k MB ii You'd stand 00 a corner or rush to a window any day to I sec a hand go by. The Victor makes the world's g-eatest bands parade before you as J; you sit in your easy chair . Pryor's Band, Sousa's ;;v Band United States Ma- rine Band. Garde Repub j licaine Band of France, j Police Band of Mexico. Come in an I hrir thei famous t"l band play Kmc of your favorite election!. There is a Victor from $10 to at. iuu virtroia, k. HU, 99V. r C7C tinn tion onn ciei f ' f( f 'uv, .p.vv, tow, favv VI f 1300. I PLAY VICTOR RECORDS WITH VICTOR TUN0S-T0NE STYLUS Will play 100 to 300 records without changing. Packages of four, 10 cents. If used with proper care, four Tungs-tone Styli (one 10c package) should play 1,000 records. Wiker Music House Everything in Music PIANOS VICTORS VICTOR VICTROLAS RECORDS SHEET MUSIC PIANO ROLLS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS MRS. J. T. WIKER, Mgr. Across from Postomce of twenty dollars waa Riven, whlch-j proven that the audience enjoyed her speech. We were favored nt this time with an Instrumental duet by Minxes Klorn Spencer and Marjory Urebe. Mr. niack. of the 1'reahyterinn church, nave an address on "Our Work In the Present Waft" He said he was a new-coiner In our midst and so didn't know what our union was doing, but In reviewing whnt the wo Ml had been dolnR. he was aston ished at the magnitude of the task, and the women could and would do it If they take a thlnR In hand they see to It that It is done riRht. The soldier boys come from clean homes and It It only rlpht that they hne a chance to keep clean and stralRht whll'they are lighting for the liber ty of the world Our state representative. Lloyd ('. Thomas, then Rave a very fine ad dress on "Why Women Should Vote," and he pave some ety DOB vinclnR farts, lie Rave his talk in a Htralfihtforward way and we all felt that we had the riRht man In the riRht place. Mrs. F. M. Phelps tied white rib bons on two babies, the youiiRest be inR presented with a pin Riven by the national president of the W. C. T. IT. The convention closed with a short memorial service for those who have fought the good flRht 'and have been called to their reward. Miss Huth Lnyton sanR "The Knd of a Perfect Day," after which all adjourned to the church parlors for Ice cream and cake before ROitiR home, everybody feelinR encouraged to ro on to greater efforts in the Rood cause of the Women's Christian Tem perance Union. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: The Box Butte County W. C. T. U. in annual session at the First Bap tist church of Alliance, Neor.. here in desire to express their apprecia tion to the men of the county and of the state of Nebraska for their loyal service and for the vote they cast for the last state election, which went for no more saloons and drunkenness in our fair Btate. "Lest we forget" Be It resolved, that we make known to the public, our appreciation and that wo here in pay the highest tribute to our husbands, our sons, our fathers and brothers, for the real Interest shown in the homes, the wife, the mother and the Bona and daughters, and the moral uplift of the entire state and nation. Resolved, That we pledgo our loyal support In loving sympathy and sac rificial service, to maintain the honor of these men who have placed the prohibitory statute on our state rec ords. Honor to whom honor is due. And may the blessing of God rest upon the noble men of our Btate, and by His blessing may our state and na tion be forever kept from the rum traffic. Drawing tk Lin. Before we were married too Mid Miu would die for mel" "I know I did. and I would, but wear ing that necktie you selected out on the drcet Is different. I won't do that" Houston Prod Easily Managad. How do ..n manatee til get an many awajfval eases Y" "I ic otntnend motoring to my pa tleutM for the sake of the open air," replied the doetor. 'Then It's only a question of time.' - Puck. ob Printing Department. 1 CJJL all ti YO U get first class printing and you get it when promised when you do it. v Having work done right and when promised are rules of this office. Our service in helping you plan your work is free. Telephone 340 when you want that next ,4 job of printing. QUALITY PROMPTNESS SERVICE HERA LD PUB. COMP'Y JOB PRINTING Phone 3 4 0 atLnrl E3S 112 MEMBERS IN THE HOME GUARDS VmNtny IMlled on Htreets Friday Night Armory Being Placed in Shape, for Use 'I'll,- Iln lint!.- tnmt Oiinrris now number 112 members and new mem bers are daily Joining it is expected that the membership will soon reach the limit 150 members. On the call of Captain R. C. Strong a meet ing was held at the city ball Friday ovenlng. August 31. The members turned out well it will be necessary to put a few in the guard house for non-attendance, however, if they are not present at roll call at the next meeting, which is to be held at the armory in the rear of the city hall, Friday evening September 14. Carpenters are at work this week installing the new floor in the fire department plunge building which has been donated to the company 'for use as an armory. This work will be finished by the last of the week and the building will then be ready for squad drills, storage of equip ment in the lockers, etc. The members of the company were drilled in squads Friday even ing on the streets, me rookies started off excellently and were soon able to keep step fairly well, outside of Trlvate John Wiker. John claimed that the rest of the company didn't keep step with him very well and that occasionally they were all out of step except him. Corporal Harry Coursey, who is short in stature found it necessary to protest once in u while against the long steps taken by Sergeants Taah and hein and Privates Sallows and Nelson, all of whom are up rather high in the world. Private Rodgers thought the officers should be made V go through some of the evolutions themselves, especially when Sergeant .lack Hawew tried to demonstrate to the rookies that when he said "left foot" he meant "right foot." Danny Lyons, one of the company cooks, better known as "Dlnty Moore," was In auch a hurry to get to drill that he forgot his hat and coat, lis was well provided for with a horse blan ket which some unsuspecting villag er had unwisely placed over bla Ford car. Home Guard Qmcer Officers of the Box Butte Home Ouarda are as follows: Captain. Roy C. Strong. First Lieutenant, W. J. Mahaffy. Second Lieutenant, Leonard Pllk 1 1 II to First Sergeant. D. E. W. Jones. Quartermaster's Sergeant, John Rhetn. Color Sergeant, Ira E. Taah. Duty Sergeants, W. J. Hamilton, J. H. Hawes. Wm. Maunler. Wm. Buchman, John Line, Geo. J. Hand. Company clerk. Lloyd C. Thomas Company bugler. Elbert 0. Laing. Company artisan. C. A. Dow. Cooks. C. A. Laing, Danny Lyons, T. J. Beal. Corporals, O. C. Moore, S. W. Thompson, R. T. Morgan, R. M. Ba ker. P. D. Gleason. W. A. Wadum, C. W. Jeffers. C. M. Looney. J. O. Walker, R. E. Driscull. George A Heilman, H. P. Coursey. Roster nf Company M mbers The list of company members at this date is a's follows: . Arrison, Harry L. Lino. John M. Amsbetry, C. E. Lyons, Daniel F. Baker. Geo. F. Luttrell, J. A. Beal. T. J: Mallery. Karl U. Becson. S. A. Mann, D. E. W. Becker, E. Maunler. Wigand Beck well. P. O. Miller. J. W. Bell, G. R. Miller, S. A. Blcknell, J. W. Mollring. Fred BiHhop. E. L. Moore. O. C. Buchman, F. W. Merrltt. Frank L. Bullock, H. M. Morgan. Robt. T. Burrows L. T. Mosher, L. H. Bushnell. H. M. Mewhirter, A. C. Baker, R. M. Miller. Geo. H. Brost. A. W. Mahaffy. W. J. Boardon, B. W. Niemann, Wm. Calder. C. E. Nelson. Anthony Pot C. M O'Connor. J. F. Coursey, H. P. Powell. Carl H. Covert. J. M. Powell, Lewis F. Dow. Clare A. Pryor. Bud Driscoll. R. E. Pllkington, L. E. Duncaa. A. A. Quick, Wm. T. Outton, C. F. Rhein. J. S. Darling, Geo. D. Robblna. J. S. Edwards, J. W. Roberts. T. U. Ehinger, Chris O. Rodgers. Allen D. F.mrin H. O. Hnwan. Jerrv Francis, H. L. Robbins. Fred E. Frost. Ray C. Ryan. M. P. Fuller, Chaa. H. Sallows, Ben J. nindann. Rajr C. Smith. J. R. Gleason. P. D. Snyder, Geo. F. ;ouhi, itatpn is. snyaer. rtaroia Graham, Robt. Shanklin, W. R- Guthrle, John W. Spencor, Tom Grove, A. H. Stephens, F. F. Hand, Geo. J. Schroeder. Pete Harper, W. R. Strong. Roy C. Hamilton. W. J. ShleldB. Ed-. F. Hawes, J. H. trash. Ira E. Heilman, Geo. A. Thomas, Lloyd C. Hull, H. W. Thomas. P. M. Hall. Ward W. Thompson, S. W. Isaacson. A. G. Vogel, T. J. Jaoua. P. J. VauKhan. J. C. Jefters, J. S5. Vaughan, J. H. Jeffers. C. W. Wadum, W. A. Johnson. Lloyd E. Wallace, John G. Jones, D. E. W. Walker. Jay O. Kuhn Olof D Warn V J. Laing, Elbert G. Wiker, John T. Laing, C. A. Wright, Earl S. Lawrence, J. R. Wilson, Homer Looney, C. M Zlmmeror, E. C. REV. J. B. BROWN TO I MVKIWITV PLACE The Presbyterian church of Unl veraity Place has chosen Rev. James H Brown, pallor of the church at j Gordon, Nebr., to succeed A. I. Kee Iner. He will arrive In Unlveraity ! Place with hla wife and two small children in time to preach his first sermon September 9. Mr. Brown was graduated from Haatings college find from Princeton university. From laol to 19t?, he taught in the Syrian Protestant college at Heirut, Syria. In 1906 and 1907 he WM pastor at Seottsbluff. Nebr. From 1907 to 1910 he was Presbyterian missionary at Tripoli, Syria, returning to thla country on account of the health of Mrs. Brown. He was pastor of the church at Alliance from 1910 to 1913, and of the church at Gordon from 19KV to 1917. Lincoln State Journal. REPORT OF The W. C. T. U. CONVENTION Annual Session, Held at the Haptixt Church Thursday Afternoon, Pitstrfxl Resolutions The annual convention of the Box Butte County W. C. T. U. a held at the First Baptist church in Alliance Thursday, August 30. The following report of the convention is contributed by an officer of the W. C. T. U.: The Box Butte county convention, held in the First Baptist church of Alliance, in an all-day session, Thurs day, August 30. Morning session opened by devotional, presided over by Mrs. Cams. Roll call of members. Address of welcome by County President Mrs. Keegan. Reports from various unions. Election of county officers. Noontide prayer closed this ses sion. A splendid cafeteria lunch wa served and enjoyed by the visit ors and members. Afternoon session opened by a de votional led by Mrs. Epler. Resolu tion read and approved. Rev. A. A. Layton gave an excellent address on "Law Enforcement," and he com mended our Judge on . the splendid way he is doing his duty so loyally, and all agreeu with him in saying that Judge Tash is one of the finest Judgea in western Nebraska. Miss Alta Young rendered a vocal solo in her usual style, which was en Joyed by all present. Dr. Cams then addressed the con Tention on "Is the Work of the W. jC. T. U. Done." In his very force l f ul way he gave all to understand that it was by no means done. He said the women had done a wonder ful work, but they must keep on sticking at it and victory would be theirs. Rev. S. J. Epler gave a very fine address on "The Church and Prohi bition", and certainly convinced one that the two were Inseparable. Mrs. A. A. Layton in her usual brilliant way, gave a talk on "Our Finances." As a rule folka like to alip those talks by. but Mrs. Layton makes everything she talks about In teresting, so everybody was sorry when ahe was through. She took up a collection at thia time, and the sura YOU ARE DRAFTED ss. and Called to Send to the Omaha Market On or before Sept. 3rd a Good Consignment of Cattle, Hogs or Sheep While you are doing this you may as well do it right by shipping to BYERS BROS. & CO.