a visit with Oeorffr GrlKKs and fam ily in Omaha. Leo Nicolai of (hp nuto firm of Nicolai & Son, went to Ellsworth on Tuesday to do aonip repair work. Mrs. w. E. Spencer returned from Chadron on Wednesday on forty-four aftpr spending Beveral days visiting ..,,. . her daughter. Vera, at the state nor- Dayton SullenberKer. former Mara- ma, chool tnfjrfJ Uhd boy, Is now a member of Com , nny C. 126th machine gun battalion, I Mm. W. D. Rumer haa returned Camp Cody, New Mexico. Thr com- from her extended eastern trip. She pany is the crack machine gun com- visited at several points in the east, pany of the state of Nebraska and of going as far as Pennsylvania. the western division as well, cap- -yte HO) Br. talnnd by Buehler Metcalfe of Oma ha, son of Dick Metcalfe. Dayton Albert B. Tibbett. connected with the editorial department of the New writes encouraging letters to friends York World, was a meek-end guest in Alliance. He states that the bu- of hip sister, Mrs. Robert Reddish, loons ami gambling dens have been I and family. Mr. Tibbett has been cleaned out around the training camp and that the morals of the re cruits are excellent. . Dayton was known as a systematic and scientific i fossils and curiosities in western Nebraska before ho volunteered for service in the army. He now has a called to the colors and made the trip west for a short visit with rel ativps before leaving to Join the army. He visits his parents at Has tings before returning east. Charles Nation entered a plea of on i f iv,c 111 i utj .ti iiiv iir uuw uno a i - vary interesting time collecting ftj-1 full t y to operating a gambllne house . 1 t 111. a m rw . stls, bugs, reptiles, centipedes, scor pions and tarantulas in the Now Mex ican district. E. C. Ueddea, reresentinp the Stan dard Chautauqua System of Lincoln, who have been providing the pro viding the programs for Alliance for the past three years, was in the city early In the week. While In the city on tracts for the 1918 Chautauqua were signed by fifty leading cltixens, assuring us of a chautanqua for next 'reason. The attractions booked are excellent and will keep up the high standard maintained in the past. Bay your floor from O'Bannoa rftrothers. We handle Curtis Beet, made by the Crete Mills; King Oavid, made by the David City Mills. If you are not a regular customer lor flour we Invite you to send us a trial order. O'Bannon Brothers, phone 150. A. M. Vance, a brother-in-law of K. W. Mellck, has purchased the Hemingford Ledger from Editor Bur leigh. Mr. Vance comes to Heming 'oni from Waverly, Mo., and takes charge of tho newspaper this week. P. A. King, vice-president of the ttentley Land Company and manager of the Alliance branch of tho com pany, on Sunday of this week carried a half-page advertisement of Box Hutte county lands in the Omaha World-Herald. Mr. King is a firm believer in advertising and is calling attention of eastern Nebraska and Iowa people to the opportunities awaiting them in Box Butto county. He is carrying on a campaign for settlement of this section of the state which is bound to bring good results and which will result in more farm era coming in to till the Vacaat land. in Alliance, before Judge Tash in county court Monday. He was as sessed a fine of 1100 and costs. The case against Joe Moore was dis missed. Employee of the Potash Reduction Company at Hoffland propose to start aTo-operatlve store there. A meeting was held Saturday night at which stock subscriptions wore taken up. R. M. Tlncom has araln been checked In as agent for the Adams Express Company here. For several weeks he has been employed on other business for the company. On November 15th a civil service examination will be conducted here and at Sidney for tho selection of a postmaster for Bridgeport. The Job pays $1,800 a year. Only patrons of the Bridgeport office are eligible to take the examination. The examina tion is held under the new ruling covering that part of the govern ment's business. Secretary Hicks of the local civil service board will con duct the examination here. Itev. Harry Fuller and Dick Fur Utafl of Marsland motored over to Alliance Friday and returned Satur Mrs. Ottie Bullock of Marsland was Lb Alliance Monday on business. True Miller and daughter of Mars land were guests of Miss Nellie Tyree over Sunday. Mrs. I. R. Walker of Hemingford spent moat of last week in Alliance ..... n:, dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Highland, Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Niemann, Mrs. L. Z. Holloway and Miss Blanche Morris ... , , . autoed to Scotlsblufl Sunday morn- Attorney L. L. Raymond of Scotts-, , r,.turning Sunday evening, uluff. who has been in Washington . for the last month in the Interest of! jay O. Walker of the First 8tate ttie farmers Mdr the Tri-f tats ! Bank, expects to leave su nduy nooa anal, returned home on Monday, j for Denver to drive back his new topping over in tbl Cit) foi several j Packard car. 1918 model, twin six tiours between trains. The govern- engine, ment is planning to take over the . Tri-State canal and make it a part A OOOd Citizenship service at the ul the government irrigation system j Presbyterian church next Sunday n the valley Obstacles have arisen j Evening. Lloyd Thomas and Mrs. which required a trip to Washington j Rowan mill give short addresses, by Attorney Raymond. Mr. Mann, a singer of some note, will sin'g, and there m ill be special music F. W Melik of Hemingford has by the choir purchased and took possession Mon- . . lay of the Hemingford Roller Mills Bay your flour from O'Bannon A. M. Miller, who sold the mills to Hrotliers. We handle Curtis Heat, Mr. Melick, has been owner and oper- made by the Crete Mills; King ated them for twenty years, being a navicl. made by the David City Mills. pioneer in Box Butte county. Mr. Jml nre not a regular customer Melick is well known in this vicinity for nour we invite you to send us a .is a successful business man and will tral order. O'Bannon Brothers, continue to turn out a high grade of phone 15.5. flour made from excellent western Nebraska wheat. Miss Dollie Hagaman has been visiting relatives at Bayard the past T. K. Stevens, Carl Modiaett, Clark week Denny. J. H. Show and Victor Jeep; of the Hoffland Reduction Company, i Hev. F. E. Black left the first of were visitors in Alliance the first of 'the week for Omaha to uttend a con- tbe Week. These men are busily en- frence of Nebraska Presbyterian gaged these days in developing the churches. potash industry. They, as pioneers, paved the way for the rapid strides Mrs. J. J. Vance returned Tuesday which have been made by the potash fromCamp Funston. Where she vis- companles in .western Nebraska, ited m'ith her son. Jay Vance, who is Their' many friends in this section Of stationed there and who is a ineru- the state have watched their success ber of the National army. She re- Wtlh pleasure and fuel that they and ports the boys are getting along in i heir associates deserve the rewards fine shape and seem to be enjoying Which are coming to them for their themselves in spite of the fact that part in bringing out heretofore un- they are inj put through rigid known resources of the state. training. Prior to going to Camp : , . Funston Mrs. Vance attended the The Dierks Lumber Company have atBle w c T ronv,.ntion sh,. purchased the lumber business of the vu Iniidw efli,or of th statP papftr Antloch-Mercantlle Company at An- Th(. Union Leader, for the coming Hot h and will establish a large lum- year her yard at that point. R. A. Mur- ... ray, company auditor, has been in the city recently on business con nected with the transfer. asoci KTY TIT iter Box Butte Club at Chadmn Normal The Box Butte club haa been re organised at the Chadron State Nor mal this fall and the following offi cers were elected: President, Mr. Clements Secretary -treasurer, Vera Spencer. The purpose of the club Is to get better acquainted with each other, to have a good social time and to wel come anyone from Box Butte county. The club enjoyed a picnic at the nor mal picnic grounds last week. Time m-as spent In roasting weenie, popping corn and playing numerous games. Following are the members of the club: Miss Fratler, Miss Rustin. John Annem, Wilma, Mr. Phllpot, Leona aBldwln, Beatrice Fenner, Mrs. Philpot, Lellla Baldwin, Amanda OsnoB, Miss Walsh, Mr. Clements. Vernice Robinson, Mary Cooley, Cathertne Rihn, Devona Dickinson, Mary Baker, Miss Holllnrake, Vera Spencer, Anna Hoffland and Madge tJrnhain. Mrs. Phelan Entertained the T. A. A. ( I nb Mrs. Bernard Phelan entertained the T. A. A. Club Tuesday afternoon at bridge, after which a delightful lunch was served. Miss Abbott Entertained For Her Sister On Saturday evening Miss Kella Abbott entertained at a theatre party for her sister. Emma Lou Abbott of Minatare, who visited her over Sun day. Following the theatre party, delightful refreshments were served the guests at Thlele's Drug Store. The guests were Misses Bruce, Sher idan, RuBsell, Izola Worley, Emma Lou Abbott and Mesdames Jay Walk er and Lloyd Thomas. led of the West, H. M Bower; Itanrh Stories. Mrs. Delia Msllery; Table Talk, other Dialect Writors. Recitation by Mildred Dole. Music on the Columbia. Huntlay Morning Breakfast For Friend Mrs. Lloyd Thomas entertained a fern- friends at breakfast Sunday morning for Miss Emma Lou Abbott, of Minatare, who waa here vlaltlng her sister. Miss Delia Abbott, over the week-end. Entertained Number of little Friends Saturday afternoon Elta Wal hridge entertained twelve of her small friends in honor of her twelfth birthday anniversary. The party spent the afternoon at the theatre, after which refreshments were served at Thlele's. The guest list included the following: Ethelyn Ellis, Ruth Wilson. Lila Graham. Josephine Wil son. Eylrne Haxelton. Thelma Ded morp, Oladis Sturgeon, Mabel Stur geon. Ruth Rngen. Inez Hagen. Hazel Herman and Martha Miller. Following a two months' visit here with her sister. Mrs. M. E. Johnson, Mrs. B. Mewhlrter has returned to her homo at Creaton, Iowa. Mrs. W. E. Spencer went to Chad ron on Sundny to visit her daughter, Miss Vera, who Is attending Chadron Normal. Herbert Butler arrived home Sun day from a visit In Chicago and New York. He witnessed three of the mot Ids serlese games. See Us, And See Best Worn ans Clu'b to Meet Friday The Woman's Club will meet Fri day of this week. October 19th. at the home of Mrs. Claudia B. Dole, The program will be as follows: Roll call: Dialect of the South, Geo. W. Cable; Old Creole Days, Mrs. Dole; Chas. Egbert Craddock In the Ten nessee Mountains, Mrs. Lunn; Dia- drake&drakf: OPTOMETRISTS VVK CAN FIT vol WITH Jl.ANul FOR RVRRY PrRPOHR We Can Duplicate any Broken Lens 313 M Box Butte Ave Phone 121 SPRCTAf. NOTTCFJ M PIANO BUYERS A GOOD PIANO will last a lifetime. A POOR PIANO, under very favor able circumstances, may be in condition to be used at the end of five years. WHICH IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE END? The Schmoller & Mueller Pianos and Player Pianos have n Established Reputation. Thrr lire manufactured of the bst material and by thoroughly akilled workmen. Thry are models of good I4(e, beautiful tona and artiatio workmanship and. laal but not least, are sold Irom factory to borne, saving you the usual $100 to $150 retail profit. We pay all freight and our 57 yeara nnerience is your if yoa give ua your trade. Write today for our free catalog and trial offer in your home, the only way to test sn instrument. Our unlimited guarantee baeked by our entire resources i,f over $1,000.0110 and our easy payment plan 3 to 5 yeara if deaired, aiTorda you absolute protection and makca buying easy. Write today how to obtain a beautiful Jewelry Set by placing your urder this month or giving u lha Barnes of prospective customers. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Largest Retailer of Pianos in the World. OMAHA, NEB. 133 Hatabliahed 1HS9 - Capital and Resources, over $1,000,000.00 f-kl I: JtiVYELKY SET Mail this Coupon todry for Free Catalog and information bow to get Free Jewelry Sn l .r just a name. NAMli V ADDRK99 H. M. Coursey and family of Be- A baby boy was born Saturday murium! to Mr and Mrs. J. E. Hughes. a Mrs. Chase Feagins is enjoying a lajit, Kansas, returned to their home visit from her sister. Miss Mary the first of the week after a visit with Miekle. of Woodbine, Iowa kfr. Coursey's brother, Col. H. P. I " Coursey. nnrl family of Alliance. Mrs. W. O Marry returned on Tuesday from a week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs Marcus Prankle re- friends at Anselmo. She also visited turned Tuesday evening on forty- at Seneca, three from I heir trip to Chicago and other eastern points Mr. Prankle Mrs. W. (). Marry returned on attended the annual convention of Tuesda yfroui a week-end visit with the United National Clothiers. He friends at Anselmo She also visited occupies a prominent place in the or- at Senev-u. tranlsation and is a member of aev- ral important committees. They left Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keiser were Chicago on Sunday, stopping over for here from Hofflland on Monday Catarrh of Stomach Mrs Mary PettneH, R. P. D. , Po mona, Missouri, writes: "I wish to say a few words in the raise of Paruna. . 1 have used It with good results for cramps in tho stomach. Also found it the very thing for catarrh of the head. My ulster waa cured of catarrh of stom ach by the use of Peruna.' Mrs. B. T. Cbomer, 69 Bast 42nd St. Chicago. 111., aays: "Manaim fteet laaative on the market for liver and bowels, very good for Indigestion and heart burn. Those Who object to liquid medl cites eaa secure Peruna tablets. Made Well By Penina. My Sitter Also Cored By PE-RU-NA Artistic Portraits by Photography VAN GRAVEN Studio ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Phone 901 Cold Weather Is Upon Us Heed the Warning Did you wait until the cold spell came fjcfore you ordered coalT Will you wait until the next cold apell before you think about ordering again? You arc bound to be diaappointed in not getting your coal delivered immediately, if you wait until the cold spell coniea, and everyone else wants coal when you do. YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER COAL THAN Colorado Lump and Nut Kirby Lump and Nut Monarch Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal FOREST LUMBER CO. Geo. A. Heilman, Mgr. i Phone 73 HUDSON Prices Still the Same Kifty-one cars had, on AugiiHt 1st, already heen advanced since .lumiury. Cars which formerly sold at $1,200 and $1,400 now sell in the same price clasH as he Hudson Super-Six. It outsold any two such cars even when there was a price differ ence of from $200 to $.100. Now, that there is no such price advantage, Hudsous will undoubtedly be the preferred with all buyers. That will soon exhaust supplies of materials bought in a lower market and will hasten the time when higher pric R for the Super-Six will be necessary. The prices following are current as of August 1st, 1!H7. Present production is made from materials contracted for in 1916, before recent material cost increas s When that stlppl is exhausted, prices will be readjust! d. All piici-s ai e in t. f.o.b. Detroit: PHAKTON. 7 ptvtaWoirera, $1,650 CABRI0U5T, :t Hhmmrir. Ufo TOl ItlMi SUDAN. 7 pMMfef is. -M '" Have you visiti-d our new and up-to-date garage ami r i shop? We do quick repairing of the highest quality, in most complete shop in this section of the wi st. We aNt 1! tins, accessories, oil and gas KING & SMITH 216-18 West Third Phone 24 Alliance, Nebraska M TO lion I AM Next Sunday, October 21, 1917 A Nice Urive tuiil the IUmm1 are Good. I'll I.N l.thi: IN i Ml. PICTURE SHOW AT THK A-MUSE-U THEATRE M ti lire .11 to F. M. and then tbo Regular Hhow at P. M Hhavrp. Showing "The Battle Cry For Peace" In Its entirety. Equal to The Birth of a Nation Every True American should see this picture. The "Battle Cry of Peace" is a call to arna not for war, but for PEACE. House heated anil good comfortable seats, flood music. AduibsMtou : Adult. SO Cents Children SW Cent. OnXenbiwe Jr. aud IMvla, BtMiiacer SHOES for MEN New, comfortable, good weight shoi-K for winter wear, for dress-up 01 work. A BBTTKE SHOE FOR THE MONET CAN'T BE BOUGHT Our Fall and Winter Shoea are here. You must tee them to appreciate them. Shoes for men for every purpose. For the Railroader, the Fanner, the Merchant, the School Boy Shoes for All. LOWRY'S Shoe Store We Do Repairing