AI.1.1ANCK HERALD, THURSDAY, HUT. . 1917 GRANDMA NEVER IE HER HI GET 6RAY She Kept Her Looks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. THE THROTTLE' H I I "li s the good Red Crown in WSjffM I I the tank that does it." KMvVral I I Your engine picks up eagerly Uw3 1 I pulls smoothly when throt- I I jftjl tied down. Look for the Red I fcjdjl Crown sign. R99S roiarinc wii mops inwpr M MflH Pt-----i Lubricates efficiently IKHBHS hHBB all times. wSSSlBni si Oip STANDARD Oil. CO. KKf Ul Hl uwuw , IRON LI .-isafl fwR J is the only one of its kind In the coun try. Congressman Murray Hulbert, of New wwYork, and Henry Woodhouae secretary of the Aero club of Amer ica, are touring the country with President Hawley. Congressman Hulbert macle his first ascenalon in a captive balloon at Omaha and la n ardent supporter of that branch of the military service. When you darken your kair wHHSage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, be cause it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and troublesome. For 50 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-usn preparation, improved by t li.'.addi tion of other ingredients, called "WyethV Sage and Sulphur Compound." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with K and draw this through your hair, taking one smull strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after an other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Cray, faded hair, though no disgrace, is a sign of old age, and as we all de sire a youthful and attractive appear ance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Rage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready-to-use preparation is a delightful toilet requisite and not a medicine. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. OOia IP 2,MM FKKT j IN CAPTIVE haixoon Om;iha. Nebr. --President Alan R. i Hawley. of the sera elob of America, j hit Qhrt ascent in u captive military balloon here and rose to a height of 2.000 teat, obtaining a bird's eye view of the city. President Hawley announced that the Omaha balloon school was to be enlarged and that several hundred more men will soon be hero for train ing and more balloons will be put into operation. The Omaha school Worms Handicap Your Ctilld Worms drain the strength and vi tality of children, making them dull and listless. Their power to resist more serious diseases Is reduced and energy and interest in play is lack ing. Kickapoo Worm Killer Is a mildly laxative remedy in candy tab let form that children like to take It kills and removes the worms and lets your child grow strong and healthy like other children. Don't let your child be dragged down by worms. Full directions on the box At druggists, 25c. Adv 3 SLACKER HAVF, NO PLA0IC IN LANCASTER Lincoln, Neb. - lincnste county does not like alackos and does not hesitate to show its feilingi-. Not nntv Hinekos fom the army are coin ing under the eye of the authorities Inn iinv w ho h ark in ot tier ways mat may prove detrimental to the best In- ,f tlw. rnnn v mate anil n:i j'lion are receiving attention. The latest person to be ndvlsert tnnt ne is not doing his share for his counrrj lis the owner of a 160 acre tract ly- A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of Great Western Commission Co. Salesmanship No More Blackleg If jou use Kansas tierra Fw Fluid VACCINE The vaccine that tAFKIV IM MUNIZES and IMMIUflUCS SAFELY. Made in Kansas by the Kansas Blackleg Serum Co., of Wichita. Kans.. under personal supervision of Dr. O. It, Frank lin, discoverer of this vaccine. Put up In bottles all ready to inject from .r- to 90 doses in earn bottle, price fiO cents per dose. ONF. DOSF. IM.MI NlV.KK YOVHQ CATTLF FOR I. Main office, Denver, Colo. E. A. HALL IHsiributUig Agent, AUianre, Nebr. itnBFv Omaha i 9 sfl m 7 Oene Melady Larry Melady Ing south of the state penitentiary. who allowed the land to Jle Idle thla season. The land Is now so covered with weeds and sunflowers that It Is said to constitute a menace to neigh boring farms. An agent of the coun ty council of defense called on the owner with the result that the latter promised to havo U'' land plowed and one-half sowed to winter wheat and the rest to alfalfa and other crops. Ft SOCIETY Wild, MEET AT HAHTINOH Hastings. Nebr. Arrangements are netng maao ror one or tne most Important state conventions to be held here In several years the an nual meeting of the Christian Endea vor Society, Nov. 8 to 11. The soci ety is composed of the young folks of the Christian. Presbyterian and OontreJratlona ehuehee of the state and 400 delegates are expected at the forthcoming cnnvw.itlon. There are eleven districts in Ne- haska and each district Is planning to send its epresentatlves In special cars. Nationi'l KresHlent t. larK or Host mi has accepted an Invltntlon to speak at the meeting, which will be held in the Presbyterian church. All state others and perhaps otbe na tional others will also be In atten dance. SHIPS SMMMMHI WOKTII OF CATTIiF. FARM, FINANCE OR FIGHT! America's slogan in the present War crUU, gives every American a chance to do his "bit" for our country. The live stock producers of this country arc on the job and will do their share toward furnishing beef, mutton and pork for the true blue boys in the trencheM. ( PBOTBCT KVKKY POUND OF BKKF, MI TTON AND PORK. IT WILL HKLP US WIN! WK WILL SAFEGUARD TDK PRODUCER'S INTERESTS. Seventeen years in one spot, in the heart of Am erica's protection to the live stock trade SOUTH OMAHA STOCK YARDS possessed of an equipment in every branch of the business that has no equal, we have gained success through sheer determination TO WIN. From a humble Ktart, to the top rung of the ladder of success, we have slowly, surelv and honestlv gained the goal of our am bition THE MOST SUCCESSFUL HANDLERS OF LIVE STOCK IN THE TRADE. WE WANT YOU TO CONSIDER US FIRST when deciding on final disposition of vour live stock for YOUR OWN PROTECTION AND INTEREST. Write us regarding the shipments of live stock you have to market later on. Let us post you on conditions of the present market and future prospects. REMEMBER- "SELF-PRESERVATION is the first law of nature" and regardless of any inducements offered in return for your valued patronage, don't forget that wc give you THE LAST WORD in efficiency in the handling of live stock 100 Per Cent SERVICE. Yours very truly, " MELADY BROTHERS O'Neill. Nebr The Ditch Co.. branch of the David Hankin Farms company of iaiHio, mo., large?! farmers in the orld. shipped 21 car loads of fat cattle to Chlcaga for which they received something like f 100,000. The company manager. EvSretl Hrown. says another consign ment consisting of l.fiOO head, will be transported to Chicago within the next sixty dnyB. IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat lass meat if Kidneys fssl Uka or Bladder bothers you Meat forms nric acid Nerdon citizens have filed a protest anainst plans of the county board of Richardson county and those of State Knpineer Johnson for laying the state aid road In thnt county. Tne proposed route misses the town by 2 miles, and residents want It relocated to po through the place. II Look and Feet Clean, Sweet and Fresh Every Day Orlnk a glass of real hot water before breakfast to wash out poisons. Mt folks forget thnt the kidneys, like the bewelg, get sliiKgish and clogfsd and need a fiunhing occusinnslly, else we have backache and dull minery In ta kidnny region, severe headaches, rhen matlc twinges, torpid liver, scid stomseh, sleeplessness and all sorts of blsdder dis orders. You simply must keep your kidneys artivfl and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get shout four ounces of Jad Sslts from nny good drug store here, take a tablesnoonfu! in a glass of water U'fore breakfast for a few days and W of kidneys will then act fine. This tauioiis salts is made from the acid of Krapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys snd stimulate tltfiu to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acMs -in the urine so it no lunger irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. .Tad Halts is harmless; inexpensive; mnki-s a delightful effervescent lithla water drink which everybody should take now snd tiien to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist ssys be leua lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe n overcoming kidney trouble while it is inly trouble. N"bratka railroads iwll be allowed by the state railway commission to increuse the minimum carload weights on flour from 24,000 to 28,- 0.)i pounds, and where flour Ut shipped with feed or grain products in mixed carloads the commission will permit the minimum to be raised to ;v.oon pounds. Life is not merely to Uve, but to live well, eat well, digest well, worlc well, sleep well, look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy it is if one will ooly IIAVK YOtJ A HAD HACK? If Yon Havo, the Htatesnent of This Alliance Keaktderst will Inter ent You I Does your back ache, night and day; Hinder work; destroy your rest? Does it stiit you through and through When you stoop or lift or beadT Then you kidneys may be weak. Often backache la the clue. Just to give you further proof. The kidney action may be wrong. If attention is not paid More distress will soon appear. Headaches, dizzy spells, and nerves, Uric acid and lta ilia Make the burden worse and worse. Liniments and plasters can't Keach the Inward cause at all; Help the kidneys use the pills Alliance folks have tried and proved. What they say you can believe. Head this Alliance woman's account. See her, ask her, if you doubt. Mrs. D. W. Ray, 414 Niobrara avenue, says: "Several years ago I ...4..... .1... i. r In.ln Fnik. wto aSSSd to feal ? T? dull and heavy when they arise, split ache In my back and I was in a run- 'I'll urn j nuv u v in- j u i sov, - j... i j- i . a 1 i J tmR headache; stuffy from a cold, foul down ondltloiK I felt tired nd tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach. 1 nervous, too. Doan a Kidney Pills KttVT' 1J lit- I ..11. a Hiur rrmi ran, instead, feel aa fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the system ouch morning and flushing out the whole of the Internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in It to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, I sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening aat purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on no. empty stomach la wonderfully invigorating. It cleans cut nil the sour fermentations. Kases, waste and acidity and gives one a plehdid appetite for breakfast. VVhlle on are, enjoying your breoKiasi me water and phosphate is quietly ex tracting a large volume of water from the blood and getting ready for a ' thorough flushing of all the inside organ i much proof of their value that I rec ommend them as a good kidney med icine." I'rlce 60c, at all dealers. Dop't simply usk for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Ray had. Koster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv Sep 6-13 Stale Treasurer Hall has paid two warrants issued in favor of J. C. Meyers. : Norfolk veterinarian, for a total of $122 at the rate of 16 per day and xepenses while out making stallion inspections for the live stock sanitary department. Mr. Hall held up these warrants for a week but Meyers came in and talked things over -kvA subriuent!y the warrants wore issued. ( hMinberlMinV CbUr, ilSoiirni aiitl DlArrhoeiM lleniedv This is a medicine that every fam ily should be nrovided with. Colic Thi millions of people who are 1 and diarrhoea often come on suuui-n- hothtied with constipation, biliou ly and It is of the greatest import- spellH, stomach trouble, rheumatism; ! ance th it they be ireat -tl promptly others who have sallow skins, blood Consider the suffering nun must oe disorders and sickly complexions are i endured until a physician arrives or urged to get a quarter pound of lime- i medicine can Ik i Dtainen. i naniuer stone phosphate from the drug store ! Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea which will cost very little, but la Remedy has a reputation s-cona to nufflclent to make anyone a pro- I none for the quick relief which It af nounced crank on the subject of ; fordx. Obtainable everywhere, iternal sanitation. j .dv-Sep I Use The t) I-Pms Ledger because it opena with one twrn of a key (100 per cent expansion) and olos vh (tight) with a slight pressure of the hand. Thai saves a lot of time. The half round hack and scientific crimping of 1 the leaves gives me a flat, solid writing surface. The mechanism is very simple, but thoroughly efficient. 1 can always get ledger sheets that really fit, on short no tice. My dealer stocks them in many standard rulings and in the best grade of ledger paper. Herald Publishing Co. iJi