The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 06, 1917, Image 15

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Iter Mfbrifikii Officials, i Hi HuniiWMft
Trip I1ifnhkIi Ttirir "Old Suunp
iiiff Uround" Modr lHncm nry
Lincoln. Nebr. Auut 29. Tta
poor widow in wrslrn Nebraska
who recently pr'wnu1 a pica to the
late board of public landa and build
lafs to reduce the appraised valua
tion of a tract of school land which
he desired to buy will receive scanty
consideration If two member of the
board have their way.
Land Commissioner Grant Shum
wy and Secretary of State Pool re
turned last week from western Ne
braska where they have been inspect
ing school lands in over a doxen
One of the pieces examined was
the tract which the widow desired to
buy and which is now under lense
at a valuation of $12. CO per acre.
Former lmd Commissioner Beck
mann has appraised it for ante at
112.00 per acre.
Both Pool and Shumway state that
the purchase price is not too hlKb.
A little InvestlKation on their prt,
they say, indicated that the poor wi
dow, who has five children to sup
port, has been offered $85 an acre for
the land as soon as she acquires tit
le from the state. H. I). Lute of
Keith county, the officials suy, Is the
men who has offered $sr. nn acre for
the land.
Neither Mr. Pool nor Shumway
will recommend any reduction in the
price, but on the other hand may
saek to raise the appraisement fixed
on It.
The two men inspected school
lauds in Duel, Garden, Morrill, Chey
nne. Ketth, Lincoln, Dawson, Gos
per, Red Willow, Frontier and Fui n
as counties.
Some Increases will be made in the
lauds viewed on the trip but the ma
jority of the valuations will be left
at the QKure set by the county
The two state officers say that the
crop outlook in Northwestern Nebra
ka is the finest In yearn and that sec
tion of the state will do a sot towards
feeding the allies. Between Llsco
and Da l ton. the country looked like
oae continuous wheat field. In spite
of the constant reports thut very lit
tle of the cereal would be raised In
Nebraska this year. Thousands of
acres of grain is standing in the Held.
dead ripe, they say, and farmers are
delayed in taking care of the grain
because of the scarcity of help.
Six lakes containing valuable pot
ash deposits in Sheridan county were
inspected by the two slate officials.
Applications are now on file for the
right to take the potash. The state
board will uwurd the right to the
company making the best offer.
and the growing discontent In short-
rationed Germany needs no explana
tion. The American soldier who went to
France "to fight, not to crawl into a
hole and look at the Germans
through a spyglass," will have to
learn that in modern war, with its
multiplied engines of destruction,
the most important thing Is to avoid
suicide. ,
In denouncing England as "the
chief instigator of this war" the
kaiser forgets that he himself at the
outset proved the contrary when he
sneered at "the contemptible little
Kngllsh army." which was, in fact,
not much bigger in August, 1914,
than ours was when we declared war
last April.
'-O' '
The brilliant Italian offensive Is
regarded ns more important Just now
than the successful British drive or
even the great French gains. If
Russia had only stood firm, what an
opportunity would now be hers to
scntter the Austrians on the one side
while they are being beaten by the
Italians on the other.
It Is suggested that the mutinous
and murderous negro troops be
promptly shipped across the Atlantic
in order that the Germans may be
come the victims of their eagerness
to shoot. But what if they run
umuck on board ship or pick a quar
rel with our French alllos at sight?
The only safe place for the mutinous
soldier Inclined to kill at the wrong
tlflM and place is behind prison bars.
Show U be Held Septerabe 27 and 2H
of thin Yea will be Bigg.- and
Better Than Kvor
21th this year, should he blgge snd
better than last year, with fine pros
poets for s corn crop snd the unpre
dented demand for meat, this being
the only country In the world with a
surplus to help feed the warring nations.
Mr. Hall of Hall A Mraham. THW
an intereMhm Htory that Should
Be Read by All Cattlemen
How to Give Good Advice
The best way to give good advice
Is to set a good example. When oth
ers see bow quickly you get over
you cold by taking Chamberlain's
Cough lteniedy they are likely to fol
low your example. This remedy has
been in use for many years and en
Joys an excellent reputation. Ob
tainable everywhere - - Art v-sep
AftMire Then High tirade Chalmers
far Will Continue to be limit in
liniment Plain
In a letter received into week by
lowry Henry which wus sent out
by Hugh Chalmers to all Chalmers
distributors and dealers, he advises
them of ihe lease of the Chalmers
plant and equipment for live years to
the Maxwell Motor Co., Inc.
At the same nine be assurer, them
that Chalmers cars will continue to
be built in the Chalmers sthops. The
detuils of the lease have already
been worked out but ratification of
the action of the Board of Directors
is Beosasary, and ,i hum libs' i tu0
tockholders is called for September
10t h, for this purpose. TttO surplus
capacity of the plant will be utilised
by the Maxwell Company for other
Mr Chalmers will be chairman of
the Board of Directors and Mr Morse
will continue to be in charge of the
Selling Division.
South St. Joseph, September &.
The prise winning cattle at the St.
Joseph Feede show last yea, brought
$8.03 per cwt. This was exclusive
of calves. The fifty-five loads in the
show that did not win premiums, but
sold through the ring, aveaged $7.56
exluding the calves. Thity loads not
in the show, but sold in the auction,
aveaged $7.20. The same ctttle to
day would bing considerably more.
We figure as much as $3.00 per cwt.
more now. The top on the fat cat
tle maket at this time was ound $11.
while now, fat catttle ure selling as
high s $16.50 per cwt. W. S. Gots
chall of Union Str. Mo., sold in St.
Joseph this week, lood of steers av
eraging 1193 for $15.50. These cat
tle were the first premium yearlings
at the St. Joseph Stocke and Feeder
show in 1916, and averaged 682 lbs.
Mr. Ootschnll paid $8.45 per cwt.,
for them, so they Bhowed a margin
of $7.05 per cwt. and gained 521 lbs.
in the ten months they were on feed.
The show to be held Sept. 27th and
Hall A Graham, callte producers
and dealers of Alliance, Nebraska, by
resson of many years experience
with cattle, in common with all oth
er callte producers have, during past
years, sustained heavy losses In cat
tle, the result of blackleg among the
herds and principally among the
younger stock. They have tried rem
edy known on the market and yet
losses continued to an appalling ex
tent. Some mouths ago Mr. Hall
learned of n new discovery in cac
cines, made by Dr. O. M. Franklin;
having made It his life's study, first
In learning the true causes of black
leg, the organism of cattle at vari
ous ages and then to find a proper
remedy for preventing it. Ho knew
as everyone knows that a caccine
that will not immunise a'gainst
blackleg while cattle are grazing in
an Infected territory is worthless un
der any circumstances. This newly
discovered vaccine renders it unneces
sary to move cattle into different
pastures after vaccination.
To erradlcato the disease entirely
was the study by Dr. Franklin and
for many years he carried on experi
ments at the Kansas Experimental
Station and following the analysis
and experimental work upon scientific
principals, learned the method for
making a germ free fluid vaccine
that wont to the root of the cause
for blackleg and a vaccine that safe
ly Immunizes and immunizes safely.
Mr. Hall upon learning this fact at
once grasped It as a last hope and in
vested $600 in one oredr. As the re
sult of using this vaccine, no cattle
have died on their ranch since they
bean its use and there has been no
blackleg among them.
The injection of one shot, consist
ing of five C. C. of this newly discov
ered germ free fluid vaccine, immuni
zes the young animal for life with
out any further vaccination and so
changes Its blood as to render it ab
solutely Immune. Mr. Hall has
talked with other cattle men having
used It and reports are the same that
has been found to be the case among
his own cattel. The Tompkins Cat
tle Co., of Colorado used this vac
cine on 2000 head of calves last De
cember and have never losta head
from blackleg since that time, being
the first time in the history of tin
company. The Scharbauer Cattle Co.
of Midland. Texas, vaccinated 1400
calves last fall and since that time
have not lost a single head by black
leg. Many othor equally reliable
cattle men have used it ith the tame
City. Property
We have a latRe and well-established lisi of farming inmls,
stock ranches and city properly which we arc pleased to show
to persons interested. You arc invited to call at our office
BurnsfcReal Estate Exchange
207 Box Butte Avenue. Phone 133. Alliance, Nebraska
result Mr. Hall says that It is the
only vaccine known thst has reached
perfection in the mstter of immunis
ing ana n- reels that since beginn
ing the use of it on their ranch they
have saved many voune into, that
otherwise would have died from
blackleg. Such a boom for cattle
men he believe should not ho al.
lowed to be unknown ahd for the pur
pose of saving for others whst it has
saveo ror tnis nrm, he is widely ad
vertising the fact and Is also adver-
tstng the sale of the vscclne which
idvertisement will oe seen eln where
n this paper.
Twenty-flve dollars in prizes will
go to the persons winning first, sec
ond and third places and also to the
person making the high run in the
series of games.
Iocal pool sharks are starting
practicing their pet shots now every
evening and the winners are prom
ised a race that will make them
know they have won something.
part Nebraska men and women are
taking In the present world war. It
asks for copies of such pictures with
the time, place and names of per
sons, ror such pictures, it will b
glad to pay the usual prices.
The Nebraska State Historical so
ciety is very desirous of securing
photographs and views showing the
His Anxious Query.
Tonng wife I don't, like that
ing school reseber st all. She has ad 1
tber pattest Cf nor consideration. Rhe's j
acttislly cruet: Husband Great
snskes! She doesn't really make you
eat the things, does she?
T. P. Itolfson. nronrietor nf Kinv'a
Billiard 1'arlor. announrns thut
pool tournament will be held, com
mencing Monoay, September 24.
Line-up pool will be played. All
nlavers will nlnv each nf thn nthcr
contestants one game of one hundred i
Th first thing that human
bsing should racogniia about
himself Is that his eheraotor is
hia ofetlnguiahlng feature. It is
nst tha amount of monay, tho
amount of powor, tho amount of
brains, that a man has. hut his
character, that indollMy atampa
now to 1 sss up s nsojsi
Olve It a cost of point
Provide owsry whsdow with a
Put stone collar a round ths
t so a feed, flrss tt on
fikrutp M well wKh boss.
see that there Is s good sap on
Put asbestos Jackets around the
usee plpea
Re that lbs steam radiators a
ted with mufflers.
Use good hrsces whsrever
-NOW York Times.
re fit
Sealed bids will be received by tb
City of Alliance up to 6 p. m. Sept
11, for curbing and guttering on To
luca avenue. City of Alliance. Plane
and specifications are in hands of
City Kngineer.
(SEAL) City Clerk
If you can buy a more practical, convenient and eflicient telephone Intensi
ller tliun our 1917 Baryphone at any price. Increases the sound wonder
fully. Makes bad connections good. Conversations as distinct as in the
same room with yon. distance no matter. All noise excluded. Allows tli
hard hearing the use of the .telephone. Permits I persons--or more to
hear message Simultaneously. Always adjusted and ready. Leaves the
hand free lor annotations during the conversation. Indispensable to all
telephone users. Founded and based upon scientific principles. Lasting
longer but guaranteed for 2 year". Sent by Insured mail for $2 and this nd
Satisfaction nuaranteed or money refunded Particulars free
S. A S. Manufacturing Co., Hartford liuildliig. Chicago, III.
I Rripf War P.nmmpnt
Ul 1VI u v 1 1 1 1 . v . . .
V '
The noise made by the coal profit
eers calls to mind the ear-picrcinn
queals when the hogs are stuck in
Ihe pack ins houses.
. o - -
General Sheridan ih alleged to
have said on one occasion that he
preferred Hades to Texas Probably
the people of Houston agreed with
him during the shooting up of that
cBy h neuro soldiers
Uncle Sam's war BXpensflS are said
to be a million dollars un hour. If
this figuring is not incorrect it
ought to be. A million dollars an
hour, and not yet actually in the
Some of those suffrage pickets, af
t r deliberately and abstiuately in
viting a diet of bread and water, now
complain that the food in the DU of Columbia workhouse is not
gnoe enough.
Cuba is grateful. Instead of sell
ing or trading four German ships
he turns them over to the United
Htatea to be "used lor the common
benefit to bring the war against tier
many to a prompt and victorious
end "
According to ex-Ambassador Ger
ard, the Germans in ordinary times
te seven meals a day Only the
lu,ck ones are sure of three now.
BOOsSSW6WSk--'jJfc't.. " . i
ray Plana 14
Transfer lint
moved promptly, and
Transfer Work sollolt
EssUsncs phone tM and Blue 17'
A Reliable Company
I igliteenlli Year Incorporated Jan. I, IMM
Insures eit and farm property against loss by fire, lightning, tor
nado and hail Insurance on growing crops, automobiles, against loss
by tire, light uint., tornado, property damage and collision. Pays .".n.
reward tot arrest and conviction of satomobile thieves or jo ciders
Losses paid in cash as soon as proofs are made Over .rnn.OOo paid
policy holders lor losses ,n old line legal reserve ompany Hag
on ge posit with the Nebraska stale insurance dspsromnnl cash ggMlg
equal to ten times 'he amount ol insurance curried on any one risk
Keep your insurance premiums in Nebraska by insuring your
property with the Nebraska National, a home company managed by
men of known ability and integrity Remember the polity holders
share m the profits of the Nebraska National
K. I. ItKACH. Pre.. V. KLMMKK. ggl Tiagli
AgMit Wanted In tpcu Territor)
Live Stock Transit Insurance
Live stork men over the entire west are forming the habit of INSURING
THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and
quick return
The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy
protects shippers of live stock, and is the only company offering a broad pol
icy etay to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection
against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing,
trampling, lire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury
while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier.
We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United
States and Canada, and locally by
W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager
Live Stock Department
At the Third Annual
Stocker and
Feeder Show
to be Held at
St. Joseph Stock Yards
September 27th and 28th
$4000 Cash Premiums
For Golloways, Shorthorns, Aberdeen-Angus
and Herefords.
Carload Auction
September 28th
P. M. GROSS, Auctioneer
E. M. CARROLL, Secretary,
So. St. Joseph, Missouri.