. o With the Second Liberty Bonds running twenty-five yeurs and paying 4 per cent. Uncle Sam is offering $100 for every CO bond that he sells. The purchaser's gain will be greater still if he clips the coupons twice a year and dcponltea in a savings bank at 4 per cent compounded neml-an-nually. Money so compounded dou bles in seventeen and a half years. to be equally certain tbat they will have to return those already axacted from plundered cltibs la Belgium sad northern France. It has Just come to I'gkt that so sooner bad tbe city of Lille paid tbe laat franc of a j $4, &0. 000 levy In July last than the Germans imposed another ft. 600.- 000, tbe third which tbls unfortunate city has been forced to pry with, as Its pathetic protest reads, "a knife at its throat." coughs and eolda In thousands of i homes. Oet a bottle today and bare , It handy In your medicine chest for coughs, colds, cronp, grippe and all bronchial affections. At your drug gist, 50c. Adr i Bad Touti? Feverish? Orlppy? You need Dr. King's New Discov art to stop tbat cold, the sootblns balsam Ingredients beal the Irritated membranes, soothe the sore throat tbe antiseptic qualities ktll the gem and your sold Is quickly relieved. Df King's New Discovery has for 4K years been the standard remedy for RAOS WANTED Clean cotton rags are wanted at Tbe Herald o0tce. Three cents per hundred paid for clean cotton rags on delivery. We can use 500 pounds at once. NOW Is the time to order your Christmas cards. The Herald office baa a fine line of these cards at all prices. Place your order early and be sure tbat you will have the cards in plenty of time to send them to your customers or friends. WERfcyitt, .iK.r DYE & OWENS Transfer Lin W W rrsn HOUSEHOLD GOOD moved promptly, id fer Work solicit ed ARE YOU A HOME OWNFR? .- If not, change this condition. Territory along Burlington Linen Went afforda many opportunities for the homobuikler and investor. WESTERN NEBRASKA and NORTHEASTERN COLORADO excel in dairying, live stock and grain raising. NOn-reaidcnt ownerg have many forma which they arc unable to develop. Well-located faints, fttj to $50 per aero, with terms, of payment not more burden some than caatem rentals, bring independence to any industrious farmer. WYOMING Big Horn Basin irrigated land near to bee,t sugar factories, oil refineries, coal mines and other natural resources which groiv immense crop of wheat, oats, alfalfa, sugar beets and potatoes, from 50 up. Vry Desirable 640 Acre Free Homesteads, in a large area, arc yet available. Ask for folders giving an exended account of these sections. Write me about your plans and I'll give you the benefit of my experience. No charge for tbls its a 'part of Burlington Service. H. B. HOWARD. Immigration Agent, 0. B. A J. R, R. loot Kaninm street. Omaha, Nebraska rrj Phont M Residence phone 688 and Bin s" The Hermans will pet no indemni ties at the end of the war and It ought He Hit Roosevelt in the Eye Philadelphia. --Col. Dan T. Moore, Three Hundred and Tenth field ar tillery regiment. Ninth division, sta tioned at Camp Meade, was the man rho dimmed former President Roos evelt's left eye in a boxing bout in the White House in 1905, it was dis closed today. Colonel Roosevelt ac knowledged Sunday that his loft eye had been rendered useless by a "husky young artillery captain." but declined to give his name. Colonel Moore acknowledged that. he was "it" when the question was gut squarely up to him today. "I did not know Colonel Roosevelt's oye had been put out until I read bis Otatement Monday," said Colonel fdoore. "But I have felt ever since he told of losing the Ripht of one eye that I should be smoked out. Be sure your sins will And you out. "Of course I um sorry 1 struck the blow and that the colonel told about ft Although I never knew until I read his statement that his eye had been blinded, 1 instantly knew- it was I to whom he referred, because there Was no other answering the descrip tion he gave who could have done it. "In 1905 1 viis a military aide at the White House. Another was Granville Fortcsque, later a war cor respondent in Europe and nnw a major in the National army, sta tioned tit Camp Lee. still another was Phil Sheridan, son of the hero of Winchester, who is Immortalised In verse. "But the boxers of that time in the White House were the president, Kermll Roosevelt and myself. For opponents in other sports the progl dent went further afield, but he wished to don the gloves h Kermit oi myself. "The colonel wanted plenty of ac tion and lie usual!) got it. He had no use for a tuttter or one who gave ground. Nobody but man WhO was willing to Sght all the time and all the wa) had an) chance with him. That is thy onl) SXCUSe for the fact that 1 seriousl) injured bttn. There was no chance to be care'nl of the blow-. lie himself wouldn't have atood for It. "i shall write tbe colonel s letter Oggfeaa'ag my regret at th serious results of the blow I cannot do more and I certalnl) won't do less " "The House of Courtesy" HOTEL ROME OMAHA Room with detached bath, $1.00 up. Room with hath, $1.50 up. Cafe prices most reasonable in City. Fireproof Sprinkler System Complete Safety. Management, Rome Miller fr w hen chose Famous Collins Saddle Best saddle made Have stood tbe test for 60 years. Write for free cstslogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp' aurct'SQffM to i il 1 1 ii- St .Morrison lata i at mm Mr.. Omaha, Neb WHEN INOMAl A VISJTTHE Ciaai,, C .-f ri'"wr 'm t: -,ci-rS..t. . r.f n t4C: CUtf Kii .i' t DON'T GO MO't AT INC I DIDN'T VISIT THfr (&AYI5T YOU ARE INTERESTED IN RING BOOKS! SPECIAL NOTICE PIANO BUYERS A GOOD PIANO will last a lifetime. A POOR PIANO, under very favor able circumstances, may be in condition to be used at the end of five years. WHICH IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE END? The Schmoller & Mueller Pianoe and Player Pianoe have un Established Reputation. They arc manufactured of the beM material! and by thoroughly (killed workmen. They Bra mode I of good taatc, hrauliftil lona and artialie workmanahip and, laat but not leaat, air avid Irom factory to home, aaving yoa the uaual $100 to $150 retail proit. We pay all freight and our 57 yeara etperirnce it youra if you give ua your trade. Write today for our free catalog and trial offer in your home, the only way to teat an inatrumenl. Our unlimited guarantee backed by our entire retourcea of over SI .000.000 and our eaay payment plan 3 to 5 yuara if deaired, alfmde you ahaotutc protection and makea buying caay. Write today how to obtain a beautiful Jewelry Set by placing your order this month or giving ua the namca ol proapective euatomera. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Largest Retailers of Pianos in the World. OMAHA, NEB. 133 Eetabliahcd 1HS9 - Capital and Kesourcea. over SI .000.000.00 FHI K jnn MAY SET Mail thia todry for Free Catalog and information how to gel Free Jewelry Set !r ju.t a name. NAME 1 3 ADDRESS . Delicious Drinks Our pure leg nvam and real fruit flavors make the refresh ments you rt't at Bremlgn l fountain really nourishing food. And we keep our serving dishes and receptacles as clean and wholesome as the best housewife in town keeps her kitchen. Stop in at Brennan's and get a thirgt-quencher, thn take a pail of cream home to the family. LUNCHEONETTE IN CONNECTION Brennan's PHONE 84 301 BOX BUTTE AVE. Meal Skill KrultinllH Pat of til scssats ih mors sctive in sprint: when tin- liltxnl is over-h"an l. the burnt n Itching torture is un bar;itl, reltaVfl it St once anil heal the eruptions' with Pr. Hoht;on' Kc senia Ointment. This antiseptic rgs dy Ih promptly effective In all skin troubles. Pimples, blackheads, acne, tetter, ring worm, scaly blotchy skin, all respond to Dr. fiobson's Kciema Ointment. (Jet It todry at your drug gists. 50c, guaranteed. Adv X BaaliMM f---' m a $mm I ' KmaBaaaaaaaf1 " jjSS aaaafs vBS Mail r f ' "mM' H I at ' 'llaTJSw. "kw SS Brief War Comment I . aal The National Committee of Pa triotic Societies protests sgainst the continuing circulation of fftlse and utterly baseless stores of successful plots, damage to military property and disaster to our forces on their way to Franca. Pro-Germans can not be prevented from fabricating and whispering such staries with vil intent, but loyal Americans aeed not render the aid of repeatlae taea. g T war m 1 1 i r yj wwart There has been a calling to the They are used in every line of business by Salesinen, Of fice Men, Doctors, Lawyers, Ministers, Students by ev eryone w ho must have a hook that combines UTILITY, DURABILITY AND APPEARANCE. Sheets cau be obtained any time, ruled in eight styles. Bound iu best quality Flex ible Black Levant Grain Cow hide, with Black Linings. Herald Pub. Comp'y The Alliance Herald KS FJi)!arine Oil prevents cylinders; a9BglHaaB Ujttfj eng;ne wear. E99aaaaflB LtV INakraaaal Omaha ggfjM9 ateaaaaaJ aaaSaaai aaaaaflf ajjaaggfjaljiif KslJj9-x O aaUPw aaVW RatBWfw' tP' WUt S5 1 " "aKu'amaWKl VaH " -BaafiaaVtafi IB . I ' inBR -VMaaaH Professional Directory of the Alliance Herald Harness hand made from best ma terial. Outlast any factory made, goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienced harness maker. J. M. OOVBRT At M. D. Nichols gtgM. Alliance Professional Photographer Quality Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlaiging all Styles M K. t.'ltKHK, Proprietor AI.I.IANt'R ART STUDIO Phone Red 165 C. E. SLAOLE, M. D. Physician .V Surgeon Office phone, 65 Hes. phone, 52 ALLIANCE, -:- NEBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN Plijsician and Surgeon 302 Vt Box Butte Phones: Office, 362; lies. 16 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald OMice Reasonable Rales Prompt Service BURTON & REDDISH A t torie s-at-ljtw Land Attorneys Office: First National Bank Bldg PHONE 180 ALLIANCE. -:- NEBRASKA Aitiance. fthrg Hotel 300 ROOMS New Absolutely Fireproof Wo want the Western Bub-int-HS. Best Plaee in Omaha for Stockmen to Stop. Ask your Commission Men. FRED A CASTLE, Prop. "Let Me Cry For You" HARRY P. COURSEY Live Sim k and (aeneral Sales Sieclallst and Auctioneer FARM SALKH A SPK4 IAI.TY Terms Reasonable Alliance, (Phone 664) Nebr i ,1 Ii. A. II li R R LAWYER Phone M Room W Rumer Block Alliance, Nebraska DR. D. E. TYLER DKNTIST PHONE 362 Over First National Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Geo. J. Hand, M. D. ASTHMA and HAY PIVII ye. Mar, Noae and ThrogM PHONE IS1 Calls aaawared from oMea day or atght THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1519-1521 City Nat'l Bank Bldp OMAHA Special Attention to Live Stock Claims J. D. EMERICE Bonded Abstractor 1 have the only set of abstract Books in Box Butte County. Office : Km. 7, Opera House Block J JEFFREY. D C. Ph. C. A: O JEFFREY. D C. CHIROPRACTORS OMc Hours. 1 A M to P M. KKW Mil tAW WA K