BIG MEETING AT IMPERIAL SUNDAY Patriot l !. log, Not Vmidvlllf Nh..u. Scheduled K.r MundAjr Afternoon A patriotic meeting will be held at (fee Imperial Theatre in Alliance Sun day afternoon under the auapicea of the Uox Hutte County Council of l lease. Then- will be rousing pa triotic mimic, several talks and an mAiT:.f by Rev. Dr. J. Walter Mor r of the M. K. Church. Tbts I a meeting that every resi dent of Alliance should attend. Those trom the country ought to make it their buHiness to be there. Alliance as been getting a black eyo lately from the fact that patriotic meetings have not been well attended. You be there, then you will have done your part. The meeting Is not n church affair It is a government nffnir. It Is held cm Pnndny afternoVin and at the thea tre because it will be more conve t for the penernl public to uttend "at time There will he no vnii- "'Me show singed In connection with th event and there will he no .i.i, illusion charge, but you'll enjoy yourSBtl and you'll feel better when you 1 ; ve Attend the meeting Sim efsy. ihahh mumira of HOMK 0VA1UM A nia-n tm eting of the flat Batti Home Uuarl has been called for the A mini) . back of the city hall, on Kriday evening of this week. Offi cer of the Guards state that no MM ctisea for absentees will be accepted eirept on arcount of sickness. Every member of the company has been ordere to appear on account of apo dal bualnoM to come up with refer ence to company affairs. There are now nearly 120 mem- j hers in the company and additional members are constantly being added. Itcrular drilling goes on two nights each week at the Armory on Tues day and Friday. HOUSE SHORTAGE TO BE REMEDIED PICTURE FEATURE COMING TO HOFFLAND III I lie OMtenberg and Mark Davis Bringing Notable Picture to the A-MilHe-i; Theatre at Potash Olty l,inoln ('oiiconi Make Proiwmition to lluild Twenty-Five Houaea In Alliance IIKitJKHT AI'CTION HAIjK. of nkahon The gUtclon sale of It. C. J. C. ('ranmore, held at their ranrli. lifteen ntlot south of Bingham on Monday. October LBth, proved to be one of the 'argeat held in western Nebraska In years Col. II P. Couraey of Alliance cried the Hale and Frank Abegg acted as dork. Five sections of land were .told to Kentfro Brothers, ranchmen, lor $5.80 per acre, a total of 918.560. The total reeelpta from the sale amounted to over $30,ooo. A hlg crowd attended the aale in Hplte of the fact that It was a long iliatanee for many of them to go. Teh lied Croat ladies of Kingham served lunch anil were well rewarded by donations of over f 100. The owners of the property sold were well pleased with the outcome. They give much of the' credit for the good attendance to the effective ad vertising done In The Alliance Her ald. Col Couraey made a record by Mb quick sales at high prices and he held the attention of his crowd from start to finish. That famous moving picture fea ture "The Ilattle Cry of Peace." will be shown at the A-Muse-lI thea tre at Hoffland next Sunday. Bjllle Ostenberg and Mack Davis, managers f the theatre at Hoffland, are at tracting much attention by the com mendable manner in which they are bringing excellent picture plays to the busy little potash city near Alliance. Messrs. Ostenberg and Davis are connected in an official capacity with the Potash Reduction Company and maintain a first-class, up-to-date thea tre. They have recently Installed a aew Motiograph 1917 Model A pic ture machine which throws the pic tures on the screen In a clear way that does not strain the eye nor tire the person watching. The people of Hoffland and sur rounding vicinity should pride them selves on having within easy reach a high class plase of amusement like the A-Muse-U. The Herald wishes the proprietors success. Their dis lay announcement elsewhere in this Issue Is well worth reading. Miss Avis Joder Is home from Scottsbluff following a week spent there with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Rowland leave this week for a visit at Omaha. VVFUTOVFIH HOY IN AVIATION SMtfOOL Captain Allen O. Fisher of Chad rop, Who Is In Alliance this week, has just received a letter from B. O. Westover, better known as "Nip," n Hon of District Judge W. H. West over of ltushville. "Nip" is a brother of Joe Weatover, formerly of Al liance. The former la now a member of the aviation school at Columbus, Ohio, and soon will be dropping com pliments on the heads of the Ger mans in France. "Nip" writes a very Interesting let ter. In the leter he says: "I have just completed my work here, have graduated, and will doubtless find myself in France within three weeks. For the past six weeks all the grad uates have been sent directly to France or Italy and I am mighty eager to follow them. We have faith in the cause for which we fight and we will never leave the Bhores of France until we have taught the Huns what It Is to be thoroughly and everlastingly whipped." That Alliance needs more houses is a generally conceded fact. Comes now the Lincoln Hotel Company of Lincoln with a proposition to the Alliance Community Club to build twenty live or more residences in Alliance. The proposition Is a simple one, easy to understand, and one that set uis buainetis-llke all the way through, to those who havo gone Into the matter. It Is simply this: The Lincoln Hotel Company will build twenty-five houses in Alliance, work to be started as soon as ten prospective builders are signed up. ' The builder must own the lot upon which the residence Is to be built i.nd must put up 40 per cent of the cost of the house. The size and kind of house to be built will, in each in- j stance, be. determined by the pros pective builder. One may want a four-room cottage, another may de Hire a six-room bungalow, and yet another may be in the market for an eight or ten-room residence. It Is all up to the owner. I It Is stated that the only limit to the number of houses that may be built Is the limit to the number of persons who desire to build and who '. meet the conditions stipulated. The j Lincoln company Is a building com pany and is able to go ahead and start work and rush it to completion whenever the local parties who may be interested are ready to go ahead. Secretary Fisher, of the Alliance Community Club, took the proposi-1 t Ion up with the company and hopes hat U can be carried out, realizing that one of the great factors neces sary In the advancement of Alliance is more residences. It is probable that this proposition will be considered at a mass meeting to be called soon to consider a hotel . if ankm aI Kv ln ' company an In this section of the state. Will pay salary or commission, or both. Call at The Herald office, or write Pnx SJ, are Herald, Alliance, Nebr. 46-lt BOY OR YOUNG MAN WANTED to learn the printing business. Oood opportunity for one who can devote all of lits time. Apply at The Herald office. 46-tf WANTED Medium sixed safe and platform scale. Call 340, Herald office. 46-tf-8700 MEN WANTED 13 miles east of Alliance, Nebraska, located on Bur lington Railway, at Hoffland, Ne braska. Oood wages paid for all classes of work; the lowest we pay Is 25. cents per hour and this gives you room and board free. Car fare I refunded after you work sixty days. ' Ample accommodations for both mar : rled and single men. Two good schools, church, good store and other I modern conveniences. Write us for i details. Potash Reduction Company, Hoffland, Nebraska. , 46-6t-8713 STRAYED OR STOLEN One bay i horse, weight about 1,500 pounds. I White on left hind foot. Wire on right fore foot in heel. Five years old. Reward for return or lnforma- i tlon. L. M. Clay, Antloch, Nebraska. I or Box 51, Lakeside, Nebraska. 1 46 2t-8707 cattle as part payment All fenced, 50 acres in cultivation, other im provements. Five acres of this land has produced $4,000 worth of pota toes the last two years. 200 bushels are now being dug from one acre of some of the best ground. If you are , from Missouri and must be shown, ' some and se, or write, if Interested, to J. J. Keencn, owner. Alliance, Nebraska. 46-tf-870S BO YOR YOUNG MAN WANTED to learn the printing Dusineas. Oood opportunity for one who can devote all of his time. Apply at The Herald office. 46-tf FARM FOR SALE On account of FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A being alone, I will offer for sale for dray line, consisting of two teams a short time only my farm of 582 land harness, three wagons and other acres, ten miles south and east of 'implements. Write or wire G. V. Alliance price, $4,000. Will take j Yauney. Hyannis. Nebr. In trade a small bunch of horses or' 4fi-2t-8701. TOO I.ATF, TO CLASSIFY WANTED Furnished light house keeping rooms or single room by young couple. Phone 418. 8696 It BOY OR YOUNG MAN WANTED to learn the printing business. Good opportunity for one who can devote all of his time. Apply at The Herald office. 46-tf manorw oman" a nte d to solicit subscriptions and act as repre sentative for well known eastern Nebraska daily newspaper and farm magazine. Prefer that party have horse and buggy or auto, but not 1 absolutely necessary. An excellent j opening for Intelligent man or worn- i VAe Have MOVED! We are now located the firl door south of the Alliance National Bank. In our new office we will take your orders for COAL, WOOD, OIL, GAS, HAY, FEED PAINT Vaughan & Son Phone 5 222 Box Butte Ave. Alliance, Nebr. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at the corner of Box Butte and 3rd street in Alliance on Saturday, October 20th Commencing at 2 p. m., the following property: 6 head of horses, 1 milk cow, 2 sets of harness and 3 wagons A. JACOBSON, Owner Col. H. P. Coursey, Audlicneer WAR HORSES! We have secured a contract for 500 War Horses and will hold an inspec tion at the V Alliance Stock Yards Thursday, October 25th And will pay the following prices for accepted horses: $130 for Riders $160 for Light Artillery All bbrtei must be well halter broke, full five years old and stand 15 hands and 1 inch high. No (riay horses accepted We will not take any mares at this inspection. Kor Any 1 1 fill Million Write or Phone C. L. LESTER & CO. Phone 104