The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 23, 1917, Image 15

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    ALI.IANt F, HKHAIJ, rill ItsriA V. At'WST SfcH, I VI 7
(Continued from page 1)
B, ovr on the east Ride of the Union
Parlflc bridge, hud planned n trip to
Omaha for the day.
All Onto Tiangt-o
. Suddenly all orders wre counter
manded Company C MVrTltd about
town to set Ita suitcase and hid Its
friends a really final farewell. Com
pany O at Fort ( rook waa halted aa
waa swinging out of the gates for
the hike. Company H had been fore
handed and packed two daya ago, ao
it Marched in a body up to Omnha
for a final hour of business and chop
ping. At 1 o'clock Company C marched
In a body from the Auditorium down
to the Burlington station There it
found Ita brothers of the Fourth.
Companies H and (J, awaiting it.
Company O boarded ita train at Fort
Crook and ita care Joined the troop
train in Omaha. Company B like
wiae Jumped on some Burlington
coaches over across the I'nlon PnclAC
bridge and crossed to the Burlington
station in Omaha.
Barly Friday morning a Burling
ton train constating of two passenger
roaches and a baggage car pulled In
to Fort Crook Immediately back of
the barracka. Membera of Company
were told to pack up and be ready
to atart at any moment. All the oth
er rompaniea In the fort went out for
their usual Friday morning hike, hut
Company O waa retained In the post.
A short leave of an hour or two was
granted aome who had urgent busi
ness to settle In Omaha before they
i ii As Surprint
The coming of the train to Fort
Crook was a surprise to everyone In
the company, from Captnln Miller to
the youngest private.
"Well, they always said we'd get
about an hour's notice," aaid one
man. "But I could hardly believe
Inside the barracks men were hur
rying rapidly packing personal ef
fects, while in the office all import
ant papers and belongings were be
ing sorted and put In safe places. No
one seemed to know Just when the
train would go. or where It was tak
ing them.
There was a hurry call at the
Young Men's Christian association
tent for stationery and soon a dozen
at a time crowded the writing tables,
aending farewell messages to friends
and relatives far and near.
"Uuess we are going to start the
captain wrote a letter to his wife,"
said one lad.
"But maybe c won't leave to
day," suggested another.
"Bet we will." hazarded one.
"There's ice water in that train
doesn't that look as If we are go
ing?" tieta Another Shot
At the Auditorium Company G
was gettlnsr its second dose of ty
phoid inttoculation before it left.
"My, we do hope you boys aren't
going to France so soon," said some
one to Captain Miller of Company G,
whert the train came into Fort Crook.
"I hope, we are," replied the cap
tain quickly. "That's what we en
listed for."
There was great Joy at being at
last on the move In the ranks of both
C and (J. All the men are hoping
their stay in Demlng may be short
and that they will soon be at the
front. Not a sign of nervousness
waa noticed, not a bit of reluctance,
not a hope that the stay in the safe
training camp at Demlng would be
long. All were eager to get ti fight
ing as soon as possible and show
what 1'ncle Sam's men can do.
"We don't know where we're go
ln hut we're on our wav." whistled
'the boys merrily, as they wrote let-
l tera and packed up.
Some hoped It would be France,
while others held out for Bussla.
;., that would he pretty cold for
thla crowd." grinned one man "This
summer uniform Is all the duds I've
got. If we don't get some winter
clothes 1 speak for Demlng ."
Bat Ism meat and take Salts for Back
ache or Bladder trouble
Neutralizes acids.
Uric acid in meat excites the kidneys,
they become overworked; get lugjrieh,
ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The
urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri
tated, and you may be obliged to seek re
lief two or three times during the night.
When the kidneys clog you must help
thcin fliiKh off the body's urinous waste
or you'll be a real sick person shortly.
At first ynu feel a dull misery in the kid
ney region, you suffer from backache,
-id; headache, dizziness, stomach get
-niir, tongue coated and you feel rheu-
tie twinge when the weather is bad. less meat, drink lots of water;
UsO sat from any pharmacist four ounces
f Jad Halts; take a tahlespoonful
in a glass of water before breakfast
for a few dsya and your kidneys will
then act fins This famous salts is made
from the add of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with I it hi a, and has been used
for generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal activity,
also to neutralize the ncids in urine, so
H no lonirer is a source of irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in
Iure; makes a dellghtrul effervescent
ithia-water drink whwh everyone should
take now and then to keep the kidneys
clean and active. DruggMta here My
they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who
believe in overeomina kidney trouble
while it is only trouble.
Whitman association in Grant and
H inker counties this week. There
a about sixteen members in this
Land Appraiser Seidell stutes that
he enjoys his new work immensely,
but says there Is one bad feature in
connection with the- work, and th;it
Is the fact that he is compelled to be
SWay from his family so much of the
Grant Lands Locating Co. Box 110,
Portland. Oregon 31-13t-8446
Just the Thing for Diarrhoea
"About two years ago I had a srv
eie attack of diarrhoea whlrh lasted
over a week." wrllea W. C. Jones,
Buford, N. D. "I became so weak
thst I could not stand upright. A
dmggist recommended Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Bemed The first dose relieved me
and within two days I was as well ns
eer. Many druggiHts recommend
this remedy because they know that
It is reliable. Obtainable everywhere.
Seme Higher. None Lower.
"Mary. New York seems to be an
awful town In which to buy groceries
Aren't there any stores where they
sell things lower than the others do?"
"No, mum. I don't know of any.
There s soms storwe when fffey sell
em hit: her than the others, but the?
ain't none where they sell em lower."
John M Gaynor of the American
Wood Pipe Co., of Tacomn, WaRh.,
was in this section last week in the
Interests of his company. He sold
J...00u feet of wood pipe to the Pot
ash Products Company of Hof and
and when Been by a Herald repre
s utative at Antioch last week was
on a deal for a large ahlpment to the
American plant. Mr. Gaynor was
not sure, at that time, whether the
company would be able to deliver
enough pipe within the time desired
thirty days in order to secure the
American contract.
Iron pipe has become so high in
price that many manufacturers have
taken up the wood pipe Idea. The
United States government is using it
now, to a large extent, in the new
army camps.
The Government needs Fanners as
Well as Fighters. Two million three
hundred thousand acres of Oregon
and California Railroad Co. Grant
Lands. Title revested in United
States. To be opened for homesteads
and sale. Containing some of best
land left in United States. Iirge
Copyrighted Map, showing land by
sections and description of soil, cli
mate, rainfall, elevations, tempera
ture, etc. Postpaid, tine Dollar
Itemized Statements
Promptly and Correctly
Rendered Mean Much
to the Retail Merchant
Monthly Statement Outfits
combine the Ledger and State
ment work and reduce labor
about 50 Simplifies bookkeeping
and eliminates disputes with cus
tomers. Statements itemized to date
and may be delivered on de
mand. This loose leaf system fits
every retail business. We will
gladly explain its application to
your buHinvMH. No obligation
on your part.
the home drink
Besides its popularity at drug stores, fountains and
restaurants, Bevo has found a welcome place in the
home. A family beverage a grest offering a table
drink that goes perfectly with all food.
Aa a auggaation for Sunday aupperSarmet rad or
green peppera stuffed with cream eheeaa and
chopped nvta or oj'ves, served1 on lettuce leai'ea.
Franch dreaaing. Cold meat. Toasted craekera.
Be vo for everyone. A beverage thfit tastes like no
other soft drink. Pure, wholesome- and nutritious.
Bevo the gll-year-'round soft drink.
Sold in bottle only and bottled ecluivly by
Anheuser Busch St Louis
i all I' i
King's Corner
Alliance Distributers Of BEVO
If you can buy a more practical, convenient and efficient telephone intens!
fier than our 1917 Baryphone at any price. Increases the sound wonder
fully. Makes bad connections Rood. Conversations as distinct as in the
same room with you, distance no matter. All noise excluded. Allows the
hard hearing the use of the telephone. Permits 2 persons or more to
hear a message simultaneously. AlwayB adjusted and ready. Leaves the
hand free for annotations during the conversation. Indispensable to all
telephone users. Founded and based upon scientific principles. Lasting
longer but guaranteed for 2 year. Sent by insured mail for 12 and thl ad.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Particulars free
S. S. Manufacturing ., 50 Hartford Building, Chicago, HI.
HF.IDPXL Bl'S Y tl'l'i: MMM.
F. M. Seidell, land appraiser for
the Omaha Federal Farm Loan bank,
returned to Alliance Saturday fol
lowing "his first week spent apprais
ing lands for the bank Mr. Seidell
spent the week in Arthur and Oar
den counties. The Arthur County
National rami Loan Association at
Arthur has about thirty-five mem
bers. The Coodland association In
(iarden county has about seventeen
Mr. Seidell remained here over
Sunday with his family and after at
tending to certain clerical work in
connection with his office left Mon
day night for Whitman where he is
appraising land of members of the
Of the Condition of the Alliance Building and Loan Association, of Alliance,
Nebraska, on the HOth day of June, 1017
First mortgage loans $229,281.70
Loans in process of foreclosure 3,800.00
Loans on stock or pass book security 1,400.00
Ileal eatate, office, none; other 5,784.67
Cash ! 2.641.77
Delinquent Interest, fines, etc 1.668.58
Furnitnre and fixtures 789.09
Taxes paid 1,049.20
District Court 81.00
Insurance 124.90
TOTAL $246,620.91
Hunning stock and dividends $101,573.46
Paid-up stock and dividends 133,727.00
Due shareholders on incomplete loans 6.924.65
Unserve fund 2,727.22
Other liabilities . 1.668.58
TOTAL $246,620.91
Receipts and KxpeiMilture for the Year Folding June HO. 1017
fash on hand lust report $ 10.109.27
Hues (Running Slock) 18.529.07
Paid-up stock 32.315.00
Mortgage payments 70. 248. 07
Stock loan payments 1.350.00
Interest 27,128.04
Kx Dense 24.00
Fine 1.481.09
Rents 76.00
Taxes 1,451.21
Insurance 303.30
Court Coats 312.10
Interest paid 30.00
Profit and Loss . . . 105.92
Miscellaneous 368.72
jj TOT A I $168,830.79
Mortgage loans, 41.Ol8.5S; Incom loans. 36,561.72 $ 77,580.30
Stock loana 1,200.00
Withdrawals running slock and dividends 11.136.47
Withdrawals paid-up stock 46,224.00
Withdrawals dividend on paid-up stock 17,794.89
Salaries 1,594.39
Furniture and fixtures 464.09
Other expense . 484.86
Real estate account 92.65
Cash on hand 2 641.77
Miscellaneous 271.07
Taxes 1,16 7 20
Diatrict Court , 238 45
Reaervo 2,439.23
Insurance 501.42
TOTAL $163,830.79
I. M. S. Hrgravea, Secretary of the above named Association, do sol
emnly swear that the foregoing Statement of the condition of said Assoi rla
tion la true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
M S HA HO RAVES. Secretary,
.subscribed and sworn to before me this Tenth day of August, 1917
Approved R. M. HAMPTON
iohn Mcdonald
J. ROWAN. Director
SEAL) ETTA KKANR. Notary Public
J7-8t 848 1349
Having sold my place, seven miles sSuthwest of the
Spade ranch and twenty miles north of Ellsworth, I will
sell at Public Auction, at the above location, on
WED., AUGUST 29, 1917
(Starting at 10 o'clock a. m.)
the following described property, to-wit:
1 sorrel mare,, 7 years old, weight 1100 pounds.
1 bay mare, 4 years old, weight 1200 pounds.
1 black gelding, 3 years old, weight 1000 pounds.
2 black geldings, 2 years old, weight 800 pounds, .
1 gray mare, 2 years old, weight 800 pounds,
1 yearling colt.
7 head of milch cows, all giving
3 range cows.
2 dry cows.
8 head coming one and two-year-old
3 yearling steers.
10 head of spring calves.
3 head of hogs, about 80 pounds weight 'each. 15 doz. chickens, mixed
Small amount of farm machinery, household goods and other articles
too numerous to mention. FREE LUNCH AT NOON.
Tl? tt months time on bankable paper, notes to bear 10 per cent interest
I H IvlTlkj. from date. Two per cent discount for cash. All sums under $15 cash
Col. H. P COURSEY, Auctioneer. C. M. EMPSON, Clerk
t .
. $ ,-' - " y - i