ALLIANCE! HKIMI.n, TH1 nfAV. ftKPT. IfltT Griffith Oil Company OrganiwM under the LawB of South Dakota and Operating in the Salt Greek Field, the Oldest and largest Producing Oil Field in the State of Wyoming CAPITALIZATION Capitalization 600,000 Shares of the Par Value of $1.00 per Share. Fully Paid and Non-Assessable. Treasury Stock, 400,000 Sharca. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HARRY B GRIFFITH, Deadwood, So. Dakota President J. A. ARMOUR, Alliance, Nebraska Vice-President LEONARD B. JONKS, Lead, S. 1) , Secretary and Treasurer I SALINSKY, Deadwood, S. D. Director LKK M. HALL, Casper, Wyoming Director RKFKRENCE: .1. I). Emerick, H. E. Reddish, J. N. An drews. R. Ponath, and Dr. Charles E. Slagle of Alliauce, Nebr. Shares now selling at 26c per share LEONARD B. JONES, Fiscal Agent, Lead, South Dakota IF rw 1 JW- TV I EjL I out, frr 2 Good news for the thirsty! Here's a beverage that not only will taste good while you are drinking it, but that will leave the mouth tasting as fresh as a May morning. One, too, that has that very desirable quality of having no heat ing after-effects. As a between -mea'. z c'irink it has the happy faculty of always reaching that dry spot that needs irrigation. With meals, it is an ideal beverage. Not only does its flavor make it go perfectly with food, but its tang adds zest to your enjoy ment of a meal hot or cold. Serve Bevo cold right off the ice luke warm Be vo is not palatable. Bevo the all-year-'round soft drink Bevo is sold in bottles only, and is bottled exclusively by An he user B use h St. Louis ! Paxton & Gallagher Co. Wholesale Dealers OMAHA. NKBR. 4L King's Corner Alliance Distributers Of BEVO IMMIIONAL SiNWSOPL Lesson REV. P. B K1TBWATBR, D. D.. her of EnKlUh JUbls In the Mood Bible Institute ut h.-. ago.) . Copyright, 1117. Western Newspaper Union i (or Tf LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 9 BENEFITS Of TOTAL NINCK. ABSTI LttSON THXT-Danlel t OOLIiKN TKXT-But Danlsl purposed In Ms heart that he would not defile him felf with the portion of the Kind's meal, nor with the win which ha di ank Panlal m Serial No. 011071. Notic for Publication Department of the Interior. IT. a Land Ufflce at Alliance. Nehrankn August 4th. 1817. Notice la hereby Riven that Mar garet Graham, of Alliance, Nebraska, who. on December 28. 191. made Homestead entry. No. 018071 for NW 8W of Section 17. EA NK4. E 8E Section 18. N B U NK Section 19. Township 22 North. HanRe 46 West of Sixth Prin cipal Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register anil Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska. on the 10th day of September. 1917 Claimant names' as witnesses: William H. Archer, Oeorce S. Mc- Nurlin and Ansel Cloe of Alliance, Nebraska, and Thomas Squibb, of Hemlngford. Nebraska. T. J. O'KEKKE. Register. 36-5t-847-8348 Mail to t HAS. t 4AMi:soX, Ne, -.-Treav, KIKworlli. Nebraska S'a iit er Head Hoi m-v and t'atlle. . ihi Annual Hue. Application for Membership to - - i 1 NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION Nanit Post Office No. Cattle half Horses County Assessed in Brands Kur Marks Ha i- Marks Remark The (book of Daniel, with the great prophecies, fulfilled sad unfulfilled, is one of the most InterexMng and Impor tant in the Rlble. Without a grasp of i he prophecies of this btwik It Is ahso Im vly Impossible for one to know the New Testament and the times In which we live. Daniel gives an outline nf-tlu entire perils! of time from the passing of supremacy to the Gentiles In Xebu chattaefUUsf to the final overthrow of the Oentlle dominion, to the establish ment of the mllleniul kingdom. Tlu course, eharaefer aud end of (lent I h dominion are giveu. It Is that period known In Scriptures as the "times of the Heutiles" (Luke 2 :2A). The book of Daniel falls into two parts: Port I (chapter! 1 to 6). in which Hie prophet appears as the di vinely chosen Interpreter of dreams pnrt II (chapters ,7 rn 12). in which the prophet appears as the mouthpiece "f Ootti selling forth in visions, not dreams, the times f the (Sent lies. The book is written in two languages, lit l i. u and Aramaic chapter 1 :1s2t3and chapters: R t 111 (Hebrew); chapters ZA! . (Aramaic). The part which eoncefTW the Hebrews was written In their own tongue aud thu pari which cm rns the empires of the world Is vi cfttcn I" i heir tongue. I. Daniel's Home Leaving (vr. 1-4) lie was carried away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar In the first siege of J rusaleln. This was a great trial fot hi own heart. He seems to have been about fourteen years of age. II. Darnel's Trials and Difficulties (vv. iVIH), It was the custom for th In si of the captives to be selected and trained for service hi the laud of CUP" ilvity. They usually selected those at the royal house for such training, 1. Change of name. Among Ihe He brew names were givra t children, which were significant. Daniel inenns "Hot is my Judge." The significance of tin- name then was thai all prob lems of life were submitted to !nd for decision. This was the secret of I'ait lel's life. This purpose of his par. nis seems to have been Instilled into his very life and being. So thoroughly 'Mil lie imbibe this spirit that in all tilings he made Qod arbiter of his plans ami purposes. The object no doubt in I lie elianM of name was to obliterate bis national and religious connection and Identify hiui with the heathen people The king of Bubyloq evidently liked DtmlH's appears nee and scholarship, bin was unci's, to bis religion. It is the same today. Nations .tint Individ ula are pcrfcctiv willing to recognize and utilize the scholarship ami eflidi a .. of Chrimlnn ministers ami uilsalon . :;. s. Inn are Hot Willing to embrace their religion. His conscien. e tested (w. o-S). It vas with reference to ihe king's meat aiiil the kind's, wines Ii is ever to he borne in miml that conscience is the groundwork of human character. It is the law which mtis be followed. No doubt Daniel ni tannted ami langhed at for his fidelity, just its all men ami wonfeii today who are loyal to theiv Convictions must experience, for all who will, live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, A. His relittoui life. This involved his refusal to eat meat and drink wine which was contrary to his tea.chug. Also it involved bis praying three times ii lay. III. 'His Success (vv. 14-21). L l'hy si .1 health (v. 16. 'bully and temperate living pays. The king's meat gnd wins would have been pleasant to the palate, but would have mean l euupruioiM of conacJeuco, 2, Menial crowta (v, -). Re vvus ten times superior lo his comrades, it is always tru that those who abstain from Indulgence In the ue of wine have clearer minds and are Mentally better equipped for their work than those who indulge. :t. Social, Daniel before the king. No higher position of honor could bttVfl been given him. 4. TetupiaraL H hocuuN president of the Collect! of Wat Uvtt and prime minister (if the nai.ou. This position he com inued to hold through several dj lias! ies. . Spiritual (v. 17). P.ecause of Dan- ieis loyalty to i;nt. KebueUhdneaiar'a dream was revealed to him ami he w;-s giving visions sketching the whole his tory of the world. IV. The Secret of His Success. The following may be set down us the thiiiKs which made Daniel successful: 1. He was conscientious. If we would succeed lu the world, let us see lo It that in all things we live in good con scleuce. Loyalty to tied. He made Uud the Indue of everything that pertained lo his life. No pleasure was Indulged in or problem disposed of without its sub nssion to tiod. 5. Decision of character. With him that which had been uibiuitied to ol and was shown to he right beforo Ood, was the law of his ilia. making an effort to acqnaint Nebras ka farmers with the situation so that they may buy up Kansaa pigs and contribute more pork to an steady shortened food supply. All who csn take care of more pigs are urged to communicate with the Kansas state board of Agriculture, Topeka, Kan sas, which Is making a canvass of their state and assembling the infor mation need to cary on this work." The Kansas corn crop is a failure. But a small fraction of their nor mal crop will be had. - Kansas is one of the largest hogaproducing states an the loss of its production of pork would-be keenly felt. Either neigh boring states having a good corn crop must step in and buy Kansas pigs or Kansas hoi: men are going to lose Unnecessarily and t e coun try will lose a part of Its food sup ply which is already below normal. "The House of Courtesy ' HOTEL ROME OMAHA . Room with detached batb, $1.00 up Rocm with bath, $1.50 up. Cafe prices mosi reasonable in City. Fireproof Sprinkler System '-Complete Safety. Management, Rome Miller bHUAL NOTICK The defendants, Margaret E. Con stable, E. S. Ormsby, Trustee. Amer ican Investment Company of Ktnetta- burg, Iowa, beneficiary, and Frank E. Alley, receiver of American In vestment Company of Emettsbure, Iowa, will take notice that on Aug ust 23, 1917, Calvin L. llashman filed his petition in the District Court of Mux Dutte County, Nebraska, against you, and each of ypu, the object and prayer of which petition is to cancel and satisfy of record a certain trust deed or mortgage in the sum of $450.00, dated April 18, 1887, and recorded in Book 1, of the Mort gage Records of Hox iJutte County, Nebraskti. at page 302, executed by John ii. CliUonl to the Delendants, E. S. Ormsby, trustee, and American Investment Company of Emettsburg, Iowa, beneficiary, and duly assigned to'the defendant Margaret E. Con stable, upon the following described real estate: the NKV4 of Section 22, Township 2,ri. North of Range 4 9, West of the 6th P. M. ; for the reason that said mortguge has been paid and satisfied in full but not released of record; further that same is barred by the Statute of Limitations; furth er that plaintiff has exercised open, notorious, exclusive and uudisputa ble adverse possession of the above described land since November 23, 1899. and that no demanus for " the payment Of said mortgage or any part thereof have been made and nothing has been paid upon said mortuago since said date, and to elear and quiet the title and confirm the possession of the plaintiff In and to ina above described real estate and to forever enjoin and bar each and all of the above named defend ants from asserting or claiming any right, title, mortgage lien, or interest in or to said real estate above de scribed or any part thereof. You, and each of you, are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day October 15th, 1917. and if you fail to ho answer, plaintiff will take decree as prayed for in said petition. CALVIN L. HASH MAN, Plaintiff Hurton t Reddish, his attorneys. 39-r,t-8.r0-83r,l Sealed bids will be received by the City of Alliance up to 6 p. m.. Sep tember Uth, 1917, lor 1.000 feet' more or less, of 2 V inch fire hose single and double jacket, fitted in fiO ffiot lengths. Rids must be accom panied by sample of hose. Ihe city reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Kids must be ac companied by a certified cheek for $30. T P. HOLFSON. (SEAL) City Clerk 39-2t-855l Muscle Soreness Hollered Unusual work, bending and lifting or strenuous exorcise is a strain on the muscles, they become sore and sun, you are crippled and in pain. Sloan's Liniment brings you quick relief, easy to apply, it penetrates without rubbing and drives out the soreness. A clear liquid, cleaner than rauKsy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle handy for the pains, aches of rheumatism, gout, lumbago, grippe, bruises. , stiff ness, bucknche and all external pain. At your druggist, 25c. Adv 3 Herald ada bring results, in the next issue. Try one jfl Famous Collins Saddle mm asaa Beat saddlef made. Hire stood the test. for 50 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp Successors to Collins 41 Morrison 1210 Is roam St., Omaha, If eh. Delicious Drinks tir pure toe cream ind veal fruit flavora make ilie refresh inents you gel at Hreunan's fountain realty notirishiuir food. Ami we keep our servina tlisiies ami receptacles as Mean aul kitchen. wholesome as the best housewife in town keeps her 1 , Stop in at Brennan's and (jei a lliiisl -quencher, thn take a pail of cream ihe family. LUNCHEONETTE IN CONNECTION Brennan's Inline to PHONE 81 301 BOX BUTTE AVE. NOT It 'K TO CKKU1TOKM lu the matter of the Estate of Floyd K. vviatson. Deceased. Notice to ail persons Interested In naiil Bgtate is hereby given that George VV. Watson. Administrator, Of said Batata Will meet the credit ors of said estate at the fount y Court Room, in the City of Alliance. Uox Unite County, Nebraska, on the 12th dly of January, 131S, at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M . for the pur pose of hearing adjustment and al lowance of claims against said es tate. All persons having claims or demands against said estate must tile the sfTme with said court on or be-. fore January ISth, litis, or said I claims will he forever barred. Dated this 24th day of August. 1!U7. IK A K TA.SU. (SEAL) County Judge LEE BA8YE, Attorney. J'J--".t-84!J-S:!.r0 HI H fl mWmi m m 4Tf at a vsWaSySEk MOTOR C TaamaaQ A. O. I . V. Injunction OissoUed Lincoln. Judge VV. B. Stewart in district court here ordered dissolved a temporary injunction restraining enforcement of increased rates of the Am u in Order of United Workmen, autaorlaed by the national fraternal i OllttT fcS. I 'n't U'i Vom A cough th.:' r is dangerous, it health and thrives ..nub llniig Oil aCks. and Weaken! II Pile! til! lies VOUT on neglect. Re lieve it at once with Dr. King's New Dis -iiveiy. This soothing balsam remedy heals the throat, loosens the phlegm, its antiseptic properties kill i the germ and the cold Is quickly broken up. Children and grown- ; ups alike find Dr. Kinf.'s New Dis covery pleasant to take as well as i effective. Have, a bottle handy in p your medicine chest for grippe, croup and all bronchial affections i At druggists. 50c. Adv :'. SHOI l l HI Y KANSAS rtQN Western Nebraska Farmers ho I have been ondering where they could' scene pits for feeders this fall can , secure them in Kansas DOW at mighl ; reasonable prices. Nebraska farmers are in a p a lion to benefit themselves and add t no little bit to the food supply of the) country." said K. it naiueison. sec retary of the slate board of agricul ture "Kansas is suffering from the: toss of ita corn crop and must either slaughter ita immature pigs or dis-1 pose of them in neighboring atutes. The state board of agriculture ia, I jjjjsE efr. T Marine, MOTOR I I SssJsslHHstBBBsBfiBasssiJBasii SMOOHT as SILK Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on THK STANDARD OIL. FOR ALL MOTORS eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes your car worth more. Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel. STANDARD OIL tNtbritk) COMPANY OMAHA fAaaVaHKMBaaaV Soft Drinks and Beverages BEVERAGES ON DRAFT AT ALL TIMES Order a case of 36 pints sent to your home. De livery made anywhere in ' Alliance Rebate for re turn of case. CIGARS. TOBACCO. CANDY, LUNCHES King's Corner JOHN HODOKlNfiON, ttfr, Distributing Agents for Bridgeport Bottling H'orki