I H Kit A 1,1), Till ItSIHY. HKPT. , 1I7 for L3 imped i i rals I 1ook oncptlon. The Missouri rlvr with llw rr-at bridge lmprrssd him. A i)lrd-y ground nnd contains a full basement. The first floor is divided off into larj-'e bins, which altogether have a Mnrmre view of the city from the top of the rapacity of IT., 000 bushels. The Woodmen of the World building fill-' building is entirely frost-proof, .Its d him with unsp akiiMc emotions 'whIIs of III studding havlnp :i dou He was us ingenuous as a boy dur-1 ble coat of sheeting and line felt ing this memorable outing, asking , throughout. The celling is construct, mention about this and that, and ed of the same kind of material. RANK KXAM1NKR 1H A FIRK MmO Wll SURK Morrill Mall: State Bank Eiamlner E. H. Em mett had a very exciting experience villi making n drive from Morrill to Henry. Nebr., Thursday, August 23 As he was passing the Urge stock sales pavillioo at a high rate of speed his keen eye discovered the building to be on fire. He Immedi ately ordered the driver to stop, and rushed into the flumes, extinguish ing them after a few minutes heroic work. He then, proceeded on his way to Henry and continued his work, returning to Morrill for the evening To show their apprecia tion of his services, the stockholders of the Pavllllon Association and cltl sens of Morrill held a meeting in his honor, and a fine medal was present ed to him with a few well-chosen re marks by Col. C. W. Snook. Morrill the boys who will swell the army of those who will uphold the honor of our country and defend its rights and liberties in the fight for democ racy. A large number of soldiers were on cars attached to the train, and us It pulled out they hung out of the windows of the cars and gave ringing cheers and the bugler sound ed the call aa the Rushville crowd responded with enthusiastic cheers. It Is certain that if those boys ever get a chance at the enemy, they will give a good account of themselves. II Kit It Y VOLTH SEES" STREET t'ARe) FOR FIRST TIME wondering how people crossed the street! without being killed in the ongestlon of motor vehicles. lie said he was used to plenty of room n the ranch and did not believe he woujd like the idea of dodging trol leysvand flivvers all of the live-long lay. Mr. Krajeskl's home town Is Nen- el. There are live sons and two laughters in the1 family. The elder Knijeski directs Mr. IWthncll to the best hunting and fishing places in ind around Cherry county. POTATO WAHEHOtSK NEAHlKtt COMPLETION Chudron Chronicle: Old "King Tuber" is about to make his debut In Chadrnn In grand style, his new palatial residence being nearly completed for his glorious re- eption at an early date Omaha Dee: Frank Krajeski, 19-year-old na tive of Cherry county. Nebr., viewed Omaha this morning for the first time. The wonders of the metropolis Burnett can move faster than any other person he evf MTNATAKK OKTft TWO NEW GRAIN EEEVATOHN were unfolded to him in Dunoramit people and vicinity will always nave profusion by City Commissioner C a warm spot in their hearts for Mr. 1 11 vtthnell and Manager Charles A. Hmmett. A party who was a wit- , Frani, 0f the auditorium, friends of ays that for an old man Mr. (njB fatherf Steve Knijenki The Nebraska youth was born and raised on his father's ranch and never until this momentous occasion had ventured beyond the limits of Cherry county. This morning he ac companled a curload of cattle to th stock yards, pocketed a chock of four figures, and was met by his father's friends who had been advised of the coming of the young man, away fron home for the first tlmo In his life. Messrs. Withnell and Frnnke en joyed the novelty of serving nfl guides for ii full-grown Nebrcskiin who hnd never before seen a tall building. Street car or a packing house. Th( sight-seeing trip was started at on of the large packing plants, which Mr. Krajeski viewed with open-eyed wondrment. He had been helping nilsp live stock ever since he could walk and yet this was the first tim he had seen a packing plant. The rifle of a street car to the "big city" was equally thrilling. When the Cherry county citizen viewed Farnam M net from the elevation at Twenty fourth street, he imagined he had been taken to some land of atory- Mlnatare Free-Proas: M H. Vandenburg, president of the Central Oraineries Co., has been la Minttare the past week arranging for the construction of a larger and better elevator and ware house on I he site of the one" recently destroy ed by lire. The new building will be fire-proof from the outside and will have considerably more grain rapacity than t lie old, A short distance to the west of the depot the Farmers' Union have be un the construction of an elevator of 12.000 bushels capacity, They have found It necessary to keep up With the growth of their business. While we have not seen the plans of their building we understand it will be built along the lines of the most modern construction. MX IM A SIONKROM OAS W KECKS FARM HOME The new equipment will be (if the very latest and most modern, and will consist of sorting and elevating machinery and the installation of the sutrie is being personally super vised by an expert of Wisconsin, and the entire potato plant will b com pleted and ready to receive the new potato crop by actual digging time. RUNAWAY inhian . WIRES ARE CAPTURHb Chadron Chronicle: Chief of Police John Morgan re ceived a message Saturday to be on the lookout for two girls who had j run away from the Indian school in j Rapid City. He caught the girls Sunday morning as they were getting ! off the train. They gave the names of Julia Lundgram and Edith Ander son nnri atatoH that thev were on the The Nebrnskn Potato Company is av to ,hir jlonl))- in Valentine and jUMt completing its new Up-to-date Mot-folk hut Mr Mnrnn sent them warehouse in this city. It was our ht.t.k n..nl(1 rttv on firRt ,rail, , 1 . 1 . J L. .. .. pleasure aim surprise mi ii- mown i through the new plant a few days igo, and oefore we had completed Hsradity. the trip of inspection, we well real- ,)h. hul.bv. dear, what do you think ixed that this comparatively new I .... .,, r i.,.,,.. w.,i " company and Industry was well pre pared to properly handle the enor- ' mous Dawes county potato crop this "Weil, If she takes alter yon the.i fall to the advantage of the farmers. vlll probably he. This Is a nice time to The building is 25x60 feet at the , oine hoim-.' ' suiil the brine. G3KB Our sources of supply are the largest in the world. Our buying facilities enable us to lay down lumber here at as favorable prices as can be secured by competi tion anywhere. Rest assured we are passing that advantage right along to you. We will prove it on the first bill you bring in. Lexington Clipper-Citizen : The farm home of C H. Anthony located about six miles north of Lex ington was badly wrecked Monday morning about I o'clock when an ex plosion of acetylene was occurred. Mr. Anthony was in ti liar or basement of the house when th N plosion occurred, lie was in the act of adding a new supply of carbide to that already In the gas plant when the accident happened. The plain in use was the Pilot Acetylene tlas plant, but about a month ago a new kind of generator was installed The gus plant not harmed at all by At explosion. The uas which escaped when exploited caused the damage. The house suffered considerable damage. The lower floors were broken, the door leading from the kitchen down cellar was blown into Hi kitchen, and striking Miss Rmllj Anthony on the side of the head, in jured her quite severely, and she has been confined to her bed. 'I lie east wall of the cellar was blown outward and a porch floor on the south side of the house was broken up. The north and east walls of the house KID bulged outward. Some of th furniture w;,s damaged, especially the hem furniture, the same evi dently having been lifted Up and kl lowed to drop, thus breaking off tit castors. There were in the bOUe besides Mr. Anthony and his daughter, Mrs Anthony .Hid their won Edgar, but m one but Miss Anthony was hurt. LEAVE FOR Fr71NKiilJNJ iii JOIN OFFICERS' KI.sl.KYK ltushville Recorder: Joe Westover and Joe llrow n win have joined the reserve officers corps, left Thursday night for r orl Snelling. Joe Wostove will stop off at aVtentine and visit friends south of that place en route. The boys were given a great send off. holdinu a perfect reception at the depot, a the train was an hour late. All the leading families of Kushville were i, i r. s, nied ami there was many a Warm handshake and good wish (qi -SlJes its the beautifij Cm . t tt- i- -r ' 'i ,ro fes it's the beautiful f i KJCJV waresL "I use it because it is practical one dish does the work of two. I bake and serve in the same dish for it looks well on my table." PYREX save time lit the kitchen, save furl save dishes. It is easy to wash, easy to keep clean and ia guar-antrt-d against breakage in actual oven use. Use PYREX for every meal. For Sale By Geo. D. Darling The Soldier's Totepkoae Heeds Served" First Whan war was declared, the Bell Telephone System was immediately placed at th disposal of the government. - The govwi uuteut haa had first call for local and long dlstanca telephone service, as well as for men. for Itchtioards. poles, wire and tele phones for u st army headquarters and in the field. Too eau "do your hit" hy asking oul for equipment you inut have, and mak log only such local and long distance calls as are absolutely necessary. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE 00. m u PUBLIC AUCTION AT" VALLEY FIELD FARM Having sold my place, known as Valley Field Farm, 5 miles south and 1 1 miles west of Hemingford, I will offer at Public Auction at that place, beginning at 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, Sept. 19th v The Following Described Stock and Property: About 22 acres of Corn in the field; About 20 tons of Alfalfa and Hay; About 6 acres of Potatoes, reserving 100 bushels for my own use. Horses and Colts 1 Brown Mare 'Brownie" 9 years old. 1 Brown Mare ' ' Bird ' ' 9 years old. 1 Black Mare "Colly" 9 years old. 1 Bay Mare "Mabel" 8 years old. 1 Black Mare Maud" 11 years old. 1 Yearling Black Horse Colt "King." 1 Yearling Black Mare Colt Fannie.' 1 Sucking Colt with Mare "Mabel." 1 Sucking Colt with Mare ' ' Colly. ' ' Cattle 14 head red milkfcows in calf, will be fresh between Nov. 1st and and Dec. 15th, 7 head of heifer calves, 4 head of teer calves, 1 Red Short-Horn Pedigreed Bull, 2 vears old Implements, Household FurnitureEtc. McCorniick binder; Deering mower; Sattley cultivator; Rock Island plow, has only plowed about forty acres; 12 disc har row; 16 disc harrow; McCormick hay rake; VanBrunt 14-disc pressed drill; potato planter; potato cutter; Hoover potato digger, almost new; Aspiuwall potato sorter, new; 3-horse-power gasoline engine; Johnston & Field fanning mill and MffMri -section harrow; 3-section harrow with riding sulky; 16-foot clod masher; incubator; DeLavel separator; cow yokes; telephone hxings, several 3- and 4-horse eveners; walking plow; breaking plow; wheelbarrow; pump jack; bob sled ; 55-gallon gasoline tank ; 1 com plete McOee cement post forms; water tank; milk pails; forks; horse collars; sweat pads; 1 single harness; 1 set light driving har ness ; 2 sets heavy harness ; 1 set iron double-trees and other articles to numerous to mention. Kitchen sale, commodes; cots; springs; mattresses; 2 folding beds; center tables ; kitchen tables; dining table; heater; gas oline stove; kitchen stove; coal oil stove; hanging lamp, etc., etc. FREE LUNCH AT 11:30 TTDMQ 1 2 months time at 10 per cent interest on security ap I tKlflu! proved by the clerks. Amounts of $10.00 or less, cash. No property to be removed until settled for. W. M. Robinson, Owner Col. S. A. Grimes, Auctioneer Hemmgford, Nebraska C. J. Wildy, F. L. Potmesil, Clerks 1st Nat'l Bank Hemingford