IwimnoNAL- SUNMTSOIOOL Lesson By REV. P. B. FITZW ATKR, D. D.. T.-a. Irr of English Btble In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Coprrlrhl HIT, Western Ntwepaper Union.) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 21 THE TEMPLE REBUILT AND DEDICATED. LKHHON TEXT Era 1:1-11; :14-M. GOLDEN TEXT Entr Into Ms gate with thanksgiving, and Into hla court with pralM Psalm 100:1. The remnant which returned hud now become nettled In their new homes 4b It would be a considerable time be fore the temple could be rebuilt, ar rangement was made for the religious life as early as possible, as religion was the very heart of the nation's life. They first set up the altar of the Ood nf Israel (3:1-3) and offered burnt of ferings thereon. They next revived the annual festivals (3:4-7) which had a powerful, unifying Influence upon them. I. The Appointment of Officer to 8t Forward the Work of the Lord' House (v. 8, ft). Overseers were need ed to direct this great work. Rubbish needed to be cleared away so thebulld Ing operations could begin; timber needed to be cut in the Lebanon forests and floated down to Joppa; Btones needed to be cut from the quarries ; in telligent and consecrated men were needed to direct thla work, as It was needful that It be done with the utmost expedition. The Lord's house demands the most systematic adjustment of Its labors. Mere seal will not make up for lack of Intelligence. II. The Foundation of the Temple Laid (3:10-13). This was done amid great rejoicing. The consciousness that the Lord's house was taking shape, even though the mere foundations could be seen, provoked great enthu siasm on the part of the people. Mu sicians were appointed to furnish mu sic while the work was being done. Un der the Influence of music men will do better work, armies will march and right better when bands are playing. While there was great Joy, there was also, mingled sorrow. This was on the part of the elders who had seen the former temple. The meanness of the present temple In comparison with Solomon's temple caused their praise tt. be drowned with their sorrow. These people belonged to that class who think that nothing now Is so good us In the former days. So completely were these voices comminuted thnt the tieople could not discern the one from the other. III. The Building of the Temple De tayed by Opposition. (Chapters 4 and ft). For a time matters went smoothly with them, but as soon as the work had tnken mch shape as to show that there was some prospect of success, the Iwlf-henthen Samaritans began to oppose them. No vital work of Ood will be allowed to go on without oppo sition. Satan resents and bitterly op poses all Inroads upon his kingdom. These Samaritans sought to frustrnte this work of Ood by : (1) An Alliance With the Jews (4 :2. 3). They wanted to bring the work In harmony with their own religious practices, as Ood's pure worship would he a constant rebuke to them. This is ever the way of the world, to seek to fleet a compromise with Ood's chil dren : hut Ood's call Is separation. "Onie out from among them" (2 Cor. 1:14-18). Nothing so weakens Ood's cause us worldly alliance and compro mise. There is but one answer to he given to such an ofTer of compromise. "Ye have nothing to do with us In 'ulldlng a house unto our Ood." We Hre In the wor'd. but not of the world. (2) Weakening the Hands of the People (4:4). Doubtless this Included the withdrawal of supplies, the spread ing f dissension among the workmen, and the employment of counselors against them. (3) Letters of Accusation to the Per sian King (4 :fl. 7). So severe was this opposition that fhe bulldlm; was de layed for a term of years. These coun selors succeeded In creating doubt as to whether Cyrus had ever Issued a de cree for their return. 'I Ml wicked op position resulted in the undoing of the opposers, for search was made and a copy was found. Darius confirmed this by his own decree, anil directed that aid he given from the royal taxes so that the house of Ood might he built. IV. The Temple Completed and Dedi cated (6:14-18). The Prophets Raggal and Ziicharinh now appear, uud by warnings, exortatlons and entreaties fir up the people so that the work foes forward to a successful comple tion. Without their aid probably the work would never have been completed. Human nature at times needs to be cheered and urged forward. These prophets dtd not themselves work in the building of the walla, yet their work waa of even greater Importance. It is generally found that this la ao with the religious leaders today. The words of cheer and encouragement of the Christian minister are needed dally for those who labor in the build ing of the Lord's house. Were It not for them many would give up the strug gle. When the building was finished It was dedicated to Ood with great Joy. This was possible because they ha 1 bullded and finished their task accord ing to the commandment of the Ood of Israel. The service of dedication was much after the order of that of Solo jun's temple, only on a leas inagnlfi rent acaia. Chamberlain's Cough Itemed) the Most Reliable After many years' experience in the use of it and other cough medi cines, there are many who prefer Chamberlain s to any other. Mra. A C. Klrsten, Oreenvllle, Ills., writes. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in my mother's home and mine for years, and we alwaya found It a quick cure for colds and bron chial troubles. We find It to be the most reliable cough medicine we have used." Oct. Adv U BOOKS IM RCHAHKD l'li PUBLIC LIBRARY The Alliance Society of Fine Arts has purchased and caused to be placed in the Alliance Public Library, Haldane McFall's "History of Paint ing," comprising eight volumes. The books are Illustrated with beautiful reproductions from the old masters In original colors, together with re naissance of Central Ituly, North Flemish, and Dutch Dritish, French and modern works. The book committee of the library tins purchased "Myths and Legends of All Countries," in eight volumes, and "The Book of Knowledge," an encyclopedia for children in twenty volumes. 01 ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEY Take a glass of Salts if you Back hi: or Bladder bother you Drink more water. If you mut have your neat every i eat it, but flush your kidneys with su occasionally, says a noted authority w teMs us that meat forms urio acid wl.. almost paralyzes the kidneys in their i fort to expel it from the blood. 11. become sluggish and weaken, then J suffer with a dull misery in the kid region, sharp pains in the back or i headache, diuiness, your stomach . tongue is coated and when the weal is bad you have rheumatio twinges, urine get cloudy, full of sediment, .'liannels often get sore and IrriU obliging you to seek relief two or ti time during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids cleanse the kidneys and flush off i body 's urinous waste get four ounces Jad Salt from any pharmacy hci take a tsblespoonful in a glass water before breakfast for a few 1. and your kidney will then act fine. 1 1 famous salts is made from the astd grapee and lemon juice, combined w. HUiia, and has been used for generau to flush and stimulate sluggish kidm. alao to neutralise the acids hi uri o it no longer irritates, thus ami. ' Jder weakness. . ad Salts is inexpensive; aaanot jure, and make. a delightful litbia water drink. Pr Famous Collins Saddle Best saddle made. Have stood the test for 60 years Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp' Successors to Collins .v Morrison I2IO Far mini St.. Otnnlia. Neb WHEN INOMAHA VIS'T THE "Otn..ha'l Fur Centre" rand New Show EVERY WEEK Cimi. Cu.tr U-'umv. -r Bt LtOlES' Oi vi aUPKI ' ULI DONT CO HOME SAYING: I DIDN'T Vlf'T V-t YOU ARE INTERESTED IN leoaj-pris?! RING BOOKS! Mr. ALLI.4NCK POUT IIHKK K TO MOVK. IN DM KMBKlt .117 y ''-aBaflLaiHLaW """' BpfSf$MMrh. VlsWHUZW I fc-Mam WKbH They arc used in every line of business by Salesmen, Of fice Men, Doctors, Lawyers, Ministers, Students by ev eryone who must have a book that combines UTILITY, DURABILITY AND APPEARANCE. Sheets can be obtained any time, ruled in eight styles. Bound in best quality Flex ible Black Levant Grain Cow hide, with Black Linings. Herald Pub. Comp'y The Alliance Herald Alliance, Nebraska The First Assistant Postmaati-r Oeaeral hna Instructed Postmaster Robert Oraham to prepare hla office fo rremoval to the new federal build ing at the corner of unpaved Hox Unite avenue and Fourth street be tween the 1 fit h and 30th of Novem ber. The contractor have promised that the first floor of the federal building will be ready for occupancy about the first of December and the local office is Instructed to be ready to move not later than that time Considerable delny haa been expe rienced in the finishing of the build ing, said to have been caused by cer tain changes In the original plans. The post office will be newly fur nished throughout and will contain the addition of some fifty more boxes. car at some other point. Apple or other fruit peddlers may not ship a car Into Alliance imd sell from the car. Ijite in July the Interstate Com merce Commission dismissed a com plaint by Nebraska apple growers who asked that the Union Pacific be compelled to allow growera auch uae of cars In interstate commerce. The I commission held st that time that such use was simply a toleration by certain railroads. Following this de cision, which eliminated car peddling when shipped from one stale to an other, the roads have discontinued the practice within the state, as well as when moving from Nebraaka to other states. NO I'l IMM IV, FROM Alts; ALMWKI IN NKBRAHKA According to an announcement made a few days ago by the Burling ton and Union Pacific railroads, car peddling from cara on track will not be allowed hereafter, even In Intra state shipments Notice to (hla ef fect has been filed with the State Railway Commission. Potato grow ers of western Nebraska are thus de provlde of the opportunity to load a car of spuds and sell It out from the WOMAN C KI t KIHl A TK8 HKCOND SILVKR WKDDING Los Angeles. Her second silver wedding was celebrated recently by Mrs. C. T. Reed ofMhls city, although one silver wedding Is as far as most married people get. Mrs. Reed,mar rled her first husband when she was seventeen years of age, and twenty five years later celebrated a happy silver wedding anniversary. Now, many years later, she Is observing a second anniversary of the same nature. New line of Silk Waist on sale at from 92.00 to S8.SO. Mrs. Anna Simmons. Winter Tourist Rates Now Available The entire scheme of Southern tourist faros become; effectivo this year October Int. All resorts and principal cities, of the Gulf Coast and the Southeast are included; Florida fares include circuitotM routes. With its great military cantonments, the Southland, durinf the coming Winter, will be a most interesting tourist region. TO CALIFORNIA: The usual Winter tourist fares via all route. The Burlington can ticket you either via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake, in through tourist sleeper service, or via Denver, tbo Santa Fe "Grand Canyon" line, also for the grand Coast tour incluoV ing the Northwest. Beautiful "Southland" publications, including the Burlington's Winter Tourist leaflet. With it main trunk lines to the Southeast, either via Den ver, Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago, the Bur lington is essentially the route for Southern travel 8. H. COLE, Ticket Agent l W. WAKKLKY, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Km nam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Will You Help the Boys Come Marching Home Again? YOUR opportunity to subscribe to the Second Liberty Loan comes at the time when you have ju& begun to realize that your country is actually at WAR. You have watched with a swelling heart, your boys and their comrades march proudly away to do their bit in the war to save civilization and preserve liberty. Your one great regret is that you cannot go with them; your mo& fervent hope and prayer is that they may return safely and victorious. This is the Purpose of the Second Liberty Loan The purpose of the Second Liberty Loan is to help make victory sure, and to save the lives of our sons. The money you pay for Liberty Bonds buys food, clothing, guns and ammunition for the boys you now see marching away. They cannot fight without arms and equipment; the more quickly and liberally these needs are supplied the sooner the war will be over and the more American soldk-is will come home in safety. The bond you buy will help buy these necessities. It will help shorten the war It may save a precious life. Your Part is Merely to Lend Money TIiobc stalwart lads you see marching past with smiles on their lips an1! high-courage in their hearts are ready to lay down their lives for their country. Their country YOUR country simply asks you to LEND your money to help our soldiers win this war to aid in arming and feeding and clothing them to protect them as they fight YOUR battles. This is a Duty, u solemn, sacred DUTY, which MUST be per formed. It is u Duty which falls upon all of us, rich or poor, according to our means :ind our ability. The war is now a fact- -an American fact. We are in it. We are in It to stay. We are in it to win it. We MUST win it. Our sons mudt come back to us crowned with a glorious victory. Our country must be safeguarded from disasters whose gravity we have only recently begun to realize. The world must be purged, purified and made free. You want to do your part, you can. The one big, fine money to your Government. Buy Liberty Bonds. You are eager to help in every way thine you can do Is to lend your The Safest Investment in the World Bear in mind that you are not asked to give anything. Liberty Bonds are an investment The principal is sate, an I you arc paid Interest for the use of your money. These bonds are the safest investment In the world because tl.e United States of America, with all Its tremendous resource . stands behind them. If the United Slates en lures, your BOB are safe. If the United States does mil endure, you lose eve -thing you possess. And w. are in this war to make sure thai the United States DOES nlure. When you buy Liberty Bond you ire helping to fiichi Yol'K war and protect YOUR intiiois. Yrur ntens's and your conn try's are one and Inseparable. Liberty Bonds Are Easy to Buy The S -cond Liberty Loan is now open for subscription . Liberty Bonds are easy 10 buy. Your bank any bank will take your suhucription withoui any fee or charge for services, and hold the bonds for you QftM they arc Issued. You can buy Liberty BOBdl on partial payments only a Dollar Down on each bond, If you wish Thrift is a good habit. Liberty Bonds are a good investmeni. Begin now to save money by every possible economy and sacn flee. Buy all the Liberty Bonds you can Firl State Bank OF ALLIANCE 1K. H. A. UOPtoKY, President ('HAS. MUTTON, Vice-President GHOKGK A. MOLLHING, Vfce-Presldent J AT (). U AIR Kit. Cashier 5 on Time Deposits The Depositors of this Honk are protected by the Dpoltors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. I li ..- who bought the 8 per cent Bonds of the First Liberty Loan can convert them Into 4 per cent Bonds of the Second Liberty If Interested, call at the Bank and let us know.