ALLIANt R HERALD, THIRSDAV, HKPT. , 1917 Charley Chaplin's Comic Capers Luke Believes In Preparedness YOUR EYES ARt LIKE THE STARS "t"HAT SHINE rEkH cMLL ' ! 1 A! INPMd I S iTtl VOUR UPS ARE LIKE THE SWEETEST WHE ( OM- SMalT- 1 W mUIloO A I O ! ! j YOUR HANDS ARE LIKE THE LILY THAT FLOATS V nj ,y ' ' I i.iiib mi- - ... i i i i i i mini mm m -i n - n , mi i.. ... .ira . i - n , i. . . , iimwii iiiih i i i - . i i. - i n in- r. ... r w ' . . ! i li TELEPHONE THREE-FOUR-OUGHT HERA L D Do you want to Buy a dog? Rent a house? Find a ring? Sell a boat? Trade hoYses? Hire a cook? Secure a position? ij If your want is worth wanting, it is worth spending a few cents in these columns. Five OntB per Line---Count Six Words to a Line No Advertisement taken for Less Than 15c For Rent FOR SALK McCormick porn binder. Has cut only 50 acres. Price $76. - J, A. Keegan. 39-tf-8560 FOR SALK. Jood section of land. Located ten miles southeast of Bing hani. Nebraska. Price only $4,50o Address or see Louise Harp. Nebraska, for particulars. KOI! SALK Typewriter ribbon fOT all makes 0 ftypowriters. Type writer and pencil carbon papers. Typewriter paper and second sheets. Herald Publishing Co. Phone 840. lTntT pTipriKrrMnxp" to finest land in Box Butte county. Be- ry loot can be plowed. Level. Four luarter-iectlons, I4d acres. In two I acts of 320 acres eae Located VAfi of Homtngford. One tract has wind mill and good well. Excellent soil, fenced, The price is low, on asv terms. Owner will show the land. Add rem Hox ince HeraM. for full all at Herald office S4f7 c-o Alli iefurmat ion, or 3r,-lt-S467 FOR UKNT -Two unfurnished rooms for rent, cheap. Suitable fol light housekeeping. t2i! Mississippi avenue. S9-5t-6t 4 FOU UKNT -Furnished rooms. de(sirable for one or two ladies or school girl Close in. Inquire at Herald offlVe. St-lt-S&tdl FlTUKVfi rnifuTnbdid rooms for light housekeeping, l'hone Ued 78 or call at till' Mississippi avr; nue. 39-ii-s.",t;r, OHHKS'V Two rooms" Wilf lit up for light housekeeping or will rent individually for sleeping rooms to suit renter. Frirtik Herbert, fit 4 Missouri avenue. 39-lt-Xatil For Sale, or will Trade for Farm A practically new HART-PARR OIL TRACTOR: 40 on the belt. 27 draw bar. ".Money Maker" Thresher 29 Spec ial by tt. Oliver No. 6. H bottom 14-inch Lu pine ;ang Plow. This is a bargain if taken at once. Write ;. V Little. Box 4th Am :i t h St.. Council muffs. Iowa. There's no false modesty about this want ad page. JNo legitimate propo sition need hesitate to launch forth to find a response. J Need not even sign your name v,r address. This office receives and holds replies for you. Wanted For Sale mii.m OKAlii: armasl hand auto- mobile for ale cheap. Nicolki A flaw.? hf-tl Mill SAM:. lie-cleaned seed wheat $2.00 per bushel Kye $1.60 per bushel I A KKFCA.N !l-tf.tlS4. POH SALK High grade typewrit er carbon paper. The kind that give von a clear duplicate. The Alliance Herald Phone 340 Vol it HA.Mt K to k1 m lirstl clans, Higli-gi ol, automobile for Mile cheap. I -el hut in ccelleii( coodi Hon. Mcolal a Ho. 37-if FOU SALK -House, live roonis aiid bath, on llig Horn. Address Pox 8"i4 2. care Alliance Herald :i7-tf-r,4 2 FOU SALK AT EXECUTOR 'fl SALK Two residence properties lo cated as follows: Lota live and six in block six, Wyoming addition to City of Allince. The residences are composed of three and rive rooms These residence properties must be sold. Inquire or L. A. Berry, Room Ruraer Block. Alliance. Nebraska Phone 9 1917-23 tf WANTED For office work. A capable young lady who can keep a 'simple set of books, whose jienman- ' ship is good, w ho can operate a type writer with proficiency (shorthand tint necessary) and who can handle collection! and other outside work I of that nature. Position is perman ent to a capable person. Address i Box 4231, cure Alliance lievald. giv ing full particulars, or phone 340. ::7-tf-423 1 Lost and Found FOUND- Kun holder and nut from Btanweld automobile demount able rim. Owner may have same by calling at Hegntd office and paying for this ad M tr-x '.:: F Hj9H -Rwi I TCHICET" ad n hunch of keys, owner may have same bj calling al The Herald of lee, identifying the keys, amf pai leg the cost of this want ad. HKU LI) PUBLISH INH COMPANY. HI-tl-K4ti LOST An automobile crank for a i ow-lMkhart atllo n Alliance streni Beusonable leward fot; re- tara to The Herald office 38 tf 8 f I 6 IOST Auto casing. inner tubt and inn complete Size ::l'.t3',:. inches. I'nited States make, smooth tread, b.-iween Alliance und Ha Springs Suitable reward for recov ery. Return to Burner Motor Com pany, Alliance, or W. 11. Bell, ow ner. Cordon. Nebraska. l7-4t8510$ LOST, STRAY BD OR 8TOLKN Three head Ol COWS, branded (t ovi r S on left hip, and one red cow brand ed M on hip; also three head of calves with no brands. A good re Ward will be paid for any informa tion leading 1o their recovery. Ad dress any information to O. R. Roe rts, Lewellen, Nebraska. 34-tf-8l72 FOFN'H - A casting, evidently par? of a tractor or other large piece of farm machinery, on road lending to Alliance, by members of The Her ald force. This casting is evident badly needed by someone and any one knowing to whom it Helen gl will confer a favor on the owner by ad vising him that it is at Tin- Herald office, where n nan ba secured b railing for It and paying the costs of the Insertion Of this want ad. HER ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 34-tf-8471 Miscellaneous T!g 'IF THK fHMMt KITS xov Til I.N HI ti: IT" By ADAM LIAIl t isilotn of the Serent In the park lay Miss A una belle Bowcb. When a tiny snake crawled o'er her hose. Did Annabelle mind? No, she wasn't that "kind And the snake was well pleased, goodness knows o Zlppo! Once a much dolled-up dame from ( 'asper Was boasting o'ermuch of her hair. When up sprung u breeze, ThHt rattled her knees, And ttppo, her hair wasn't there! o tKsifjT. I'm OM Aaain Ladles and (Jeiilleinen and V1-h)w-citiz-zizz-zizzz: As I wile tJe above spasms for this perspiring oc casion. 1 am averw armed with depri ciation to ha TO the privel-liv to ad dress myself Tor the benetit of so many of my fans. In the words of that great general. Kucalyptus (irant it is indeed a pleasure to be able to I have my efforts read by bo many fel l low ' shirkers- -and the spirit within line cries out "K Plucrisy Onion." This is a grr-eat age. K very body l in this age wants money Alliance girls want matri-moncy ; wives w ant I pin-money ; divorced women want I all-money ; the L w. w's want njr ! body's money and the trusts want ev erybody's money. They say thai money is the riN)l I of all evil but if I had some of that i rooi in mi back garden you bet your I sweet American Star Spangled Ban I ner I'd to my utmost to make II grow. Just now .there isn't much moin in circulation Dollnrs are scare 'dimes are scarce nickh are genes ! and "coppers" are not as plentiful since the city lathers decided to cut i down expenses. 1 rhey say that money talks, but all i it ever says to me is "goodb) ." J Different nations have different Heinan sittlns. in the crotch of a dead tree located not a great, distance from the big but te, a man who under stands live stock and can perstmde a large beef creature to qnlt pawing the ground beneath the tree and leave the prerriftiert for a few minutes tlood pny. Apply Harold. Smythe, South Pasture, Nebraska. - o - A Helm a Note The one above, Indles aud Hentle nten, cgnclndes my minstrel first part. ITI get down to business now, vlth some of the more serious local sUtff, In an nttompt to appease your growing appetite for something real rich and sweet. Khough Im fenougli Talking about swoet stuff. What could be more sweot than the sight, of two lovers strolling in the night air and trying to keep warm on night like some we hnve had this week? Fine, you say. It. might, be fine for the lovers, but II sure is ag ony for one walking behind, accord ing to the complaint of one little fairy I know of. him what on earth the meaning of the sign was. The tailor, with a complacent smile, replied: "If it hadn't been for an apple. where would the clothing business ba today?" Dverybody'g Magailne Ur ( nluain A Roy's Tribute Prettiest girl I've ever seen Is Ma Lovelier than nny queen Is Ma. dirts with curia go walking by. Dainty, graceful, bold and sly. But the one that fakes my eye Is Ma. ' Wasn't Utility At Tliat The argument as over the price of g railroad ticket to a certain point , In another state. It waxed warm. i There wen several in the parly in- eluding a certain husband and will i Husband said. "Well. I know the fare to ' was so many dollars whn i I bought Miss- 's ticket for her Friend wife 'sat up straight in her whalr and said. "You bought s ticket for lo r? Yon say you bought 's ticket. And that's about the time I came home," But he wasn't guilty, at that. Kv ry girl made Into one 8 Ma. Sweetest girl to look upon la Wa scen 'em short and seen 'em tall flee i) 'em big and seen 'em small. nut t in- nncHt one or ait li Ma. Best 1 In These War Time I know a wife who is practiciifg economy by making the doughnuts alt hole. . O' IIiih'I Be Surprised There ig always someone to give it away. The other night a lady who had been out riding a few nights be fore, called at the home off one of Alliance's automobile owners. "I of all the girls one earth In Ma. One that all the rest is worth Is Ma. Home have beauty . some hnve grace. Some look nice in silk and lace, But the one that takes first place la Ma. Sweetes singer in, the land Is Mil She that has the softest hand Is Ma. Tenderest, gentlest nurse is she, Full of fun as she can be. An the only girl for me la Ma. J Bet if there's an angel here Is Ma. ; II Qod has a sweetheart dear. Is Ma. Take Hiegirla that artists draw, An: all the girls I ever saw. The only one without a. flaw Is Mu Kdgar A. Ouest. in Detroit Press. I4ei uiiiniii I III Specialty A man who limped painfully stood near the station, where he saw a car say your husband and three others at thai see d to l. idled with boys. Heiningford the other night," she "What! that?" he naked a by said. "I was wondering where yon slander. Were." "Why my husband was at lodge that night." she wild. If any thing happens, don't be surpjrised Lloyd's Column . .::::::::::::::::! 'kinds of money. F.ngland has pound: iapd schillings, France has cen-times land louis, and Cermany has marks. I Of course, we've got marks in this country, too I'm a mark. Last week I swallowed a piece of ; window glass which gave me a "pane" in my side, so I went to a doctor. After hi- examine,! m. I said: 'Well, doc, what do you make of it?'' He said: "Before I get through with you I'll make live hundred dollars out of it." Then he operated oil 100 he cut out my liquid refreshments and cigars. He would have cut out my appendix, too, only I had it in my wife's name. But I've got to continue this col umn. H this is providing you with amusement or entertainment, I thank you. This is oije way I make a living- getting up ibis li ne-o-dope. There's more of another kind coming. It lira I remember came in i eyes." Fiend the first lions?" Might It. I ill., i Kditor ( reminiscing ) "I hen my first subscription ii brought tears to my Teas of aMOtton, or was subscription p. mi in ou- Celllag cards lor the ladles an printed promptly and neatly at Tb Herald office The prices are reas finable Phone 340 for' sample anf nrlce nr call at the office MOVK I t KMH IIK SAFKLY We have euippeg our' dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest ipnflnnceg for moving fornltnra without marring or scratching or do ing damage. I'p-to-date wag.m pad will be used by us M illl movlug jobs JOHN Ft BNYDRR, Phone l :, 17-lf-SaM The Government needs Farmers as well as F'ghters ' Two million three in. died thousand aerei of Oregon and California Railroad Co Gram lji'd Title revealed in United gjtatcn To be opened for aOMealeadg and sale Containing some of lest laud left in Puited states Large Copyrighted Map. showing land by lectio US and description of soil, rll anite. rainfall, elevation, temp, i., tore, ate, Postpaid. One Dollar trHntlands Jocatlng Co Box n I ' Portland, Oregon. UI-13t-844 Baby Ad ic Vnu know I've got a neighbor, there are two and a half of them That is there is Pupa Neighbor. Ma nia Neighbor and Baby Neighbor As a result I have been reading some ol the articles appearing in some of the journals about the care of babies. I have accumulated a few Misible ami easily remembered bint, on this important subject which I would ad vise you to remember until ihey arc necessa ry : DON'T rap baby in a sealskin coat . ' DON" oven. Hi V T us mouth DON'T lift it U(i hovt Nebraska ober I in N'T d p m . ' cuee. put bab to sleep in an stop. its cring by sniffing with cotton waste dek it up by the ankles: by the cWs. give baby gin rteknya In dining September Of Oct- b-i bah sta out later until ho matter what It- v T 'ItlC li, ll I found this advertisement In an tchange ' Wantrri-ImiiH-dtarrl) ! (i a gOD' lolulHM l leaned Out "I IwAr thai you lost your temper at the poker party lasi night?" "Well, that was the only thing 1 had left to lose." l.loya'K ..In Not Afflicted With "Adults" "Bead the directions on the bottle, : Hand) " "II ... . 'for adults, one ton I spoon ' " I "Thunder! Thin ain't what alls I me what else does it say?" l.lojKTa I ww ii Nature Fake "So Farmer Hawbuck has sold Ins I pasture to the golf club." "Yes, where his old brindle cow aaed to roam WO now see a lot of I platded calves." I.l 4'm uImmih Unkind i Mrs. Flynt K Biskett I want to join the army, I 'hink I'll enlist us 1 . mill F S II Sh-h: Hush, my deal . t mrtvine They're arresting person for making threats against the army - Judge. . I, !" uIhuiii Change ami Itcst A postcard bearing the following ma -ag was sent by a vacationist at a popular summer resort: i "This is a great place for a change 'and a rest. The waiters get the Ichang and 'the hotels get the rest." l.l4' I aluwu A IMIK Trip British Officer to a raw recruit trying to ride) Where I he deuce 'are you going lo go? Kaw recruit (vainly trying to con trol his steed, which is making a bolt lor the doorway of the riding school ) Don't know. sir. But the horse's heme is in Canada' I. I ItlIMM Lure of the Apple I The tailor's sign in a little l own was an apple, simply an The people were amuaed at it. cam iii crowds to the tailor. "Thai la the corn boy's npecial." "Corn boy's special?' Yes, the boys have ;ai jvon prizes by raising corn, and th -yare being n free I rip io Washington." The man made a grumbling re mark. "What did you say? be Other in quired "1 was Just saying to myself." thu first speaker explained, "that I may not be much of a cor-i raiser, but when it comes to bunion.-, i challenge the whole world." MomI'v Column Pom erf u I latvv "Say, mother, what keeps us from falling off the earth wh n we're up side down?" "Why, the law of gravity." "uBt how did we stay on before thai law gran paaaodr" 1 la - Column II i Age Allan, on his second birthday, was told by his mother that he wus 2 years old. That aame day his moth i weighed him, and as die lifted bim off the goala she said: You weigh just thirty pounds." That evening, when the little boy father came home, he said: "Well, Allan, how old are you?" Allan hesitated a few seconda and I hen replied "Two years and thirty pounds." Clear Away the Waste Bowel regularity is the secret of good health, bright eyes, clear com plexions, and Dr. King's New Ufa Pills are a mild and gentle laxative that regulates the bowels and re lieves the congested Intestines hv i. - the accumulated waste witnout griping Take a pill before retiring and that heavy head, that dull spring fever feeling disappears, tiet Dr. King's New Life Pills at your druggist, 2 5c. Adv 5 Th:- boys' band of Scottsbluff has been asked to play at the Wyoming tte fair, to be held at Douglas, gepteuibei 13. 14 and 15. Moat of , ti,e boys in the band are high school stidems and have been trained und 'tr Ike leadership of B W Morris Writes Prhte Km contest open to all inland apple. They asking a Hebron Hoy Hebron. In a boys under 16 in the United States. I tret nriae was won by Ixuis Schief lerdeeker of Belvldere. near here. IfuOUla submitted to the Poland China iJocrnal of Kansas City the best ar able on Boys' Pfg Clubs." He is i member of the Thayer county Boys' Pig Club, supervised by .1 Clarence ft a gey, count) club leader