The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 06, 1917, Image 14

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Mr. and Mrs. George Andereon re
turned to their homo in Mason, Ian
Tuesday, after spending a week at
the homes of ('. P. Anderson and
lames Fairt'M'Id.
Harry Dentler iR enjoying a visit
wjth his two daughters, from Brown
lee. ,
C. W. Ackertmtno left for his
homo at Chicago, Thursday. Mr.
Ackermann was construction engin
eer fo tho Nebaska Potash Works
Company, and has boon hero since I
year sko August.
F. H. Smith is building quite an
addition to his dry-goods store.
Masters Clayton and Clarion Hoff
land, who have been spending the
summer with their grandmother,
Mrs. Hoffland, returned to their
home at Thermopolis. Wyo.. Wed
nesday. Misses Tilma Smith and Bernice
Nienabor. spent the week end in Alliance.
J. M. Luttrua has returned to his Thursday from Mitchell, whore she
work at the Nebraska Potash Works attended tho Recognition Council of
after a brief vacation in Denver. the Congregational church. There
wore a number of state officers in
Messrs. Roy and Henry Hoffland attendance, aside from several nicin
left Thursday for Montana, for the'bere of the Northwestern Ministerial
Miss Delia Hall left Antioch for
Chicago Saturday. Miss Hall lutl
spent the summer here, and plans on
returning next year.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Taylor, who
i have been visiting nt tho W. O. Wil
son ranch, returned to their home in
jlowa, Saturday.
The ladies of the Red Cross are
getting up a play, to be staged in the
inear future. The cast is made up
entirely of women, and is under the
able directorship of Mrs. E. O. Mor
j rls. The object of the play is to
raise money to pay for material need
ed for the Red Cross work.
Miss Anna Hoffland spent Satur
day in Alliance. , .
Miss May K. Finney arrived In
town Thursday, to take up her du
ties as principal of the school.
Miss Martha Niehol returned
Mr. and rfrs Dick N'odhmn and
family, late of .Mound Valley, Kans.,
I j kA , . ...... i, i., . i nMn LJUa
UlUtI KF .IMI l in III' II .11 l.ll'UIII.
hero Saturday evening. They antic
ipate locating here.
Mrs. H. 1. Wilson and Mrs .lames
Fairfield spent Monday in Alliance.
Daddy O. W. Hughes played Little
I Boy Blue, one evening last week, on
ly instead of the cows being in the
corn they were In a cabbage patch,
'and ruined several perfectly good
heads of cabbage.
Antioch is to have a series of
evangelistic meetings, beginning Sep
tember 25. Rev. McCandless will
have charge. A large chorus is be
ing drilled every Tuesday and Fri
day night, to take part In the serv
ices. The school authorities are in hope
school can begin Monday September
10. They have been delayed on ac
count of the non-arlvl of books.
x v X X t t t t t t t t X t t t t t
k y.
Commencing Monday, Sept. 24
t .
Line-up pool will be played. All players will play each of the other con-
testants one game of 100 points.
$25.00 in priaes to the persons winning first, second and third places and
also to the person making the high run in the series of games.
For further particulars, see the m nagement.
Mrs. .lohn Millar. I and family re
turned Sunday, affVr an extended
visit in Mound Valley. Kans.
Machinery is being installed for
the Antioch News. Mr Broome is
in hopes of being able to put out the
first edition, Thursday September t,
It.ilph OweM, BW6MOI1 boss at the
Nebraska Potash Works, has boon on
the sick list for a week.
Mr. snd Mrs. Raines, of Alliance,
have renioWd to Antioch.
Miss Ethel Hctnbry, who will teach
here tMs year, returned Sunday and
will make her home with Mae. Flmer
Mr and Mrs. Redonbaugh and lit
tle daughter Knthorlne motored to
Antioch to spend the day at the
Fred Campbell homo. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Helling and fam
ily, of Davenport. la., are visiting at
tho homes of Fred Helling, and Mrs.
Klraer Sly.
Mr. and Mrs. John Krazior. late of
Richmond, Mb., have removed to
our town, to he near the! laughter,
Mrs. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. A. C Johnson. fron
Kankakee, Ills., are living BOfe now.
A. .1. Dunbar and family are plan
ning on making an extensive visit in
Mrs. Owens and Miss Dawson, of
Golden, Colo., returned to their
homes last Wednesday, after visiting
for a week with Mrs Owens' son,
Ire. L. K. Ballenger accompanied
by her sister Mrs. Welden of Ashley,
wont to Denver last week to attend ;
the run. rnl of a sister, whoso death
o. i urn 1 In California.
I ...
Mrs. Stralow nnd daughter Irene
of Chicago are here in the Ixitspclch
I iiunio iiii me rancn, wncre incy win i
, he house keepers. The lotspeich '
(family are going to Alliance for the'
coining term of school.
Fulling to pass the required phys
ical examination to enter tho army,
Prank Beers has done the next best
for (7oel Sam. He purchased n
farm one and a half miles from De
Queen, Ark., and Is moving this
nook. Ho expects to help feed the
Clyde Fosdlck hns moved from Al
liance into our section house and
holds the position of foreman here.
W. C. Flurey has taken tho section
at Hyannls.
The show that was put on Monday
night at "Williams Hall" was pretty
well attended considering the short
time in which It was advertised.
Miss My rhl Crates of Gordon ar
rived in Bingham Sunday to take up
her school work in the Burton dia-
trici north of town.
Honr TowoSOB and Amos Taylor
returned from Omaha Thursday.
Tho Bingham Red Cross are plan
ning to servo sandwiches and coffee
at tho RmersOfl Wrightinan Seobuhn
stock sale in Ellsworth next Satur
day 0
Itev. Davis filled his regular ap
pointment in the pulpit hero Sun
day. t i
Miss Lulu Colaon went to madron
Tuesday to attend the county fair,
going the latter part of tho week to
Hay Springs to visit relatives.
Mr anil Mrs. 11. .1. Marr ami Mrs
Ruth A. MeCarty made a bnsinoHs
nip to Alliance Thursday, returning
i lie following day.
Mrs. K. C. Crist returned home
Sunday, after a week's visit with her
parents, in Anselmo. Nebr.
s s s
Frank Brown hns returned from a
trip to Wyoming. Mr.Brown filed
on a claim while away and will prob
ably mow on It in the spring.
Mrs. .1. H. Howe Is very ill with
asthma, at herome. '
Mrs Jim Jamison returned Satur
day from Alliance where she had
been having some dental work done.
Mrs. H. A. Hecklnger is here visit
ing her shlslei Mrs. 0, Coswell, who
has been vory 111 the past two weeks.
Mrs. Coswell is much better at this
Word was received here yesterday
that Mrs. J. H. Show's mother, Mrs,
Marwell, was not expected to live.
Mrs. Show Is already with her moth
er. In Omaha. Mrs. Hire, anotehr
daughter, left last night to bo with
her mother.
The Ladles' Aid nut at the home
of Mrs. Chas. Brockway hist Thurs
day. After a business meeting Mes
danies Brockway and A. W. Brewer
served refreshments to the follow
ing': Mosdames H. B. Miller. Hinin-
i mr Williams Aloxan !er. I'icklns.
Shepherd. West and Miss Ida ire Mil
ler and Master Leo Pickens
Miss Pearl
Thursday to
Rout fro homo
where she und
two weeks ago
tones wont to Alliance
accompany Mrs. Ira
the hospital.
an operation
Friday, Sept. 14th
I will sell at Public Auction at my farm
5 Miles East of Alliance
The Following:
14 horses, mixed ages; 7 cows, yoiittg steers and
milch cows, 3()0 chickens, 18 acres grpwing corn,
7 acres growing potatoes, alfalfa and millet hay in
the stacks, garden truck, all farm machinery and
tools, gasoline pump engine, household goods.
Sale begins immediately after free lunch at noon
TERMS: $25 and under, cash; larger sums one year
at 8 per cent on bankable note if desired.
N. A. KRENEK, Owner
Mrs. Douglas Newcomh of Dallas.
Texas, and Solon Durkctt of Wood
ward. Okla., brother und sister of
Mrs. V. W. (Jilhaugh. are in Alliance
assisting in the care of little Mary
Oilhaugh whoso condition continues
to ho critical.
The new
next week
this week.
laundry will lie open
The drier was installed
Five new boilers are b tng placed
In the new holler room just south of
the old one: also, throe new swlnaens
have boon installed. This equipment
will almost double the amount of
potash that is now being put out.
! The opt ntpi of school has been de
cayed on account of not having the
i new boildtng completed Tho now
i building will be used for the primary
grades, and the old building for the
higher grades.
The new church building is al
most completed. However, the fur
nishings have not yet arrived.
A new machine la being Installed
in the moving-picture building. The:
new machine Is much larger than
the old one and is run by motor.
Ram Trout has been given the po
sition of head cook at the eating;
0 i
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Show are thV
proud parents of a new boy, born
Harold Jsmlson of Peach, Nebi .
returned home Saturday after sever
al days' visit at the borne of his un
cle, Jim Jamison.
Dan Hoppas received word Mon
day that his brother Manlay wax
desd. The cause of his death wan
not known. Mr. Hoppas and moth
er left Immediately.
want your real estate loan business,
will make rates and terms to get it.
3 can put over a loan for any amount,
will save yon money on your loan,
solicit the opportunity to show you.
How it looks
when illustrated
I'll be
darned. ' '
Tllelo Ate
79,407 Bakeries in the U. S.
IIomi oi tiitiit nit located
in oilier tOV us fend oilies.
1 lie bfsllJMM in this tow n.
We conduct one of them.
When Worthy,
B 4 K ER Y
of th. Irde.
i sssd ebsfflnehen sre cslsbratsd for
'telr esterases to compete with on
nother In singing. Thsy dsftvsr tbel -oiish
alternately until ous Is exhsuet
1 end nnsble to take up bis turn. He
vNiMitlihed. Ho eicttsd dwjht bird
i onto that It oeeseloitslly bsppetx
!iat one of the eoiuietllora dropM down
'end. The m U Ii iiMiik end dlreotlv
SUMS of the erlleiilHr eons of differ
nt ktude of Iflnl l not understood,
tut It 1 well known thst they have it
rest sift of Imitation. I'srrots. piping
rows, rsreti ami other aueh bird sr
nnitllsr Instsioea. while little btriU.
itteh ss hullflneliea, esn be tralued to
A'MfltN the melodise wblcb humsu be
Ittpi hsve teTssrtsd. Bxehanse.
0 real H.lp.
"Mi ehlldren srs very fastidious
about their eatini. Sometime I snrr
ths mother birds."
"Why sot They hays to work very
hard to feed their .voting."
"Yes, but there's no kicking about
this snd thst. The youngsters don't
know what they are going to hare for
dinner until It Is bslfway down their
throate " Louisville ( 'oiirler Journal.
Cattle Active at Steady to
Stronger Prices
Moderstc Receipts of Sheep snd
Lsmba and s Strong, Aotlve Market
for Both Killers snd Feedere. De
msnd for Feeder Lsmba Excep
tionally Keen sd Toj. Price $17.60,
the Highcat of the Seaaen.
Union stoek fards, Mouth ouuihi.
Noli., Sept. 4, 11NI7. The week open
0111 wlib a fair run of euttl, shout head, and a - u to airouger
market for beef steers ami cow Muff.
emaud Was good nud hunt natives
brought I14.IW. Western rutin' beevea
ruled Mrvttf ami feeder bu)ers paid
as nlgt as I -.-. for fleshy grax
teera. Ussplte the fact tiiMt it hi
tabor Iy, the demand broad
mill trade active at ateady to strooges;
itii'H 111 'round.
QuHtailens on mltlr: d to
rboli e beexes. f I .'.. .HJJ 't'nt ; fit i r to
good beevea, -SI ..'.J.'i l.'l. '.'.'. ; common
1.. fair beeves, W.tM)012JM; .i ie
choice yenrllwgs, I :t.oo'o 1 ".'" ; fulr
i KiMul yeerlluga, $ I U.OO0 121.00; com.
Sun t fair yearling. gUMItlO;
prtme heavy s''M VH lieevea, $I'J.M'.
K1. M : 1 tn choice ui :im- heeveSi
H.0012JM1; fair to jjimkI grass
tteera. $0JW9 10.7r ; common to fair
pflUU leer-. ST.'Hltj 11.'." ; jjuoil to
i,.. betfePs, Si.'iO&'.i.oo : gool t
choice dux... 7.-."ifU S. ''."( ; fnlr ut good
'oxxx. KtUMt97.nO ; CMliliei'n and cut
t.i $r,.mffH.M ; resl iilN". 9b.00ti
r.,.--,.;- beef UOJla ST.iaiH.'i'i ; bologni'.
bulls, $.".' ij 7.00 : prime .fsmHng
Ktera. tUiAtOQVMTt; good 10 choice
f.-. ler JMHilUMi; fair n Kiod fseeV
er, S7 iaifV(Hi; good to cbtdce aio'l.
era, $7.7."tt H.7." ; fair t ko"1 stock
srs, tf.7&TJMi; commtm to fair
BiMih-H. S.VWad.r0 ; stock heifers.
fl . '.Hi; S ,SJ ; KtOCk COWS, IMJtJ 7.rHI ;
Stuck calves, 0.flO040.
Not Much Change in Hoga.
Kscclpta nf boga very light,
about '.'.HNi beiol 1 ml with a fair de
u.aml frmu botli ahlpierM nud packera
Die trade aaa reasourlil iiclive taf
(iiiie.-t in aubetanllalty the saws
notelies a US l"aturbl'. Top aold at
flS.Mi ami the bulk ut the trad ng
m at $17 .ti.'t 17 SV about $Tfy
2.00 lii(ber ilian a Week Jin"
Feeder Lambs Sell Higher.
A fair Monday 'a inn itf aheef) and
lambs ahowed uu, irt,:ta. bend, ami
txliilt- pnekera were alow in taking
livid thst denianil irom feeder buyers
nan veT) keen and a high sa fl7.IV
ae paid, ibe high price of tb aea
ms, lat steteh did uot ell very tuiirli
batter ibau laat week and tbeHtrength
In Iks niHrkei is enllret due to the
KHilpet ttloa from feeder huyera.
Quota tloni in alieep ""d lamb.
I. Mill. v. fair to i-bolce. SIf.7o91T.dft;
lambs, mile l.utoltUQ; lanske
fssdsra, IK liftf IT M ; yeerilsg, fair
t. ebwjce. ltJWU.aO; yesrliig.
fseiajs, t1Jft1UI0; er ethers fair to
twice. Sio .Vift 1 l.T.'i : vwee. fair to
rkudlt. BS.TS49iO.TA ; owe, cull and
ftedera. 7 '0 1" : eea. brrHlr.
all agea Sia.'C 17 i0.